2,541 research outputs found

    Properties and Analysis of Thermally Aged Poly(ethylene oxide)

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    Recent studies have been performed into the use of polyethylene oxide (PEO) as a model system for observing the fundamental effects of adding micro and nano sized fillers to create polymeric composite systems. Many factors contribute to the successful creation of such a composite system, including dispersion of the filler and treatment of the material during creation. For example, while producing thin films of the materials for testing, high temperatures were used for short periods of time in open air to press the samples into small discs. It is well known that prolonged high temperature exposure can alter the chemistry and structure of polymeric materials and that small variations in the original chemistry, such as longer molecular weights or introduction of fillers, can reduce or possibly accelerate this 'ageing' effect. From these previous investigations many property changes were observed during addition of filler or variation of molecular weight, therefore to accurately attribute these changes to a cause the thermal ageing of the material should be observed. This investigation looks at the same 3 molecular weight PEO systems as those used in the previous investigations and analyses them for their vulnerability to thermal ageing. One thermally aged sample is then taken and tested alongside an unaged sample to observe the effects that the process has on the properties. This includes rheology in solution, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), AC electrical breakdown, dielectric spectroscopy and Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR). By observing the property changes of aged samples it is possible to better understand the thermal ageing process occurring and possibly a way to reduce the effect, along with considering the effect with regard to the behaviour of the previously tested composite samples

    Lattice congruences of the weak order

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    We study the congruence lattice of the poset of regions of a hyperplane arrangement, with particular emphasis on the weak order on a finite Coxeter group. Our starting point is a theorem from a previous paper which gives a geometric description of the poset of join-irreducibles of the congruence lattice of the poset of regions in terms of certain polyhedral decompositions of the hyperplanes. For a finite Coxeter system (W,S) and a subset K of S, let \eta_K:w \mapsto w_K be the projection onto the parabolic subgroup W_K. We show that the fibers of \eta_K constitute the smallest lattice congruence with 1\equiv s for every s\in(S-K). We give an algorithm for determining the congruence lattice of the weak order for any finite Coxeter group and for a finite Coxeter group of type A or B we define a directed graph on subsets or signed subsets such that the transitive closure of the directed graph is the poset of join-irreducibles of the congruence lattice of the weak order.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    Polyhedral models for generalized associahedra via Coxeter elements

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    Motivated by the theory of cluster algebras, F. Chapoton, S. Fomin and A. Zelevinsky associated to each finite type root system a simple convex polytope called \emph{generalized associahedron}. They provided an explicit realization of this polytope associated with a bipartite orientation of the corresponding Dynkin diagram. In the first part of this paper, using the parametrization of cluster variables by their gg-vectors explicitly computed by S.-W. Yang and A. Zelevinsky, we generalize the original construction to any orientation. In the second part we show that our construction agrees with the one given by C. Hohlweg, C. Lange, and H. Thomas in the setup of Cambrian fans developed by N. Reading and D. Speyer.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figures. Changelog: 20111106: initial version 20120403: fixed errors in figures 20120827: revised versio

    Sub-wavelength surface IR imaging of soft-condensed matter

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    Outlined here is a technique for sub-wavelength infrared surface imaging performed using a phase matched optical parametric oscillator laser and an atomic force microscope as the detection mechanism. The technique uses a novel surface excitation illumination approach to perform simultaneously chemical mapping and AFM topography imaging with an image resolution of 200 nm. This method was demonstrated by imaging polystyrene micro-structures

    Temporal Dynamics of Group Size and Sexual Segregation in Ibex

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    Group size is an important variable describing behavioral ecology of animals. A variety of factors such as habitat characteristics, life history, spatio-temporal resource dynamics, population density, predation risk, competition with kin, and social learning often determine group size in large mammals. We studied temporal dynamics of group size in Siberian ibex (Capra sibirica) in a protected area in Mongolia. We measured monthly and yearly variations in typical group size and used the sexual segregation and aggregation statistic to assess sexual segregation. Ibex formed the largest groups in November and smallest groups in July. However, group sizes did not significantly differ between the sexes. There was marked sexual segregation during the summer months and within all years segregation increased with temperature. We show that grouping behavior is a complex phenomenon and is probably determined by a combination of factors, such as species’ life history, habitat and environmental characteristics, and behavioral strategy against predation risk

