17 research outputs found

    Barriers and facilitators of physical activity in adults with severe haemophilia: A qualitative study

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    Background: People with haemophilia (PWH) tend to be less physically active than the general population, but there is a lack of research on the specific barriers and facilitators affecting their participation in physical activities. Objectives: This study aims to explore perceived barriers and facilitators to physical activity in severe PWH. Design: An explorative qualitative study based on focus groups. Methods: Four focus groups including 16 participants (severe haemophilia A patients) were conducted to examine the factors perceived as facilitators or barriers to haemophiliacs engaging in physical activity. One researcher conducted a thematic analysis of all data. Results: Three themes were identified: body function, personal factors, and environmental factors. Key facilitators identified were access to prophylaxis treatment to reduce the risk of bleeding(s), the enjoyability of physical activity, fitness and health motives, social interaction, support, and low cost. PWH faced additional barriers to being physically active including hurtful joints, mobility issues, haemophilic arthropathy, dislike or disinterest, lack of motivation, fear of injury, tiredness, lack of time, lack of guidance, negative social influence, restriction, and lack of coordination of prophylaxis treatment. Conclusion: This exploratory study demonstrated that participation in physical activity in PWH is influenced not only by their own abilities and attitudes, but also by external variables, including family, friends, healthcare professionals, structures, and communities. The results of this study may be used to assist caregivers and health professionals, inform programs, interventions, and policies to promote physical activity and health in severe PWH

    Sanciones pecuniarias a la luz del derecho penal y el derecho administrativo sancionador en materia ambiental

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    Memoria de prueba para optar al grado de licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y SocialesEl presente trabajo analiza las penas pecuniarias que existen a luz del Derecho Penal y del Derecho Administrativo en materia ambiental. Para ello, se hará una recopilación de todas las sanciones de multa que puedan existir al respecto, analizando tanto la normativa interna como la internacional. Una vez hecha esta recopilación se hará mención a los bienes jurídicos protegidos por diferentes ramas del derecho que se relacionan con el medio ambiente, para así lograr conocer la diferencia que existe entre ellos o, a contrario sensu, la similitud entre aquellos. Y, finalmente, se hará mención, entre otras cosas, a los fines que el poder punitivo estatal pretende cumplir con la imposición de estas multas, para comprender si con ellas es o no posible reparar el medio ambiente dañad

    Prevención de desastres naturales en chile: una propuesta desde la perspectiva de las geociencias

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    Identificación de áreas favorables para la riqueza de fauna vertebrada en la zona urbana y periurbana de la Región Metropolitana, Chile

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    Artículo de publicación ISIDiversos estudios señalan que la riqueza de fauna disminuye con la urbanización, siendo capaces de habitar en zonas urbanas aves, micromamíferos, y herpetofauna. La presente investigación pretende ser la primera en estimar indirectamente la riqueza potencial de fauna urbana en Santiago. Para ello se realizó un análisis multicriterio, basado en cinco factores contribuyentes a la riqueza de fauna (perturbaciones antrópicas, energía presente en el sistema, heterogeneidad de los usos de suelo, complejidad de los usos de suelo, y áreas naturales) y sus correspondientes pesos relativos, y generando un índice de riqueza potencial de fauna (IRPF), cuya expresión cartográfi ca permitió la identifi cación de áreas favorables para la riqueza de fauna (AFRF). Además, se evaluó el efecto de un gradiente de urbanización sobre las ARPF; se generó una conectividad entre AFRF; y se analizó el IRPF de las áreas verdes de la zona urbana. Las comunas que resultaron presentar mayor IRPF en la zona urbana, son Lampa, Lo Barnechea, Vitacura, y Peñalolén, seguidas de San Bernardo, Puente Alto, Pudahuel, Las Condes y Quilicura. La conectividad entre AFRF se ubicó al nor-oriente de Santiago, y cercana a la Cordillera de Los Andes. Las áreas verdes públicas presentaron una superfi cie y un IRPF de bajo valor, caso contrario de las de propiedad privada, encontrándose al nor-oriente los mayores IRPF. No se apreció un efecto en el IRPF debido al gradiente de urbanización, lo que podría deberse a que en las cercanías del límite de la zona urbana existen zonas altamente densifi cadas. Actualmente, la zona urbana no favorecería el aumento de la riqueza de fauna, siendo las especies más afectadas aquellas que habitan en el suelo. A la hora de evaluar riqueza de fauna, no sólo debiese realizarse un estudio a nivel de paisaje, sino que también se debieran incorporar las características del hábitat local, entre las cuales destaca la superfi cie de las áreas verdes. Se hace necesario realizar una planifi cación del paisaje urbano, que propicie la conectividad entre parches naturales y áreas verdes favoreciendo el ingreso de fauna que circula alrededor de las zonas urbanas, contribuyendo así a la mejora de la biodiversidad

