9 research outputs found

    O engagement no trabalho e os recursos laborais na relação com o desempenho dos trabalhadores

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    A mudança no paradigma da gestão das empresas para uma maior preocupação com o seu capital humano tem permitido o surgimento de novas formas de encarar o sucesso organizacional. É ao ter por base esse pressuposto que o presente estudo pretende analisar as relações entre o engagement no trabalho e os recursos laborais e as implicações que os mesmos têm para o desempenho dos trabalhadores. Para isso, contámos com a participação de 101 trabalhadores duma empresa multinacional da área da grande distribuição de equipamentos para o lar, que preencheram os questionários e anexaram aos mesmos os resultados das suas avaliações de desempenho formais. Os resultados obtidos reforçam a importância dos recursos laborais no surgimento do engagement no trabalho e levam-nos a reflectir sobre a adequabilidade dos sistemas formais de avaliação do desempenho. As implicações deste estudo são discutidas à luz da sua relevância para a gestão de recursos humanos; ABSTRACT: The change in company management’s paradigm to a greater concern for its human capital has allowed the raising of new ways for facing organisational success. Based on that assumption, the present study intends to analyse the relations between work engagement and job resources and their implications in workers’ performance. For that, we reckoned on the participation of 101 workers from a multinational company in the field of large distribution of household equipment that had taken the surveys and annexed to them the results from their formal performance appraisals. The obtained results represent a reinforcement to the importance of job resources in the emergence of engagement at work and make us ponder on the appropriateness of formal performance appraisal systems. The implications of this study are then discussed in light of its relevance to human resources management

    Quadro interativo de baixo custo com interação através de dispositivos móveis

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    Com a criação do Plano Tecnológico da Educação o Ministério da Educação Português tinha como objetivo dotar as escolas públicas de Internet de alta velocidade, dois alunos por computador, um videoprojector por sala e um quadro interativo por cada três salas. Todo este avultado investimento tinha como objetivo dotar as escolas públicas de equipamentos de última geração e que permitissem acompanhar os avanços tecnológicos na área da educação. No entanto, a rentabilização dos recursos disponibilizados foi um pouco descurada. Assim sendo, foram gastos alguns milhares de euros em equipamentos que continuam a ser subaproveitados e para os quais os educadores necessitavam de formação adequada que não veio a ser disponibilizada. A solução apresentada neste trabalho combina um quadro interativo de baixo custo proposto por Johnny Lee, com a utilização do Smoothboard (software minimalista para trabalhar com o quadro interativo proposto) e a sua integração com a plataforma Moodle (Learning Management System utilizado em muitas instituições de ensino). Este sistema possibilita uma interação quase universal com os equipamentos que os alunos diariamente transportam consigo (computadores portáteis, telemóveis e tablets)

    Recursos laborais, engagement e desempenho dos trabalhadores: Um estudo numa empresa da área da grande distribuição

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    The change in company management’s paradigm to a greater concern for its human capital has allowed the raising of new ways for facing organisational success. Based on that assumption, the present study intends to analyse the relations between work engagement and job resources and their implications in workers’ performance. For that, we reckoned on the participation of 101 workers from a multinational retail company in the field of household equipment that had taken the surveys and annexed to them the results from their formal performance appraisals. The obtained results represent a reinforcement to the importance of job resources in the emergence of engagement at the workplace and make us ponder on the appropriateness of formal performance appraisal systems. The implications of this study are then discussed in light of its relevance to human resources management.A mudança no paradigma da gestão das empresas para uma maior preocupação com o seu capital humano tem permitido o surgimento de novas formas de encarar o sucesso organizacional. É ao ter por base esse pressuposto que o presente estudo pretende analisar as relações entre o engagement no trabalho e os recursos laborais e as implicações que os mesmos têm para o desempenho dos trabalhadores. Para isso, contámos com a participação de 101 trabalhadores duma empresa multinacional da área da grande distribuição de equipamentos para o lar, que preencheram os questionários e anexaram aos mesmos os resultados das suas avaliações de desempenho formais. Os resultados obtidos reforçam a importância dos recursos laborais no surgimento do engagement no local de trabalho e levam-nos a reflectir sobre a adequabilidade dos sistemas formais de avaliação do desempenho. As implicações deste estudo são discutidas à luz da sua relevância para a gestão de recursos humanos

