9,399 research outputs found

    Amending the Wagner Act: The Problem From the Manufacturer’s Viewpoint

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    Till följd av den globala finanskrisen Är 2008 stÀlldes det europeiska samarbetet pÄ prov. I och med detta presenterade EU ett förslag till ett direktiv angÄende en finansiell transaktionsskatt för samtliga lÀnder inom EU. Elva av EU:s 28 medlemslÀnder har valt att stÀlla sig bakom förslaget om en finansiell transaktionsskatt, vilket innebÀr att dessa lÀnder avser införa en finansiell transaktionsskatt. Tidigare empiriska erfarenheter har dock visat att en finansiell transaktionsskatt Àr mindre effektiv Àn vad föresprÄkarna gör gÀllande, varken pÄverkan pÄ skatteintÀkter eller marknadens volatilitet har i dessa fall levt upp till de önskvÀrda effekterna. Denna uppsats syfte Àr att analysera vad som ligger till grund för lÀndernas stÀllningstagande och uppsatsens hypotes ger vid handen att det föreligger ett positivt samband mellan finanskrisens pÄverkan pÄ respektive EU land, inhemsk opinion och ett positivt stÀllningstagande till en finansiell transaktionsskatt inom EU. För att testa hypotesen anvÀnds en induktiv metod vilken Àr uppbyggd pÄ vetenskapliga artiklar och ekonomisk litteratur. Vidare genomförs flera regressionsanalyser i syfte att pÄvisa de positiva samband som hypotesen antar föreligger. I de uppvisade resultaten framgÄr att det gÄr att stödja uppsatsens hypotes. Uppsatsen kommer dÀrför fram till att det föreligger ett positivt samband mellan finanskrisens pÄverkan pÄ respektive EU-land, inhemsk opinion och ett positivt stÀllningstagande till en finansiell transaktionsskatt.In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis the European Union was put to the test. As a result, the EU submitted a proposal for a directive regarding a financial transactions tax levied throughout every nation in the European Union. Eleven of the 28 EU member states decided to support the proposal for a financial transactions tax. The eleven member states adopted the stance to support the proposal in spite of the historical empirical evidence indicating a financial transactions tax to not be as effective as the advocators claim. This paper aims to analyse the basis of the EU member states adopted stance towards a financial transactions tax. The thesis statement suggest that there is a positive correlation between the impact of the financial crisis on each respective EU country, domestic public opinion and a positive stance towards a financial transactions tax in the EU. To test the thesis statement an inductive method, based on academic articles and economic literature, is applied. Furthermore a regression analysis is used to prove the appearance of the expected positive relationships in the thesis statement. The results of the paper indicate the thesis statement to be probable. Therefore, this paper concludes that there is a positive relationship between the impact of the financial crisis in the EU states, domestic opinion and a positive stance to a financial transactions tax

    Atmospheric leakage and condensate production in NASA's biomass production chamber. Effect of diurnal temperature cycles

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    A series of tests were conducted to monitor atmospheric leakage rate and condensate production in NASA's Biomass Production Chamber (BPC). Water was circulated through the 64 plant culture trays inside the chamber during the tests but no plants were present. Environmental conditions were set to a 12-hr photoperiod with either a matching 26 C (light)/20 C (dark) thermoperiod, or a constant 23 C temperature. Leakage, as determined by carbon dioxide decay rates, averaged about 9.8 percent for the 26 C/20 C regime and 7.3 percent for the constant 23 C regime. Increasing the temperature from 20 C to 26 C caused a temporary increase in pressure (up to 0.5 kPa) relative to ambient, while decreasing the temperature caused a temporary decrease in pressure of similar magnitude. Little pressure change was observed during transition between 23 C (light) and 23 C (dark). The lack of large pressure events under isothermal conditions may explain the lower leakage rate observed. When only the plant support inserts were placed in the culture trays, condensate production averaged about 37 liters per day. Placing acrylic germination covers over the tops of culture trays reduced condensate production to about 7 liters per day. During both tests, condensate production from the lower air handling system was 60 to 70 percent greater than from the upper system, suggesting imbalances exist in chilled and hot water flows for the two air handling systems. Results indicate that atmospheric leakage rates are sufficiently low to measure CO2 exchange rates by plants and the accumulation of certain volatile contaminants (e.g., ethylene). Control system changes are recommended in order to balance operational differences (e.g., humidity and temperature) between the two halves of the chamber

    Interplay between Physics and Geometry in Balmer filaments: the Case of SN 1006

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    The analysis of Balmer-dominated emission in supernova remnants is potentially a very powerful way to derive information on the shock structure, on the physical conditions of the ambient medium and on the cosmic-ray acceleration efficiency. However, the outcome of models developed in plane-parallel geometry is usually not easily comparable with the data, since they often come from regions with rather a complex geometry. We present here a general scheme to disentangle physical and geometrical effects in the data interpretation, which is especially powerful when the transition zone of the shock is spatially resolved and the spectral resolution is high enough to allow a detailed investigation of spatial changes of the line profile. We then apply this technique to re-analyze very high quality data of a region along the northwestern limb of the remnant of SN~1006. We show how some observed features, previously interpreted only in terms of spatial variations of physical quantities, naturally arise from geometrical effects. With these effects under control, we derive new constraints on physical quantities in the analyzed region, like the ambient density (in the range 0.03-0.1 cm−30.1{\,\rm cm^{-3}}), the upstream neutral fraction (more likely in the range 0.01-0.1), the level of face-on surface brightness variations (with factors up to ∌3\sim 3) and the typical scale lengths related to such variations (≄0.1 pc\ge 0.1{\,\rm pc}, corresponding to angular scales ≄10 arcsec\ge 10{\,\rm arcsec}).Comment: 22 pages, 24 figures, 3 tables, accepted on 2018 November 21 for publication on MNRA
