218 research outputs found

    Dielectric resonances of ordered passive arrays

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    The electrical and optical properties of ordered passive arrays, constituted of inductive and capacitive components, are usually deduced from Kirchhoff's rules. Under the assumption of periodic boundary conditions, comparable results may be obtained via an approach employing transfer matrices. In particular, resonances in the dielectric spectrum are demonstrated to occur if all eigenvalues of the transfer matrix of the entire array are unity. The latter condition, which is shown to be equivalent to the habitual definition of a resonance in impedance for an array between electrodes, allows for a convenient and accurate determination of the resonance frequencies, and may thus be used as a tool for the design of materials with a specific dielectric response. For the opposite case of linear arrays in a large network, where periodic boundary condition do not apply, several asymptotic properties are derived. Throughout the article, the derived analytic results are compared to numerical models, based on either Exact Numerical Renormalisation or the spectral method.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Colored delta-T noise in Fractional Quantum Hall liquids

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    Photons are emitted or absorbed by a nano-circuit under both equilibrium and non-equilibrium situations. Here, we focus on the non-equilibrium situation arising due to a temperature difference between the leads of a quantum point contact, and study the finite frequency (colored) noise. We explore this delta-TT noise in the finite frequency regime for two systems: conventional conductors described by Fermi liquid scattering theory and the fractional quantum Hall system at Laughlin filling fractions, described by the chiral Luttinger liquid formalism. We study the emission noise, its expansion in the temperature difference (focusing on the quadratic component) as well as the excess emission noise defined with respect to a properly chosen equilibrium situation. The behavior of these quantities are markedly different for the fractional quantum Hall system compared to Fermi liquids, signalling the role of strong correlations. We briefly treat the strong backscattering regime of the fractional quantum Hall liquid, where a behavior closer to the Fermi liquid case is observed

    Quartet currents in a biased three-terminal diffusive Josephson junction

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    Biasing a three-terminal Josephson junction (TTJ) with symmetrical voltages 0,V,−V0,V,-V leads to new kinds of DC currents, namely quartet Josephson currents and phase-dependent multiple Andreev reflection (MAR) currents. We study these currents in a system where a normal diffusive metallic node NN is connected to three terminals S0,1,2S_{0,1,2} by barriers of arbitrary transparency. We use the quantum circuit theory to calculate the current in each terminal, including decoherence. In addition to the stationary combination φQ=φ1+φ2−2φ0\varphi_Q=\varphi_1+\varphi_2-2\varphi_0 of the terminal phases φi\varphi_i, the bias voltage VV appears as a new and unusual control variable for a DC Josephson current. A general feature is the sign changes of the current-phase characteristics, manifesting in minima of the quartet ``critical current". Those sign changes can be triggered by the voltage, by the junction transparency or by decoherence. We study the possible separation of quartet currents from MAR currents in different regimes of parameters, including an "funnel" regime with very asymmetric couplings to S0,1,2S_{0,1,2}. In the regime of low transparency and asymetric couplings, we provide an analytic perturbative expression for the currents which shows an excellent agreement with the full numerical results

    Scattering Theory of Non-Equilibrium Noise and Delta TT current fluctuations through a quantum dot

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    We consider the non-equilibrium zero frequency noise generated by a temperature gradient applied on a device composed of two normal leads separated by a quantum dot. We recall the derivation of the scattering theory for non-equilibrium noise for a general situation where both a bias voltage and a temperature gradient can coexist and put it in a historical perspective. We provide a microscopic derivation of zero frequency noise through a quantum dot based on a tight binding Hamiltonian, which constitutes a generalization of the pioneering work of Caroli et al. for the current obtained in the context of the Keldysh formalism. For a single level quantum dot, the obtained transmission coefficient entering the scattering formula for the non-equilibrium noise corresponds to a Breit-Wigner resonance. We compute the delta-TT noise as a function of the dot level position, and of the dot level width, in the Breit-Wigner case, for two relevant situations which were considered recently in two separate experiments. In the regime where the two reservoir temperatures are comparable, our gradient expansion shows that the delta-TT noise is dominated by its quadratic contribution, and is minimal close to resonance. In the opposite regime where one reservoir is much colder, the gradient expansion fails and we find the noise to be typically linear in temperature before saturating. In both situations, we conclude with a short discussion of the case where both a voltage bias and a temperature gradient are present, in order to address the potential competition with thermoelectric effects.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Current and shot noise in a spin dependent driven normal metal -- BCS superconductor junction

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    Andreev reflection is a fundamental transport process occurring at the junction between a normal metal and a superconductor (a N-S junction), when an incident electron from the normal side can only be transmitted in the superconductor as a Cooper pair, with the reflection of a hole in the normal metal. As a consequence of the spin singlet nature of the BCS Cooper pairs, the current due to Andreev reflection at a N-S junction is always symmetric in spin. Using a Keldysh Nambu Floquet approach, combining analytical and numerical calculations, we study in details the AC transport at a N-S junction, when the two spin components in the normal metal are driven by different periodic drives. We show that, in the Andreev regime, i.e. when the superconducting gap is much larger than the frequency of the drives, the spin-resolved photo-assisted currents are always equal even if the two drives are different. In addition, we show that in this regime the excess noise depends only on the sum of the periodic drives, and we consider in particular the case of Lorentzian pulses (Levitons). We also show how these properties get modified when going beyond the Andreev regime. Finally we give a simple analytical proof of the special properties of the Andreev regime using an exact mapping to a particular N-N junction.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Theory of non-equilibrium noise in general multi-terminal superconducting hydrid devices: application to multiple Cooper pair resonances

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    We consider the out-of-equilibrium behavior of a general class of mesoscopic devices composed of several superconducting or/and normal metal leads separated by quantum dots. Starting from a microscopic Hamiltonian description, we provide a non-perturbative approach to quantum electronic transport in the tunneling amplitudes between dots and leads: using the equivalent of a path integral formulation, the lead degrees of freedom are integrated out in order to compute both the current and the current correlations (noise) in this class of systems, in terms of the dressed Green's function matrix of the quantum dots. In order to illustrate the efficiency of this formalism, we apply our results to the "all superconducting Cooper pair beam splitter", a device composed of three superconducting leads connected via two quantum dots, where crossed Andreev reflection operates Cooper pair splitting. Commensurate voltage differences between the three leads allow to obtain expressions for the current and noise as a function of the Keldysh Nambu Floquet dressed Green's function of the dot system. This voltage configuration allows the occurrence of non-local processes involving multiple Cooper pairs which ultimately lead to the presence of non-zero DC currents in an out-of-equilibrium situation. We investigate in details the results for the noise obtained numerically in the specific case of opposite voltages, where the transport properties are dominated by the so called "quartet processes", involving the coherent exchange of two Cooper pairs among all three superconducting terminals. We show that these processes are noiseless in the non-resonant case, and that this property is also observed for other voltage configurations. When the dots are in a resonant regime, the noise characteristics change qualitatively, with the appearance of giant Fano factors.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure
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