1,368 research outputs found

    Understanding the Neural Bases of Implicit and Statistical Learning

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    © 2019 Cognitive Science Society, Inc. Both implicit learning and statistical learning focus on the ability of learners to pick up on patterns in the environment. It has been suggested that these two lines of research may be combined into a single construct of “implicit statistical learning.” However, by comparing the neural processes that give rise to implicit versus statistical learning, we may determine the extent to which these two learning paradigms do indeed describe the same core mechanisms. In this review, we describe current knowledge about neural mechanisms underlying both implicit learning and statistical learning, highlighting converging findings between these two literatures. A common thread across all paradigms is that learning is supported by interactions between the declarative and nondeclarative memory systems of the brain. We conclude by discussing several outstanding research questions and future directions for each of these two research fields. Moving forward, we suggest that the two literatures may interface by defining learning according to experimental paradigm, with “implicit learning” reserved as a specific term to denote learning without awareness, which may potentially occur across all paradigms. By continuing to align these two strands of research, we will be in a better position to characterize the neural bases of both implicit and statistical learning, ultimately improving our understanding of core mechanisms that underlie a wide variety of human cognitive abilities

    A coded aperture imaging system optimized for hard X-ray and gamma ray astronomy

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    A coded aperture imaging system was designed for the Gamma-Ray imaging spectrometer (GRIS). The system is optimized for imaging 511 keV positron-annihilation photons. For a galactic center 511-keV source strength of 0.001 sq/s, the source location accuracy is expected to be + or - 0.2 deg

    Influence of hypoxia and neoangiogenesis on the growth of pancreatic cancer

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    As with other solid tumors, the growth and metastasis of pancreatic cancer is critically dependent on tumor angiogenesis. A major stimulus for a tumor's recruitment of additional blood vessels is cellular hypoxia, a condition which is especially pronounced in this neoplasm. Hypoxia induces transcriptional activation of genes that alter cellular metabolism and promote neoangiogenesis. Pancreatic cancer cells have demonstrated activation of such adaptive pathways even in the absence of hypoxia. A highly-angiogenic response in this neoplasm correlates with increased tumor growth, increased metastasis, and decreased survival. Pancreatic cancers expressing high levels of vascular endothelial growth factor, a potent pro-angiogenic cytokine, also have a higher incidence of metastasis and poorer prognosis. Pancreatic cancer cells uniquely express receptors for vascular endothelial growth factor, indicating a role for an autocrine loop in tumor proliferation and invasion. Multiple experimental anti-angiogenic strategies, many of which target vascular endothelial growth factor, reduce pancreatic cancer growth, spread, and angiogenesis. Anti-angiogenic treatments for pancreatic cancer will likely be most effective when used as an integral part of a combination chemotherapeutic regimen

    Review of road surface photometry methods and devices – Proposal for new measurement geometries

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    Specifications concerning road lighting and photometry of road surfaces were established more than 50 years ago. Road lighting design and road marking visibility were developed for vehicle driving. The observation distance defined by standards corresponds to interurban applications; however, within Europe these areas do not tend to be lit. The objective of the SURFACE project is to propose new geometries for the photometric characterisation of pavements, both adapted to different urban travel modes and new lighting technologies. This article reviews the available guidelines, standards, measuring devices and literature regarding geometries and road lighting applications, and presents the project SURFACE analysis and proposal. The SURFACE consortium recommends adding several new angles for different driving conditions and road users; 2.29 degrees for urban environments and consistency with road marking standard, and 1 degrees for extra-urban environment and consistency with previous geometries. A 5 degrees angle, corresponding to 17-m viewing distance, could be an interesting compromise, suitable for urban driving at low speed, cycling and for scooters. The angles of 10 degrees and 20 degrees are under consideration for describing the boundary between diffuse and specular behaviour

    Construction and characterization of a BAC-library for a key pollinator, the bumblebee Bombus terrestris L

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    Abstract.: The primitively social bumblebee Bombus terrestris is an ecological model species as well as an important agricultural pollinator. As part of the ongoing development of genomic resources for this model organism, we have constructed a publicly available bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library from males of a field-derived colony. We have shown that this library has a high coverage, which allows any particular sequence to be retrieved from at least one clone with a probability of 99.7%. We have further demonstrated the library's usefulness by successfully screening it with probes derived both from previously described B. terrestris genes and candidate genes from another bumblebee species and the honeybee. This library will facilitate genomic studies in B. terrestris and will allow for novel comparative studies in the social Hymenopter

    Formation of Silicate Grains in Circumstellar Environments: Experiment, Theory and Observations

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    Amongst chemical reactions (1) in the molecular universe (2), condensation reaction is probably the most poorly understood. The condensation of a solid from its components in the gas phase occurs in many parts of our galaxy such as stellar mass outflows, the terrestrial region of protoplanetary disks and in primordial solar nebula (3). But how does the transition occur from molecules to intermediate clusters to macroscopic grains? The major focus of the present work is the identification of chemical condensation reaction pathways that lead to the formation of stoichiometry, composition and crystallinity of cosmic silicates from vapor phase species

    Auswirkung der wiederholten antenatalen Kortikosteroidbehandlung auf das intrauterine Wachstum und auf die Grössenentwicklung imKleinkindesalter

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    Objective:The evaluation of the effects of repeated antenatal corticosteriod (CS) medication on birth size and size at the age of 4 years. Methods: 82 children exposed to CS initially between 26 and 28 weeks of gestation were matched with 82 controls of the same gestational age and sex. Results: No differences were observed between the CS and control groups with regard to weight, head circumference, and length at birth and at the age of 4 years. Conclusions: Our study failed to demonstrate that repetitive antenatal medication with CS in order to induce lung maturation has a negative im pact on intrauterine growth and growth in early childhood. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Quantum Lattice Fluctuations and Luminescence in C_60

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    We consider luminescence in photo-excited neutral C_60 using the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model applied to a single C_60 molecule. To calculate the luminescence we use a collective coordinate method where our collective coordinate resembles the displacement of the carbon atoms of the Hg(8) phonon mode and extrapolates between the ground state "dimerisation" and the exciton polaron. There is good agreement for the existing luminescence peak spacing and fair agreement for the relative intensity. We predict the existence of further peaks not yet resolved in experiment. PACS Numbers : 78.65.Hc, 74.70.Kn, 36.90+
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