30,464 research outputs found

    Revealing the Condensate and Non-Condensate Distributions in the Inhomogeneous Bose-Hubbard Model

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    We calculate the condensate fraction and the condensate and non-condensate spatial and momentum distribution of the Bose-Hubbard model in a trap. From our results, it is evident that using approximate distributions can lead to erroneous experimental estimates of the condensate. Strong interactions cause the condensate to develop pedestal-like structures around the central peak that can be mistaken as non-condensate atoms. Near the transition temperature, the peak itself can include a significant non-condensate component. Using distributions generated from QMC simulations, experiments can map their measurements for higher accuracy in identifying phase transitions and temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Twining characters and orbit Lie algebras

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    We associate to outer automorphisms of generalized Kac-Moody algebras generalized character-valued indices, the twining characters. A character formula for twining characters is derived which shows that they coincide with the ordinary characters of some other generalized Kac-Moody algebra, the so-called orbit Lie algebra. Some applications to problems in conformal field theory, algebraic geometry and the theory of sporadic simple groups are sketched.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX, Talk given by C. Schweigert at the XXI international colloquium on group theoretical methods in physics, July 1996, Goslar, German

    The late time radio emission from SN 1993J at meter wavelengths

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    We present the investigations of SN 1993J using low frequency observations with the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope. We analyze the light curves of SN 1993J at 1420, 610, 325 and 243 MHz during 7.5107.5-10 years since explosion.The supernova has become optically thin early on in the 1420 MHz and 610 MHz bands while it has only recently entered the optically thin phase in the 325 MHz band. The radio light curve in the 235 MHz band is more or less flat. This indicates that the supernova is undergoing a transition from an optically thick to optically thin limit in this frequency band. In addition, we analyze the SN radio spectra at five epochs on day 3000, 3200, 3266, 3460 and 3730 since explosion. Day 3200 spectrum shows a synchrotron cooling break. SN 1993J is the only young supernova for which the magnetic field and the size of the radio emitting region are determined through unrelated methods. Thus the mechanism that controls the evolution of the radio spectra can be identified. We suggest that at all epochs, the synchrotron self absorption mechanism is primarily responsible for the turn-over in the spectra. Light curve models based on free free absorption in homogeneous or inhomogeneous media at high frequencies overpredict the flux densities at low frequencies. The discrepancy is increasingly larger at lower and lower frequencies. We suggest that an extra opacity, sensitively dependent on frequency, is likely to account for the difference at lower frequencies. The evolution of the magnetic field (determined from synchrotron self absorption turn-over) is roughly consistent with Bt1B \propto t^{-1}. Radio spectral index in the optically thin part evolves from α0.81.0\alpha \sim 0.8-1.0 at few tens of days to 0.6\sim 0.6 in about 10 years.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figures in LaTex; scheduled for ApJ 10 September 2004, v612 issue; send comments to: [email protected]

    High-speed civil transport flight- and propulsion-control technological issues

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    Technology advances required in the flight and propulsion control system disciplines to develop a high speed civil transport (HSCT) are identified. The mission and requirements of the transport and major flight and propulsion control technology issues are discussed. Each issue is ranked and, for each issue, a plan for technology readiness is given. Certain features are unique and dominate control system design. These features include the high temperature environment, large flexible aircraft, control-configured empennage, minimizing control margins, and high availability and excellent maintainability. The failure to resolve most high-priority issues can prevent the transport from achieving its goals. The flow-time for hardware may require stimulus, since market forces may be insufficient to ensure timely production. Flight and propulsion control technology will contribute to takeoff gross weight reduction. Similar technology advances are necessary also to ensure flight safety for the transport. The certification basis of the HSCT must be negotiated between airplane manufacturers and government regulators. Efficient, quality design of the transport will require an integrated set of design tools that support the entire engineering design team

    Simulation of flight test conditions in the Langley pilot transonic cryogenic tunnel

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    The theory and advantages of the cryogenic tunnel concept are briefly reviewed. The unique ability to vary temperature independently of pressure and Mach number allows, in addition to large reductions in model loads and tunnel power, the independent determination of Reynolds number, Mach number, and aeroelastic effects on the aerodynamic characteristics of the model. Various combinations of Reynolds number and dynamic pressure are established to represent accurately flight variations of aeroelastic deformation with altitude changes. The consequences of the thermal and caloric imperfections of the test gas under cryogenic conditions were examined and found to be insignificant for operating pressures up to 5 atm. The characteristics of the Langley pilot transonic cryogenic tunnel are described and the results of initial tunnel operation are presented. Tests of a two-dimensional airfoil at a Mach number of 0.85 show identical pressure distributions for a chord Reynolds number of 8,600,000 obtained first at a stagnation pressure of 4.91 atm at a stagnation temperature of 322.0 K and then at a stagnation pressure of 1.19 atm at a stagnation temperature of 116.5 K