889 research outputs found

    Resistance to Fruit Fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) and Tea Mosquito Bug, Helopeltis antonii (Sign.) in Certain Wild Psidium Species

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    Five wild species of Psidium viz., Psidium cattleianum lucidum, P. chinensis, P. friedrichsthalianum, P. molle and P. quadrangularis were evaluated for resistance to fruit fly [Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)] and tea mosquito bug (TMB) [Helopeltis antonii (Sign.)], during 2002-04. Significant variations were recorded among species in their reaction to pests. Two species viz., P. chinensis and P. quadrangularis were resistant to fruit fly (<10% fruit damage) while P. quadrangularis was immune. Psidium. molle and P. cattleianum were resistant to tea mosquito bug. Pest incidence was correlated with fruit biochemical components viz., total soluble solids (TSS), total sugars, vitamin C and acidity. The TSS and total sugars were positively correlated with fruit fly infestation while acidity was negatively correlated. The TMB incidence did not exhibit significant correlation with any of these parameters

    Length-weight relationship in three species of silverbellies from Chennai coast

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    Length-weight relationship in three species of silverbellies - Photopectoralis bindus, Secutor insidiator and Gazza minuta was studied based on the data obtained from 742, 862 and 1900 samples of each species respectively, collected during the period January 2004 -February 2006. Analysis of covariance revealed no significant difference between males, females and indeterminates in all the three species. The coefficients ‘a’ and ‘b’ of the LW equation were derived as 0.000011989 and 3.0515 for P. bindus, 0.00002369 and 2.905 for S. insidiator and 0.00002088 and 2.9228 for G. minuta. Statistical test for isometric growth (H0:b=3) carried out using student’s ‘t’-test on the regression coefficient ‘b’ revealed that the values of b estimated for the three species do not deviate significantly from the isometric value of ‘3’ at 5% level

    Classification of Solutions of Non-homogeneous Non-linear Second Order Neutral Delay Dynamic Equations with Positive and Negative Coefficients

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    In this paper we have studied the non-homogeneous non-linear second order neutral delay dynamic equations with positive and negative coefficients of the form classified all solutions of this type equations and obtained conditions for the existence or non-existence of solutions into four classes and these four classes are mutually disjoint. Examples are included to illustrate the validation of the main results

    Smart Wall Painting System

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    The objective of this paper is to outline a smart wall painting system for little and medium scale operations. These days robots are broadly utilized as a part of relatively every application like medicinal application, amusement, military, production lines vehicle businesses, and so on. However, the utilization of robot is as yet not generally utilized as a part of constructional work. Robots are fundamentally design to build speed and maximize accuracy of construction field work. The basic point of the paper is to design, develop and actualize Remote Operated Wall Painting Machine which helps for accomplishing painting hardware requiring little to no effort because of which the sketch work can be effectively done proficiently and in particular at extremely ostensible cost. The painting machine keeps away from coordinate contact of chemicals which can be harmful to the human painters, for example, eye, skin and respiratory system issues.. Besides that the idea of painting method that requires rehashed work time and hand rising make it physical torment, and exertion devouring. Moreover, it would offer the chance to decrease or take out human introduction to troublesome and dangerous worked system conditions, which would take care of a large portion of the issues associated with security when numerous activities happen in the meantime. This machine is is easy to operate and no need of labour required to operate effectively. At the point when development specialists and robots are appropriately coordinated in building tasks,the entire development process can be better overseen and savings in human work and timing are acquired as an outcome. wall painting is a redundant, debilitating and risky process which makes it a perfect case for automation. Painting had been mechanized in car industry however not yet for the development business. There is a strong requirement for a portable robot that can move to paint walls of buildings. In this paper, the conceptual plan of a an autonomous wall painting robot is portrayed comprising of an arm that sweeps the dividers vertically and is fitted on a versatile robot base to give the lateral feed movement to cover the painting area. The design objective is to fulfill the criteria of straight forwardness, low weight, ease and quick painting time. Ultrasonic sensors are fitted on the arm and the portable base to alter as far as possible and move in the room territory. A control system is intended to direct the arm movement and plan the versatile base movement