    Impacts of deoxygenation and hypoxia on shark embryos anti-predator behavior and oxidative stress

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    Simple Summary Despite their importance, sharks are among the most endangered ocean species. In addition to overexploitation and the destruction of their natural habitat, climate change is also known to pose a serious threat to them. Among the physico-chemical changes associated with climate change, oxygen loss has been the least studied in terms of its effect on shark physiology and behavior. In this study, we evaluated the impact of deoxygenation (93% air saturation) and hypoxia (26% air saturation) on the anti-predatory behavior and physiology of temperate shark embryos. We found that hypoxia caused a high mortality (44%), significantly increased embryo movement within capsules, and, consequently, reduced the freezing response behavior (a behavior that allows embryos to be unnoticed by predators). Regarding oxidative stress, most biomarkers analyzed were not impacted by the experimental treatments. Overall, our results suggest that the temperate shark's early life stages showed a certain degree of resilience to deoxygenation but not to hypoxia. Climate change is leading to the loss of oxygen content in the oceans and endangering the survival of many marine species. Due to sea surface temperature warming and changing circulation, the ocean has become more stratified and is consequently losing its oxygen content. Oviparous elasmobranchs are particularly vulnerable as they lay their eggs in coastal and shallow areas, where they experience significant oscillations in oxygen levels. Here, we investigated the effects of deoxygenation (93% air saturation) and hypoxia (26% air saturation) during a short-term period (six days) on the anti-predator avoidance behavior and physiology (oxidative stress) of small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) embryos. Their survival rate decreased to 88% and 56% under deoxygenation and hypoxia, respectively. The tail beat rates were significantly enhanced in the embryos under hypoxia compared to those exposed to deoxygenation and control conditions, and the freeze response duration showed a significant opposite trend. Yet, at the physiological level, through the analyses of key biomarkers (SOD, CAT, GPx, and GST activities as well as HSP70, Ubiquitin, and MDA levels), we found no evidence of increased oxidative stress and cell damage under hypoxia. Thus, the present findings show that the projected end-of-the-century deoxygenation levels elicit neglectable biological effects on shark embryos. On the other hand, hypoxia causes a high embryo mortality rate. Additionally, hypoxia makes embryos more vulnerable to predators, because the increased tail beat frequency will enhance the release of chemical and physical cues that can be detected by predators. The shortening of the shark freeze response under hypoxia also makes the embryos more prone to predation.FCT AGA-KHAN/541746579/2019; LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-028609; DL57/2016/CP1479/CT0023; LA/P/0069/2020; 2021.01030.CEECINDinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Caracterização dos canais de comercialização do vinho no Alentejo: uma abordagem com base na teoria dos custos de transação

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    In Portugal, the wine industry has been successful in the last years with genuine products, which have gained a reputation in domestic and foreign markets. The potential of differentiation and the reduced size of the domestic market have lead consolidate positions in foreign markets, where efficient management of the marketing channels is important. Thus, this study has as objective the characterization of the marketing channels structures in the wine industry of Alentejo, and the assessment of their level of integration. In other words, it was aimed to know how the vertical constraints influence the transaction efficiency in those marketing channels. The methodology used was a mixed approach based on quantitative and qualitative analyzes. The former was based on interviews with wine industry’s experts, and the latter was carried out through a questionnaire applied to a sample of wine entrepreneurs from Alentejo. The results showed that the wine companies use several marketing channels for exports. By contrast to the literature, the analyzed companies do not coordinate their transactions through contracts. The results also allowed to conclude that uncertainty affects the transaction costs, as well as, asset specificity and namely those associated with human resources. Another conclusion is that the greater the frequency of transactions, the greater the level of integration of the marketing channels of the wine industry

