487 research outputs found

    How can Country-of-Origin image be leveraged to create global sporting goods brands?

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    International audienceWhile much marketing research has focused on brand creation and management, less isknown about the creation of sport brands. This paper complements the stakeholder model of brandingand brand creation, which highlights the role of a firm's stakeholders in the analysis of brands, byincluding country-specific factors based on location and Country-of-Origin (CoO). Using a sample ofinnovative New Zealand-based firms, our qualitative study uses a comparative case method in twosubsector settings to investigate how they have built outdoor sport brands based on that country'sparticular country-specific factors. We show how firms are able to leverage New Zealand's strong sportproduct category-country associations to create brand value. Our findings confirm that CoO imagetogether with sport product category-country associations enables the creation of brands in sportproduct categories. Our paper contributes to theory and practice by extending understanding of brandcreation by demonstrating the importance of location and product category. Further researchdirections are suggested

    Studio della funzione del recettore dell'urochinasi nell'adesione, migrazione e proliferazione cellulare: identificazione di un nuovo inibitore.

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    La degradazione della matrice extracellulare (ECM) gioca un ruolo importante in vari processi sia fisiologici, quali fibrinolisi, angiogenesi, sviluppo embrionale, che patologici, quali infiammazione e progressione tumorale. Il sistema di attivazione del plasminogeno, che porta alla formazione di plasmina, potente serin-proteasi, è coinvolto in tutti questi eventi. La molecola chiave di questo sistema, il recettore per l’urochinasi (uPAR), possiede una vasta gamma di funzioni ed è coinvolto in numerosi eventi che includono migrazione cellulare e invasione tissutale. Nelle patologie infiammatorie l’uPAR svolge un ruolo determinante nel regolare la chemotassi delle cellule del sistema immunitario nel sito di malattia attraverso la sua interazione con i recettori per l’fMLF (FPR). Abbiamo quindi ricercato piccole molecole solubili in grado di inibire l’interazione uPAR/FPR da usare come potenziali farmaci. Attualmente, le piccole molecole solubili costituiscono una delle opzioni terapeutiche più attraenti, sia per la loro bio-disponibilità per via orale sia per i bassi costi di produzione. I potenziali inibitori sono stati selezionati mediante l’utilizzo di un metodo computazionale, il “Virtual Screening”. Esso consiste in una rapida selezione di ampie librerie virtuali di composti organici solubili allo scopo di identificare le molecole che possano legarsi più favorevolmente ad un dato bersaglio molecolare. La nostra ricerca di inibitori si è focalizzata sul dominio funzionale dell’uPAR importante per le interazioni con gli FPR, ovvero la sequenza SRSRY (a.acidi 88-92), e sul dominio di legame alla vitronectina (VN). Infatti, questi due domini condividono due residui aminoacidici (R91, Y92). Inoltre, l’adesione cellulare mediata dall’interazione uPAR-VN facilita anch’essa il richiamo di cellule dell’immunità innata nei siti dell’infiammazione. Le molecole che hanno soddisfatto le interazioni chiave (legami H, interazioni ioniche e idrofobiche) sono state selezionate come possibili ligandi e i composti con lo “score” più elevato sono stati successivamente caratterizzati in vitro, attraverso saggi biologici, per i loro effetti su adesione, migrazione e proliferazione cellulare. Sono stati quindi identificati due inibitori, specifici per l’uPAR, in grado di ridurre drasticamente la chemotassi indotta sia da agonisti dell’uPAR, sia da ligandi specifici per gli FPR. Le molecole inibitorie sono state testate prima in cellule epiteliali HEK-293 transfettate con uPAR e, successivamente, in cellule della linea leucocitaria KG1 e cellule primarie da sangue periferico. Poiché l’uPAR è fortemente espresso in diverse patologie neoplastiche e infiammatorie, ci aspettiamo che una nuova terapia basata sull’utilizzo di tali piccole molecole possa essere specifica e poco tossica

    Survey on broiler pre-slaughter mortality in a commercial abattoir of central Italy

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    The pre-slaughter mortality was investigated on broilers, in the Mediterranean climate condition, considering the most significant risk factors as the journey length, waiting time, season and the space allowance in cages. At first, the pre-slaughter mortality was studied considering the totality of birds and then by examining in detail three broiler categories: large, medium and small size. The average dead on arrival (DOA) recorded on the totality of birds throughout the year was 0.38% and the values obtained in winter, spring, summer and autumn were 0.52, 0.48, 0.31 and 0.22%, respectively. The mortality rate observed during the year was 0.52, 0.47 and 0.31% for large, medium and small broilers, respectively. In all three groups, the maximum values of mortality were obtained in winter, whereas the minimum ones were recorded in autumn, spring and summer for large, medium, and small size birds, respectively. The increase of journey length could cause a higher mortality rate whereas the increase of the waiting time in the facilities at controlled environmental conditions did not seem to be a risk factor, but rather a mean to reduce the number of dead animals (all P < 0.05). It is concluded that the resistance to the hostile weather conditions, long journeys and extended waiting times was strongly related with the body weight of broilers; therefore, the planning of the slaughtering activity should consider this aspect, in order to avoid animal suffering and the economic loss

    Welfare indicators during broiler slaughtering

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    1. The aim of this study was to identify the most relevant welfare indicators for unloading, lairage, stunning, killing and post-mortem inspection in a poultry slaughter plant. Different indicators were unloading duration, lairage time, environmental variables in the lairage facilities, shackling time and electrical variables used in the water bath. 2. Lairage time did not correlate strongly with dead on arrival. Heat stress was limited by means of ventilation systems, correct cage placement and appropriate stocking density per crate. The acceptable shackling period was about 30 s. 3. The presence of a corneal reflex showed that an animal was alive, while spontaneous wing flapping, spontaneous eye blinking and response to a painful stimulus were regarded as indicators of stunning efficiency. 4. It was concluded that the presence of recent traumatic injuries during the post-mortem inspection could be a valid means to establish whether corrective measures concerning the handling, transport and loading procedures should be taken

    Incidental category learning and cognitive load in a multisensory environment across childhood

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    Broadbent, H.J., Osborne, T., Rea, M., Peng, A., Mareschal, D., and Kirkham, N.Z. Multisensory information has been shown to facilitate learning (Bahrick & Lickliter, 2000; Broadbent, White, Mareschal, & Kirkham, 2017; Jordan & Baker, 2011; Shams & Seitz, 2008). However, although research has examined the modulating effect of unisensory and multisensory distractors on multisensory processing, the extent to which a concurrent unisensory or multisensory cognitive load task would interfere with or support multisensory learning remains unclear. This study examined the role of concurrent task modality on incidental category learning in 6- to 10-year-olds. Participants were engaged in a multisensory learning task whilst also performing either a unisensory (visual or auditory only) or multisensory (audiovisual) concurrent task (CT). We found that engaging in an auditory CT led to poorer performance on incidental category learning compared with an audiovisual or visual CT, across groups. In 6-year-olds, category test performance was at chance in the auditory-only CT condition, suggesting auditory concurrent tasks may interfere with learning in younger children, but the addition of visual information may serve to focus attention. These findings provide novel insight into the use of multisensory concurrent information on incidental learning. Implications for the deployment of multisensory learning tasks within education across development and developmental changes in modality dominance and ability to switch flexibly across modalities are discussed. Keywords: Multisensory Integration; Cognitive Development; Incidental Learning; Cognitive Loa

    Effect of selected starter cultures on physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics and biogenic amine content in protected geographical indication Ciauscolo salami

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the biogenic amine (BA) content of Ciauscolo salami made with and without the use of a selected started culture. Two batches of salami were made following the guidelines of the Protected Geographical Indications: with and without adding a commercial starter culture made of Lactobacillus plantarum and Staphylococcus xylosus. Six samples of salami per batch were collected at different ripening times (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days) for physical, chemical and microbiological analyses and for the determination of BA content. No differences were recorded for physical, chemical and microbiological analyses except for Staphylococcus spp. count at the time of casing (T0) and total volatile basic nitrogen (TVBN) from 30 days (T2) to the end of the ripening time (60 days, T4). After 60 days of ripening, the use of selected starter culture significantly affected the amount of putrescine (195.15 vs 164.43 mg/100 g in salami without and with starters, respectively), cadaverine (96.95 vs 104.40 mg/100 g in salami without and with starters, respectively), histamine (81.94 vs 69.89 mg/100 g in salami without and with starters, respectively), and spermine (36.88 vs 33.57 mg/100 g in salami without and with starters, respectively). Despite significantly higher values of TVBN, the use of selected starter culture determined no significant effects on the BA content of the products

    The Effect of the Association between Donepezil and Choline Alphoscerate on Behavioral Disturbances in Alzheimer's Disease: Interim Results of the ASCOMALVA Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) are a group of psychological reactions, psychiatric symptoms, and behaviors commonly found in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Four clusters of BPSD have been described: mood disorders (depression, anxiety, and apathy), psychotic symptoms (delusions and hallucinations), aberrant motor behaviors (pacing, wandering, and other purposeless behaviors), and inappropriate behaviors (agitation, disinhibition, and euphoria). Most of them are attributed to acetylcholine deficiency. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate if a higher amount of acetylcholine obtained by associating donepezil and choline alphoscerate might have a favorable effect on BPSD. METHODS: BPSD were measured at baseline and after 24 months in 113 mild/moderate AD patients, included in the double-blind randomized trial ASCOMALVA, by the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI). Two matched groups were compared: group A treated with donepezil (10 mg/day) plus choline alphoscerate (1200 mg/day), and group B treated with donepezil (10 mg/day) plus placebo. RESULTS: Data of NPI revealed a significant decrease of BPSD severity and distress of the caregiver in patients of group A compared with group B. Mood disorders (depression, anxiety and apathy) were significantly decreased in subjects treated with donepezil and choline alphoscerate, while their severity and frequency was increased in the other group. CONCLUSIONS: Patients treated with donepezil plus choline alphoscerate showed a lower level of behavioral disturbances than subjects treated with donepezil only, suggesting that the association can have beneficial effect

    Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) causes severe yield losses in different soybean varieties by reducing the infection potential of Bradyrhizobium japonicum

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    Das ursprĂĽnglich aus Nordamerika stammende Ragweed oder BeifuĂź-Ambrosia (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Asteraceae), Ă­st eine einjährige, krautige Pflanze. Sie hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten massiv ausgebreitet und zählt heute in vielen Teilen Mitteleuropas zu den wirtschaftlich wichtigsten Unkrautarten in der Landwirtschaft. Aktuell ĂĽbliche BekämpfungsmaĂźnahmen wie Mähen oder Herbizidapplikationen zeigen auf vielen Standorten nur sehr eingeschränkte Erfolge, sind aus zeitlichen oder wirtschaftlichen GrĂĽnden nicht umsetzbar bzw. scheitern daran, dass der Neophyt nicht erkannt wird. Speziell Sojabohnenbestände wurden in den letzten Jahren immer stärker von Ragweed befallen, jedoch gibt es bislang nur wenige Studien zur Ertragswirkung von Ragweed. Das Ziel des zweijährigen Feld- und einjährigen Glashausversuches, die 2017 und 2018 durchgefĂĽhrt wurden, war deshalb die Untersuchung der Konkurrenzeffekte von Ragweed auf 1) Wachstum (oberirdisch / unterirdisch), 2) Entwicklung, 3) Infektionspotential der Knöllchenbakterien und 4) Ertrag von zwei verschiedenen Sojabohnensorten. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigten, dass auf den Versuchsflächen mit der höchsten Ragweed-Biomasse der Sojaertrag um 83,7 % sank. Speziell die Anzahl und das Gewicht der Knöllchen (Bradyrhizobium japonicum) auf den Sojawurzeln wurden durch Anwesenheit von Ragweed stark reduziert. Eine Ragweed-Pflanze pro Quadratmeter reichte aus, um die Anzahl der Knöllchen um durchschnittlich 55,8 % zu reduzieren. Da jedoch eine effektive Infektion wesentlich zur Ertragsbildung von Soja beiträgt, fĂĽhrte diese Reduktion an Knöllchenbakterien bzw. deren Gewicht zu einem Ertragsverlust von 18 %.Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Asteraceae) known as common ragweed is an annual herbaceous species native to North America which has become one of the economically most important weeds in agricultural areas throughout Middle Europe. Its large ecological amplitude enables the species to establish in several types of environment, but management options to effectively contain its spread are limited due to lack of efficacy, cost and time or lack of awareness. In the last decade especially soybean fields were severely affected by ragweed invasion, but until now information on the yield-decreasing effects of the plant are scarce for Middle Europe. Therefore, the aim of the study, conducted in 2017 and 2018 as a greenhouse and biennial field trial, was an evaluation of the competition effects of ragweed upon 1) growth (aboveground/belowground), 2) infection potential of rhizobia and 3) yield of two different soybean varieties. Results revealed that on plots with the highest ragweed biomass the yield loss accounted for 83.7% on average. Particularly, the numbers of nodules as well as the mean weight of the nodule, which stand in tight correlation with soybean yield, were significantly reduced by the presence of ragweed. Only one ragweed plant per square metre reduced the number of nodules by 55.8% and consequently led to a decrease in yield of 18%

    Differences in chemical, physical and microbiological characteristics of Italian burrata cheeses made in artisanal and industrial plants of Apulia Region

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    The burrata cheese is a traditional product from Southern Italy, consisting of an envelope of pasta filata (stretched curd) filled with cream and pasta filata strips (usually leftovers from mozzarella production). Physical [water activity (aw), pH], chemical (moisture, NaCl content) and microbiological [total viable count (TVC), Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., Yersinia enterocolitica, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Enterobacteriaceae, coagulase-positive staphylococci] characteristics of burrata cheeses manufactured in artisanal and industrial plants were evaluated. The artisanal burrata showed lower aw values in the filling and the final product. The same was recorded in the filling for the moisture, probably due to differences between the types of cream used in the artisanal and the industrial cheesemaking. The pH value of the filling differed between the two groups but no difference was recorded in the final product. Microbiological differences were also recorded, with higher values for TVC and E. coli in artisanal than industrial burrata. All samples were negative for the other microbialdeterminations, with the exception of coagulase-positive staphylococci and Y. enterocolitica, which were detected in artisanal burrata. Differences in cheesemaking process were probably responsible for the strong variability of the physical and chemical data between the two cheeses; furthermore, differences in the hygienic features were also recorded. Even though artisanal products showed lower aw and pH values and higher NaCl concentration, the higher E. coli loads highlighted the need for a more accurate compliance with hygienic procedures along the artisanal cheesemaking process

    Depuration Capacity of Mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) in Presence of Marteilia Spp. Parasites

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    Bivalve molluscs are filter-feeding organisms present in the water column: during their activity, they could retain micro-organisms that are potentially dangerous to human health. For this reason, EU Regulations may require that a purification treatment be performed prior to bivalve trade. The length of the purification process could be affected by stress factors, such as parasitic infections. The purpose of this study was to determine if the presence of Marteilia spp. parasite in shellfish could modify time and efficacy of their microbiological purification treatment, in order to set up specific protocols. Lysosomal membrane stability, phagocytosis capacity, granulocyte/hyalinocyte rate and neutral lipid accumulation are biomarkers used to evaluate shellfish physiological state. These biomarkers were used to exclude any differences caused by stressor factors that could affect the purification results. Mussels were sampled from two different production areas. The presence or absence of parasites was confirmed by cytological test. Both groups of parasitized and non-parasitized mussels were contaminated with E.coli: they were then sampled for microbiological analyses and tested for biomarkers for up to 70 hours of purification. Parasitized and non-parasitized molluscs did not show any differences in levels of E. coli after 12, 24, 36, 48 and 70 hours of depuration. In relation to biomarkers, mussels seem to react to Lysosomal membrane stability in presence of Marteilia. The present study shows that the presence of Marteilia spp. does not affect the purification rate of mussels
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