9 research outputs found

    Therapeutic communications in healthcare

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    Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors: A Position Paper

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    The precarious rights of senior citizens, especially those who are highly educated and who are expected to counsel and guide the younger generations, has stimulated the creation internationally of advocacy associations and opinion leader groups. The strength of these groups, however, varies from country to country. In some countries, they are supported and are the focus of intense interest; in others, they are practically ignored. For this is reason we believe that the creation of a network of all these associations is essential. The proposed network would act as a support for the already-existing policies of the United Nations' High Commission for Human Rights, of independent experts, and of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People. All three have long ago recommended the creation of a recognized instrument for uniting presently scattered efforts. The proposed network, therefore, will seek to promote the international exchange of relevant expertise, and it will reinforce the commitments and actions that single countries are currently taking to meet these objectives. For example, informative public events can be organised to promote particular support initiatives and to provide an opportunity for new members of the network to be presented. The network will promote health for senior citizens, disease prevention, senior mobility, safe free time for seniors, alimentary education, protection against new risks and dangers, as well as equity in the services necessary for seniors to adopt new information and communication technologies. In the case of retired academic members, the network will promote equality with respect to continuing use of digital technologies (particularly email), continuing access to research libraries, and the guaranteed ability for seniors to fund their own research programs and to deliver free seminars

    Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors: A Position Paper

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    The precarious rights of senior citizens, especially those who are highly educated and who are expected to counsel and guide the younger generations, has stimulated the creation internationally of advocacy associations and opinion leader groups. The strength of these groups, however, varies from country to country. In some countries, they are supported and are the focus of intense interest; in others, they are practically ignored. For this is reason we believe that the creation of a network of all these associations is essential. The proposed network would act as a support for the already-existing policies of the United Nations’ High Commission for Human Rights, of independent experts, and of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People. All three have long ago recommended the creation of a recognized instrument for uniting presently scattered efforts. The proposed network, therefore, will seek to promote the international exchange of relevant expertise, and it will reinforce the commitments and actions that single countries are currently taking to meet these objectives. For example, informative public events can be organised to promote particular support initiatives and to provide an opportunity for new members of the network to be presented. The network will promote health for senior citizens, disease prevention, senior mobility, safe free time for seniors, alimentary education, protection against new risks and dangers, as well as equity in the services necessary for seniors to adopt new information and communication technologies. In the case of retired academic members, the network will promote equality with respect to continuing use of digital technologies (particularly email), continuing access to research libraries, and the guaranteed ability for seniors to fund their own research programs and to deliver free seminars

    Kindergarten\u27s teachers view on intercultural education

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    V družbi se vsakodnevno srečujemo z raznolikostjo ljudi, s katerimi moramo oblikovati odnose, ki so potrebni za sobivanje. Družba se je skozi čas spremenilav sodobnem času se pogosto omenjata večkulturnost in medkulturnost. Otroke že v predšolskem obdobju pripravljamo na življenje v družbi, zato je pomembno, da imamo področje družbe tudi v načrtovanih vzgojno-izobraževalnih dejavnostih. V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali poglede vzgojiteljev na medkulturno vzgojo. V teoretičnem delu so najprej opredeljeni odnosi v družbi, potem pa se usmerimo na sobivanje ljudi v družbi. Opredeljeni so pojmi stališča, stereotipi, predsodki, vpliv vzgojiteljevih stališč na otroke in strpnost. Nadaljujemo z opisovanjem zgleda ter vlogo prikritega kurikuluma in subjektivnih teorij pri delu vzgojitelja v vrtcu. V zadnjem delu so podrobneje opisani večkulturnost, multikulturalizem v vrtcu in nazadnje še medkulturnost. V empiričnem delu so s kvalitativno metodo zbrani podatki iz šestih polstrukturiranih intervjujev. Intervjuvane so bile vzgojiteljice, stare od 31 do 58 let, ki so imele od 2 do 40 let delovne dobe na delovnem mestu vzgojiteljice. Namen diplomskega dela je prikazati medkulturnost v vrtcu, cilj raziskave pa je ugotoviti stališča vzgojiteljev do medkulturne vzgoje. Ugotovljeno je, da so vzgojitelji naklonjeni medkulturni vzgoji, vendar nimajo veliko izkušenj na omenjenem področju.In society we are constantly surrounded by different people with whom we have to form relationships so we can coexist. The society has definitely changed through the past and today there is a lot of talking about multiculturalism and interculturalism. However because we are preparing preeschool children for life in society it is also important that interculturalism is a part of educational sistem. That is why I decided to research preechool teachers points of view on intercultural education. In the theoretic part I started with the definition of relationships in society and tje coexistence of people in society. Here I defined the terms such as points of view, stereotypes, prejudices, impact of preeschool teacher\u27s points of view in children and tolerance. I continued with describing the term example, the role of the covert curriculum and the subjective theories among preeschool teachers. In the last part I then described the terms such as multiculturalism, multiculturalism in kindergarten and interculturalism. In the empirical part I collected data with the help of qualitative method and six semi-structured interviews with which I interviewed preeschool teacher\u27s. They were between 31 and 58 years old and they had between 2 and 40 years of service. The purpose of this thesis is to show the interculturalism in kindergarten however the aim of the research is to find out preeschool teacher\u27s point of view on intercultural eduaction and in what way do the engage it. I discoverd that preeschool teachers are favored to intercultural education however they do not have many experiences with this topic

