6 research outputs found

    Rhinoscleroma causing severe bilateral nasal obstruction

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    AbstractRhinoscleroma is a chronic, infectious and granulomatous disease of the respiratory tract. There is often a delay in diagnosis due to unfamiliarity with the disease and also because culture is not always positive. We report a case in a 26-year-old woman with granular mass obstructing bilateral nasal cavities and causing breathing difficulty. Histopathological examination showed characteristic Mikulicz histiocytes containing numerous Gram-negative intracellular rod-shaped bacilli consistent with the diagnosis of rhinoscleroma. The patient was treated with gemifloxacin and tetracycline and remains asymptomatic over a year follow-up period. It is important to consider rhinoscleroma in cases of chronic nasal obstruction. As culture is not always positive, histopathological examination may be crucial to the diagnosis


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    INTRODUÇÃO: Rinoscleroma é uma doença infecciosa crônica do tipo granulomatosa causada pela bactéria Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis. Acomete a mucosa do trato respiratório, mais frequentemente o nariz. É considerada endêmica em determinadas regiões com África e América Central, porém é rara no Brasil. O acometimento nasal ocorre em 3 fases: catarral, granulomatosa e cicatricial. Em todo o seu curso a doença apresenta sintomatologia inespecífica, daí a dificuldade em ser diagnosticada. Seu diagnóstico é estabelecido através de cultura ou pelo encontro de células de Mikulicz ou corpúsculo de Russel no estudo anatomopatológico. O tratamento consiste em antibioticoterapia por longo período, associada ou não a cirurgia. OBJETIVO: Este relato tem por objetivo ilustrar um caso de rinoscleroma em uma paciente jovem com queixa de obstrução nasal bilateral de longa data e cefaleia. O intuito é alertar os otorrinolaringologistas para o diagnóstico desta doença rara, que se apresenta com sintomas inespecíficos e semelhantes a inúmeras patologias que acometem a região nasal.INTRODUCTION: Rhinoscleroma is a chronic granulomatous infectious disease, caused by the bacterium Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis. Affects the respiratory tract mucosa, more frequent in the nose. Is considered endemic in certain regions like Africa and Central America, but is rare in Brazil. The nasal involvement occurs in 3 phases: catarrhal, granulomatous and sclerotic stage. In all its course the disease presents nonspecific symptoms, and because of that, the difficulty of being diagnosed. Its diagnosis is established by culture or by the meeting of Mikulicz cell or Russel corpuscles in the anatomopathological study. The treatment consists in a long-term antibiotic, associated or not to a surgery. OBJECTIVE: This report aims ilustrate a case of rhinoscleroma in a female young patient complaining of bilateral nasal obstruction, long standing and headache. The intent is alert the otorhinolaringologists in diagnosing this rare disease, which presents itself with nonspecific symptoms as like numerous pathologies that affect the nasal region

    Eagle's Syndrome

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    INTRODUCTION: Eagle's syndrome is characterized by cervicopharyngeal signs and symptoms associated with elongation of the styloid apophysis. This elongation may occur through ossification of the stylohyoid ligament, or through growth of the apophysis due to osteogenesis triggered by a factor such as trauma. Elongation of the styloid apophysis may give rise to intense facial pain, headache, dysphagia, otalgia, buzzing sensations, and trismus. Precise diagnosis of the syndrome is difficult, and it is generally confounded by other manifestations of cervicopharyngeal pain. OBJECTIVE: To describe a case of Eagle's syndrome. CASE REPORT: A 53-year-old man reported lateral pain in his neck that had been present for 30 years. Computed tomography (CT) of the neck showed elongation and ossification of the styloid processes of the temporal bone, which was compatible with Eagle's syndrome. Surgery was performed for bilateral resection of the stylohyoid ligament by using a transoral and endoscopic access route. The patient continued to present pain laterally in the neck, predominantly on his left side. CT was performed again, which showed elongation of the styloid processes. The patient then underwent lateral cervicotomy with resection of the stylohyoid process, which partially resolved his painful condition. FINAL COMMENTS: Patients with Eagle's syndrome generally have a history of chronic pain. Appropriate knowledge of this disease is necessary for adequate treatment to be provided. The importance of diagnosing this uncommon and often unsuspected disease should be emphasized, given that correct clinical-surgical treatment is frequently delayed. The diagnosis of Eagle's syndrome is clinical and radiographic, and the definitive treatment in cases of difficult-to-control pain is surgical

    Rhinoscleroma causing severe bilateral nasal obstruction

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    Rhinoscleroma is a chronic, infectious and granulomatous disease of the respiratory tract. There is often a delay in diagnosis due to unfamiliarity with the disease and also because culture is not always positive. We report a case in a 26-year-old woman with granular mass obstructing bilateral nasal cavities and causing breathing difficulty. Histopathological examination showed characteristic Mikulicz histiocytes containing numerous Gram-negative intracellular rod-shaped bacilli consistent with the diagnosis of rhinoscleroma. The patient was treated with gemifloxacin and tetracycline and remains asymptomatic over a year follow-up period. It is important to consider rhinoscleroma in cases of chronic nasal obstruction. As culture is not always positive, histopathological examination may be crucial to the diagnosis