1,067 research outputs found

    Self-adjusting multisegment, deployable, natural circulation radiator Patent

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    Development and characteristics of natural circulation radiator for use with nuclear power plants installed in lunar space station

    Methods of Shortening the Anestrous Period in Mares

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    The fact that the horse is seasonally polyestrous makes this species a reproductive challenge for horsemen and equine practitioners. Mares will show several estrous cycles during the breeding season assuming pregnancy does not terminate estrus. The receptive season is limited to such a length oftime that parturition occurs in the spring ofthe year. The challenge arises when trying to devise methodsthat would allovl parturition to take place earlier in the year. This is desirable only because most breed registries have imposed an arbitrary birthdate ofJanuary 1st to all foals born in a single year. Each yearling is considered one year of age on January 1 of each year regardless of their actual age. Concern among horseowners regarding this stipulation lies in the eligibility oftheir horses for age limited races, shows, or events. In order to be competitive, actual birthdates as close to January 1 are desired

    Texture-Induced Anisotropy in an Inconel 718 Alloy Deposited Using Electron Beam Freeform Fabrication

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    A test block of Inconel (IN) 718 was fabricated using electron beam freeform fabrication (EBF(sup 3)) to examine how the EBF(sup 3) deposition process affects the microstructure, crystallographic texture, and mechanical properties of IN 718. Tests revealed significant anisotropy in the elastic modulus for the as-deposited IN 718. Subsequent tests were conducted on specimens subjected to a heat treatment designed to decrease the level of anisotropy. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) was used to characterize crystallographic texture in the as-deposited and heat treated conditions. The anisotropy in the as-deposited condition was strongly affected by texture as evidenced by its dependence on orientation relative to the deposition direction. Heat treatment resulted in a significant improvement in modulus of the EBF(sup 3) product to a level nearly equivalent to that for wrought IN 718 with reduced anisotropy; reduction in texture through recrystallization; and production of a more homogeneous microstructure

    MIUS integration and subsystems test program

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    The MIUS Integration and Subsystems Test (MIST) facility at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center was completed and ready in May 1974 for conducting specific tests in direct support of the Modular Integrated Utility System (MIUS). A series of subsystems and integrated tests was conducted since that time, culminating in a series of 24-hour dynamic tests to further demonstrate the capabilities of the MIUS Program concepts to meet typical utility load profiles for a residential area. Results of the MIST Program are presented which achieved demonstrated plant thermal efficiencies ranging from 57 to 65 percent

    HP1 proteins compact DNA into mechanically and positionally stable phase separated domains

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Keenen, M. M., Brown, D., Brennan, L. D., Renger, R., Khoo, H., Carlson, C. R., Huang, B., Grill, S. W., Narlikar, G. J., & Redding, S. HP1 proteins compact DNA into mechanically and positionally stable phase separated domains. Elife, 10, (2021): e64563, https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.64563.In mammals, HP1-mediated heterochromatin forms positionally and mechanically stable genomic domains even though the component HP1 paralogs, HP1α, HP1β, and HP1γ, display rapid on-off dynamics. Here, we investigate whether phase-separation by HP1 proteins can explain these biological observations. Using bulk and single-molecule methods, we show that, within phase-separated HP1α-DNA condensates, HP1α acts as a dynamic liquid, while compacted DNA molecules are constrained in local territories. These condensates are resistant to large forces yet can be readily dissolved by HP1β. Finally, we find that differences in each HP1 paralog’s DNA compaction and phase-separation properties arise from their respective disordered regions. Our findings suggest a generalizable model for genome organization in which a pool of weakly bound proteins collectively capitalize on the polymer properties of DNA to produce self-organizing domains that are simultaneously resistant to large forces at the mesoscale and susceptible to competition at the molecular scale.MMK was supported by the Discovery Fellows Program at UCSF and NCI grants F31CA243360 and F99CA245719. RR was support from the NOMIS foundation, Rostock, Germany. BH acknowledges support though NIH R21 GM129652, R01 CA231300 and R01 GM131641. BH is also a Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator. SWG was supported by the DFG (SPP 1782, GSC 97, GR 3271/2, GR 3271/3, GR 3271/4) and the European Research Council (grant 742712). GJN acknowledges support from NIH grant R35 GM127020 and NSF grant 1921794. Support to SR through the UCSF Program for Breakthrough Biomedical Research (PBBR), Sandler Foundation, and Whitman Foundation at the Marine Biological Laboratories

    Developmental Cryogenic Active Telescope Testbed, a Wavefront Sensing and Control Testbed for the Next Generation Space Telescope

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    As part of the technology validation strategy of the next generation space telescope (NGST), a system testbed is being developed at GSFC, in partnership with JPL and Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), which will include all of the component functions envisioned in an NGST active optical system. The system will include an actively controlled, segmented primary mirror, actively controlled secondary, deformable, and fast steering mirrors, wavefront sensing optics, wavefront control algorithms, a telescope simulator module, and an interferometric wavefront sensor for use in comparing final obtained wavefronts from different tests. The developmental. cryogenic active telescope testbed (DCATT) will be implemented in three phases. Phase 1 will focus on operating the testbed at ambient temperature. During Phase 2, a cryocapable segmented telescope will be developed and cooled to cryogenic temperature to investigate the impact on the ability to correct the wavefront and stabilize the image. In Phase 3, it is planned to incorporate industry developed flight-like components, such as figure controlled mirror segments, cryogenic, low hold power actuators, or different wavefront sensing and control hardware or software. A very important element of the program is the development and subsequent validation of the integrated multidisciplinary models. The Phase 1 testbed objectives, plans, configuration, and design will be discussed

    Limits on Gravitational-Wave Emission from Selected Pulsars Using LIGO Data

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    We place direct upper limits on the amplitude of gravitational waves from 28 isolated radio pulsars by a coherent multidetector analysis of the data collected during the second science run of the LIGO interferometric detectors. These are the first direct upper limits for 26 of the 28 pulsars. We use coordinated radio observations for the first time to build radio-guided phase templates for the expected gravitational-wave signals. The unprecedented sensitivity of the detectors allows us to set strain upper limits as low as a few times 10^(-24). These strain limits translate into limits on the equatorial ellipticities of the pulsars, which are smaller than 10^(-5) for the four closest pulsars

    Intelligent Cooperative Control Architecture: A Framework for Performance Improvement Using Safe Learning

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    Planning for multi-agent systems such as task assignment for teams of limited-fuel unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is challenging due to uncertainties in the assumed models and the very large size of the planning space. Researchers have developed fast cooperative planners based on simple models (e.g., linear and deterministic dynamics), yet inaccuracies in assumed models will impact the resulting performance. Learning techniques are capable of adapting the model and providing better policies asymptotically compared to cooperative planners, yet they often violate the safety conditions of the system due to their exploratory nature. Moreover they frequently require an impractically large number of interactions to perform well. This paper introduces the intelligent Cooperative Control Architecture (iCCA) as a framework for combining cooperative planners and reinforcement learning techniques. iCCA improves the policy of the cooperative planner, while reduces the risk and sample complexity of the learner. Empirical results in gridworld and task assignment for fuel-limited UAV domains with problem sizes up to 9 billion state-action pairs verify the advantage of iCCA over pure learning and planning strategies