    Kindergarten's teachers view on intercultural education

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    In society we are constantly surrounded by different people with whom we have to form relationships so we can coexist. The society has definitely changed through the past and today there is a lot of talking about multiculturalism and interculturalism. However because we are preparing preeschool children for life in society it is also important that interculturalism is a part of educational sistem. That is why I decided to research preechool teachers points of view on intercultural education. In the theoretic part I started with the definition of relationships in society and tje coexistence of people in society. Here I defined the terms such as points of view, stereotypes, prejudices, impact of preeschool teacher's points of view in children and tolerance. I continued with describing the term example, the role of the covert curriculum and the subjective theories among preeschool teachers. In the last part I then described the terms such as multiculturalism, multiculturalism in kindergarten and interculturalism. In the empirical part I collected data with the help of qualitative method and six semi-structured interviews with which I interviewed preeschool teacher's. They were between 31 and 58 years old and they had between 2 and 40 years of service. The purpose of this thesis is to show the interculturalism in kindergarten however the aim of the research is to find out preeschool teacher's point of view on intercultural eduaction and in what way do the engage it. I discoverd that preeschool teachers are favored to intercultural education however they do not have many experiences with this topic

    Healing rituals in mainland Southeast Asia

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    Transformation of Communal Identity in Slovenia: The Dolenjska Region from the 6th till the 21st Century

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    The core question addressed in this study is how the political regimes have modified the social structure of communities in the region of Dolenjska, of Podgorje in particular, in southeast Slovenia in the course of fifteen centuries. By means of ethnographic and historical data and by mobilising social-anthropological models of social structure, of social relationships, value and exchange, and of the reproduction of the social order as part of cosmological one, the analysis of the various ways in which the vicissitudes that have marked Slovenia’s political history – the focus being on the 19th and 20th centuries – has shown how community structures have adapted themselves so as to persist in the face of profound political change.Die Kernfrage dieser Arbeit ist, wie die politischen Regimes die soziale Struktur der Gemeinschaften in der Region Dolenjska, insbesondere von Podgorje, im Südosten Sloweniens im Laufe von fünfzehn Jahrhunderten verändert haben. Anhand ethnographischer und historischer Daten und unter Bezugnahme auf sozialanthropologische Modelle der Sozialstruktur, sozialen Beziehungen, Wert und Austausch sowie der Reproduktion der Sozialordnung als Teil der Kosmologie, hat die Analyse der unterschiedlichen Ansätze durch welche die Wirren, die die politische Geschichte Sloweniens geprägt haben – mit dem Fokus auf das 19. und 20. Jahrhundert – gezeigt, wie sich die Gemeinschaftsstrukturen angepasst haben, um angesichts der tiefgreifenden politischen Veränderungen bestehen bleiben zu können