7 research outputs found

    Optimizing The Competitiveness of Return on Mudhârabah Time Deposit in Improving Public Interest to Invest in Islamic Bank

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    The aim of this study is to explain the calculation of return on mudhârabah time deposit for the depositors of Islamic banks, and the provision of a fair return to the depositors without leaving any shariah elements. These two issues have become urgent to be discussed in this study, because if their money is deposited in Islamic banks, it will increase the amount of funds available in the Islamic bank, and the amount of funds available directly influence the size of the investment return on Islamic banks. If the results of the large investment, the returns will be obtained by the depositors are also large, and vice versa. In addition, it will also create a sense of calm and peace for themselves, because the money they have deposited in Islamic bank is not only quaranteed by the gorverment but also the system is run in accordance with the shariah of Islam.Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan perhitungan return deposito mudhârabah bagi deposan di bank syariah, dan pemberian return tersebut secara adil kepada deposan tanpa meninggalkan unsur kesyariahannya. Dua permasalahan ini menjadi urgen untuk dibahas dalam tulisan ini, karena jika uang mereka didepositokan di bank syariah akan meningkatkan jumlah dana yang tersedia di bank syariah tersebut, dan jumlah dana yang tersedia tersebut berpengaruh langsung terhadap besar kecilnya hasil investasi bank syariah. Jika hasil investasi tersebut besar, maka return yang akan diperoleh para deposan juga besar, demikian pula sebaliknya. Selain itu, juga akan menciptakan rasa tenang dan tentram bagi mereka sendiri, karena keberadaan uang mereka tidak saja dijamin oleh pemerintah tetapi juga sistemnya dijalankan sesuai dengan syariat Islam

    Menakar Keadilan Sistem Pengupahan Go-Jek: Bukti Empiris dari Yogyakarta.

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    This study aims to evaluate the wage system fairness of GO-JEK, namely whether the policies and strategies of GO-JEK's profit distribution have corresponded with the economic, religious and cultural standards in the operational area of ​​Yogyakarta, and using the Index of Fairness of Wage System (I-FWS) to measure that. The evaluation results showed that the wage system fairness of GO-JEK in the operational area of Yogyakarta both partially and simultaneously were in the category of “fair”. It means that all drivers got the same opportunity and equal and transparent treatment without any discrimination from PT. GO-JEK Indonesia in the operational area of Yogyakarta in obtaining a profit sharing as the partners of GO-JEK from the partnership business it operates.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi tingkat keadilan sistem pengupahan GO-JEK, yakni apakah kebijakan dan strategi pendistribusian pendapatan GO-JEK sudah sesuai dengan standar ekonomi, agama dan budaya di wilayah operasional Yogyakarta. Dalam mengukur tingkat keadilan sistem pengupahan GO-JEK tersebut, digunakan Indeks Keadilan Sistem Pengupahan (I-KSP). Hasil evaluasi menunjukan bahwa sistem pengupahan GO-JEK di wilayah operasional Yogyakarta baik secara parsial maupun secara simultan berada pada kategori adil. Artinya, para driver mendapatkan kesempatan dan perlakuan yang sama dan transparan tanpa diskriminasi dari PT. GO-JEK Indonesia wilayah operasional Yogyakarta dalam mendapatkan bagian keuntungan sebagai mitra (driver) GO-JEK dari bisnis kemitraan yang dijalankannya

    Optimizing The Competitiveness of Return on Mudhârabah Time Deposit in Improving Public Interest to Invest in Islamic Bank

