17 research outputs found

    Integración de dispositivos electrónicos inteligentes en Smart Grid

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    El sector eléctrico está experimentando cambios importantes tanto a nivel de gestión como a nivel de mercado. Una de las claves que están acelerando este cambio es la penetración cada vez mayor de los Sistemas de Generación Distribuida (DER), que están dando un mayor protagonismo al usuario a la hora de plantear la gestión del sistema eléctrico. La complejidad del escenario que se prevé en un futuro próximo, exige que los equipos de la red tenga la capacidad de interactuar en un sistema mucho más dinámico que en el presente, donde la interfaz de conexión deberá estar dotada de la inteligencia necesaria y capacidad de comunicación para que todo el sistema pueda ser gestionado en su conjunto de manera eficaz. En la actualidad estamos siendo testigos de la transición desde el modelo de sistema eléctrico tradicional hacia un nuevo sistema, activo e inteligente, que se conoce como Smart Grid. En esta tesis se presenta el estudio de un Dispositivo Electrónico Inteligente (IED) orientado a aportar soluciones para las necesidades que la evolución del sistema eléctrico requiere, que sea capaz de integrase en el equipamiento actual y futuro de la red, aportando funcionalidades y por tanto valor añadido a estos sistemas. Para situar las necesidades de estos IED se ha llevado a cabo un amplio estudio de antecedentes, comenzando por analizar la evolución histórica de estos sistemas, las características de la interconexión eléctrica que han de controlar, las diversas funciones y soluciones que deben aportar, llegando finalmente a una revisión del estado del arte actual. Dentro de estos antecedentes, también se lleva a cabo una revisión normativa, a nivel internacional y nacional, necesaria para situarse desde el punto de vista de los distintos requerimientos que deben cumplir estos dispositivos. A continuación se exponen las especificaciones y consideraciones necesarias para su diseño, así como su arquitectura multifuncional. En este punto del trabajo, se proponen algunos enfoques originales en el diseño, relacionados con la arquitectura del IED y cómo deben sincronizarse los datos, dependiendo de la naturaleza de los eventos y las distintas funcionalidades. El desarrollo del sistema continua con el diseño de los diferentes subsistemas que lo componen, donde se presentan algunos algoritmos novedosos, como el enfoque del sistema anti-islanding con detección múltiple ponderada. Diseñada la arquitectura y funciones del IED, se expone el desarrollo de un prototipo basado en una plataforma hardware. Para ello se analizan los requisitos necesarios que debe tener, y se justifica la elección de una plataforma embebida de altas prestaciones que incluye un procesador y una FPGA. El prototipo desarrollado se somete a un protocolo de pruebas de Clase A, según las normas IEC 61000-4-30 e IEC 62586-2, para comprobar la monitorización de parámetros. También se presentan diversas pruebas en las que se han estimado los retardos implicados en los algoritmos relacionados con las protecciones. Finalmente se comenta un escenario de prueba real, dentro del contexto de un proyecto del Plan Nacional de Investigación, donde este prototipo ha sido integrado en un inversor dotándole de la inteligencia necesaria para un futuro contexto Smart Grid.The electricity sector is undergoing major changes both at management level as at the level of the market. One of the keys that are accelerating this change is the increasing penetration of Distributed Energy Resources (DER), which is giving greater prominence to the distribution areas when considering the management of the electricity system. The complexity of the scenario that is expected in the near future requires that grid equipment will have the ability to interact in a much more dynamic system than in the present, where the connection interface must be equipped with the necessary intelligence and communication capability so that the entire system can be managed as a whole effectively. Today we are witnessing the transition from the traditional model of power system to a new system, active and intelligent, known as Smart Grid. This thesis deals with the study of an Intelligent Electronic Device (IED), which is oriented to providing solutions for the needs that the evolution of the electricity system requires. This IED is able to integrate into the current and future grid equipment, providing functionality and therefore added value to these systems. To locate the needs of these electronics devices, an extensive study of backgrounds has been conducted, beginning with analyzing the historical evolution of these systems, the characteristics of the electrical interconnection that these systems have to control, the various functions and solutions to be provided, finally arriving to a review of the current state of art. Within this background, also it carried out a regulatory review, at international and national level, needed to understand the point of view of the different requirements to be complied by these devices. Then the specifications and considerations for the design of this IED and its multifunctional architecture are discussed. At this point of work some original approaches in design are proposed, these are related to the functional architecture of IED and the way of how the data should be synchronized, depending on the nature of events and different functions. The development of the device follows with the design of the various subsystems. Some novel algorithms are presented here, as the approach of anti-islanding system based on multiple weighted methods detection. Once the architecture and functions of the IED have been designed, the development of a prototype based on a hardware platform is discussed. For this purpose, the needed requirements are analyzed, and the choice of a high-performance embedded platform that includes a processor and an FPGA is justified. A Class A testing protocol applies to the prototype developed to test the monitoring parameters, according to the IEC 61000-4-30 and IEC 62586-2 standards. Also various tests to estimate the delays involved in protection algorithms are presented. Finally a real test scenario is discussed. This was carried out within the context of a project of the National Research Plan, where this prototype has been integrated into an inverter providing it with the necessary intelligence for a future Smart Grid context

