129 research outputs found

    La dissémination des interprétations du principe de précaution - Le cas des essais OGM au champ

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    Le principe de prĂ©caution est devenu une vĂ©ritable mĂ©ta-norme, censĂ©e encadrer les dĂ©cisions concernant certains choix scientifiques et technologiques en situation d’incertitudes cumulĂ©es et de controverses. Il lie des dimensions scientifique, Ă©thique et politique. Puisqu’il est souvent associĂ© au principe de participation, voire parfois au pluralisme, l’objet principal de cet article est d’analyser les diffĂ©rentes interprĂ©tations, souvent partielles, et parfois contradictoires, qui lui furent attribuĂ©es lors d’un dĂ©bat national organisĂ© par le Conseil Economique et Social (français), « DĂ©bat sur les OGM et les essais au champ » (2002). Il est vrai que ce principe doit normalement s’appliquer dans des circonstances spĂ©cifiques, notamment dans le cas d’une forte incertitude due aux limites de l’expertise scientifique qui ne peut pas servir d’excuses pour ne pas prendre les dĂ©cisions appropriĂ©es, face Ă  des risques qui pourraient provoquer des dommages graves et/ou irrĂ©versibles. En 2002 il Ă©tait dĂ©jĂ  formulĂ© dans des lois françaises, censĂ©es connues par les principaux protagonistes de ce dĂ©bat. PlutĂŽt que de raisonner sur le principe de prĂ©caution in abstracto, nous allons analyser comment il est « mis Ă  l’épreuve » dans ce cadre institutionnel trĂšs original, puisqu’il rĂ©unissait experts, Ă©tudiants, et quatre “sages”

    Responsible Innovation in the Light of Moral Responsibility

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    Responsible innovation (RI) has become a powerful tenet of the European Commission discourse on science and society. And yet, the concept has remained surprisingly under-theoretically developed by RI advocates, who appear to be more interested in investigating the ‘ingredients’ or ‘pillars’ of responsibility than the normative dimension of it. In order to fill this gap, the paper below will consider ‘moral responsibility’ in the context of supply chains and innovation networks. It will firstly scrutinize the conception of responsibility developed in corporate social responsibility (CSR) approaches and what impact this conception might have on RI. Somewhat paradoxically, CSR approaches have been neglected by most RI theorists. It will then propose a conceptual mapping of the ten different meanings of responsibility that have emerged in moral philosophy, drawing on a distinction between negative and positive conceptions. Finally, it will scrutinize possible implementation of these various meanings of responsibility in supply chains and innovation networks

    Le chercheur et ses technologies

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    The Researcher and His Technologies: An author, an experimenter and a reviewer of the computer programs, Marlowe and Prospero, contribute in this article, respectively and successively, an extensive and detailed presentation of Marlowe, a report on what it is like to interact with Marlowe and a review of the recently-published work, by the first author, describing the development of Prospero for the Analyse of complex dossiers of texts concerning a social controversy, and Prospero's extension and adaptation with Marlowe to direct natural language dialog with researchers concerning specific complex dossiers.Un auteur, un expérimentateur et un lecteur des logiciels Marlowe et Prospéro contribuent respectivement et successivement dans cet article à une présentation étendue et détaillée de Marlowe, à une explicitation des modalités de l'approche conversationnelle de Marlowe et un compte-rendu du livre publié récemment par le premier auteur sur le développement de Prospéro pour l'analyse de dossiers complexes de textes concernant une controverse, et l'extension et l'adaptation de Prospéro à Marlowe pour pouvoir dialoguer en language naturel avec des chercheurs au sujet d'un dossier complexe

    À propos de The Practice of Liberal Pluralism de William Galston : un dialogue avec l’auteur

