284 research outputs found
Generational Differences in Perceived Supervisory Support
As Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y interact with each other in the workplace, popular media and HR practitioners have suggested ideas on how to promote these groups to work cohesively under one organizational umbrella. Beyond encouraging the partnership of these three generations, it is also important for organizations to understand how these three generational cohorts differ in the level of support they receive from their supervisors. Therefore, the current study bridged that research gap by investigating differences in perceived supervisory support across the three generational cohorts. An online employee engagement survey was administered to 935 business professionals from the healthcare industry in California. Results showed that Gen Xers were similar to both Baby Boomers and Gen Yers in their level of perceived supervisory support, but Baby Boomers perceived somewhat higher levels of supervisory support than Gen Yers. These results suggest that Baby Boomers feel slightly more valued for their contributions by their supervisors than Gen Yers. The results of this study suggest that managers should be mindful of the support they provide to their employees across the generations and communicate with their team members more effectively. Additionally, it is suggested that managers provide training and developmental opportunities for Gen Yers to increase perceived supervisory support levels
ABSTRAKKata kunci: Metode debat aktif, Media video, Hasil belajar, GeografiDebat aktif adalah suatu pembelajaran yang melibatkan siswa di dalamkelas dan berpengetahuan luas serta mengemukakan pendapat. Video adalahsuatu subjek bergerak memiliki suara dan alur cerita. Hasil belajar adalah suatuhasil pencapaian yang diperoleh oleh siswa yang mana ia sebelumnya telakmelaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran. Geografi adalah studi tentang gejala-gejalaalam di permukaan bumi secara keseluruhan dalam hubungan interaksi dankeruangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajarsiswa, aktivitas guru dan siswa, Untuk mengetahui keterampilan guru dan responsiswa terhadap pembelajaran melalui penerapan metode debat aktif menggunakanmedia video. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI IPS SMAN 7 BandaAceh yang berjumlah 30 siswa. Pengumpulan data menggunakan tes (pre-test danpost-test) untuk hasil belajar siswa, lembar pengamatan aktivitas guru dan siswa,lembar pengamatan keterampilan guru dan angket respon siswa. Analisis datastatistik deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh (1) Persentaseketuntasan individual meningkat, siklus I 20 siswa tuntas, 10 siswa yang tidaktuntas, siklus II 24 siswa tuntas, 6 siswa yang tidak tuntas, siklus III 28 siswatuntas, 2 siswa yang tidak tuntas dari 30 siswa. Presentase ketuntasan klasikalmeningkat, 60% siklus I, 80% siklus II menjadi 93% siklus III; (2) Aktivitas gurudan siswa meningkat sesuai presentase waktu ideal; (3) Keterampilan gurumeningkat dari sedang ( 2,5), baik (3,16) menjadi baik (3,43); (4) Respon siswaterhadap penerapan metode debat aktif menggunakan media video adalah 93,3%dari 30 siswa menjawab dapat memahami materi yang disajikan
Survey Tentang Kebijakan Pemerintah Terhadap Jarak Sekolah dengan Rumah Menurut Prespektif Orang Tua
The school is a formal institution to gain knowledge, the school plays an important role in achieving the goals of national education Every parent would want their children to go to a favorite school, proper school. Even though the school is far from where they live. environment close to children. According to (Verdiyani, 2016) strategic location and proximity to schools are the main factors parents in choosing schools. In accordance with government policies related to the zoning system this applies to children with special needs. Where children with special needs can attend school in accordance with their residence. This study aims to find out how parents' views are related to government policies, where students should study near their homes.
Keywords: School, distance, schoo
Use of Mobile Technology: Effects on Diabetic Health Outcomes and Health Care Costs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Diabetes in Saudi Arabia has reached an epidemic rate and is a significant cause of major medical complications, premature death, and health costs. Recent statistics indicates that up to 30% of Saudi population are diabetic and this number is expected to increase. As diabetes is increasing in extremely high rates in Saudi Arabia, a texting intervention has the potential in improving the health outcomes for this population. This data is needed in Saudi Arabia to improve the outcomes with diabetic patients and to guide the development of practice models with the aim to improve diabetics non-adherence to medically prescribed treatments and their complex self-management plans. The purpose of this randomized clinical trial was to examine a texting intervention using a Smartphone with diabetics in Saudi Arabia.
Methods: An intervention group received text message reminders 3 times a week for two months plus the routine care. Control group received the routine care. Data were collected on quality of life, medication adherence and healthcare costs on day 1 (baseline), weeks 4, and 8. Results: Findings indicate that intervention group benefited from the texting intervention as reflected in their health outcomes, quality of life, medication adherence and healthcare costs. The intervention group had higher scores for quality of life, medication adherence, decreased unscheduled healthcare visits and healthcare costs.
