33 research outputs found

    A development of web-based personal organizer system / Rashidah Abd Razak

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    The thesis work focuses on the design and development of Web-based Personal Organizer System. The Web Based Personal Organizer System is a system which more likely acts as a digital diary to the internet user. The internet user can easily manage their daily activities at anywhere and anytime as long as they have a computer and a connection with the internet. The calendar can be view in day, months and year. The user can add daily schedule or task by selecting any day from the calendar. The Phonebook let the user to keep all contacts number and will be display according to list of alphabetical. The Task To Do let the user to set a task on a selected date. My Schedule let the user to assign any activities on the day or any selected day based on the time while Preference allows the user to manage their own profile. The scripting engine used is ASP, Microsoft Access 2000 (DSN-Less) for the database system and Internet Information Server as a web server

    Isu pendidikan guru tahfiz: pengetahuan pedagogi dan amalan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di pusat tahfiz persendirian di Selangor

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    Masyarakat melihat sekolah aliran agama merupakan institusi penting bagi melahirkan pelajar yang berakhlak dan berkeperibadian Islam yang baik. Justeru, pengajian tahfiz menjadi salah satu platfom untuk masyarakat menterjemahkan kesedaran tersebut. Peredaran masa telah menjadikan permintaan pengajian aliran tahfiz mendapat tempat selain sistem pendidikan arus perdana. Atas permintaan yang meningkat, institusi tahfiz yang dipelopori oleh kerajaan tidak berupaya menampung jumlah permintaan daripada masyarakat. Kesannya ia telah membuka ruang bagi institusi tahfiz swasta untuk turut serta membantu kerajaan dalam memenuhi permintaan yang banyak. Dengan demikian, adanya gandingan dari pihak kerajaan dan swasta prospek bagi perkembangan bidang pengajian tahfiz ini sangat luas. Lambakan institusi tahfiz terutama institusi tahfiz swasta turut memberi kesan dan akibat dari ketidakselarasan dalam pentadbiran, kurikulum, isu pendidikan guru, penarafan sijil dan sebagainya. Tinjauan di sebuah pusat tahfiz milik persendirian terhadap beberapa isu pendidikan guru tahfiz khususnya pengetahuan dalam pedagogi dan amalannya dalam proses pengajaran di pusat tahfiz kelolaan mereka. Penulisan ini secara umumnya merupakan gabungan kualitatif di mana ia digolongkan kepada penyelidikan kepustakaan (library research) dan kajian lapangan (field research), kerana sumber datanya diperolehi dari sumber perpustakaan dan lapangan melalui pemerhatian dan temuramah responden. Obejktif kajian ini dilakukan bagi mengenalpasti pengetahuan pedagogi guru tahfiz dan amalan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di pusat tahfiz persendirian yang tersebut. Penulisan ini akan menjelaskan isuisu berkaitan pengetahuan pedagogi guru dan amalannya dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di pusat tahfiz tersebut yang perlu diberi perhatian untuk penambahbaikan sejajar dengan hasrat pengurusan yang ingin menjadikan pusat tahfiz mereka mampu seiring dengan pusat tahfiz arus perdana. Walaupun data dan maklumat terhad kepada pusat tahfiz ini sahaja tetapi pihak pengusaha pusat tahfiz persendirian yang lain perlu melihat isi penulisan secara positif ke arah memartabatkan pendidikan tahfiz dalam menghadapi cabaran PAK21(Pembelajaran Abad ke-21)

    Normative and perceived need for treatment of malocclusion among Malaysian adolescents

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    In practice, the need for orthodontic care is often determined by normative need. However, in reality, a person’s decision to seek orthodontic treatment is dependent on multiple factors. The aim of this study was to determine the association between normative and perceived need for orthodontic treatment among Malaysian adolescents. This is a cross-sectional study involving 700 schoolchildren aged 13-14 years in Jempol District, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The Dental Health Component (DHC) and Aesthetic Component (AC) of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) were used to assess the normative need. The children’s perceived need was obtained by matching the appearance of their anterior teeth with the photographs on the AC scale. The normative need according to the DHC was 27.1% while the AC indicated 21.9%. Only 3.2% of the schoolchildren perceived that they needed treatment. There was a significantly high correlation between the DHC and AC scores of the dentist (Spearman r s = 0.89, p0.05). The findings from this study support the importance of considering the use of perceived need in prioritizing orthodontic treatment especially because of the shortage of orthodontic services in the country

    Bactericidal efficacy of selected medicinal plant crude extracts and their fractions against common fish pathogens

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    The emergence of new diseases and the increased use of antibiotics have led to the development of resistant bacterial strains. Thus, there is greater attention to seek new antibacterial agents from the natural sources for combating fish diseases in the aquaculture industry. The present study evaluated the bactericidal efficacy of crude methanolic and aqueous extracts from Polygonum chinense, Syzygium polyanthum, Premna foetida, Pimenta dioica, Brucea javanica, Vitex negundo, Alpinia conchigera and Clinacanthus nutans against Vibrio harveyi, Vibrio alginolyticus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Aeromonas hydrophila using disc diffusion method. The results showed that methanolic extracts of P. dioica, P. foetida and P. chinense, and aqueous extracts of P. dioica and S. polyanthum showed moderate to strong activity (10.8 to 17.2 mm) against all the tested bacteria. These five potential crude extracts were fractionated using liquid-liquid extraction method to obtain the methanol, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate fractions. Among the fractions, ethyl acetate fraction showed the highest activity against all tested bacteria, with minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) values between 0.625 and 10.000 mg/mL. In addition, the five potential crude extracts had low to moderate toxicity with LC50 >100 μg/mL using brine shrimp cytotoxicity assays. The results of this study indicated that methanolic extracts of P. chinense and P. foetida that showed high bactericidal activity and low toxicity could be good potentials for use in fish culture

