224 research outputs found

    What Happens When Investigating A Crime Takes Up Too Much Time? An Examination of How Optimal Law Enforcement Theory Impacts Sentencing

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    Previous research finds that variations in sentencing outcomes still exist among similarly situated individuals, especially among drug offenders. While courtroom actors are often the focus of sentencing disparities, law enforcement officers are rarely studied. This is problematic because criminological research has yet to explore whether law enforcement could influence sentencing decisions. The current study aims to discover the influence of a previously ignored legal variable, investigation workload, on sentence length and directly examine an untested criminal justice theory, Optimal Law Enforcement Theory. This study will explore these overlooked concepts with a rare dataset that contains information on individuals convicted of prescription drug trafficking in Florida from 2011-2013. We find that investigation workload does influence sentencing, with offenders convicted from a high police workload being significantly more likely to experience longer sentences than offenders convicted from a low investigation workload. Limitations and policy implications are also discussed

    Topological Sectors and Gauge invariance in massive Vector-Tensor Theories in D >=4

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    A family of locally equivalent models is considered. They can be taken as a generalization to d+1d+1 dimensions of the Topological Massive and ``Self-dual'' models in 2+1 dimensions. The corresponding 3+1 models are analized in detail. It is shown that one model can be seen as a gauge fixed version of the other, and their space of classical solutions differs in a topological sector represented by the classical solutions of a pure BF model. The topological sector can be gauged out on cohomologically trivial base manifolds but on general settings it may be responsible of the difference in the long distance behaviour of the models. The presence of this topological sector appears explicitly in the partition function of the theories. The generalization of this models to higher dimensions is shown to be straightfoward.Comment: 15 pages in LaTeX. This is a revised version. The BRST invariant covariant effective action and partition function for the 3+1 BF theory are explicity calculated, static solutions for special sources of the Proca and TM model are included and compared, some references adde

    Mental health, welfare and state support: Findings from a novel data linkage

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    Objectives To describe the process and outcomes of establishing a unique data linkage between mental healthcare records from the South London and Maudsley (SLaM) NHS Foundation Trust with benefits records from the Department for Work and Pensions. Methods 448,404 IDs of patients who accessed secondary mental healthcare services at SLaM were sent to the DWP, including personal identifiers. Data from SLaM covered years 2007-2019, whereas data from DWP covered years 2005-2020. A deterministic data linkage approach was used. Results A linkage rate of 93% was achieved. Patient groups who were less likely to be linked were women, those from a racial and ethnic minority background and younger patients. Benefit receipt was high among patients, with 83% of patients having received benefits during the 15-year follow-up period. Benefits most frequently received included unemployment related or income replacing disability benefits. Conclusion This data linkage is the first of its kind in the UK to demonstrate the use of routinely collected mental health and benefits data. It provides opportunities to generate much needed high-quality evidence that can be used to achieve change, investment in services and translation into policy and practice

    Universal credit receipt among users of secondary mental health services: Findings from a novel data linkage

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    Objectives People with mental disorders are likely to be overrepresented among Universal Credit (UC) recipients. Despite this, individual level data is lacking on mental disorder diagnosis by UC status, and the intersectionality of different socio-demographic characteristics. Associations were explored between UC receipt, socio-demographic and diagnostic characteristics among mental health service users. Methods A novel data source consisting of linked electronic mental healthcare records and Department for Work and Pensions administrative benefits records of patients accessing a large mental healthcare service provider in South London was used. Benefits records were restricted to those that covered years 2013-2019. Only working-age patients were included (n=120,000). Results Preliminary results indicated that of the 120,000 working-age patients with linked data, 38,000 had received UC at some point between 2013-2019. Most UC recipients were allocated to a conditionality regime that required them to look for work, followed by those who did not have to meet any work-related requirements. Adjusted analyses indicated that UC recipients were more likely to be male, younger, lived in more deprived areas, and were from a non-White ethnic background. Interestingly, having a recorded psychiatric diagnosis meant that patients were less likely to have received UC. Conclusion Possible explanations for the findings will be discussed. In the longer term, our findings have the potential to impact welfare and public health policies, as well as patient care

    Male-Produced Aggregation Pheromones of the Cerambycid Beetles Xylotrechus colonus and Sarosesthes fulminans

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    Adults of both sexes of the cerambycid beetles Xylotrechus colonus (F.) and Sarosesthes fulminans (F.) were attracted to odors produced by male conspecifics in olfactometer bioassays. Analyses of headspace volatiles from adults revealed that male X. colonus produced a blend of (R)- and (S)-3-hydroxyhexan-2-one and (2 S,3 S)- and (2R,3R)-2,3-hexanediol, whereas male S. fulminans produced (R)-3-hydroxyhexan-2-one and (2 S,3R)-2,3-hexanediol. All of these compounds were absent in the headspace of females. Two field bioassays were conducted to confirm the biological activity of the synthesized pheromones: (1) enantiomerically enriched pheromone components were tested singly and in species-specific blends and (2) four-component mixture of racemic 3-hydroxyhexan-2-one plus racemic 2-hydroxyhexan-3-one and the four-component blend of the stereoisomers of 2,3-hexanediols were tested separately and as a combined eight-component blend. In these experiments, adult male and female X. colonus were captured in greatest numbers in traps baited with the reconstructed blend of components produced by males, although significant numbers were also captured in traps baited with (R)-3-hydroxyhexan-2-one alone or in blends with other compounds. Too few adult S. fulminans were captured for a statistical comparison among treatments, but all were caught in traps baited with lures containing (R)-3-hydroxyhexan-2-one. In addition to these two species, adults of two other species of cerambycid beetles, for which pheromones had previously been identified, were caught: Neoclytus a. acuminatus (F.) and its congener Neoclytus m. mucronatus (F.). Cross-attraction of beetles to pheromone blends of other species, and to individual pheromone components that are shared by two or more sympatric species, may facilitate location of larval hosts by species that compete for the same host species

