12 research outputs found

    Analysis Of Water Requirements For Irrigation Of Green Honey Water Apple (Syzygium aqueum) In Pots

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    Plant irrigation water needs are important things to be met so that the plant growth is optimal starting from the vegetative phase to the generative phase. The current hot issue among potted fruit growers is the problem of dropping the ovary (pistil) on the plant. Many factors cause the fall of plant fruit, one of which is lack of water. This certainly needs special attention considering the nature of the water apple plant itself, in this study, especially the green honey water apple, it consumes quite a lot of water every day. To overcome the problem of water shortages in the green honey water apple plant, it is necessary to first know the average plant water requirement in pots through water content analysis in the laboratory at three stages of analysis and calculation of Pot Water Requirements (PWR) and Efficiency Needs Irrigation Water. Average Field Capacity Moisture Content of the potted planting media sample was 49.37%, Air Dry Moisture Content was 24.27 % and PWR 4.36 liters with an efficiency of irrigation water requirement for bulk systems (hand move or portable) of 5, 12-5.81 liters and a drip irrigation system (point source emitter) of 4.84-5.45 liters


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    Abstrak: Masyarakat desa Perpanden dominan bekerja sebagai petani tanaman hortikultura dan perkebunan. 15 petani mitra yang tergabung dalam kelompok tani Mekar Jaya membudidayakan sayur dan buah sepanjang tahun. Permasalahan yang dihadapi petani mitra adalah rendahnya produktivitas dan ketergantungan pada pupuk kimia. Kelangkaan pupuk kimia bersubsidi seperti urea dan NPK menyebabkan harga pupuk tinggi di pasaran sehingga petani tidak mampu membelinya. Untuk itu tim pengabdian bertujuan untuk memberikan pendampingan dan pelatihan pembuatan eco enzyme dan PSB sebagai pupuk organik dari limbah sayur dan buah. Metode pelaksanaan PKM dibagi menjadi dua tahap, yaitu tahap sosialisasi dan tahap pelatihan. Hasil akhir pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan sebesar 85,3% terhadap pemahaman dan kemampuan petani membuat eco enzyme dan PhotoSyntetic Bacteria (PSB).Abstract: Perpanden villagers predominantly work as horticultural crops and plantation farmers. 15 partner farmers who are members of the Mekar Jaya farmer group cultivate vegetables and fruit throughout the year. The problems farmer are low productivity and dependence on chemical fertilizers. The scarcity of subsidized chemical fertilizers such as urea and NPK causes the price of fertilizer to be high in the market so that farmers cannot afford it. For this reason, the service team aims to provide assistance and training in the manufacture of eco enzyme and PSB as organic fertilizer from vegetable and fruit waste. The PKM implementation method is divided into two stages, namely the socialization stage and the training stage. The final result of the service showed that 85.3% there was an increase in the understanding and ability of farmers to make eco-enzymes and PhotoSynthetic Bacteria (PSB)


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    Abstrak: Petani di Desa Suka Makmur khususnya di Dusun XI yang tergabung dalam kelompok tani Sumbekan Simalem dengan jumlah anggota 78 orang adalah petani kopi dengan luas tanam mencapai 240 Ha. Permasalahan petani saat ini adalah ketersediaan limbah kulit kopi yang cukup banyak yang bersumber dari kebun kopi yang dikelolanya. Pandemic covid 19 yang masih berlangsung menyisakan persoalan bagi petani serta usahataninya untuk itu diperlukan pendampingan dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut sekaligus peningkatan kesejahteraannya. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk pendampingan dan pelatihan pembuatan minuman berbasis limbah kulit kopi. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini dibagi menjadi dua tahapan, tahapan sosialisasi yaitu pemanfaatan limbah kulit kopi sebagai bahan baku minuman dan tahapan pelatihan yaitu cara pembuatan minumannya. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan tes uraian berupa pre-test dan post-test terkait pengetahuan kelompok tani mengenai pengolahan limbah kulit kopi dan manfaatnya. Hasil akhir pengabdian masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi peningkatan sebesar 85,1% terhadap pemahaman pemanfaatan dan kemampuan petani membuat minuman probiotik berbasis limbah kulit kopi.Abstract: Farmers in Desa Suka Makmur, especially in Dusun XI who are members of the Sumbekan Simalem farmer group with a total of 78 members, are coffee farmers with a planting area of up to 240 ha. The problem for farmers today is the availability of quite a lot of coffee skin waste sourced from the coffee plantations they manage. The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic leaves problems for farmers and their farming businesses, so assistance is needed in overcoming these problems as well as improving their welfare. This service aims to assist and train the manufacture of coffee skin waste-based beverages. The method of implementing this service is divided into two stages, the socialization stage, namely the use of coffee skin waste as raw material for beverages and the training stage, namely how to make drinks. Data were collected through interviews and description tests in the form of pre-tests and post-tests related to the knowledge of farmer groups regarding the processing of coffee skin waste and its benefits. The final results of community service showed that there has been an increase of 85.1% in understanding the use and ability of farmers to make probiotic drinks based on coffee skin waste