    Evolución geológico-geomorfológica cuaternaria del tramo superior del valle del río Laja

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    La historia geológica del Cuaternario en el tramo superior del valle del río Laja corresponde a una compleja interrelación entre volcanismo, procesos de remoción en masa y sedimentarios aluvio-fluviales. El valle fue modelado inicialmente por la acción glaciaria del Pleistoceno inferior en rocas de las formaciones terciarias Cura-Mallin y Trapa-Trapa, ademas de rocas plutónicas, sobre las cuales se disponen en discordancia cuatro grandes unidades cuaternarias; el cono poligénico de Quilleco, una secuencia de rocas volcánicas pleistocenas, el volcán Antuco y el deposito de avalancha volcánica de Antuco. Los depósitos del cono poligénico de Quilleco representan a facies mixtas volcano-sedimentarias intermedias y distales de los estratovolcanes que originaron las secuencia de rocas volcánicas pleistocenas con las cuales engranan lateralmente. El volcán Antuco corresponde a un estratovolcán mixto y compuesto, de composición basáltica y andesitico-basáltica, cuya actividad se inicio ca. 130.000 a A.P. La primera etapa de su desarrollo (Antuco 1) culmino 9.700± 600 a A.P. con el colapso gravitacional lateral del edificio, que origino la gran avalancha volcánica de Antuco, cuyos materiales represaron el desagüe natural del lago del Laja y de sus quebradas afluentes. El colapso gravitacional fue el resultado de una actividad eruptiva freatomagmatica de tipo Bandai-San la que produjo, casi simultaneamente, flujos piroclasticos turbulentos, de tipo de oleadas de base húmeda, compuestos de cenizas basalticas negras cuyos depositos primarios se han denominado Arenas Negras de Trupan-Laja. El volcán actual (Antuco 2) incluye un cono principal de lavas y escorias y la emisión de, al menos, tres flujos piroclasticos importantes de poco espesor, localmente separados por depósitos de corrientes de barro y coluvios. Posteriormente, debido a la ruptura del represamiento del lago del Laja, las cenizas negras fueron removidas hasta la Depresión Central, donde formaron un gran abanico aluvial de aproximadamente 50 x 60 km2.The Quaternary geological history of the uppermost the Río Laja valley shows a complex interrelation between volcanic, mass wasting, and alluvial and fluvial sedimentary processes. The valley was initialiy carved by Lower Pleistocene glacial action on a Tertiary basement (Cura-Mallín and Trapa-Trapa Formations, intrusives), over which four major Quaternary units were deposited unconformably: the polygenic Quilleco alluvial cone, a Pleistocene volcanic sequence, and the products of the Antuco volcano and the Antuco volcanic avalancha. The Quilleco polygenic cone includes mixed intermediate and distal volcano-sedimentary facies which interfinger with the Pleistocene volcanic sequence derived from coeval stratovolcanos. The Antuco volcano is a mixed and composite andesitic to basaltic andesitic stratovolcano of basalt, which commenced its activity ca. 130,000 yr B.P. Its first constructive phase (Antuco 1) culminated at 9,700± 600 yr B.P. with the lateral gravitational collapse of the edifice; this event produced the major Antuco volcanic avalancha which dammed the natural outlet of Lago del Laja and its tributaries. The gravitational collapse was the final result of a Bandai-San type phreatomagmatic eruptive event associated with almost simultaneous wet turbulent pyroclastic base surges made up of black basaltic ash (Arenas Negras de Trupán-Laja). The present Antuco volcano (Antuco 2) includes the eruptive event that built the main cone with lavas and scoria falls and the eruption of, at least, three pyroclastic flows, locally separated by mud-flow and colluvial deposits. Later, due to the rupture of the Lago del Laja dam, the ash deposits were remobilized by debris flows which came down from the upper reaches of the river to the Central Depression where they formed a major alluvial fan of approximately 50 x 60 km2