    Quality management of the bamboo resource and its contribution to environmental conservation in Malaysia

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    Purpose – The aim of this study was to contribute towards the systematic management of the natural stand bamboo resource at Nami, Kedah, Malaysia and to improve the forest environment rather than leaving it neglected and unmanaged. In addition, the study examines the commercial value of the abundant bamboo culms for a sustained industry in Malaysia. Design/methodology/approach – A one-hectare experimental plot of Gigantochloa scortechinii (buluh semantan) was established with a split plot design of fertilizer treatments 0, 2 and 5?kg of NPK 15:15:15 and felling intensities of 0, 40, 60 and 80 percent. The experiment was conducted for four years. Parameters such as the number of shoots, culms and basal area were observed throughout the study. Findings – From this study significant results were obtained and management principles were formulated. Due to the effect of fertilizer application, there was an increment of 30 percent of shoots sprouted per clump per application. Thinning should be done selectively and mature culms aged more than three years old well spaced within the clump need to be felled first. Originality/value – This new knowledge would be of value to managers and policy makers in formulating the proper management plan for the exploitation of future resources in the country

    The effects of Vitex trifolia, Strobilanthes crispus and Aloe vera herbal-mixed dietary supplementation on growth performance and disease resistance in red hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis sp.)

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    Herbs and herb mixtures have been used as a growth promotant in livestock and aquaculture production. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of a dietary herbal mix comprised of Vitex trifolia (VTE), Strobilanthes crispus (SCE) and Aloe vera (AVE) on the growth performance, disease resistance and histology of Oreochromis sp. for 60 days. The fishes were divided into i) control, infected fish, fed with normal diet and infected fishes treated with different herbal-mixed supplementation diets of ii) VTE and SCE iii) SCE and AVE iv) AVE and VTE. All experimental groups were challenged using with Streptococcus agalactiae (1 × 107 cfu/mL) via intraperitoneal route on day 46. On day 46th (pre-challenge) and 60th (post-challenge), five fish were randomly chosen from each tank for each experimental and control groups to blood collection. The cumulative mortality and survival rate were assessed every day. Tissues from kidney, liver and spleen were examined. The fish supplemented with herbal-mix with the combination of VTE and SCE and AVE and VTE showed improved growth performance. For haematological assays, RBC, Hb, and WBC were higher (P<0.05) in fish supplemented with these herb mix, while the alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were significantly affected by mixed-herbal supplementation. Histopathological examination of the organs revealed no negative effects in tissues. In conclusion, this study suggested that methanolic extracts of herbal mix composed of V. trifolia, S. crispus and A. vera extracts were effective as growth promoters and bacterial disease treatment in Oreochromis sp. when supplemented in daily diet

    Ketokohan transformasional pendidikan Islam negeri Selangor : kajian tokoh sempena 20 tahun Kisdar-KUIS

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    Penelitian deskriptif adalah salah satu jenis penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan gambaran lengkap mengenai suatu tetapan sosial atau dimaksudkan untuk eksplorasi dan klarifikasi mengenai suatu fenomena atau kenyataan sosial, dengan jalan mendeskripsikan sejumlah variabel yang berkenaan dengan masalah dan unit yang diteliti antara fenomena yang diuji. Tujuan kajian deskriptif ini adalah menghasilkan gambaran jelas tentang ketokohan Pendidikan Islam dengan mengkaji tokoh iaitu Profesor Dato’ Haji Mohd Adanan Bin Isman dalam bidang Pendidikan Is-lam. Kajian memberikan gambaran lengkap dalam bentuk verbal dan numerikal, menyajikan in-formasi, menciptakan seperangkat kategori dan mengklasifikasikan subjek penelitian, menjelas-kan seperangkat tahapan atau proses, serta untuk menyimpan informasi bersifat kontradiktif mengenai subjek penelitian. Prof Dato Haji Mohd Adanan Bin Isman adalah berkepakaran dalam bidang Pendidikan Islam. Profil dan sumbangan beliau dalam bidang kajian tidaklah dapat disangkal dan amat menyumbang kepada Pendidikan Islam khususnya dan pembangunan ummah amnya

    The effects of dietary supplementation of methanolic extracts of herbal medicine on haematological variable of red hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis sp.)

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    The most common strategy to treat in aquaculture disease is the use of antibiotics, however, such utilization has been accounted to have antagonistic impacts like accumulation of drugs in tissues, development of drug resistance and immunosuppression. One of the most promising methods of controlling diseases in aquaculture is strengthening the defence mechanisms through therapeutic administration. Vitex trifolia, Strobilanthes crispus, and Aloe vera have been reported to have better antimicrobial activity in vitro against Streptococcus agalactiae. However, there is no report on the application of the extracts on the treatment of Oreochromis sp. The objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of diet supplementation of selected plant extract for 14 days as disease treatment. In red blood cell (RBC), haemoglobin (Hb), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), white blood cell (WBC), alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) showed significant differences between treatment and control. RBC, Hb and WBC levels of the infected group were significantly higher (P<0.05) than those of the control group indicating improve defence system in the fish fed with V. trifolia, S. crispus, and A. vera. These results suggested that of methanolic mixed herbal to applying S. agalactiae infected Oreochromis sp had a synergistic restorative effect on the haematological variables