8 research outputs found

    Optimal mesh design methodology considering geometric parameters for rock fragmentation in open-pit mining in the Southern Andes of Peru

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    Blasting is one of the most important stages in the productive process of a mine due to its direct impact on rock fragmentation, which determines the degree of productivity of operations and the extraction costs generated. In this scenario, an optimized methodology is presented for designing blasting meshes by using mathematical models that help calculate the geometric parameters of a blasting mesh, such as burden, considering the variables of the rock mass and the type of explosive to measure its impact on rock fragmentation and loading productivity (tons/hour). The main advantage of this method is the reliability of the design, which takes into account a greater number of variables that influence fragmentation and uses the principle of distribution and amount of energy in an optimal way. The results obtained in the case of application show that a change in design (2.7 x 2.7 square mesh to 2.2 x 2.5 triangular mesh) reduces P80 by 65%, from 17 to 6 inches, approximately. Additionally, the results show that greater operational efficiency was achieved by increasing excavator productivity by approximately 15.6%

    Empirical and Numerical Finite-Element-Based Model to Improve Narrow Vein Mine Design in Peruvian Mining

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    This paper proposes a numerical finite-element-based model aimed at optimizing narrow-vein stope stability. This model combines empirical and numerical methods to develop a sequence, which may determine an acceptable stope safety factor. A stope stability analysis was conducted through the Mathews stability graph method, which requires two factors: the hydraulic radius (HR) and stability number (N'). The Mathews stability graph method is used to assess the stability of an underground design. Variations in stope dimensions are estimated by changing the HR and Factor A within the N', which is determined through numerical methods. The results of the numerical simulation indicate that the HR increases with an increase in stope dimensions, while Factor A maintains an inverse relationship with the maximum stress induced on the excavation walls. This document demonstrates the potential of combining empirical and numerical methods in stope design optimization, especially when developed in small narrow vein mines

    Diseño de un seguidor solar para mejorar la captura de radiación solar en paneles fotovoltaicos utilizando un sistema de control de circuito cerrado

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    This research presents the design of a solar tracker in order to make better use of solar energy that radiates in the skies of the province of Huancayo, a comprehensive biography with key contents and concepts was reviewed to make a good design Conceptually, a structure will be designed that adapts to the design of conventional photovoltaic systems. Everything is born from the need to take advantage of an inexhaustible resource, which is photovoltaic solar energy, a study in this field is proposed proposing the problems to be solved, and objectives such as analyzing the manufacturing costs of design, See the economic, technical and operational feasibility of the solar tracker, but above all you want to calculate the energy efficiency that can be gained by designing this type of mechanism and control system and compare with similar mechanisms existing in the market. For the development of the system, the German methodology VDI 2221 was used, which starts from a list of requirements and desires that the design must meet, and a function diagram of the previous concept is also made. To determine the most optimal solution, a morphological matrix is performed where all the solution alternatives are evaluated for each function and in the end a general solution concept is obtained and from this begins the economic, technical and operational evaluation of the solution

    Optimized Method of Estimating Mineral Reserves Using the O'Hara Mathematical Model for Underground Mining in Peru

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    PeruThis research project is aimed at applying the proposed methodology to optimize the calculation of mining reserves using an empirical relationship for dilution, as proposed by O'Hara. This methodology uses three key parameters: dilution, mineral value, and total costs. In general, costs include mining costs, processing within plants, and administrative expenses related to producing a mineralized block. Similarly, to calculate the mineral value, studies on changes in mineral prices over the last 30 years were included to provide more representative values. The research was applied to mineralized block number 1000, which yielded positive results since dilution could be easily calculated using three key parameters: operating method, dip, and vein width. The dilution value of 12.25% was valid, as it was within the range of 10% to 23%. This range was considered based on other studies that apply this operating method. Then, the methodology was analyzed in three more settings, each represented by a mineralized block. The blocks assessed were 1001, 1002, and 1003, and the results indicated that the dilution found was acceptable at values of 18%, 19%, and 22%, respectively

    Diseño de un sistema de control y monitoreo para reducir los accidentes de tránsito debido a la somnolencia a través del procesamiento de imágenes

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    It is known that 33% of traffic accidents worldwide are caused by drunk driving or drowsiness [1] [2], so a drowsiness level detection system that integrates image processing was developed with the use of Raspberry Pi3 with the OpenCV library; and sensors such as MQ-3 that measures the percentage of alcohol and the S9 sensor that measures the heart rate. In addition, it has an alert system and as an interface for the visualization of the data measured by the sensors a touch screen. With the image processing technique, facial expressions are analyzed, while physiological behaviors such as heart rate and alcohol percentage are measured with the sensors. In image test training you get an accuracy of x in a response time of x seconds. On the other hand, the evaluation of the operation of the sensors in 90% effective. So the method developed is effective and feasible

    Diseño de un robot hexápodo utilizando inteligencia artificial para las rutas de los andes peruanos

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    This paper presents an alternative solution to improve the locomotion system of a hexapod robot by artificial intelligence. Through an optimal design to achieve static stability, dynamic stability and optimize energy consumption through an autonomous system that is able to perform trajectories without any inconvenience. For the robot to move without flaws has certain restrictions in design (weight, size, materials, etc.) The hexapod has a high degree of movement and this allows many trajectories handle at the time of travel. Using sensors under certain working conditions we will obtain the necessary data and signals to satisfactorily comply with the hexapod robot design

    Robot móvil para la fumigación de cultivos de maíz con cámara de navegación autónoma para las llanuras de los Andes

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    The incidence of the disease in horticultural crops is one of the important problems that affect the production of fruits, vegetables and flowers. Regular monitoring of crops for early diagnosis and treatment with pesticides or removal of the affected crop is part of the solution to minimize crop loss. The monitoring of crops by human labor is expensive, time consuming, prone to errors due to insufficient knowledge of the disease and highly repetitive at different stages of crop growth. These needs have motivated to design the mobile robot with vision sensors for navigation through the field. The robot has been designed in the Autodesk Inventor software. Programming for navigation is done in the Arduino Mega 2560 tool. Image capture has been performed using the RGB camera. Image processing for the identification of the disease and its representation in a graphical user interface has been performed using an algorithm in MATLAB R2018B that interacts with the Arduino tool through a communication bus. The system developed consists of the design of a prototype that uses simple and cost effective equipment such as Raspberry Pi, RGB camera, two motors and sensors that allow the autonomous fumigation of corn crops

    Diseño de un sistema aéreo no tripulado para la detección de áreas peligrosas durante incendios

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    This article presents the design of an unmanned aerial vehicle manufactured in aramid, through the use of sensors and actuators for flight stabilization, capturing the images through a thermal imager and its wireless transmission for ground processing for application in the social security area used in fire accidents. The work shows that it is feasible to use the aramid material for the construction of the prototype, since it is a high temperature resistant material, also the integration of neural networks for semi-automatic flight control. The results of this research will serve to develop more advanced control devices, with simple components and controls so that people with technological limitations can use it, so that they can save lives in danger, that of their colleagues or themselves