13 research outputs found

    MegaSense: 5G and AI for Air Quality Monitoring

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    Air pollution has become a global challenge during the growth of megacities, which drives the deployment of air quality monitoring in order to understand and mitigate district level air pollution. Currently, air pollution monitoring mainly relies on high-end accurate reference stations, which are usually stationary and expensive. Thus, the air quality monitoring deployments are typically coarse grained with only a very small number of stations in a city. We propose scalable air quality monitoring by leveraging low-cost air pollution sensors, artificial intelligence methods, and versatile connectivity provided by 4G/5G. We describe pilot deployments for testing the developed sensing technologies in three different locations in Helsinki, Finland.Peer reviewe

    MegaSense: Cyber-Physical System for Real-time Urban Air Quality Monitoring

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    Air pollution is a contributor to approximately one in every nine deaths annually. To counteract health issues resulting from air pollution, air quality monitoring is being carried out extensively in urban environments. Currently, however, city air quality monitoring stations are expensive to maintain, resulting in sparse coverage. In this paper, we introduce the design and development of the MegaSense Cyber-Physical System (CPS) for spatially distributed IoT-based monitoring of urban air quality. MegaSense is able to produce aggregated, privacy-aware maps and history graphs of collected pollution data. It provides a feedback loop in the form of personal outdoor and indoor air pollution exposure information, allowing citizens to take measures to avoid future exposure. We present a battery-powered, portable low-cost air quality sensor design for sampling PM2.5 and air pollutant gases in different micro-environments. We validate the approach with a use case in Helsinki, deploying MegaSense with citizens carrying low-maintenance portable sensors, and using smart phone exposure apps. We demonstrate daily air pollution exposure profiles and the air pollution hot-spot profile of a district. Our contributions have applications in policy intervention management mechanisms and design of clean air routing and healthier navigation applications to reduce pollution exposure.Peer reviewe

    Retrieval of Multiple Atmospheric Environmental Parameters From Images With Deep Learning

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    Retrieving atmospheric environmental parameters such as atmospheric horizontal visibility and mass concentration of aerosol particles with a diameter of 2.5 or 10 μm or less (PM 2.5 , PM 10 , respectively) from digital images provides new tools for horizontal environmental monitoring. In this study, we propose a new end-to-end convolutional neural network (CNN) for the retrieval of multiple atmospheric environmental parameters (RMEPs) from images. In contrast to other retrieval models, RMEP can retrieve a suite of atmospheric environmental parameters including atmospheric horizontal visibility, relative humidity (RH), ambient temperature, PM 2.5 , and PM 10 simultaneously from a single image. Experimental results demonstrate that: 1) it is possible to simultaneously retrieve multiple atmospheric environmental parameters; 2) spatial and spectral resolutions of images are not the key factors for the retrieval on the horizontal scale; and 3) RMEP achieves the best overall retrieval performance compared with several classic CNNs such as AlexNet, ResNet-50, and DenseNet-121, and the results are based on experiments on images extracted from webcams located in different continents (test R2 values are 0.63, 0.72, and 0.82 for atmospheric horizontal visibility, RH, and ambient temperature, respectively). Experimental results show the potential of utilizing webcams to help monitor the environment. Code and more results are available at https://github.com/cvvsu/RMEP .Peer reviewe

    Toward Massive Scale Air Quality Monitoring

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    Dangers associated with poor air quality are driving deployments of air quality monitoring technology. These deployments rely either on professional-grade measurement stations or a small number of low-cost sensors integrated into urban infrastructure. In this article, we present a research vision of real-time massive scale air quality sensing that integrates tens of thousands or even millions of air quality sensors to monitor air quality at fine spatial and temporal resolution. We highlight opportunities and challenges of our vision by discussing use cases, key requirements and reference technologies in order to establish a roadmap on how to realize this vision. We address the feasibility of our vision, introducing a testbed deployment in Helsinki, Finland, and carrying out controlled experiments that address collaborative and opportunistic sensor calibration, a key research challenge for our vision.Peer reviewe

    Air Pollution Exposure Monitoring using Portable Low-cost Air Quality Sensors

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    Urban environments with a high degree of industrialization are infested with hazardous chemicals and airborne pollutants. These pollutants can have devastating effects on human health, causing both acute and chronic diseases such as respiratory infections, lung cancer, and heart disease. Air pollution monitoring is vital not only to citizens, warning them on the health risks of air pollutants, but also to policy-makers,assisting them on drafting regulations and laws that aim at minimizing those health risks. Currently,air pollution monitoring predominantly relies on expensive high-end static sensor stations. These stations produce only aggregated information about air pollutants, and are unable to capture variations in individual’s air pollution exposure. As an alternative, this article develops a citizen-based air pollution monitoring system that captures individual exposure levels to air pollutants during daily indoor and outdoor activities. We present a low-cost portable sensor and carry out a measurement campaign using the sensors to demonstrate the validity and benefits of citizen-based pollution measurements. Specifically, we (i) successfully classify the data into indoor and outdoor, and (ii) validate the consistency and accuracy of our outdoor-classified data to the measurements of a high-end reference monitoring station. Our experimental results further prove the effectiveness of our campaign by (i) providing fine-grained air pollution insights over a wide geographical area, (ii) identifying probable causes of air pollution dependent on the area, and (iii) providing citizens with personalized insights about air pollutants in their daily commute.Peer reviewe

    Transit Pollution Exposure Monitoring using Low-Cost Wearable Sensors

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    Transit activities are a significant contributor to a person's daily exposure to pollutants. Currently obtaining accurate information about the personal exposure of a commuter is challenging as existing solutions either have a coarse monitoring resolution that omits subtle variations in pollutant concentrations or are laborious and costly to use. We contribute by systematically analysing the feasibility of using wearable low-cost pollution sensors for capturing the total exposure of commuters. Through extensive experiments carried out in the Helsinki metropolitan region, we demonstrate that low-cost sensors can capture the overall exposure with sufficient accuracy, while at the same time providing insights into variations within transport modalities. We also demonstrate that wearable sensors can capture subtle variations caused by differing routes, passenger density, location within a carriage, and other factors. For example, we demonstrate that location within the vehicle carriage can result in up to 25% increase in daily pollution exposure -- a significant difference that existing solutions are unable to capture. Finally, we highlight the practical benefits of low-cost sensors as a pollution monitoring solution by introducing applications that are enabled by low-cost wearable sensors.Peer reviewe

    Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Using Infrastructure-Based Motion Detectors

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    Poor indoor air quality is a significant burden to society that can cause health issues and decrease productivity. According to research, indoor air quality is intrinsically linked with human activity and mobility. Indeed, mobility is directly linked with transfer of small particles (e.g. PM2.5) and extent of activity affects production of CO2. Currently, however, estimation of indoor quality is difficult, requiring deployment of highly specialized sensing devices which need to be carefully placed and maintained. In this paper, we contribute by examining the suitability of infrastructure-based motion detectors for indoor air quality estimation. Such sensors are increasingly being deployed into smart environments, e.g., to control lighting and ventilation for energy management purposes. Being able to take advantage of these sensors would thus provide a cost-effective solution for indoor quality monitoring without need for deploying additional sensors. We perform a feasibility study considering measurements collected from a smart office environment having a dense deployment of motion detectors and correlating measurements obtained from motion detectors against air quality values. We consider two main pollutants,PM2.5 and CO2, and demonstrate that there indeed is a connection between extent of movement and PM2.5concentration. However, for CO2, no relationship can be established, mostly due to difficulties in separating between people passing by and those residing long-term in the environment.Peer reviewe

    City Wide Participatory Sensing of Air Quality

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    Air pollution is a contributor to approximately one in every nine deaths annually. Air quality monitoring is being carried out extensively in urban environments. Currently, however, city air quality stations are expensive to maintain resulting in sparse coverage and data is not readily available to citizens. This can be resolved by city-wide participatory sensing of air quality fluctuations using low-cost sensors. We introduce new concepts for participatory sensing: a voluntary community-based monitoring data forum for stakeholders to manage air pollution interventions; an automated system (cyber-physical system) for monitoring outdoor air quality and indoor air quality; programmable platform for calibration and generating virtual sensors using data from low-cost sensors and city monitoring stations. To test our concepts, we developed a low-cost sensor to measure particulate matter (PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and ozone (O3) with GPS. We validated our approach in Helsinki, Finland, with participants carrying the sensor for 3 months during six data campaigns between 2019 and 2021. We demonstrate good correspondence between the calibrated low-cost sensor data and city’s monitoring station measurements. Data analysis of their personal exposure was made available to the participants and stored as historical data for later use. Combining the location of low cost sensor data with participants public profile, we generate proxy concentrations for black carbon and lung deposition of particles between districts, by age groups and by the weekday.Peer reviewe

    Low-cost Formaldehyde Sensor Evaluation and Calibration in a Controlled Environment

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    Formaldehyde is a carcinogenic indoor air pollutant emitted from common wood-based materials. Low-cost sensing of formaldehyde is difficult due to inaccuracies in measuring low concentrations and susceptibility of sensors to changing indoor environmental conditions. Currently gas sensors are calibrated by manufacturers using simplistic models which fail to capture their complex behaviour. We evaluated different low-cost gas sensors to ascertain a suitable component to create a mobile sensing node and built a calibration algorithm to correct it. We compared the performance of 2 electrochemical sensors and 3 metal oxide sensors in a controlled chamber against a photo-acoustic reference device. In the chamber the formaldehyde concentrations, temperature and humidity were varied to assess the sensors in diverse environments. Pre-calibration, the electrochemical sensors (mean absolute error (MAE) = 70.8 ppb) outperformed the best performing metal oxide sensor (MAE = 335 ppb). A two-stage calibration model was built, using linear regression followed by random forest, where the residual of the first stage acted as a input for the second. Post-calibration, the metal oxide sensors (MAE = 154 ppb) improved compared to their electrochemical counterparts (MAE = 78.8 ppb). Nevertheless, the uncalibrated electrochemical sensor showed overall superior performance hence was selected for the mobile sensing node.Peer reviewe