    Use of Suweg (Amorphopallus campanulatus )Tuber Flour Substitute bread flour on the quality of sweet bread

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    Healthy food is food that is rich in fiber, therefore this study was conducted to see the difference in the making of sweet bread by substituting wheat flour to Suweg tuber flour which is believed to be higher in fiber and better, besides that the treatment is to add CMC concentration in the manufacture of sweet bread. The Objective of this study was to obtain the best substitution effect of wheat flour and Suweg tuber flour in terms of nutritional value and quality of sweet bread and to determine the effect of CMC concentration in the manufacture of sweet bread. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) method with two factorials. Factor I is the ratio of wheat flour and flour (T) consisting of 5 levels, namely T0 = 200: 0, T1 = 180: 20, T2 = 160: 30, T3 = 140: 60, T4 = 120: 80. Factor II is CMC concentration (C) consists of 3 levels, C1 = 0.37, C2 = 0.75, C3 = 1.12. Observational parameter tests carried out were color organoleptic tests, texture organoleptic tests, flavour organoleptic tests, taste organoleptic tests, expansion volume, water content, ash content, fat content, fiber content, and protein content. The results showed that the ratio of wheat flour and Suweg tuber  flour had a very significant difference (p<0.01) on color organoleptic, flavour organoleptic, texture organoleptic, taste organoleptic, dough volume expansion, moisture content, content fat content, protein content and crude fiber content, while the concentration of CMC was very significant (p<0.01) on color organoleptic, texture organoleptic, dough volume expansion organoleptic, water content, protein content, fat content, and crude fiber content

    Floristic composition of weed community in selected vegetable fields in Selangor, Malaysia

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    A survey was conducted, during August 2010 – March 2011, on five selected leafy vegetable fields in Selangor, Malaysia. The leafy vegetables were Brassica rapa, Ipomea batatas, Lactuca sativa (leaf lettuce), Ipomea reptans and Amaranthus spp. The objective of the study was to identify the most common weeds associated with the leafy vegetables. The fields were surveyed according to the quantitative survey method by using a 0.5 m x 0.5 m quadrat with 20 samples of quadrat from each field. The data were processed using five quantitative measures, viz frequency, field uniformity, mean field density, mean occurrence field density and relative abundance of the weed spp. A total of 40 different weed species, belonging to 15 families, with 6 grasses, 10 sedges and 24 broadleaves, were identified. The weeds comprise 24 were annuals and 16 perennials. In all the vegetable fields surveyed, the most common species were Ageratum conyzoides L., Cyperus kyllingia Endl. and Eleuthranthera ruderalis. Based on relative abundance indices, the perennial weeds Cyperus rotundus L., Ageratum conyzoides L., Cyperus kyllingia Endl and annual weeds Eleuthranthera ruderalis and Amaranthus spinosus L. were most dominant species in vegetable fields


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    Konservasi sumber daya tanah adalah perlindungan sumber daya alam tanah. Hal ini dicapai dengan menghilangkan atau mengurangi dampak manusia terhadap lingkungan alam, pemanenan sumber daya lahan yang bertanggung jawab, serta upaya konservasi yang bertujuan untuk membalikkan kerusakan manusia terhadap sumber daya lahan. Konservasi dan pelestarian lingkungan menawarkan dua pendekatan tentang bagaimana mengelola lahan publik secara bertanggung jawab. Pengabdian Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penanaman akar wangi (Vetiveria zizanioides) di taman edukasi dan konservasi sumber daya lahan Lembah Juhar, Kabupaten Langkat, Sumatera Utara. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan berupa penanaman 200 bibit tanaman akar wangi yang dilakukan di taman edukasi dan konservasi sumber daya lahan Lembah Juhar, Kabupaten Langkat bersama dengan beberapa praktisi dan akademisi dari berbagai institusi di daerah Sumatera Utara dalam rangka Hari Air Sedunia, selain itu pengabdian masyarakat ini juga memberikan sosialisasi mengenai tanaman akar wangi kepada masyarakat sekitar lahan Lembah Juhar, Kabupaten Langkat mengenai pentingnya konservasi dan pelestarian lingkungan yang sekaligus dapat memberikan manfaat kepada masyarakat sebagai taman edukasi