    Cohort profile: Working age adults accessing secondary mental healthcare services in South London (UK) and benefits – A data linkage of electronic mental healthcare records and benefits data

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    Objectives To present an overview of a cohort of working age adults accessing secondary mental healthcare services and benefits related to unemployment, sickness, disability, or income support and describe the different benefit types received across diagnostic and sociodemographic groups. Methods Using a novel data linkage containing electronic secondary mental health care records from the South London and Maudsley (SLaM) NHS Foundation Trust and benefits data from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), we present descriptive statistics on a cohort of working age adults. The data window covers the period January 2007-June 2020. Results We identified n=150,348 patients of working age (18-65 years), who had attended SLaM secondary mental health care services, 78.3% of which had received a benefit relating to unemployment, sickness, disability, or income support. Of this group, 68% had a recorded primary psychiatric diagnosis. We found that a much higher percentage of those with a primary psychiatric diagnosis received more than one benefit (69.4%) compared to those who had not received a primary psychiatric diagnosis (30.6%). Conclusions We showed types of benefits received among working age adults accessing secondary mental health care services. This cohort will be further examined to explore trajectories of mental health care and benefit receipt and provide evidence that will help to inform both DWP policies and mental health care delivery

    A Randomized Controlled Multicenter US Food and Drug Administration Trial of the Safety and Efficacy of the Minerva Endometrial Ablation System: One-Year Follow-Up Results

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    AbstractStudy ObjectiveTo assess the safety and effectiveness of the Minerva Endometrial Ablation System for the treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding in premenopausal women.DesignMulticenter, randomized, controlled, international study (Canadian Task Force classification I).SettingThirteen academic and private medical centers.PatientsPremenopausal women (n = 153) suffering from heavy menstrual bleeding (PALM-COEIN: E, O).InterventionPatients were treated using the Minerva Endometrial Ablation System or rollerball ablation.Measurements and Main ResultsAt 1-year post-treatment, study success (alkaline hematin ≀80 mL) was observed in 93.1% of Minerva subjects and 80.4% of rollerball subjects with amenorrhea reported by 71.6% and 49% of subjects, respectively. The mean procedure times were 3.1 minutes for Minerva and 17.2 minutes for rollerball. There were no intraoperative adverse events and/or complications reported.ConclusionThe results of this multicenter randomized controlled trial demonstrate that at the 12-month follow-up, the Minerva procedure produces statistically significantly higher rates of success, amenorrhea, and patient satisfaction as well as a shorter procedure time when compared with the historic criterion standard of rollerball ablation. Safety results were excellent and similar for both procedures

    Field evaluation of 3-hydroxy-2-hexanone and ethanol as attractants for the cerambycid beetle pest of vineyards, Xylotrechus arvicola

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    BACKGROUND: The beetle Xylotrechus arvicola (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is a serious pest of vineyards in the Iberian Peninsula. In previous work, the male beetles, but not females, were shown to produce (R)-3-hydroxy-2-hexanone, and female beetles were attracted to this compound in a laboratory bioassay. In this study, release rates of 3-hydroxy-2-hexanone from different dispensers were measured in the laboratory and the attractiveness of these to X. arvicola adults determined in trapping tests in three traditional wine-growing regions in Spain. RESULTS: As a result of laboratory experiments, for field experiments 3-hydroxy-2-hexanone was formulated as 100 ”l in a polyethylene sachet (50 mm x 50 mm x 250 ”) and ethanol was formulated as 1 ml in a polyethylene press-seal bag (76 mm x 57 mm x 50 ”). Field catches were similar at all three study sites. Catches in traps baited with 3-hydroxy-2-hexanone alone were not significantly different from those in unbaited control traps, but catches in traps baited with 3-hydroxy-2-hexanone and ethanol in separate sachets, with 3-hydroxy-2-hexanone and ethanol in the same sachet, or with ethanol alone, were significantly greater than those in control traps. These results confirm that the beetles are attracted to ethanol and addition of 3-hydroxy-2-hexanone does not seem to make any difference. CONCLUSIONS: Attraction of females for the male-produced compound, (R)-3-hydroxy-2-hexanone, has been observed in laboratory but not in field experiments. Traps baited with ethanol are highly attractive to both sexes of adults of X. arvicola, and these can be used for improved monitoring of the adult emergence and for population control by mass trapping