    Monitoring of Energy Data with Seamless Temporal Accuracy Based on the Time-Sensitive Networking Standard and Enhanced μPMUs

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    In the energy sector, distributed synchronism and a high degree of stability are necessary for all real-time monitoring and control systems. Instantaneous response to critical situations is essential for the integration of renewable energies. The most widely used standards for clock synchronisation, such as Network Time Protocol (NTP) and Precision Time Protocol (PTP), do not allow for achieving synchronised simultaneous sampling in distributed systems. In this work, a novel distributed synchronism system based on the Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) standard has been validated for its integration in an architecture oriented towards the high-resolution digitisation of photovoltaic (PV) generation systems. This method guarantees a time stamping with an optimal resolution that allows for the analysis of the influence of fast-evolving atmospheric fluctuations in several plants located in the same geographical area. This paper proposes an enhanced micro-phasor measurement unit (μPMU) that acts as a phasor meter and TSN master controlling the monitoring system synchronism. With this technique, the synchronism would be extended to the remaining measurement systems that would be involved in the installation at distances greater than 100 m. Several analyses were carried out with an on-line topology of four acquisition systems capturing simultaneously. The influence of the Ethernet network and the transducers involved in the acquisition process were studied. Tests were performed with Ethernet cable lengths of 2, 10, 50, and 75 m. The results were validated with 24-bit Sigma-Delta converters and high-precision resistor networks specialised in high-voltage monitoring. It was observed that with an appropriate choice of sensors and TSN synchronism, phase errors of less than ±1μs can be guaranteed by performing distributed captures up to 50 kS/s. Statistical analysis showed that uncertainties of less than ±100 ns were achieved with 16-bit Successive Approximation Register (SAR) converters at a moderate cost. Finally, the requirements of the IEEE C37.118.1-2011 standard for phasor measurement units (PMU) were also satisfied. This standard establishes an uncertainty of ±3.1 μs for 50 Hz systems. These results demonstrate the feasibility of implementing a simultaneous sampling system for distributed acquisition systems coordinated by a μPMU

    Real-Time Monitoring System for a Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Power Plant

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    There is, at present, considerable interest in the storage and dispatchability of photovoltaic (PV) energy, together with the need to manage power flows in real-time. This paper presents a new system, PV-on time, which has been developed to supervise the operating mode of a Grid-Connected Utility-Scale PV Power Plant in order to ensure the reliability and continuity of its supply. This system presents an architecture of acquisition devices, including wireless sensors distributed around the plant, which measure the required information. It is also equipped with a high-precision protocol for synchronizing all data acquisition equipment, something that is necessary for correctly establishing relationships among events in the plant. Moreover, a system for monitoring and supervising all of the distributed devices, as well as for the real-time treatment of all the registered information, is presented. Performances were analyzed in a 400 kW transformation center belonging to a 6.1 MW Utility-Scale PV Power Plant. In addition to monitoring the performance of all of the PV plant’s components and detecting any failures or deviations in production, this system enables users to control the power quality of the signal injected and the influence of the installation on the distribution grid

    Analysis of Some Power Quality Parameters at the Points of Common Coupling of Photovoltaic Plants Based on Data Measured by Inverters

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    With the increasing implementation of renewable energies, the impact that this type of installation can have on the electricity supply grid is of great importance. In this context, the aim of this work is to analyse how the production and injection of electricity generated by a series of small photovoltaic (PV) installations influence some parameters of the electricity grid in the low-voltage (LV) distribution networks to which they are connected, by analysing the basic data provided by the inverters of these installations. The presence of a slight rise in the grid voltage values in the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) as the production of the PV plants increases has been verified, with maximum slopes between 0.95 and 0.00027 V/kW, but which do not result in voltage values close to the limits set by the regulations. In addition to assessing this impact, the results obtained made it possible to determine the hosting capacity that the networks into which these installations inject their energy would have for this type of installation so as not to have a detrimental effect on the voltage values of the grid. The possible influence of the production of PV installations on the voltage imbalance between phases or on the frequency of the grid has also been analysed in this work. Although the values recorded by the inverters have limitations in their measurements that do not make them valid for assessing events such as the presence of harmonics or flickers, they do allow a first analysis to be made of the influence of PV plant production on some grid parameters, without the need to incorporate additional measurement systems in these renewable installations. However, it is important to be aware of the limitations of the measurements of this equipment and, as far as possible, to choose inverter models that carry out this type of measurement as completely as possible

    An Embedded System in Smart Inverters for Power Quality and Safety Functionality

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    The electricity sector is undergoing an evolution that demands the development of a network model with a high level of intelligence, known as a Smart Grid. One of the factors accelerating these changes is the development and implementation of renewable energy. In particular, increased photovoltaic generation can affect the network’s stability. One line of action is to provide inverters with a management capacity that enables them to act upon the grid in order to compensate for these problems. This paper describes the design and development of a prototype embedded system able to integrate with a photovoltaic inverter and provide it with multifunctional ability in order to analyze power quality and operate with protection. The most important subsystems of this prototype are described, indicating their operating fundamentals. This prototype has been tested with class A protocols according to IEC 61000-4-30 and IEC 62586-2. Tests have also been carried out to validate the response time in generating orders and alarm signals for protections. The highlights of these experimental results are discussed. Some descriptive aspects of the integration of the prototype in an experimental smart inverter are also commented upon

    AMIGaS - Motivational Activities for Gender Equality in STEM

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    En el marco del proyecto de innovación docente, se han realizado una serie de actividades de promoción de la mujer en estudios y empleos de disciplinas STEM, acrónimo de los términos en inglés Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas). El objetivo ha sido contribuir a que las mujeres puedan obtener mejores oportunidades de trabajo y no se mantengan alejadas de los cambios económicos y sociales que conllevará la industria del futuro, marcada por la convergencia de tecnologías digitales, físicas y biológicas, y que cambiará el mundo tal y como lo conocemos. Para ello se han realizado una serie de seminarios que han consistido en apoyar la participación de mujeres en el ámbito científico-tecnológico. Consiguiendo una concepción del alumnado femenino de las disciplinas de Ciencia e Ingeniería sobre el trabajo que desempeñan mujeres cuyas trayectorias profesionales son de alta relevancia en el ámbito tecnológico. Con esta propuesta se ha contribuido a la lucha contra los estereotipos y que el acceso de la mujer a estas materias crezca al mismo nivel al que es demandado, ya que la tecnología se encuentra en todos los niveles de la sociedad actual.Within the framework of the educational innovation project, a series of activities have been carried out to promote women in studies and jobs in STEM disciplines, an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The aim has been to help women to obtain better job opportunities and not to stay away from the economic and social changes that the industry of the future, marked by the convergence of digital, physical and biological technologies, will bring, will bring, and will change the world as we know it. To this end, a series of seminars have been held which have consisted of supporting the participation of women in the scientific-technological field. Achieving a conception of the female student body of the disciplines of Science and Engineering on the work carried out by women whose professional trajectories are of high relevance in the technological field. This proposal has contributed to the fight against stereotypes and to ensure that women's access to these subjects grows to the same level as that at which they are demanded since technology is found at all levels of today's society

    Database of spatial distribution of non indigenous species in Spanish marine waters

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    Research in marine Spanish waters are focused on several actions to achieve an effectively management on protected areas, with the active participation of the stakeholders and research as basic tools for decision-making. Among these actions, there is one about the knowledge and control on NIS. One of its objectives is the creation of NIS factsheets, which are going to be added to the National Marine Biodiversity Geographical System (GIS) providing complementary information about taxonomic classification, common names, taxonomic synonyms, species illustrations, identification morphological characters, habitat in the native and introduced regions, biological and ecological traits, GenBank DNA sequences, world distribution, first record and evolution in the introduced areas, likely pathways of introduction, effects in the habitats and interaction with native species, and potential management measures to apply. The database will also provide data for (1) the European online platforms, (2) the environmental assessment for the Descriptor 2 (D2-NIS) of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), as well as (3) supporting decisions made by stakeholders. It is the result of extensive collaboration among scientist, manager’s and citizen science in the Spanish North-Atlantic, South-Atlantic, Gibraltar Strait-Alboran, Levantine-Balearic and Canary Islands marine divisions, providing an updated overview of the spatial distribution of relevant extended and invasive NIS of recent and established NIS introduced by maritime transport and aquaculture pathways, as well as on cryptogenic or native species in expansion due to the climatic water warming trend

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    AMIGaS - Actividades de Motivación para la Igualdad de Género en STEM

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    En el marco del proyecto de innovación docente, se han realizado una serie de actividades de promoción de la mujer en estudios y empleos de disciplinas STEM, acrónimo de los términos en inglés Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas). El objetivo ha sido contribuir a que las mujeres puedan obtener mejores oportunidades de trabajo y no se mantengan alejadas de los cambios económicos y sociales que conllevará la industria del futuro, marcada por la convergencia de tecnologías digitales, físicas y biológicas, y que cambiará el mundo tal y como lo conocemos. Para ello se han realizado una serie de seminarios que han consistido en apoyar la participación de mujeres en el ámbito científico-tecnológico. Consiguiendo una concepción del alumnado femenino de las disciplinas de Ciencia e Ingeniería sobre el trabajo que desempeñan mujeres cuyas trayectorias profesionales son de alta relevancia en el ámbito tecnológico. Con esta propuesta se ha contribuido a la lucha contra los estereotipos y que el acceso de la mujer a estas materias crezca al mismo nivel al que es demandado, ya que la tecnología se encuentra en todos los niveles de la sociedad actual

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa antibiotic susceptibility profiles, genomic epidemiology and resistance mechanisms: a nation-wide five-year time lapse analysisResearch in context

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    Summary: Background: Pseudomonas aeruginosa healthcare-associated infections are one of the top antimicrobial resistance threats world-wide. In order to analyze the current trends, we performed a Spanish nation-wide high-resolution analysis of the susceptibility profiles, the genomic epidemiology and the resistome of P. aeruginosa over a five-year time lapse. Methods: A total of 3.180 nonduplicated P. aeruginosa clinical isolates from two Spanish nation-wide surveys performed in October 2017 and 2022 were analyzed. MICs of 13 antipseudomonals were determined by ISO-EUCAST. Multidrug resistance (MDR)/extensively drug resistance (XDR)/difficult to treat resistance (DTR)/pandrug resistance (PDR) profiles were defined following established criteria. All XDR/DTR isolates were subjected to whole genome sequencing (WGS). Findings: A decrease in resistance to all tested antibiotics, including older and newer antimicrobials, was observed in 2022 vs 2017. Likewise, a major reduction of XDR (15.2% vs 5.9%) and DTR (4.2 vs 2.1%) profiles was evidenced, and even more patent among ICU isolates [XDR (26.0% vs 6.0%) and DTR (8.9% vs 2.6%)] (p < 0.001). The prevalence of Extended-spectrum β-lactamase/carbapenemase production was slightly lower in 2022 (2.1%. vs 3.1%, p = 0.064). However, there was a significant increase in the proportion of carbapenemase production among carbapenem-resistant strains (29.4% vs 18.1%, p = 0.0246). While ST175 was still the most frequent clone among XDR, a slight reduction in its prevalence was noted (35.9% vs 45.5%, p = 0.106) as opposed to ST235 which increased significantly (24.3% vs 12.3%, p = 0.0062). Interpretation: While the generalized decrease in P. aeruginosa resistance, linked to a major reduction in the prevalence of XDR strains, is encouraging, the negative counterpart is the increase in the proportion of XDR strains producing carbapenemases, associated to the significant advance of the concerning world-wide disseminated hypervirulent high-risk clone ST235. Continued high-resolution surveillance, integrating phenotypic and genomic data, is necessary for understanding resistance trends and analyzing the impact of national plans on antimicrobial resistance. Funding: MSD and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Unión Europea—NextGenerationEU