68 research outputs found

    Sterodin®, novi imunostimulator: neka toksikološka i farmakološka vrednovanja in vivo i interakcija lijek-lipid in vitro

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    Sterodin is a novel non-specific immunostimulating drug produced by combination of bile lipids and bacterial metabolites. In the present study, we investigated some of its (i) toxicological and (ii) pharmacological properties in vivo, and (iii) drug-lipid interaction (lipid peroxidation) in vitro. We also evaluated the possible (iv) Sterodin-induced lipid peroxidation as well as the effect of ascorbic acid on this peroxidation. We found LD50 of Sterodin to be 31.50 mL kg-1 body mass. In male albino mice, Sterodin increased the total white blood cells and neutrophils count by 59 and 26 %, respectively, on the 6th day compared to day 0 after injection and stimulated phagocytic activity in vivo. We used goat liver as lipid source in drug-lipid interaction studies in vitro. Our experiments show that Sterodin induces lipid peroxidation, which was prevented by ascorbic acidSterodin® je novi nespecifični imunostimulator koji sadrži žučne lipide i bakterijske metabolite. U radu su opisana neka njegova toksikološka i farmakološka svojstva in vivo, te interakcija lijek-lipid in vitro. Nadalje, proučavana je moguća peroksidacija lipida inducirana Sterodinom® te učinak askorbinske kiseline na tu peroksidaciju. LD50 Sterodina bio je 0,63 mL u mužjacima albino miševa mase 20 g (31,50 mL kg-1 tjelesne mase). U istim životinjama Sterodin® je povećao ukupan broj leukocita i neutrofila (59 odnosno 26 % mjereno 6 dana nakon injekcije Sterodina®) i stimulirao aktivnost fagocita in vivo. U ispitivanjima interakcije lijek-lipid in vitro korištena je jetra koze kao izvor lipida. Rezultati ukazuju da Sterodin® inducira peroksidaciju lipida, koja se može spriječiti askorbinskom kiselinom

    Glutamic acid as anticancer agent: An overview

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    AbstractThe objective of the article is to highlight various roles of glutamic acid like endogenic anticancer agent, conjugates to anticancer agents, and derivatives of glutamic acid as possible anticancer agents. Besides these emphases are given especially for two endogenous derivatives of glutamic acid such as glutamine and glutamate. Glutamine is a derivative of glutamic acid and is formed in the body from glutamic acid and ammonia in an energy requiring reaction catalyzed by glutamine synthase. It also possesses anticancer activity. So the transportation and metabolism of glutamine are also discussed for better understanding the role of glutamic acid. Glutamates are the carboxylate anions and salts of glutamic acid. Here the roles of various enzymes required for the metabolism of glutamates are also discussed

    Stochastic Resonance in Underdamped, Bistable Systems

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    We carry out a detailed numerical investigation of stochastic resonance in underdamped systems in the non-perturbative regime. We point out that an important distinction between stochastic resonance in overdamped and underdamped systems lies in the lack of dependence of the amplitude of the noise-averaged trajectory on the noise strength, in the latter case. We provide qualitative explanations for the observed behavior and show that signatures such as the initial decay and long-time oscillatory behaviour of the temporal correlation function and peaks in the noise and phase averaged power spectral density, clearly indicate the manifestation of resonant behaviour in noisy, underdamped bistable systems in the weak to moderate noise regime.Comment: Revtex; (10+8)pp including 8 figure

    Design, docking, synthesis and anticancer activity of some novel 2-(4-methylbenzenesulphonamido)pentanedioic acid amide derivatives

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    In the present work few novel 2-(4-methylbenzenesulphonamido)pentanedioic acid amide derivatives and the basic compound 2-(4-methylphenylsulfon-amido)pentanedioic acid have been designed, synthesized, characterized and screened for their possible antineoplastic activity both in vitro and in vivo. The modified drugs were docked against the protein histone deacetylase the energy value obtained was o-iodoanilide (-10.370504) and m-iodoanilide (-10.218276) of the titled compound. The in vitro activity was performed against five human cell lines like human breast cancer (MCF-7), leukemia (K-562), ova-rian cancer (OVACAR-3), human colon adenocarcinoma (HT-29) and Human kidney carcinoma (A-498). The in vivo activity was performed in female Swiss albino mice against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma (EAC). Among the synthesized compounds, o-iodoanilide, m-iodoanilide and p-iodoanilide derivatives of 2-(4-methyl benzene sulphonyl)-pentanedioic acid amides showed encouraging activity in both the in vitro and in vivo compared to other compounds