    Plant vegetative stages and drying methods affect flavonoid content of Clinacanthus nutans extracts

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    Background: Clinacanthus nutans, also known as ‘Sabah snake grass’ or ‘Belalai gajah’, is a herb well known locally for its medicinal values. The primary chemical constituents of the leaves are schaftoside, vitexin, isovitexin, orientin and isoorientin, and antiviral activity is shown by two glycoglycerolipids. Despite the importance of C. nutans, complete information with respect to commercial production and postharvest handling of the herb in the local herbal industry is still lacking. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the optimum postharvest handling processes that could retain the phytochemicals quality of C. nutans. Materials and Methods: The flavonoid compounds of C. nutans were analysed by using ultra fast liquid chromatography (UFLC). Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity were determined using a spectrophotometer. Results: The total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in C. nutans were found to be higher in the young vegetative stage than in the mature vegetative stage. Flavonoid compounds (schaftoside, isovitexin, vitexin and orientin) were also found to be highest in the young vegetative plant compared to the mature vegetative plant. All of the assayed phytochemicals and flavonoid compounds levels were found to be highest in oven dried samples compared to the sun, air and solar dried samples. Conslusion: This study suggests that oven-drying young vegetative C. nutans plant material is the optimum method to retain postharvest quality

    Influence of forced-air precooling time on the changes in quality attributes and consumer acceptance of Musa AAA Berangan

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    A good temperature management, such as precooling and cold storage, can delay deterioration of fresh produce. In this study, different forced-air precooling times were applied on Musa AAA Berangan to investigate the influence of forced-air precooling time on the changes of quality attributes and consumer acceptance. The banana was subjected to forced-air precooling treatment (5 ± 1°C) for 0, 14, 50, and 120 min and then stored in a cold room (13 ± 1°C) for 2 weeks. Then, all the fruits were transferred to a ripening room (25 ± 2°C) and initiated to ripen with ethylene gas. Quality attributes analyses and sensory evaluations were conducted when the fruits reached maturity index 5. Quality parameters, such as soluble solids concentration, titratable acidity, pulp firmness, and peel colour, showed no significant differences when fruits were precooled at different times. Blackening of peel as a result of chilling injury occurred in fruits treated with forced-air precooling for 50 and 120 min. This blackening significantly influenced consumer acceptance, although it did not affect the pulp colour and taste

    Phytochemical content and antioxidant activity of Clinacanthus nutans (Burm. F.) lindau plant parts affected by precooling and storage

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    Harvesting time is a critical factor affecting yield, phytochemical content, physiological and morphological traits of Clinacanthus nutans (Burm. F.) or ‘belalai gajah’ while the quantity and quality of phytochemicals and antimicrobials vary in different parts of the plant. This study investigated the effects of C. nutans vegetative stage and plant parts on bioactive compounds and phytonutrient retentions, the effects of precooling treatment and storage duration on the quality and phytochemicals of C. nutans, the potential use of the vegetative stage and plant part of C. nutans in phytomedicinal preparations using multivariate analysis, and the effect of precooling methods and storage duration on C. nutans with bioactivity correlation. Three-months old C. nutans plants were harvested at young and mature stages, top of the plants for young leaves and stems, bottom parts for mature leaves and stems. The cleaned samples were stored at 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 days, and evaluated for moisture and chlorophyll contents, colour, microbial contamination, bioactive compounds, and antioxidant activities. Chlorophyll content of young parts especially of leaves was found to be the highest compared to other parts. For colour, young plant parts were brighter compared to the mature plant parts. TPC, TFC, DPPH scavenging activity and FRAP of young leaves were higher as compared to other parts. Bioactive compounds (vitexin, isovitexin, orientin, isoorientin and shaftoside) of young leaves were significantly higher compared to all vegetative stages. Although C. nutans extracts showed no differences in disc diffusion test against Escherichia coli, Bacillus pumilus and Bacillus cereus, the MIC and MBC were stronger in young parts compared to others. Moisture and chlorophyll contents were affected by interaction between precooling (10 ºC for 10 minutes) and storage duration (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 days), with a quadratic decrease in throughout storage. Total phenolic content and ferric reducing antioxidant power had negative and quadratic relationships throughout storage duration. Vitexin was affected by interaction between precooling and storage duration. Isovitexin was only affected by precooling and storage duration. Microbial contamination by E. coli, B. pumilus and B. cereus linearly increased during storage. However, hydrocooling exhibited highly positive effects in most of the parameters compared to the ice cooling and control. Nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) in combination with multivariate data analysis PCA and OPLS-DA demonstrated that young vegetative parts of C. nutans contained higher methyl sulphur compound while mature leaves showed higher methyl sulphur compound except cyclocinacoside A and cyclocinacoside A1. 1H NMR and multivariate analysis with ANOVA and regression of clustered metabolites changes upon precooling and storage showed that hydrocooled extracts gave higher metabolites (shaftoside, isoorientin, clinacoside B and citric acid) compared to other treatments. In conclusion, C. nutans young vegetative plant parts contained maximum bioactive compounds and phytochemical contents. Leaves contained higher bioactive compounds, phytochemical contents, and antioxidant activity as compared to stems. Hydrocooling was the best precooling method for two days optimum storage duration

    Influence of allelopatic mulch on weed growth and postharvest quality of leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)

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    Today, there is a high demand for our food supply to be free of potentially toxic substances including those used in the production of raw products. During the production and processing of agricultural commodities, various chemicals and foreign substances such as pesticide may enter food commodities. Most pesticides are acutely toxic and can produce adverse health effects in humans and animals when ingested at low levels over long periods of time. A study was conducted to identify allelopathic mulch for sustainable weed control of leaf lettuce and determine its effect on postharvest quality characteristics. A quantitative survey was done to investigate major weeds selected leafy vegetable fields in Selangor. Ten weed species were recorded. Cyperus rotundus and Ageratum conyzoides were the most abundant weeds followed by Eleuthranthera ruderalis, Amaranthus spinosus, and Cyperus kyllingia. Selecting allelopathic mulch to inhibit weed seeds germination was studied using extracts of sorghum, paddy straw and empty oil palm fruit bunch (EFB) in a growth chamber. Total germinated seeds were recorded every 24 hour. Shoot and root lengths were measured on germination day 20. Allelopathy residues were detrimental to germination percentage, germination speed,mean germination time and relative hypocotyl and root length of weed species studied. Cucumber, cabbage and sunflower allelochemicals inhibited 100% germination of C. rotundus, A. conyzoides, E. ruderalis, A. spinosus and C. kyllingia. Sorghum, paddy straw and EFB caused 30-50% germination for C. kyllingia, Seed germination of C. rotundus, A. conyzoides, E. ruderalis and A. spinosus was 10-30% when treated with extract sorghum, paddy straw and EFB. Germination of E. ruderalis was lowest when treated with EFB than other weeds. Final seed germination and seedling growth was reduced 0-50% with sorghum,paddy straw and EFB mulch residues. Effectiveness of sunflower and cucumber mulch on leaf lettuce was studied on vegetable field plot. Types and rates of mulching did not affect soils moisture content and total N, P, K, Mg and Ca. Higher total phenolic content and phenolic soluble concentration occurred in soils with cucumber mulch residue compared to control. Seventeen weed species belonging to six families was observed in Leaf lettuce crop. Unmulched plot had 14 weed species of family Poaceae, three Cyperaceae, two each of Euphorbiaceae and Asteraceae and one each of Amaranthaceae and Portulacaceae. Sum dominance ratio showed five most dominant weed encountered were C. rotundus, C. distans, A. spinosus, C. kyllingia and A. conyzoides. Sunflower (5 ton/ha) and cucumber (15 ton/ha) mulched plots caused reduction to five weed species. Highest reduction was for A. spinosus. Sum dominance ratio of weeds with sunflower mulch residues (10 and 15 ton/ha) was high for C. rotundus, and similar to 10 ton/ha cucumber mulch. Cucumber mulch at 5 ton/ha successfully suppressed C. rotundus in leaf lettuce plots. Mulching did not affect postharvest quality of Leaf lettuce. All characteristics measured (firmness, pH, TA and AA) were not different from unmulched treatment. Mulch rates did not affect quality characteristics and soil nutrients of leaf lettuce. Cucumber and sunflower mulching controlled weeds effectively and has potential as alternative chemical herbicides. Studies should be conducted for longer period for optimum mulch residues effectiveness