    Sistema de Quadro Interativo com interacção atrvés de dispositivos móveis

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    Os quadros interativos têm vindo a ganhar importância na nossa sociedade, tanto a n vel empresarial como, e sobretudo, a nivel escolar. Esta tecnologia tem sido uma forte aposta para a educacão na maioria dos paí ses europeus, sendo que em Portugal só recentemente esse facto começou a ser visível, apesar do elevado investimento que ainda representa. Surge, então, a necessidade de utilizar tecnologias alternativas de baixo custo e que ofereçam os mesmos níveis de desempenho dos quadros interativos tradicionais; ## Abstract The interactive whiteboards have been gaining importance in our society, both as a business and especially at school level. This technology has been a strong commitment to education in most European countries, and in Portugal this fact has only recently started to be visible, even despite the high investment still represents. Then comes the need to use alternative technologies low cost and which o ers the same performance levels of traditional interactive whiteboards

    Caracterização dos canais de comercialização do vinho no Alentejo: uma abordagem com base na teoria dos custos de transação

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    O setor do vinho em Portugal tem-se afirmado com produtos genuinamente únicos que têm ganho reputação nos mercados. O potencial de diferenciação e a reduzida dimensão do mercado nacional para absorver a produção têm levado a uma estratégia de consolidação no mercado externo, sendo importante uma gestão eficiente dos canais de comercialização. Assim, este estudo visa caracterizar a estrutura dos canais de comercialização das empresas do setor do vinho no Alentejo e avaliar o seu nível de integração, ou seja, pretende-se determinar como as restrições verticais influenciam a eficiência das transações nesses canais de comercialização. A metodologia utilizada seguiu uma abordagem mista, baseada na realização de entrevistas (reuniões) com especialistas do setor e na elaboração de um questionário a ser aplicado em uma amostra de empresários do setor do vinho no Alentejo. Os resultados obtidos indicam que as empresas utilizam vários tipos de canais de comercialização para a exportação. Ao contrário do que é referido na literatura, as empresas objeto de estudo, geralmente, não coordenam as suas transações por meio de contratos. Os resultados permitiram, ainda, concluir que a incerteza afeta os custos de transação, bem como os ativos específicos, nomeadamente associados aos recursos humanos. Verificou-se também que quanto maior a frequência das transações, maior o nível de integração dos canais de comercialização

    Caracterização dos canais de comercialização do vinho no Alentejo: uma abordagem com base na teoria dos custos de transação

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    In Portugal, the wine industry has been successful in the last years with genuine products, which have gained a reputation in domestic and foreign markets. The potential of differentiation and the reduced size of the domestic market have lead consolidate positions in foreign markets, where efficient management of the marketing channels is important. Thus, this study has as objective the characterization of the marketing channels structures in the wine industry of Alentejo, and the assessment of their level of integration. In other words, it was aimed to know how the vertical constraints influence the transaction efficiency in those marketing channels. The methodology used was a mixed approach based on quantitative and qualitative analyzes. The former was based on interviews with wine industry’s experts, and the latter was carried out through a questionnaire applied to a sample of wine entrepreneurs from Alentejo. The results showed that the wine companies use several marketing channels for exports. By contrast to the literature, the analyzed companies do not coordinate their transactions through contracts. The results also allowed to conclude that uncertainty affects the transaction costs, as well as, asset specificity and namely those associated with human resources. Another conclusion is that the greater the frequency of transactions, the greater the level of integration of the marketing channels of the wine industry

    Use of diaper polymers as soil conditioner

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    The objective of this ongoing study is to evaluate the viability of recycling used diaper filling in agriculture, as a soil amendment. To achieve this goal, the effect of diaper filling on soil available water, crop water stress and production need to be studied, since diapers contain varying amounts of bleached cellulose fiber and other additives besides SAPs which influence the overall effect of diaper addition to the soil. In this particular study, the effect of application of diaper filling on an open air autumn lettuce is studied