74,538 research outputs found

    Infrared Photometry and Dust Absorption in Highly Inclined Spiral Galaxies

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    We present JHK surface photometry of 15 highly inclined, late-type (Sab-Sc) spirals and investigate the quantitative effects of dust extinction. Using the (J - H, H - K) two-color diagram, we compare the color changes along the minor axis of each galaxy to the predictions from different models of radiative transfer. Models in which scattering effects are significant and those with more than a small fraction of the light sources located near the edge of the dust distribution do not produce enough extinction to explain the observed color gradients across disk absorption features. The optical depth in dust near the plane as deduced from the color excess depends sensitively on the adopted dust geometry, ranging from tau = 4 to 15 in the visual band. This suggests that a realistic model of the dust distribution is required, even for infrared photometry, to correct for dust extinction in the bulges of nearly edge-on systems.Comment: Accepted for publication in the March 1996 AJ. LaTex source which generates 27 pages of text and tables (no figures). Complete (text + figs) compressed Postscript preprint is also available at ftp://bessel.mps.ohio-state.edu/pub/terndrup/inclined.ps.Z (854 Mbyte

    Ontogeny influences sensitivity to climate change stressors in an endangered fish.

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    Coastal ecosystems are among the most human-impacted habitats globally, and their management is often critically linked to recovery of declining native species. In the San Francisco Estuary, the Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) is an endemic, endangered fish strongly tied to Californian conservation planning. The complex life history of Delta Smelt combined with dynamic seasonal and spatial abiotic conditions result in dissimilar environments experienced among ontogenetic stages, which may yield stage-specific susceptibility to abiotic stressors. Climate change is forecasted to increase San Francisco Estuary water temperature and salinity; therefore, understanding the influences of ontogeny and phenotypic plasticity on tolerance to these critical environmental parameters is particularly important for Delta Smelt and other San Francisco Estuary fishes. We assessed thermal and salinity limits in several ontogenetic stages and acclimation states of Delta Smelt, and paired these data with environmental data to evaluate sensitivity to climate-change stressors. Thermal tolerance decreased among successive stages, with larval fish exhibiting the highest tolerance and post-spawning adults having the lowest. Delta Smelt had limited capacity to increase tolerance through thermal acclimation, and comparisons with field temperature data revealed that juvenile tolerance limits are the closest to current environmental conditions, which may make this stage especially susceptible to future climate warming. Maximal water temperatures observed in situ exceeded tolerance limits of juveniles and adults. Although these temperature events are currently rare, if they increase in frequency as predicted, it could result in habitat loss at these locations despite other favourable conditions for Delta Smelt. In contrast, Delta Smelt tolerated salinities spanning the range of expected environmental conditions for each ontogenetic stage, but salinity did impact survival in juvenile and adult stages in exposures over acute time scales. Our results underscore the importance of considering ontogeny and phenotypic plasticity in assessing the impacts of climate change, particularly for species adapted to spatially and temporally heterogeneous environments

    The radial metallicity gradients in the Milky Way thick disk as fossil signatures of a primordial chemical distribution

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    In this letter we examine the evolution of the radial metallicity gradient induced by secular processes, in the disk of an NN-body Milky Way-like galaxy. We assign a [Fe/H] value to each particle of the simulation according to an initial, cosmologically motivated, radial chemical distribution and let the disk dynamically evolve for 6 Gyr. This direct approach allows us to take into account only the effects of dynamical evolution and to gauge how and to what extent they affect the initial chemical conditions. The initial [Fe/H] distribution increases with R in the inner disk up to R ~ 10 kpc and decreases for larger R. We find that the initial chemical profile does not undergo major transformations after 6 Gyr of dynamical evolution. The final radial chemical gradients predicted by the model in the solar neighborhood are positive and of the same order of those recently observed in the Milky Way thick disk. We conclude that: 1) the spatial chemical imprint at the time of disk formation is not washed out by secular dynamical processes, and 2) the observed radial gradient may be the dynamical relic of a thick disk originated from a stellar population showing a positive chemical radial gradient in the inner regions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication on Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The androgen receptor and signal-transduction pathways in hormone-refractory prostate cancer. Part 1: modifications to the androgen receptor