These study results indicate that an educational texting intervention with this sample of diabetic Saudi Arabians was culturally receptive by them and an effective, safe intervention that improved their quality of life, increased their medication adherence and decreased healthcare costs Relevance to Clinical Practice: Text messages aimed at improving the health of diabetics had a significant effect on healthcare charges and health outcomes in this sample. The intervention group benefited from 2 months text messages intervention. Healthcare providers are in a unique position to apply these interventions in regions that are lacking this technology such as Saudi Arabia
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh banyaknya siswa yang belum memahami materi pembelajaran IPA, antara lain disebabkan oleh faktor penyajian buku teks, dan faktor guru. Dalam faktor penyajian buku teks ditemukan kekurangan penyajian materi pada konsep daur air, dimana materi yang disajikan membuat anak bingung untuk memahaminya. Kemudian dari faktor guru yang tidak menggunakan metode pembelajaran dan alat peraga dalam pembelajaran, sehingga siswa tidak aktif dan hanya sebagai pendengar dan penerima tugas-tugas dari guru saja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) Menganalisis kesuliatan belajar siswa (learning obstacle) dari materi Daur Air 2) Mendesain pembelajaran Cooperative Learning tipe snowball throwing pada konsep Daur Air berdasarkan analisis kesulitan belajar siswa (learning obstacle) 3) Mengimplementasikan desain pembelajaran Cooperative Learning tipe snowball throwing terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang dimodifikasi dengan Didactical Design Research (DDR) yang terdiri dari 2 siklus, setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan (Prospective), pelaksanaan (Metapeda didactic), pengamatan (Metapedadidactic) , dan refleksi (Retrospective). Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes dan lembar observasi aktivitas guru. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SDN Taktakan 1 berjumlah 30 siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan peningkatan nilai setiap siklusnya, mulai dari siklus I nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siswa sebesar (68,7) dan pada siklus II nilai meningkat menjadi (81,5). Juga dari nilai hasil observasi aktiftas guru pada siklus I sebesar (67,5), pada siklus II meningkat menjadi sebesar (85). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan menggunakan metode cooperative learning tipe snowball throwing dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat direkomendasikan kepada guru SD untuk menerapkan dan mengembangkan pembelajaran IPA dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran cooperative learning tipe snowball throwing dan media yang tepat dalam pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa
ABSTRACTThis article explored students' interests and challenges in writing fiction in EFL creative writing classes. The study used a qualitative approach involving 43 college students studying creative writing as the subjects of the study. Research instruments for this study were questionnaires and interviews, the first of which asked students what genres of fiction they were interested in, and the second confirmed their motivations in writing the fiction genre and their challenges in writing fiction. Data from questionnaires were analysed using percentages, while data from the interviews were analysed using thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006). Findings of the study revealed that (1) most students (53.5%) were interested in and preferred writing romance fiction, and (2) most students experienced challenges in writing short stories including difficulties in developing an exciting story, deciding on a plot and elaborate dialogues, and defining the characters in the story.ABSTRAKPenelitiaan ini mengeksplorasi minat dan tantangan mahasiswa dalam menulis fiksi di kelas menulis kreatif EFL. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan melibatkan 43 mahasiswa yang mempelajari penulisan kreatif sebagai subjek penelitian. Instrumen penelitian untuk penelitian ini adalah kuesioner dan wawancara, yang pertama menanyakan kepada siswa genre fiksi apa yang mereka minati, dan yang kedua mengkonfirmasi motivasi mereka dalam menulis genre fiksi dan tantangan mereka dalam menulis fiksi. Data hasil kuesioner dianalisis dengan persentase, sedangkan data hasil wawancara dianalisis dengan analisis tematik (Braun & Clarke, 2006). Temuan penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa (1) sebagian besar siswa (53,5%) tertarik dan lebih suka menulis fiksi roman, dan (2) sebagian besar siswa mengalami tantangan dalam menulis cerita pendek termasuk kesulitan dalam mengembangkan cerita yang menarik, menentukan plot dan dialog yang terperinci, dan mendefinisikan karakter dalam cerita.How to Cite: Dewi, U., Siregar, F. R. (2022). Exploring Students’ Interests and Challenges in Writing Fiction in Creative Writing Class. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9(2), 359-371. doi:10.15408/ijee.v9i2.2837
Persepsi Dan Sikap Bahasa Mahasiswa Terhadap Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia
The background of the research problem is students assume that Indonesian language courses are subjects that are considered easy and do not need to be studied on the grounds that they are able to speak Indonesian verbally, Indonesian has been used in everyday life both in formal and non-formal environments. This reason makes students assume that learning Indonesian does not need to be learned and is not included in the use of international languages as the language of communication between countries. If this continues, it can indicate the students' thinking that Indonesian is not important to learn and understand, thirdly, students assume that Indonesian language courses are only for meeting SKS and not for the importance of learning Indonesian language. If this statement is true then this subject is not yet based on its desire to know Indonesian language learning. The purpose of this study was to determine students' perceptions and attitudes towards first semester Indonesian language learning at IAIN Padangsidimpuan. This research method uses descriptive qualitative approach with this research data collection instrument in the form of questionnaires, observation and interview processing techniques and data analysis of this research is data editing, data reduction and drawing conclusions namely compiling data editions into systematic sentences. The result showed that the students think that bahasa Indonesia is easy to study, on the other hand they still unable to use it whether in daily communication or even in written expression. Their attitude to bahasa Indonesia is still low, it means that they are not care about bahasa Indonesia lesson because they think that it is not important for them, it is shown by inability of the students in writing scientific articl
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