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    Document de travailLa publication de The Practice of Liberal Pluralism est apparue comme un Ă©vĂ©nement de premiĂšre importance dans la rĂ©flexion contemporaine sur l’apport du pluralisme au libĂ©ralisme. La pensĂ©e de William Galston a connu une Ă©volution : dans Liberal Purposes, l’accent est mis sur la critique du neutralisme et la position d’un libĂ©ralisme perfectionniste, tandis que Liberal Pluralism s’intĂ©resse au contraire aux limites de l’intervention Ă©tatique. Cette Ă©volution fait l’objet de nombreuses questions dans la discussion qui suit. The Practice of Liberal Pluralism opĂšre une synthĂšse intĂ©ressante sur ce point. Galston se dĂ©finit comme un libĂ©ral pluraliste dans la lignĂ©e de Berlin. Bien qu’il insiste sur le conflit tragique des valeurs, il minimise cet aspect dans les discussions qui suivent, et pose la possibilitĂ© consĂ©cutive d’avoir des devoirs prima facie (cf. la discussion sur sa nĂ©gation du particularisme moral). Un des arguments centraux pour justifier le pluralisme des valeurs est qu’il rend le mieux compte de la complexitĂ© de notre univers moral (cf. la discussion sur le pluralisme et le sentiment de regret). Galston endosse Ă©galement un pluralisme politique, lequel signifie que les sources d’autoritĂ© sont multiples. Le libĂ©ralisme de Galston est trĂšs tolĂ©rant Ă  l’égard des pratiques communautaires non libĂ©rales. Cette tolĂ©rance est cependant assortie de la dĂ©fense du « droit de sortie », notion qui apparaĂźt donc comme fondamentale. Dans les discussions qui suivent, Galston propose la maniĂšre adĂ©quate de comprendre l’exercice de ce droit de sortie (cf. les discussions sur les rapports entre libertĂ© expressive, droit de sortie et autonomie).The publication of The Practice of Liberal Pluralism has appeared as an event of first importance regarding contemporary theory about the relation between pluralism and liberalism. William Galston’s theory has had a visible evolution: in Liberal Purposes, the main object is a critique of neutralism and a defence of perfectionist liberalism, whereas Liberal Pluralism main concern was to draw the limits of state intervention. This evolution is the object of numerous questions in the following discussion. The Practice of Liberal Pluralism operates an interesting synthesis on this point. Galston defines himself as a liberal pluralist such as Berlin, but although he acknowledges that conflict between values can be tragic, he minimizes this aspect in the following discussions, and considers the possibility of having prima facie duties (cf. the discussion on his rejection of moral particularism). One of the main arguments for the defence of value pluralism is its capacity to explain the complexity of the moral universe (cf. the discussion on pluralism and regret). Galston endorses a political pluralism, which means that the sources of authority are multiple. Galston’s liberalism is very tolerant regarding non-liberal communitarian practices, although this tolerance is based on the defence of an exit right, which is a fundamental notion in his theory. In the following discussion Galston proposes how to understand this right of exit in an adequate manner (cf. the questions regarding expressive liberty, exit rights and autonomy)

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    The Sea of Simulation : Improving Naval Shiphandling Training and Readiness through Game-Based Learning

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    Currently, a gap exists between seminar-style shiphandling training and higher fidelity simulations available to the U.S. Navy Surface Warfare Officer (SWO). There is currently no individually accessible, low cost, intermediate level, interactive modality shiphandling resource that would allow SWOs to practice shiphandling skills without requiring instructor oversight. A student research team from the Naval Postgraduate Schools MOVES Institute exposed newly commissioned SWO students at the Surface Warfare Officers School to basic task scenarios designed to be complementary to material covered in their introductory course of instruction utilizing VSTEPs Ship Simulator Extremes game. The students completed the treatment task trainer protocol utilizing a Coast Guard High Endurance Cutter model and continued with the standard introductory course curriculum where they utilized the fully immersive Conning Officer Virtual Environment (COVE) shiphandling trainer. Students were later evaluated in COVE on their ability to maneuver a Guided Missile Destroyer, a similarly configured but larger ship, underway from a San Diego pier. The students exposed to the game-based scenarios performed at a statistically significantly higher level in the categories of Standard Commands and Margins of Safety Maintainedtwo key indicators of shiphandling proficiencyfollowing their normal course of instruction, than the control group. Also of note, the novice level students encountered difficulty in unlearning the handling characteristics of one model and learning a new one through the course of their instruction. Our findings suggest that an individually accessible, game based, shiphandling task trainer with ship models matching those found in the COVE and Full Mission Bridge would benefit newly commissioned SWOs by reinforcing classroom instruction. This trainer could potentially be used by SWOs of all skill levels as a self-study tool prior to participation in high level, fully immersive, and manpower intensive, naval shiphandling simulators.http://archive.org/details/theseofsimulatio109456860Outstanding ThesisLieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Sens des responsabilités dans la gouvernance climatique

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    Since antiquity there have been philosophers who have argued that climates cause different people moral qualities. By contrast, the climate is now seen as global and shared, so that the States are called upon to responsibilities for the average global temperature. This article presents the climate system as a composite and shows that we are very far from understanding the interconnections of energy, water and what we call carbon exchanges. Climate warming is based on the measure of the average temperature of all the local temperatures in every parts of the globe. This temperature does not correspond to any immediate, physical, local and perceptible reality belonging to the realm of statistics. Even if we limit ourselves to the impact of human activities creating external and brutal forcing on the climate system, we are already within a space where different possible systems of responsibilities are in play. The text addresses in turn “the Common but Differentiated Responsibilities” normative framework (attribution modes of greenhouse gas production (GHG), criteria to be employed in assessing state as bearer of the burden and the mechanisms of participation in the fight against climate warming), the conceptual link to make between different types of justice in the mitigation (distributive) of GHG and adaptation (corrective) thanks to luck egalitarianism, and the issue of establishing an equilibrium in the allocation of responsibilities when they are collective and complex. This leads to a discussion of the background ethical theories and of the conceptions and functions of responsibility.DĂšs l’AntiquitĂ©, certains philosophes attribuaient aux climats une responsabilitĂ© causale envers les qualitĂ©s morales des peuples. Dans un mouvement inverse, le climat est devenu global et partagĂ©. Il enjoint les États de prendre leurs responsabilitĂ©s pour veiller sur sa tempĂ©rature globale moyenne. L’article prĂ©sente le systĂšme climatique, son caractĂšre composite et montre qu’on est bien loin d’en comprendre les interactions et les Ă©changes d’énergie, d’eau et de carbone. Le rĂ©chauffement climatique repose sur la mesure de la tempĂ©rature moyenne de toutes les tempĂ©ratures locales en tous les points du globe. Elle ne correspond pas Ă  une rĂ©alitĂ© physique immĂ©diate, locale et perceptible, mais elle est une grandeur statistique. Avec la seule considĂ©ration des effets des activitĂ©s humaines crĂ©ant un forçage externe brutal sur le systĂšme climatique on ouvre dĂ©jĂ  un espace oĂč plusieurs systĂšmes de responsabilitĂ©s possibles peuvent s’entremĂȘler ou s’ajuster. Le texte traite tour Ă  tour du cadre normatif de ResponsabilitĂ©s communes mais diffĂ©renciĂ©es (modes d’attribution de la production des gaz Ă  effet de serre (GES), critĂšres d’entrĂ©e dans la liste des États supportant principalement l’effort contre le rĂ©chauffement climatique, et mĂ©canismes de participation Ă  cette lutte), du lien conceptuel Ă  Ă©tablir entre types de justice pour l’attĂ©nuation des GES (distributive) et l’adaptation (correctrice) grĂące Ă  une responsabilitĂ© visant l’égalitĂ© des chances, et du problĂšme de diffĂ©rents Ă©quilibres dans le partage des responsabilitĂ©s dans le cas de responsabilitĂ©s collectives et complexes. Ce problĂšme est traitĂ© par la considĂ©ration des thĂ©ories Ă©thiques d’arriĂšre-plan, des conceptions et des fonctions de la responsabilitĂ©

    Governance: Precautionary principle and pluralism

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    Governance is referred to today in almost fetishistic terms, although the origins of what is regarded as a new notion are not always recognised. In fact the term comes from the France of the Ancien Regime, where negotiation and arbitration were commonplace in the absence of a strong state monopoly. In the more distant etymological sense, the term signified a helm. In the context of environmental challenges, governance is necessary to orchestrate cooperation between states (and their bureaucracies), sometimes also including international companies, learned societies and scientific bodies – some of which are decision-makers – NGOs and even ordinary citizens who may be involved in short-term experiments of participative and deliberative democracy