    Resonant Production of Topological Defects

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    We describe a novel phenomenon in which vortices are produced due to resonant oscillations of a scalar field which is driven by a periodically varying temperature T, with T remaining much below the critical temperature TcT_c. Also, in a rapid heating of a localized region to a temperature {\it below} TcT_c, far separated vortex and antivortex can form. We compare our results with recent models of defect production during reheating after inflation. We also discuss possible experimental tests of our predictions of topological defect production {\it without} ever going through a phase transition.Comment: Revtex, 13 pages including 5 postscript figure

    Forming a Single, Large, DCC Domain in a Heavy-Ion Collision

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    We demonstrate the possibility of forming a single, large domain of disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) in a heavy-ion collision. In our scenario, rapid initial heating of the parton system provides a driving force for the chiral field, moving it away from the true vacuum and forcing it to go to the opposite point on the vacuum manifold. This converts the entire hot region into a single DCC domain. Subsequent rolling down of the chiral field to its true vacuum will then lead to emission of a large number of (approximately) coherent pions. The requirement of suppression of thermal fluctuations to maintain the (approximate) coherence of such a large DCC domain, favors three dimensional expansion of the plasma over the longitudinal expansion even at very early stages of evolution. This also constrains the maximum temperature of the system to lie within a window. We roughly estimate this window to be about 200 - 400 MeV. These results lead us to predict that extremely high energy collisions of {\it very small nuclei} (possibly hadrons) are better suited for observing signatures of a large DCC. Another possibility is to focus on {\it peripheral} collisions of heavy nuclei.Comment: RevTex, 22 pages, including 5 figures. Considerably expanded version with results of improved numerical calculation

    Stochastic Production Of Kink-Antikink Pairs In The Presence Of An Oscillating Background

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    We numerically investigate the production of kink-antikink pairs in a (1+1)(1+1) dimensional ϕ4\phi^4 field theory subject to white noise and periodic driving. The twin effects of noise and periodic driving acting in conjunction lead to considerable enhancement in the kink density compared to the thermal equilibrium value, for low dissipation coefficients and for a specific range of frequencies of the oscillating background. The dependence of the kink-density on the temperature of the heat bath, the amplitude of the oscillating background and value of the dissipation coefficient is also investigated. An interesting feature of our result is that kink-antikink production occurs even though the system always remains in the broken symmetry phase.Comment: Revtex, 21 pages including 7 figures; more references adde

    Nonequilibrium Evolution of Correlation Functions: A Canonical Approach

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    We study nonequilibrium evolution in a self-interacting quantum field theory invariant under space translation only by using a canonical approach based on the recently developed Liouville-von Neumann formalism. The method is first used to obtain the correlation functions both in and beyond the Hartree approximation, for the quantum mechanical analog of the ϕ4\phi^{4} model. The technique involves representing the Hamiltonian in a Fock basis of annihilation and creation operators. By separating it into a solvable Gaussian part involving quadratic terms and a perturbation of quartic terms, it is possible to find the improved vacuum state to any desired order. The correlation functions for the field theory are then investigated in the Hartree approximation and those beyond the Hartree approximation are obtained by finding the improved vacuum state corrected up to O(λ2){\cal O}(\lambda^2). These correlation functions take into account next-to-leading and next-to-next-to-leading order effects in the coupling constant. We also use the Heisenberg formalism to obtain the time evolution equations for the equal-time, connected correlation functions beyond the leading order. These equations are derived by including the connected 4-point functions in the hierarchy. The resulting coupled set of equations form a part of infinite hierarchy of coupled equations relating the various connected n-point functions. The connection with other approaches based on the path integral formalism is established and the physical implications of the set of equations are discussed with particular emphasis on thermalization.Comment: Revtex, 32 pages; substantial new material dealing with non-equilibrium evolution beyond Hartree approx. based on the LvN formalism, has been adde