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    The aim of this study is to explain the calculation of return on mudhârabah time deposit for the depositors of Islamic banks, and the provision of a fair return to the depositors without leaving any shariah elements. These two issues have become urgent to be discussed in this study, because if their money is deposited in Islamic banks, it will increase the amount of funds available in the Islamic bank, and the amount of funds available directly influence the size of the investment return on Islamic banks. If the results of the large investment, the returns will be obtained by the depositors are also large, and vice versa. In addition, it will also create a sense of calm and peace for themselves, because the money they have deposited in Islamic bank is not only quaranteed by the gorverment but also the system is run in accordance with the shariah of Islam.Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan perhitungan return deposito mudhârabah bagi deposan di bank syariah, dan pemberian return tersebut secara adil kepada deposan tanpa meninggalkan unsur kesyariahannya. Dua permasalahan ini menjadi urgen untuk dibahas dalam tulisan ini, karena jika uang mereka didepositokan di bank syariah akan meningkatkan jumlah dana yang tersedia di bank syariah tersebut, dan jumlah dana yang tersedia tersebut berpengaruh langsung terhadap besar kecilnya hasil investasi bank syariah. Jika hasil investasi tersebut besar, maka return yang akan diperoleh para deposan juga besar, demikian pula sebaliknya. Selain itu, juga akan menciptakan rasa tenang dan tentram bagi mereka sendiri, karena keberadaan uang mereka tidak saja dijamin oleh pemerintah tetapi juga sistemnya dijalankan sesuai dengan syariat Islam

    Measuring the Welfare Level of Local Comunnity Who Take Sustainable Business Financing Based on Local Wisdom In the Islamic Microfinance Institution

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    This study is a single instrumental case study, the study that describes the welfare level of local community who take a sustainable business financing based on local wisdom in BMT As'adiyah Sengkang. The data was collected by questionnaires and interviews as research instruments. The data obtained from the questionnaires was analyzed by a combination of the Keynes and Khan consumption equations. Findings from the questionnaires data were verified and explored with interview data. The results are (1) APC value MPC value on physical consumption and other worship consumption of respondents for all their income levels. (2) APC and MPC values on the zakat maal payments of respondents for all their income levels are the same, constant, and (3) E1 value E2 value on the principal consumption of respondents for all their income levels. It means that the sustainable business financing based on local wisdom in BMT As'adiyah Sengkang can improve the local community welfare. So that it also contributes greatly to increasing regional GDP.

    Strengthening the Traditional Markets: Evidence from Bosowasi Region, South Sulawesi

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    This research aimed to describe the model of strengthening the traditional markets. It was conducted in the Bosowasi region for six months. The type ofthis research was a qualitative descriptive one by using a social approach ingathering data and using the theory of social structure, social construction,social change, and planned behavior to analyze the data. The resultsof this research showed that (1) The modernization and technologicaldevelopment apparently do not necessarily eliminate people’s desire toshop in traditional markets, (2) The democratic trade model practiced intraditional markets can actually drive the people’s economy, and (3) Theinnovation, partnership and policies developed in traditional markets canmake them existing throughout time without compromising the needs offuture generations. These results served as the basis for formulating themodel of strengthening traditional markets and this model was called the“BSWS Model”. This model can make the traditional markets orderly, safe,clean and healthy, can make them competitive with the modern retailers,can improve services to the community, and can make them as a drivingwheel of the regional economy

    Mediating role of socio-religious behavior on consumption pattern changes of middle-class Muslims: An analysis using SEM

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    AbstractThis study aims to investigate the mediating effect of socio-religious behavior on consumption pattern changes of middle-class Muslims in the new normal era. In terms of methodology, this study is a correlational survey research. Research data were collected through questionnaires as many as 553 middle-class Muslim respondents who live in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Reliability was accepted with cronbach’s alpha coefficient, and validity was accepted by confirmatory factor analysis. Data analysis and hypothesis testing were carried out through structural equation modeling and multiple regression. Two softwares (SPSS and LISREL) were used for statistical data processing. The results of the study indicate that the full mediation of socio-religious behavior was found in the relationship between religiosity, attitude, and consumption pattern changes, while in the relationship of subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and consumption pattern changes, socio-religious behavior was found as a partial mediation. In other words, the model proposed to form a fundamental change in consumption patterns of the middle-class Muslims does not work optimally. However, this study still finds an important thing that socio-religious behavior is able to mediate the relationship between religiosity, attitude, and consumption pattern changes