    An active large rock slide in the Andean paraglacial environment: the Yerba Loca landslide, central Chile.

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    A ca. 2.5 million m(3) landslide occurred in August 2018 in the Yerba Loca valley, Andes Main Cordillera (33 degrees 15 ' S), at about 4000 m a.s.l. The Yerba Loca landslide is a multirotational slide, with a main scarp and failure surface developed in a volcanic rock mass, with secondary scarps and tilted blocks disturbing the colluvial soil cover. No clear trigger could be identified, although the failure took place some weeks after the largest winter precipitation and a sequence of snowfall and snowmelt, in the context of a severe drought. Inspection of optical satellite images suggests that the landslide suffered slow deformation for at least 15 years, increasing in the months prior to the failure. To corroborate these precursor deformations, InSAR analyses were performed at two time and spatial scales. For over 3 years, deformation in the landslide area was detected, while the local, short-term analysis from the 7 months before failure shows line-of-sight deformation rates at the landslide site of over 10 cm/year. Deformation continues after the failure with decreasing speed, with indications of further activity and expansion of the failure zone. This implies a hazard of rock avalanche, debris flows and/or river damming and subsequent outburst floods that may endanger communities downstream. The Yerba Loca landslide is an example of rock slope failure in paraglacial conditions and the influence of climatic factors in the context of climate change for the central Andes. This event represents an opportunity for learning on landslide mechanisms, remote sensing monitoring and hazard assessment of slow, large volume landslides in the Andean highlands.University of O'Higgins, FONDECYT 1201360 Chilean Geological Survey (Sernageomin

    Benchmarking composting, anaerobic digestion and dark fermentation for apple vinasse management as a strategy for sustainable energy production

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    Looking for renewable energy sources is one of the main targets in the transition to low-carbon economies. Bioenergy appears as an alternative with great potential, but firstly, it requires addressing all aspects that can limit its environmental viability. Stillage has been identified as an environmental concern of the bioethanol production. Thus, eco-friendly strategies for valorizing this resource should be pursued. In this work, three strategies such as composting (non-energy valorization), one-stage anaerobic digestion (with the aim of biogas production), and dark fermentation followed by anaerobic digestion (scheme under development to produce biohydrogen and biogas) were evaluated under a life-cycle perspective; and through process modeling based on literature data. The aim is to identify the advantages and disadvantages of dark fermentation for the management of apple stillage. To do this, a cradle-to-gate and attributional framework were followed, considering impact and damage perspectives. Results showed a very significant environmental load (around 99%) of composting compared to the selected energy recovery schemes, considering the added value of compost and the associated emissions versus those of biofuels. Otherwise, small differences were found between single-stage anaerobic digestion and dark fermentation (up to 16%), mainly, due to changes in chemical consumption and organic matter degradation efficiencyThe authors would like to express their gratitude the by HP-NANOBIO project (PID2019-111163RB-I00), granted by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. R.R.L. and S.G.G. would like to thanks to the project Transition to sustainable agri-food sector bundling life cycle assessment and ecosystem services approaches (ALISE) funded by the Spanish National Research Agency (TED2021-130309B-I00). S.E, R.R.L, S.G.G., M.T.M and GF belong to CRETUS and the Galician Competitive Research Group (GRC ED431C-2021/37). S. Estévez also thanks to the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for financial support (Grant reference PRE2020-092074). D. Hernández acknowledges funding from FONDECYT, Chile (project Nº 11200398)S

    Gastrectomía total en lactante.

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