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    Prostate cancer is the second most common male malignancy in the western world an increasing incidence in an ageing population. Treatment of advanced prostate cancer relies on androgen deprivation. Although the majority of patients initially respond favourably to androgen deprivation therapy, the mean time to relapse is 12-18 months. Currently there are few treatments available for men who have developed resistance to hormone therapy, due to the lack of understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying development of this disease. Recently, however, major advances have been made in understanding both androgen receptor (AR) dependent and independent pathways which promote development of hormone resistant prostate cancer. This review will focus on modifications to the AR and associated pathways. Molecular modifications to the androgen receptor itself, e.g. mutations and/or amplification, although involved in the development of hormone resistance cannot explain all cases. Phosphorylation of AR, via either Ras/MAP kinase or PI3K/Akt signal transduction pathways, have been shown to activate AR in both a ligand (androgen) dependent and independent fashion. During this review we will discuss the clinical evidence to support AR dependent pathways as mediators of hormone resistance

    Prospects for intermediate mass black hole binary searches with advanced gravitational-wave detectors

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    We estimated the sensitivity of the upcoming advanced, ground-based gravitational-wave observatories (the upgraded LIGO and Virgo and the KAGRA interferometers) to coalescing intermediate mass black hole binaries (IMBHB). We added waveforms modeling the gravitational radiation emitted by IMBHBs to detectors' simulated data and searched for the injected signals with the coherent WaveBurst algorithm. The tested binary's parameter space covers non-spinning IMBHBs with source-frame total masses between 50 and 1050 M⊙\text{M}_{\odot} and mass ratios between 1/61/6 and 1 \,. We found that advanced detectors could be sensitive to these systems up to a range of a few Gpc. A theoretical model was adopted to estimate the expected observation rates, yielding up to a few tens of events per year. Thus, our results indicate that advanced detectors will have a reasonable chance to collect the first direct evidence for intermediate mass black holes and open a new, intriguing channel for probing the Universe over cosmological scales.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, corrected the name of one author (previously misspelled

    Towards Verifying Nonlinear Integer Arithmetic

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    We eliminate a key roadblock to efficient verification of nonlinear integer arithmetic using CDCL SAT solvers, by showing how to construct short resolution proofs for many properties of the most widely used multiplier circuits. Such short proofs were conjectured not to exist. More precisely, we give n^{O(1)} size regular resolution proofs for arbitrary degree 2 identities on array, diagonal, and Booth multipliers and quasipolynomial- n^{O(\log n)} size proofs for these identities on Wallace tree multipliers.Comment: Expanded and simplified with improved result

    Confronto fra valutazioni del run-up fatte con un modello matematico e una formula empirica con misure di campo

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    La posizione planimetrica della linea di riva, soli tamente, viene determinata attraverso l\u2019uso di immagini aeree ed utilizzata pe r la ricostruzione dell\u2019evoluzione storica dei litorali. Tuttavia, le informazioni est ratte da tali immagini, descrivendo il confine istantaneo acqua-terra, consentono l\u2019indivi duazione della linea di riva esclusivamente come limite asciutto-bagnato proprio nel momento della ripresa. Per una pi\uf9 corretta localizzazione della linea di riva , \ue8 quindi necessario quantificare, oltre agli effetti di marea e di trasporto solido, gli effetti prodotti dal moto ondoso su tale posizione e in particolare il cosiddetto ru n-up. Nel presente lavoro si studia il run-up in una spia ggia naturale a debole pendenza ricadente nella Sicilia occidentale. Lo studio geom orfologico del sito precede lo studio idraulico, che partendo dalle misure di onde al largo, attraverso la loro trasposizione e la propagazione simulata con un mod ello matematico, porta alla stima delle onde sotto costa. Queste ultime sono ut ilizzate per valutare il run-up sia mediante una nota formula empirica sia utilizzando un modello numerico alla Boussinesq con una nuova condizione al contorno per la linea di riva. Il confronto dei risultati con le misure di campo mostra che i r isultati migliori si ottengono con la formula empirica, nella quale \ue8 tuttavia necessa rio calibrare i coefficienti con misure in situ

    Lorentz-Violating Supergravity

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    The standard forms of supersymmetry and supergravity are inextricably wedded to Lorentz invariance. Here a Lorentz-violating form of supergravity is proposed. The superpartners have exotic properties that are not possible in a theory with exact Lorentz symmetry and microcausality. For example, the bosonic sfermions have spin 1/2 and the fermionic gauginos have spin 1. The theory is based on a phenomenological action that is shown to follow from a simple microscopic and statistical picture.Comment: 15 pages; to be published in Proceedings of Beyond the Desert 2003 (Castle Ringberg, Tegernsee, Germany, 9-14 June 2003), edited by H. V. Klapdor-Kleingrothau