    Grid Databases for Shared Image Analysis in the MammoGrid Project

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    The MammoGrid project aims to prove that Grid infrastructures can be used for collaborative clinical analysis of database-resident but geographically distributed medical images. This requires: a) the provision of a clinician-facing front-end workstation and b) the ability to service real-world clinician queries across a distributed and federated database. The MammoGrid project will prove the viability of the Grid by harnessing its power to enable radiologists from geographically dispersed hospitals to share standardized mammograms, to compare diagnoses (with and without computer aided detection of tumours) and to perform sophisticated epidemiological studies across national boundaries. This paper outlines the approach taken in MammoGrid to seamlessly connect radiologist workstations across a Grid using an "information infrastructure" and a DICOM-compliant object model residing in multiple distributed data stores in Italy and the UKComment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Wild Bactrian Camel Conservation

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    The wild Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus ferus) is critically endangered throughout its range in China and Mongolia. Yet, wild camels remain poorly understood, with knowledge derived primarily from a few short studies and anecdotal information. We initiated a wild camel conservation project to determine the reasons for camel decline and to develop a program to address those problems. We are employing satellite telemetry to gather data on wild camel movement patterns, home ranges, habitat use, and sources of mortality. We are also collecting feces from camels and wolves to determine important forage plants and to begin to assess predation levels, respectively. In addition, steroid fecal analysis may help us evaluate wild camel reproductive physiology. Finally, we are directly observing wild camels to study their behavior. Thus far, we successfully collared two wild camels (one male, one female). We received one year’s data on the cow before her Doppler satellite collar failed and are receiving only sporadic data from the GPS satellite collar on the bull. Over one year, the cow covered a minimum distance of 4,527 km and her 100% minimum convex polygon (MCP) home range was 17,232 km2. Her kernel home range sizes covered 8,696 km2 for 95%, 4,031 km2 for 75%, 2,284 km2 for 55%, and 612 km2 for 25% kernels. We received only 20 GPS locations on our bull from October 10, 2003 to March 22, 2004. During that time, he travelled a minimum of 683 km and his 100% MCP home range extended over 9,191 km2. His kernel home ranges covered 7,255 km2 for the 95%, 3,741 km2 for the 75%, 1,346 km2 for the 50%, 585 km2 for the 25%, and 115 km2 for the 5% kernel. Over the past few autumns, mean group size was 10.07±1.82 wild camels/group. We are currently analyzing the behavioral data and plan to evaluate the fecal samples once we have sufficient samples. We hope to use the knowledge derived from our work to develop a proactive conservation program working in close cooperation with the Mongolian government and other scientists and conservationists

    Associahedra via spines

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    An associahedron is a polytope whose vertices correspond to triangulations of a convex polygon and whose edges correspond to flips between them. Using labeled polygons, C. Hohlweg and C. Lange constructed various realizations of the associahedron with relevant properties related to the symmetric group and the classical permutahedron. We introduce the spine of a triangulation as its dual tree together with a labeling and an orientation. This notion extends the classical understanding of the associahedron via binary trees, introduces a new perspective on C. Hohlweg and C. Lange's construction closer to J.-L. Loday's original approach, and sheds light upon the combinatorial and geometric properties of the resulting realizations of the associahedron. It also leads to noteworthy proofs which shorten and simplify previous approaches.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures. Version 5: minor correction

    Anomalous magnetic phase in an undistorted pyrochlore oxide Cd2Os2O7 induced by geometrical frustration

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    We report on the muon spin rotation/relaxation study of a pyrochlore oxide, Cd2Os2O7, which exhibits a metal-insulator (MI) transition at T_{MI}~225 K without structural phase transition. It reveals strong spin fluctuation (>10^8/s) below the MI transition, suggesting a predominant role of geometrical spin frustration amongst Os^{5+} ions. Meanwhile, upon further cooling, a static spin density wave discontinuously develops below T_{SDW}~150 K. These observations strongly suggest the occurrence of an anomalous magnetic transition and associated change in the local spin dynamics in undistorted pyrochlore antiferromagnet.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure