56 research outputs found

    Study of the benefits and applications of passenger supersonic transport vehicles: case study of STRATOFLY, H2020 Project

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    The need to reconsider new alternatives in the world of aviation to cope with the potential problems of the coming decades is becoming increasingly urgent. The use of high-speed vehicles to transport passengers in the stratosphere offer a solution to the present congestion experienced on conventional routes while reducing the impact on the environment. The STRATOFLY H2020 project is presented as one of these alternatives that uses this method. Funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme, the project aims to assess the potential of this type of high-speed transport vehicle to reach Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6 by 2035. Therefore, the main purpose of the present thesis is to study the benefits, applications and the economic feasibility of such project and compare them to other point-to-point transport passengers. According to the information obtained from previous articles, the aim is to analyse the project’s activity and philosophy in depth as well as its business opportunities. The work and activity of STRATOFLY are identified with a value chain analysis while the stakeholders and consumer demand are analysed with the Mendelow Matrix. A business model of the project is also presented by the development of a Business Model CANVAS. The results obtained show the advantages and disadvantages as well as the upcoming moves of the project in question

    Severe Hyperammonemia In Late-onset Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency Triggered By Steroid Administration

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    Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency (OTCD) is a rare X-linked disorder of urea synthesis leading to hyperammonemia. Several late-onset cases have been reported. Undiagnosed and untreated patients are at the risk of death or suffering from irreversible sequelae. We describe a 56-year-old patient who presented with acute encephalopathy after steroid treatment. Hyperammonemia due to OTCD was diagnosed and a mutation was found. This allowed us to diagnose two other family members with unexplained encephalopathy who are now asymptomatic on a low-protein diet. OTCD should be considered in any patient with hyperammonemic encephalopathy and immediate treatment should be given to avoid a fatal outcome. We emphasize the need to examine other family members if the diagnosis is confirmed, in order to prevent further life-threatening episodes of encephalopathy or neonatal coma of newborn

    The Longitudinal Association Between a Discrepancy Measure of Anosognosia in Patients with Dementia, Caregiver Burden and Depression

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    Anosognòsia; Cuidadors; Estudis longitudinalsAnosognosia; Cuidadores; Estudios longitudinalesAnosognosia; Caregivers; Longitudinal studiesBackground: According to cross-sectional studies, there is an association between anosognosia in people with dementia and caregiver’s burden and depression. Anosognosia in patients may be a cause of caregiver burden and depression. However, variability in caregiver anosognosia ratings may exist as caregivers with burden and depression may have a more pessimistic view of the patients’ health. Objective: To assess the variability of caregiver anosognosia ratings of patients with dementia using a widely used anosognosia scale and its longitudinal relationship with caregiver burden and depression. Methods: A convenience cohort of 221 consecutive dementia outpatient and caregiver dyads was followed up at 12 and 24 months. The main instruments used were the Anosognosia Questionnaire-Dementia (AQ-D), Caregiver Burden Interview, and Geriatric Depression Scale. Linear mixed models were used including time as a factor in every model. Multivariate analyses controlled for caregiver’s socio-demographic and possible confounding factors. Results: Attrition at 12 and 24 months was 24.9% and 42.5% respectively. Patients at baseline were on average 77.8 years of age, 63.3% were women, and 63.3% had < 5 years of education. In the bivariate analyses, caregiver burden, depression, and gender were associated with caregiver ratings of total, cognitive, and personality AQ-D of the patient at different time points. Multivariate analyses revealed burden as the caregiver variable most consistently associated with total, cognitive, and personality caregiver AQ-D ratings of the patient. Conclusion: Some caregiver characteristics, especially burden, are associated with caregiver ratings of AQ-D with regard to the patientPSI 2010-1901

    The longitudinal association between a discrepancy measure of anosognosia in patients with dementia, caregiver burden and depression

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    Background: According to cross-sectional studies, there is an association between anosognosia in people with dementia and caregiver's burden and depression. Anosognosia in patients may be a cause of caregiver burden and depression. However, variability in caregiver anosognosia ratings may exist as caregivers with burden and depression may have a more pessimistic view of the patients' health. Objective: to assess the variability of caregiver anosognosia ratings of patients with dementia using a widely used anosognosia scale and its longitudinal relationship with caregiver burden and depression. Methods: A convenience cohort of 221 consecutive dementia outpatient and caregiver dyads was followed up at 12 and 24 months. The main instruments used were the Anosognosia Questionnaire-Dementia (AQ-D), Caregiver Burden Interview, and Geriatric Depression Scale. Linear mixed models were used including time as a factor in every model. Multivariate analyses controlled for caregiver's socio-demographic and possible confounding factors. Results: Attrition at 12 and 24 months was 24.9% and 42.5% respectively. Patients at baseline were on average 77.8 years of age, 63.3% were women, and 63.3% had <5 years of education. In the bivariate analyses, caregiver burden, depression, and gender were associated with caregiver ratings of total, cognitive, and personality AQ-D of the patient at different time points. Multivariate analyses revealed burden as the caregiver variable most consistently associated with total, cognitive, and personality caregiver AQ-D ratings of the patient. Conclusion: Some caregiver characteristics, especially burden, are associated with caregiver ratings of AQ-D with regard to the patient

