17,618 research outputs found

    Histopathological Study of Stomatitis Nicotina

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    One hundred and thirteen biopsies of the palate in people accustomed to smoking cigars, most of them with the burning end of the cigar inside the mouth, have been studied

    Changes in the ducts of the glands of the hard palate in reverse smokers

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    Three hundred fifty-nine cases of stomatitis nicotina were studied in reverse smokers of home made chuttas. One hundred thirty-five biopsies of papular unbilicated lesions of stomatitis nicotina were studied histopathologically. The biopsies were chosen after toluidine blue staining. Mild dysplastic to severe dysplastic changes were seen around the openings of the ducts of the glands. There were three cases of microinvasive carcinoma in the one hundred thirty-five biopsies. Cystic dilatation of the ducts, due to obstruction of the ducts by keratotic plugging, was not seen in stomatitis nicotina lesions but was seen in elderly women who had smoked reverse for more than 4 to 5 decades. The ducts of the glands could probably form a portal of entry for the tobacco pyrolytic products which may act as carcinogenics

    The dynamics and control of large flexible space structures, part 7

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    A preliminary Eulerian formulation of the in-plane dynamics of the proposed spacecraft control laboratory experiment configuration is undertaken when the mast is treated as a cantilever type beam and the reflector as a lumped mass at the end of the beam. Frequency and mode shapes are obtained for the open loop model of the beam system and the stability of closed loop control systems is analyzed by both frequency and time domain techniques. Environmental disturbances due to solar radiation pressure are incorporated into models of controlled large flexible orbiting platforms. Thermally induced deformations of simple beam and platform type structures are modelled and expressions developed for the disturbance torques resulting from the interaction of solar radiation pressure. Noise effects in the deterministic model of the hoop/column antenna system are found to cause a degradation in system performance. Appropriate changes in the ratio of plant noise to the measurement noise and/or changes in the control weighting matrix elements can improve transient and steady state performance

    Acute guinea-worm synovitis of the knee joint

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    Fourteen cases of acute guinea worm synovitis are described. The complete clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up are presented. That the guinea worm can cause a specific type of synovitis and that the causation of the synovitis is chemical in nature are demonstrated

    The dynamics and control of large flexible space structures, 8

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    A development of the in plane open loop rotational equations of motion for the proposed Spacecraft Control Laboratory Experiment (SCOLE) in orbit configuration is presented based on an Eulerian formulation. The mast is considered to be a flexible beam connected to the (rigid) shuttle and the reflector. Frequencies and mode shapes are obtained for the mast vibrational appendage modes (assumed to be decoupled) for different boundary conditions based on continuum approaches and also preliminary results are obtained using a finite element representation of the mast reflector system. The linearized rotational in plane equation is characterized by periodic coefficients and open loop system stability can be examined with an application of the Floquet theorem. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the potential instability associated with actuator time delays even for delays which represent only a small fraction of the natural period of oscillation of the modes contained in the open loop model of the system. When plant and measurement noise effects are added to the previously designed deterministic model of the hoop column system, it is seen that both the system transient and steady state performance are degraded. Mission requirements can be satisfied by appropriate assignment of cost function weighting elements and changes in the ratio of plant noise to measurement noise

    Kaon Condensation in a Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) Model at High Density

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    We demonstrate a fully self-consistent microscopic realization of a kaon-condensed colour-flavour locked state (CFLK0) within the context of a mean-field NJL model at high density. The properties of this state are shown to be consistent with the QCD low-energy effective theory once the proper gauge neutrality conditions are satisfied, and a simple matching procedure is used to compute the pion decay constant, which agrees with the perturbative QCD result. The NJL model is used to compare the energies of the CFLK0 state to the parity even CFL state, and to determine locations of the metal/insulator transition to a phase with gapless fermionic excitations in the presence of a non-zero hypercharge chemical potential and a non-zero strange quark mass. The transition points are compared with results derived previously via effective theories and with partially self-consistent NJL calculations. We find that the qualitative physics does not change, but that the transitions are slightly lower.Comment: 21 pages, ReVTeX4. Clarified discussion and minor change

    The dynamics and control of large flexible space structures-V

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    A general survey of the progress made in the areas of mathematical modelling of the system dynamics, structural analysis, development of control algorithms, and simulation of environmental disturbances is presented. The use of graph theory techniques is employed to examine the effects of inherent damping associated with LSST systems on the number and locations of the required control actuators. A mathematical model of the forces and moments induced on a flexible orbiting beam due to solar radiation pressure is developed and typical steady state open loop responses obtained for the case when rotations and vibrations are limited to occur within the orbit plane. A preliminary controls analysis based on a truncated (13 mode) finite element model of the 122m. Hoop/Column antenna indicates that a minimum of six appropriately placed actuators is required for controllability. An algorithm to evaluate the coefficients which describe coupling between the rigid rotational and flexible modes and also intramodal coupling was developed and numerical evaluation based on the finite element model of Hoop/Column system is currently in progress

    Giant-cell tumors of bone in South India

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    Giant-cell tumors of bone are rare or uncommon. Dodge reported that giant-cell tumor is rare in Ugandan Africans, but Hadley and associates and Rockwell and Small noted that giant-cell tumor of bone is comparatively common in South India. In this paper we give an account of the general prevalence of giant-cell tumors of bone in our part of South India


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    Aceclofenac is an effective anti inflammatory and analgesic drug. It belongs to class II under Biopharmaceutical classification system and exhibit low and variable oral bioavailability due to its poor solubility. It is practically insoluble in water and aqueous fluids and its oral absorption is dissolution rate limited. It needs enhancement in solubility and dissolution rate for improvement of its oral bioavailability and therapeutic efficacy. The objective of the present study is to enhance the dissolution rate and formulation development of aceclofenac tablets with fast dissolution characteristics employing βCD and Kolliphor HS15, a non ionic surfactant. The individual and combined effects of βCD (factor A) and Kolliphor HS15 (factor B) on the dissolution rate of aceclofenac from solid inclusion complexes and their tablets were evaluated in a series of 22 factorial experiments. The feasibility of formulating aceclofenac - βCD-Kolliphor HS15 inclusion complexes into tablets with fast dissolution rate characteristics was also investigated. Kolliphor HS15 has not been investigated earlier for this purpose. The individual and combined effects of βCD and Kolliphor HS15 in enhancing the dissolution rate and dissolution efficiency of aceclofenac from solid inclusion complexes and their tablets were highly significant (P < 0.01). The dissolution of aceclofenac was rapid and higher in the case of aceclofenac- βCD and aceclofenac- βCD - Kolliphor HS15 complexes prepared when compared to aceclofenac pure drug. β CD alone gave a 8.66 fold increase and in combination with Kolliphor HS15 it gave 9.85 fold increase in the dissolution rate of (K1) of aceclofenac. Aceclofenac –βCD – Kolliphor HS15 inclusion complexes could be formulated into compressed tablets by wet granulation method and the resulting tablets also gave rapid and higher dissolution of aceclofenac. Aceclofenac tablets formulated with βCD and Kolliphor HS15 individually gave 4.75 and 6.1 fold increase in the dissolution rate and those containing drug - βCD -Kolliphor HS15 complex gave much higher enhancement (21.35 fold) in the dissolution rate when compared to tablets formulated with aceclofenac pure drug. Combination of βCD and Kolliphor HS15 gave much higher enhancement in the dissolution rate of aceclofenac tablets than is possible with them individually. A combination of βCD with Kolliphor HS15 is recommended to enhance the dissolution rate in the formulation development of aceclofenac tablets with fast dissolution rate characteristics

    Neutrino processes in the K0K^0 condensed phase of color flavor locked quark matter

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    We study weak interactions involving Goldstone bosons in the neutral kaon condensed phase of color flavor locked quark matter. We calculate the rates for the dominant processes that contribute to the neutrino mean free p ath and to neutrino production. A light K+K^+ state, with a mass m~K+(Δ/μ)(Δ/ms)(mdmu)\tilde{m}_{K^+} \propto (\Delta/\mu) (\Delta/m_s)(m_d-m_u), where μ\mu and Δ\Delta are the quark chemical potential and superconducting gap respectively, is shown to play an important role. We identify unique characteristics of weak interaction rates in this novel phase and discuss how they might influence neutrino emission in core collapse supernova and neutron stars.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure