127 research outputs found

    Sexuality Within Occupational Therapy Education: Assessing Faculty and Student Perceived Competence

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    Sexuality is a valuable activity of daily living that contributes to an individual’s quality of life. Although sexuality can be addressed in occupational therapy practice, it is often overlooked due to a lack of time, comfort, and knowledge. For sexuality content to be fully incorporated into practice, it has been suggested that education will facilitate the inclusion of sexuality topics into occupational therapy practice. The purpose of this survey study was to assess occupational therapy faculty and students’ perceived competence with addressing sexuality, to determine the methods of sexuality education, and the time spent on the topic in occupational therapy curriculums. A piloted 13-question survey was electronically mailed to program directors of accredited occupational therapy programs in the United States for them to forward to their faculty and students. The survey was available for four weeks, with a reminder sent at the two-week mark. Data was collected from Qualtrics at the end of the response window and themed by the occupational therapy doctoral student and the faculty mentor. A majority of faculty felt competent addressing sexuality (76%) and a majority of students felt neutral (34%) about discussing sexuality with their future clients. The most frequently reported amount of time being spent on sexuality topic education was one to two hours (41%). A majority of respondents felt that sexuality is an essential topic and should be incorporated into occupational therapy curriculums further

    Peluang Penguatan Bank Sampah Untuk Mengurangi Timbulan Sampah Perkotaan Studi Kasus: Bank Sampah Malang

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    Banyak faktor yang dapat menyebabkan semakin meningkatnya jumlah timbulan sampah di kota Malang, antara lain meningkatnya jumlah dan aktivitas penduduk serta tidak bertambahnya jumlah dan luasTempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) sampah. Meskipun terdapat Bank Sampah Malang (BSM), jumlah sampah yang diolah oleh BSM masih rendah apabila dibandingkan dengan volume timbulan sampahyang dihasilkan penduduk kota Malang. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk melihat potensi penguatan BSM sebagai salah satu inovasi untuk mengurangi keberadaan sampah di TPA. Metode yang digunakandalam penelitian ini berdasarkan perhitungan menggunakan koefisien Generation Rate dari jumlah penduduk yang berpotensi menghasilkan volume timbulan sampah . Hasil penelitian diperoleh beberapaskenario untuk meningkatkan peran BSM yaitu diversifikasi produk melalui komposting dan ekspansi afiliasi melalui sekolah. Berdasarkan skenario perhitungan diversifikasi produk melalui komposting setiaptahunnya akan mengurangi sampah organik sebesar 337,680 kg/tahun. Sedangkan berdasarkan skenario perhitungan ekspansi afiliasi melalui sekolah dapat mengurangi sampah sebesar 326,040 kg/tahun

    Mapping the daily rainfall over an ungauged tropical micro-watershed: a downscaling algorithm using gpm data

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    In this study, half-hourly Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) satellite precipitation data were downscaled to produce high-resolution daily rainfall data for tropical coastal micro-watersheds (100-1000 ha) without gauges or with rainfall data conflicts. Currently, daily-scale satellite rainfall downscaling techniques rely on rain gauge data as corrective and controlling factors, making them impractical for ungauged watersheds or watersheds with rainfall data conflicts. Therefore, we used high-resolution local orographic and vertical velocity data as proxies to downscale half-hourly GPM precipitation data (0.1°) to high-resolution daily rainfall data (0.02°). The overall quality of the downscaled product was similar to or better than the quality of the raw GPM data. The downscaled rainfall dataset improved the accuracy of rainfall estimates on the ground, with lower error relative to measured rain gauge data. The average error was reduced from 41 to 27 mm/d and from 16 to 12 mm/d during the wet and dry seasons, respectively. Estimates of localized rainfall patterns were improved from 38% to 73%. The results of this study will be useful for production of high-resolution satellite precipitation data in ungauged tropical micro-watersheds

    Are the INTEGRAL Intermediate Polars Different?

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    One of the biggest surprises of the INTEGRAL mission was the detection of large numbers of magnetic cataclysmic variables – in particular the intermediate polar (IP) subclass. Not only have many previously known systems been detected, but many new ones have also been found and subsequently classified from optical follow-up observations, increasing the sample of IPs by ! 15%. We have recently been using a particle hydrodynamic code to investigate the accretion flows of IPs and determine the equilibrium spin-rates and accretion flow patterns across a wide range of orbital periods, mass ratios and magnetic field strengths. We use the results of these accretion flow simulations to examine whether the INTEGRAL IPs differ from the overall population and conclude that they do not. Most IPs are likely to be INTEGRAL sources, given sufficient exposure. Currently however, none of the 'EX Hya-like' IPs, with large spin-to-orbital period ratios and short orbital periods, are detected by INTEGRAL. If this continues to be the case once the whole sky has a comparable INTEGRAL exposure, it may indicate that the ring-like mode of accretion which we demonstrate occurs in these systems is responsible for their different appearance

    Infrared Photometric Variability of GX13+1 and GX17+2

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    We present infrared photometry of the Galactic Bulge X-ray binary systems GX13+1 and GX17+2 obtained in 1997 July and August using OSIRIS on the 1.8m Perkins Telescope at Lowell Observatory. GX13+1 clearly varies over ~0.6 magnitudes in the K-band. Our light curve suggests a modulation on a timescale of ~20 days, which is in agreement with previously proposed orbital periods for the system. The IR counterpart of GX17+2 is also variable in the K-band over \~0.8 magnitudes on a timescale of days to weeks, extending the variability first seen by Naylor, Charles, & Longmore (1991). We discuss the implications our data have for Deutsch et al's (1999) identification of ``star A'' as the true IR counterpart of GX17+2. The variability observed in our photometry of the blend of star A and the foreground star NP Ser implies a ~4 magnitude intrinsic variation in the K-band for GX17+2.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 5 pages, 4 figure

    Energi Terbarukan Dan Pengurangan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Dari Palm Oil Mill Effluent

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    Biodiesel kelapa sawit diprediksi oleh banyak kalangan menjadi andalan sebagai sumber bahan bakar nabati (BBN) yang paling tinggi produktivitasnya dibandingkan dengan sumber BBN lainnya. Proses produksi biodiesel kelapa sawit berpotensi mencemari lingkungan akibat dari keluaran limbah padat (tandan buah kosong, serat, cangkang buah dan abu bakar) dan limbah cair kelapa sawit (palm oil mill effluent/POME). Makalah ini mengevaluasi dan mendiskusikan potensi penangkapan gas metan dari POME sebagai energi terbarukan dan estimasi penyelamatan emisi karbon yang dihasilkan selama proses produksi BBN. Data kualitas dan kuantitas gas metan yang diperoleh dari studi ini akan diadaptasikan dengan nilai faktor energi dan faktor emisi dari sumber pustaka yang terpercaya. Hasil evaluasi dan perhitungan menyatakan bahwa kualitas dan kuantitas POME menentukan jumlah gas metan yang dihasilkan secara signifikan. Hasil inventori energi mencatat bahwa potensi energi yang dihasilkan dari penangkapan gas metan dari POME berkisar 427,2 MJ/FU (fungsional unit). Nilai energi ini menaikkan net energy ratio (NER) dari 3,19 menjadi 3,31 atau sebesar 3,4 %. Inovasi penangkapan gas metan ini juga menghasilkan penyelamatan emisi gas karbon sebesar 126,4 kg/FU atau mengurangi emisi karbon sekitar 8,2 % dari nilai yang umum terjadi

    The inclination angle and mass of the black hole in XTE J1118+480

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    We have obtained optical and infrared photometry of the quiescent soft X-ray transient XTE J1118+480. In addition to optical and J-band variations, we present H- and Ks-band ellipsoidal variations for this system. We model the variations in all bands simultaneously with the WD98 light curve modeling code. The infrared colors of the secondary star in this system are consistent with those of a K7 V, while there is evidence for light from the accretion disk in the optical. Combining the models with the observed spectral energy distribution of the system, the most likely value for the orbital inclination angle is 68 degrees ±2 degrees. This inclination angle corresponds to a primary black hole mass of 8.53+/-0.60 M☉. Based on the derived physical parameters and infrared colors of the system, we determine a distance of 1.72+/-0.10 kpc to XTE J1118+480

    Reshaping the Culture: Improving and Integrating Social Capital to Affirm Land Use Control a Case of Bali in Democratic Decentralization Era

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    One of the important issues emergences in the context of spatial planning is about community participation. In Indonesia, this issue widely spread in line with development of decentralization system and low level of trust to government. In Bali, problem in land management became crucial issue in regard with rocket development of tourism sector. Triangle conflicts among Indigenous Village, State Government and investor became a common things today. Social capital as an instrument of control is absolutely necessary to monitor the implementation of spatial planning. In regard with endogenous concept in contemporary urban planning, and considering the weakness and limitations of current land use control tools this paper discus and propose an idea to enforce the uses of social capital to support and affirm land use control. This paper began with elaboration of the challenges and conflict of land management in Bali, followed by analysis weakness and limitations of existing regulations and finally ends up with an idea to enforce the function of social capital through institutional reform. Based on the discussion, integrating social capital can be done through accommodating the value into concept of spatial planning and involving indigenous village as institution control for the implementation of spatial plan

    Supersonic Jet Noise from Round and Chevron Nozzles: Experimental Studies

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    High speed exhaust noise reduction continues to be a research challenge for supersonic cruise business jets as well as for current and future tactical military aircraft. Significant noise reduction may be possible from advanced concepts for controlling instability generated large-scale turbulence structures in the jet shear layer, generally accepted to be the source of aft-angle noise. In response to this opportunity, our team is focused on experimental diagnostic studies and unique instability modeling suited for identifying control strategies to reduce large scale structure noise. The current paper benchmarks the jet noise from supersonic nozzles designed to provide the supporting experimental data and validation of the modeling. Laboratory scale jet noise experiments are presented for a Mach number of Mj = 1.5 with stagnation temperature ratios ranging from Tr = 0.75 to 2. The baseline configuration is represented by a round converging-diverging (CD) ideal expansion nozzle. A round CD nozzle with chevrons is included as the first of several planned non-circular geometries directed at demonstrating the impact on large scale structure noise and validating noise prediction methods for geometries of future technological interest. Overexpanded and underexpanded conditions were tested on both nozzle configurations. The resulting data base provides an opportunity to benchmark the statistical characteristics of round and chevron nozzle data. The current paper examines far field spectra, directivity patterns, and overall sound pressure level dependence comparing observed characteristics with the fine scale turbulence noise and large-scale turbulence structure noise characteristics identified by Tam. In addition, the paper probes the effect of chevrons on the developing flow field and suppression of screech tones. Measurements are also reported from a far-field narrow aperture phased array system used to map the acoustic source distribution on the jet axis. The dominant source region, situated between the end of the potential core and the sonic point, was found to agree with the peak amplitude location of the jet near field wavepackets measured using a unique near field array. This observation supports the cause-effect link between large-scale turbulence structures in the shear layer and their dominant contribution to aft radiated far field noise

    Disk Diffusion Propagation Model for the Outburst of XTE J1118+480

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    We present a linear diffusion model for the evolution of the double-peaked outburst in the transient source XTEJ1118+480. The model treats the two outbursts as episodic mass deposition at the outer radius of the disk followed by evolution of disk structure according to a diffusion process. We demonstrate that light curves with fast-rise, exponential decay profile are a general consequence of the diffusion process. Deconvolution of the light curve proves to be feasible and gives an input function specifying mass deposition at the outer disk edge as well as the total mass of the disk, both as functions of time. The derived evolution of total disk mass can be correlated with the observed evolution of the ~0.1 Hz QPO in the source reported in Wood et al. (2000).Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