    Evaluation of Alternative High-Throughput Sequencing Methodologies for the Monitoring of Marine Picoplanktonic Biodiversity Based on rRNA Gene Amplicons

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    16 pages, 6 figures, 2 tablesSequencing of rRNA gene polymerase chain reaction amplicons (rRNA tags) is the most common approach for investigating microbial diversity. The recent development of high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies has enabled the exploration of microbial biodiversity at an unprecedented scale, greatly expanding our knowledge on the microbiomes of marine ecosystems. These approaches provide accurate, fast, and cost efficient observations of the marine communities, and thus, may be suitable tools in biodiversity monitoring programs. To reach this goal, consistent and comparable methodologies must be used over time and within sites. Here, we have performed a cross-platform study of the two most common HTS methodologies, i.e., 454-pyrosequencing and Illumina tags to evaluate their usefulness in biodiversity monitoring and assessment of environmental status. Picoplankton biodiversity has been compared through both methodologies by sequencing the 16 and 18 S rRNA genes of a set of samples collected in the coast of Barcelona (NW Mediterranean). The results show that, despite differences observed in the rare OTUs retrieved, both platforms provide a comparable view of the marine picoplankton communities. On a taxonomic level, there was an accurate overlap in the detected phyla between the two methods and the overall estimates of alpha- and betadiversity were comparable. In addition, we explored the concept of “indicator species” and found that certain taxa (i.e., members of the Gammaproteobacteria among others) as well as the ratio between some phylogenetic groups (i.e., the ratio of Alphaproteobacteria/Gammaproteobacteria, Alteromonas/SAR11, and Alteromonas + Oceanospirillales/SAR11) have potential for being useful indicators of environmental status. The data show that implementing new protocols and identifying indicators of environmental status based on rRNA amplicon sequencing is feasible, and that is worth exploring whether the identified indices are universally applicableThis manuscript is a result of DEVOTES (DEVelopment Of innovative Tools for understanding marine biodiversity and assessing GEnS) project, funded by the European Union (grant agreement no. 308392), and a MINECO Grant GRADIENTS Fine-scale structure of cross-shore GRADIENTS along the Mediterranean coast (CTM2012-39476-C02)Peer Reviewe

    Cognitive impairment in ALS patients and validation of the Spanish version of the ALS-CBS test

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    Our aim was to develop and validate the Spanish version of the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Cognitive Behavioural Screen (ALS-CBS) and investigate behavioural/cognitive impairment in our ALS patients. We enrolled 50 patients with definite or probable ALS, evaluated by the Motor Neuron Disease Unit (using El Escorial criteria) and Dementia Unit, and assessed with the Spanish ALS-CBS. The patients' cognitive/behavioural status was classified according to current criteria. Patients were classified into each diagnostic category: ALS-no impairment, 36%; ALS-mild cognitive impairment, 34%; ALS-mild behavioural impairment, 6%; ALS-mild cognitive/behavioural impairment, 12%; ALS-frontotemporal dementia, 12%. Cognitive impairment was more common in bulbar (90.9%) than spinal (48.7%) forms (p < 0.012). The Spanish ALS-CBS was validated. Performance to differentiate normal vs. impaired individuals was: 1) cognition (cut-off 15; AUC, 84.7%): sensitivity 86.2%, specificity 62%, positive predictive value 75.8%, negative predictive value 76.5%; 2) behaviour (cut-off 36; AUC, 83.3%): sensitivity 93.3%, specificity 74.3%, positive predictive value 61%, negative predictive value 96.3%. Performance to differentiate between patients with and without dementia: 1) cognition (cut-off 8; AUC, 87.3%): sensitivity 83.3%, specificity 75%, positive predictive value 31.3%, negative predictive value 97.1%; 2) behaviour (cut-off 35; AUC, 80.9%): sensitivity 83.3%, specificity 69%, positive predictive value 25%, negative predictive value 96.7%. In conclusion, cognitive impairment is common in ALS patients, particularly in bulbar forms. The Spanish version of the ALS-CBS is useful for screening cognitive/behavioural impairment in this population

    Prevalence of altered passive eruption in orthodontically treated and untreated patients