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    INTRODUCTION Previous neuroimaging studies have shown that working memory load has marked effects on regional neural activation[1-5]. However, the mechanism through which working memory load modulates brain connectivity is still unclear. During a working memory task, two of the most involved networks are the default mode network (DMN) and the working memory network (WMN)[6-7]: the selective focus on these networks can be useful in better understanding the load effects. Spatial independent component analysis (ICA)[8] has becomes a reliable technique to investigate the networks involved during an fMRI task, as it extracts spatiotemporal patterns of neural activity maximizing spatial independence. A specific study, conducted with ICA, investigating on how the load and phase of a working memory task are related with the activation and response time, is nowadays lacking. The aim of this work is to use the time course of DMN and WMN, selected by means of ICA, for studying: a) how these networks are involved with the complexity of the task and the phase; b) how, in these networks, complexity and phase are correlated with reaction times. METHODS MR Data Acquisition and preprocessing Fifteen young adult healthy and right-handed were involved. The MR protocol consisted of one anatomical sequence 3D T1-weighted MP-RAGE (Voxel size: 1 x 1 x 1 mm) and three functional acquisitions of 15 minutes each performed with a T2*-weighted EPI sequence (TR/TE: 1500/30, In- plane resolution: 3.5x3.5 mm, Thickness: 3.5 mm, Nr of slices: 24, Field of view: 64 x 64 mm). All the images were collected with a Siemens Allegra 3T MR scanner (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) and a standard head coil. During the fMRI acquisition the subjects performed a delayed spatial working memory paradigm presented with three levels of difficulty. The memory set consisted of one, three or five circles presented randomly in different locations and to the subjects were asked to judge whether or not a given target stimulus had been part of a previous memory stimulus set. Every experiment consisted of 90 working memory trials, 30 per load, divided in three runs. Data were analyzed with Brain Voyager QX. 2.4 (Brain Innovation, Maastricht, The Netherlands). FMRI preprocessing included: 3D head-motion correction, slice-scan time correction, spatial smoothing, temporal high pass filter and linear trend removal. Anatomic 3D data set was inhomogeneities corrected, filtered and transformed into Talairach coordinates and coregistered with the functional information. Independent Component Analysis This analysis was conducted using Brainvoyager QX 2.4. ICA analysis was performed on each subject\u2019s three functional acquisitions. A subsequent total ICA group analysis[9-10] was achieved by an inter- subject ICA group analysis of all the intra-subject ICA group analysis. From the obtained maps were selected two Independent Components (ICs) containing the WMN[1,2]: WMN1 defined by SPL and Precuneus, and WMN2 with DLPFC and IPS (Fig. 1b-c). Also one IC describing the DMN was considered, with PCC, IPL and MPFC (Fig. 1a)[11]. For each run of all the subjects the ICs time course was considered: three time windows of 3TR (4.5s) for each working memory task phase (encode, maintenance and retrieval) were selected taking into account the haemodynamic response by delaying the window of 5 volumes events from the start of every trial. The window time course was corrected for a baseline value. Mean values of the ICs where examined and a subsequent correlation between the mean values and the response time in every trial was estimated. A 3x3 two-way ANOVA on Fisher transformed correlation was conducted to test the variation of loads (load1=less complex, load3=more complex), phases and runs. Figure 1: Networks selected from ICA analysis (transversal view): (a) DMN, (b) WMN1 (c) WMN2. RESULTS Figure 2 exhibits window mean activities and correlations divided for phase and load. DMN mean activity is negative while WMN1-2 mean activities have opposite behaviors regarding the phase, but similar concerning with the complexity (Fig. 2a-c). DMN shows a reduction of the correlation from encode to retrieval, instead of WM1-2 where it grows (Fig. 2d-f). The ANOVA showed significant variation for the phases over all the subjects in WMN1-2, an interaction of the variation of phases and runs in WMN2 and a interaction of phases, runs and loads in DMN. DISCUSSION These findings suggest that working memory networks (WMNs), as isolated by means of IC A, display substantially opposed mean values related to a different areas specialization. WMN1 seems to be more involved in the first part of the mnemonic phase and the amount of this involvement is associated to the trial: the more complicated the task, the higher the activation with respect to baseline. On the other hand, WMN2 increases from the first to the last part of the trial and is probably more involved in the operation of retrieval. In Figure 2e-f it is also shown that in the retrieval there is a stronger correlation between WMN1-2 mean values and the response time probably because this phase is the more complex. DMN exhibits, over all the phases, smaller than zero mean values (due to the task inducted deactivation). In contrast, its correlation has a different trend and increases above zero during the maintenance, probably due to the free thought of this phase. The different behavior of load 3 is probably due to the fact that this type of complexity is totally different from the other two. In conclusion, this study shows that, by means of ICA, it is possible to isolate networks of connected regions and relate their time courses to task phases and behavioral performance. This is a promising approach to advance the understanding of connectivity modulations in several brain networks, including WMNs and DMN
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