    Some folk medicinal plants of Bhiravakona hills of Prakasam district, A. P., India

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    Mankind has blessed with variety of natural products which help us in day to day life. These extraordinary substances help us to treat different ailments of human beings and other pet animals. In the recent years ethnopharmaocology played a vital role in the undeveloped and developing countries of the Globe. The present communication deals with the plants used to treat different ailments of local people of Bhiravakona hills of Andhra Pradesh, India. 153 plant species have been identified for 19 different  ailments. plants used for each ailment are  Abortion (7), Acidity (9),Asthama (8), Cold (7), Cough (8), Diabetes (15), Diarrhoea (17), Dysentery (31), Fever(29),Fractures (9), Head ache (8), Jaundice (15), Kidney Stones (3), Malaria fever (3), Piles (11), Sexual disease (1), Skin disease (22), Stomachache (14) and Ulcers. Depending upon the plant part used, root constitutes the highest percentage (30.72%) of utilization and wood, latex; inflorescence and corm the lowest (0.65%).There is an urgent need for follow-up ethnopharmacological screening based on local people claims and beliefs and formulate and standardize some herbal medicines based on ethnotherapeutics either with single plant or in combination for their safe and sustained use for human welfare

    Geospatial Technologies in the extraction of Groundwater Potential Zones

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    The utmost source which is contributing to the supply of water to the society is groundwater. Depletion of undergroundwater is enormously caused by eruptive growing rate of human population along with needs in the form of industrialand urbanized growth, indigent practices in irrigation methods and deforestation. As surface fresh water is very limit, waterdemand is drastically increasing for the needs. In this connection, there is immense predominant for the natural sourcecalled groundwater. It is mandatory for the communities not only to targeting the resource called groundwater but also toprovide remedial measures to replenishment the groundwater. Enormous investigations are in the process globally, to meetthe requirement to compensate resource for the needs in all aspects. Geospatial techniques are playing vital role in theextraction of groundwater resources by means of spatial and temporal data variations along with its integration analysis inthe form of separable layers to derive the solutions. In this connection, Nandyal mandal of Kurnool is selected to demarcatethe potential zones of groundwater by using this geospatial technology.The main motto of the research work is to identifythe effective potential groundwater zones by applying methodsand integration techniques of Geographic InformationSystem and remote sensing. This gives more information for the planning and management of the ground water.Byemploying geospatial technologies, the integrated composite output for potential zones is demarcated with help of keyparameters such as drainage, lineament, slope, geology, geomorphology, land use land cover and existing groundwaterlevels. All these thematic layers are extracted by using the satellite data and other available sources by using remote sensingand GIS. All these themes are demarcated using basic elements to identify the respective classes. Proper weightages areassignedtoeachclassofallthemesintheformofseparatecategorybasedonimportanceofweightagefromexcellenttopoor based on suitability to avail the groundwater sources. This process is applied for the considered themes and isreclassified based on results. It is then integrated with weighted overlay operation in ARCGIS environment. Appropriateweightage percentages which are equal to 100%, are given prior to overlay analysis of hydrology tools of ArcGIS. Variouszones like excellent, very good, good, moderate, poor are categorized for the integrated potential zones of groundwatersource. The use of suggested methodology is applied and demonstrated for a selected case study area in Nandyal Mandal ofKurnool District of Andhra Pradesh, India. Integrated output layout will be effectively useful in the demarcation of potentialresource zones. This demarcation area zone system is not only to identify the zones but also helpful in the replenishing theresources of the study area. The digital elevation model is also used to extract slope and drainage themes of the study area.The groundwater potential zones were obtained by overlaying all the thematic maps in terms of weighted overlay analysismethod using the spatial analysis tool in ArcGIS 10.1. This ground water potential information will be useful for effectiveidentificationofsuitablelocationsfor extractionofsuchgroundwater


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    Job stress in the manufacturing granite industry is a significant concern due to the unique challenges and demands of this sector. This abstract provides a concise overview of the impact of job stress in the context of granite manufacturing workplaces. Granite manufacturing involves physically demanding tasks, exposure to noise, dust, and potential safety hazards. Employees in this industry frequently encounter long working hours, tight production schedules, and pressure to meet quality standards. These factors contribute to elevated stress levels among workers. The consequences of job stress in the granite manufacturing sector encompass reduced productivity, an increased risk of work-related accidents, and adverse health effects on employees. As a result, it is imperative for employers in this industry to implement stress management and workplace improvement strategies. Effective measures for mitigating job stress in granite manufacturing include providing comprehensive safety training, maintaining ergonomic workstations, promoting regular breaks, and offering employee assistance programs. A supportive work culture that prioritizes worker well-being can lead to reduced stress and improved overall job satisfaction. This abstract emphasizes the importance of addressing job stress in the unique context of the granite manufacturing industry. By implementing targeted solutions, organizations can enhance the well-being of their workforce and improve the efficiency and safety of their operations

    First report on the philopatric migration of bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas in the Pulicut lagoon

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    Bull sharks Carcharhinus leucas were captured by a modified gillnet, made of cotton twine from Pulicat lagoon during 2005-06. The bull sharks exhibit unique philopatric behaviour in the lagoon for parturition. The four specimens caught were all pregnant. The value of the sharks ranged from Rs. 20000-22000

    Design of Multi-Layer Protocol Architecture using Hybrid Optimal Link State Routing (HOLSR) Protocol for CR Networks

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    There is a lack of spectrum due to the rising demand for sensing device communication and the inefficient use of the existing available spectrum. Through opportunistic access to licenced bands, which does not obstruct the primary sensory users (PU), it is feasible to enhance the inefficient use of the current sensor device frequency spectrum. Cognitive settings are a demanding environment in which to carry out tasks like sensor network routing and spectrum access since it is difficult to access channels due to the presence of PUs. The basic goal of the routing problem in sensor networks is to establish and maintain wireless sensor multihop paths between cognitive sensor nodes. The frequency to be used as well as the number of hops at each sensor node along the path must be determined for this assignment. In order to improve performance while using less energy, scientists suggested a unique adaptive cross-layer optimisation subcarrier distribution technique with the HOLSR protocol for wireless sensor nodes. Throughput and energy consumption parameters are used to analyse the sensor network architecture protocol that has been developed. The energy usage of the sensor nodes in the network has increased by 50%. The performance of the proposed HOLSR algorithm is assessed using the simulation results, and the results are contrasted with those of a conventional multicarrier (MC) system in terms of bit error rate and throughput

    In vitro hepatoprotective activity of Eichhornia Crassipes flowers against CCl4 induced toxicity in BRL3A cell line

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    The present study was carried out to determine the in vitro hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract from Eichhornia crassipes (EEEC) flowers using the CCl4-challenged BRL3A cell model. Hepatoprotective activity of EEEC (at concentrations of 50, 100 and 200 μg/mL) and standard drug silymarin (200 μg/mL) was evaluated against CCl4 induced toxicity using BRL3A cell line by measuring the cell viability, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransaminase (ALT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage, lipid peroxidation (LPO) and glutathione level (GSH). Treatment with CCl4 produced a significant decrease in cell viability. In addition, hepatotoxicity was revealed by increased hepatic marker enzymes like AST, ALT and LDH paralleled with elevated lipid peroxidation and decline in GSH levels. The toxicity induced by CCl4 in the BRL3A cells was significantly recovered by treatment with EEEC. The tested doses (100 and 200 μg/mL) significantly (P <0.01) reduced the CCl4 induced elevation of AST, ALT and LDH and also restored the altered biochemical parameters. These findings provide a basis for confirming the traditional uses of E. crassipes in treating liver ailments