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    Background: some authors have reported that after orthodontic treatment (OT), a 'gummy smile' might develop. Nevertheless, there are no studies in the literature that investigate whether OT increases the presence of altered passive eruption (APE). The primary aim of this cross-sectional study is to evaluate the prevalence of APE after OT (OT group) and compare it with patients who never received OT (control group). A secondary aim is to identify which variables are related to APE. Methods: the study population consisted of 190 patients (95 patients each in the control and OT groups), providing 1,140 anterior teeth for the clinical examination. The following clinical parameters were assessed: presence or absence of APE, clinical crown length, and gingival biotype, which was divided into three categories: thin-scalloped, thick-flat, and thick-scalloped. Results: twenty-eight patients (29.5%) were diagnosed with APE in the control group and 40 (42.1%) in the OT group, although this difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.07). Furthermore, 34 (75.6%) patients with thick-flat biotype were diagnosed with APE, whereas 30 (31.3%) and four (8.2%) with thick-scalloped and thin-scalloped biotypes, respectively, had APE. These differences were statistically significant (P <0.001). Conclusions: it was concluded that: 1) the prevalence of APE is higher after OT but not to a statistically significant degree and 2) APE is more common in individuals with a thick-flat gingival biotype

    Long-term clinical outcome of paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration and anti-Yo antibodies

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    The outcome of 34 women with anti-Yo-associated paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration was reviewed. Three patients had not developed cancer after more than 4 years of follow-up. The only independent predictor for survival was the type of associated tumor (risk ratio, 1.79; 95% CI, 1.02 to 3.12). Median survival was 100 months for patients with breast cancer and 22 for those with gynecologic cancer. Although paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration leads to the diagnosis of cancer in 63% of the patients, cancer progression was the cause of death in 52%

    Effects of anosognosia and neuropsychiatric symptoms on the quality of life of patients with alzheimer's disease: a 24-month follow-up study

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    Objectives: Neuropsychiatric symptoms and anosognosia are known to influence the perceived quality of life of patients (QoL-p) with Alzheimer's disease (AD). This study analysed their impact on patient and caregiver ratings of QoL-p and how these ratings changed in relation to the severity of dementia. Methods: A baseline sample of 221 patients and caregivers was followed up over 24 months. Instruments: Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI), Anosognosia Questionnaire-Dementia (AQ-D), Quality of Life-Alzheimer's Disease (QoL-AD), and the Global Deterioration Scale (GDS). Longitudinal data were analysed using generalized linear models. Results: In the multivariate analysis, greater anosognosia was always associated with higher ratings of QoL-p among patients, especially at 24 months (p < 0.001), and with more negative ratings among caregivers, especially at baseline (p < 0.001). A higher total NPI score was associated with a more negative rating of QoL-p among caregivers (p < 0.001), and it also had a smaller negative effect on patients' self-ratings (p = 0.001). The neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPI) associated with a more negative view of QoL-p were depression, for patients' self-ratings, and apathy and agitation for caregiver ratings. The discrepancy between patient and caregiver ratings increased in line with the severity of dementia. Conclusion: Neuropsychiatric symptoms and anosognosia have differential effects on patient and caregiver ratings of the quality of life of patients with Alzheimer's disease. Key words: Alzheimer's disease, quality of life, anosognosia, neuropsychiatric symptoms, caregivers, patients

    Kinship and cohabitation in relation to caregiver burden in the context of Alzheimer's disease: a 24-month longitudinal study

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    Objectives: The aims of the study were to identify the clinical characteristics of three groups of caregivers: spouses, live-in adult-child or non-live-in adult-child, and their relation to the degree of perceived burden (Caregiver Burden Interview). Methods: The sample comprised 275 Alzheimer's disease (AD) primary caregivers, with a follow-up of 24 months. Cognitive, functional and behavioural characteristics were evaluated in persons with AD (PwD), while socio-demographic data, use of socio-medical resources, physical and mental health, and self-perceived burden were assessed in caregivers. Generalized estimating equations (GEE) were used for longitudinal data analysis. Results: Spouse caregivers were 45.0% men, sole caregivers (> 80%), used few external resources, and had worse physical health. The number of female adult-child caregivers was higher (>75%). The live-in adult-child group, compared with the non-live-in adult-child group, were less likely to be married, had a lower level of education, were more commonly the sole caregiver, and used fewer external resources. The greatest burden was observed in live-in adult-child caregivers, and the lowest in the non-live-in adult-child group, with no significant variation in the follow-up for both groups. Spouses had an intermediate level of perceived burden, which rose significantly during follow-up (p <0.001). Conclusions: Kinship and cohabitation with the PwD were associated with different scores and evolution of the burden, with an increase in the follow-up of the spouses, and with more or less burden, depending on cohabitation, in the adult-child groups. Interventions to reduce the level of burden on caregivers should consider these differences
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