54 research outputs found

    Magnetosphere–Ionosphere Coupling

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    The process of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling involves the transport of vast quantities of energy and momentum between a magnetized planet and its space environment, or magnetosphere. This transport involves extended, global sheets of electrical current, which flows along magnetic field lines. Some of the charged particles, which carry this current rain down onto the planet’s upper atmosphere and excite aurorae–beautiful displays of light close to the magnetic poles, which are an important signature of the physics of the coupling process. The Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn all have magnetospheres, but the detailed physical origin of their auroral emissions differs from planet to planet. The Earth’s aurora is principally driven by the interaction of its magnetosphere with the upstream solar wind—a flow of plasma continually emanating from the Sun. This interaction imposes a particular pattern of flow on the plasma within the magnetosphere, which in turn determines the morphology and intensity of the currents and aurorae. Jupiter, on the other hand, is a giant rapid rotator, whose main auroral oval is thought to arise from the transport of angular momentum between the upper atmosphere and the rotating, disc-like plasma in the magnetosphere. Saturn exhibits auroral behavior consistent with a solar wind–related mechanism, but there is also regular variability in Saturn’s auroral emissions, which is consistent with rotating current systems that transport energy between the magnetospheric plasma and localized vortices of flow in the upper atmosphere/ionosphere.</p

    Plasma instabilities in meteor trails:linear theory

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    Ablation of micrometeoroids between 70 and 130 km altitude in the atmosphere creates plasma columns with densities exceeding the ambient ionospheric electron density by many orders of magnitude. Density gradients at the edges of these trails can create ambipolar electric fields with amplitudes in excess of 100 mV/m. These fields combine with diamagnetic drifts to drive electrons at speeds exceeding 2 km/s. The fields and gradients also initiate Farley-Buneman and gradient-drift instabilities. These create field-aligned plasma density irregularities which evolve into turbulent structures detectable by radars with a large power-aperture product, such as those found at Jicamarca, Arecibo, and Kwajalein. This paper presents a theory of meteor trail instabilities using both fluid and kinetic methods. In particular, it discusses the origin of the driving electric field, the resulting electron drifts, and the linear plasma instabilities of meteor trails. It shows that though the ambipolar electric field changes amplitude and even direction as a function of altitude, the electrons always drift in the positive ∇n × B direction, where n is the density and B the geomagnetic field. The linear stability analysis predicts that instabilities develop within a limited range of altitudes with the following observational consequences: (1) nonspecular meteor trail echoes will be field-aligned; (2) nonspecular echoes will return from a limited range of altitudes compared with the range over which the head echo reflection indicates the presence of plasma columns; and (3) anomalous cross-field diffusion will occur only within this limited altitude range with consequences for calculating diffusion rates and temperatures with both specular and nonspecular radars

    Gas Giant Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling

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    Evaluating the ionospheric mass source for Jupiter's magnetosphere:An ionospheric outflow model for the auroral regions

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    Ionospheric outflow is the flow of plasma initiated by a loss of equilibrium along a magnetic field line, which induces an ambipolar electric field due to the separation of electrons and ions in a gravitational field and other mass‐dependent sources. We have developed an ionospheric outflow model using the transport equations to determine the number of particles that flow into the outer magnetosphere of Jupiter. The model ranges from 1,400 km in altitude above the 1 bar level to 2.5 RJ along the magnetic field line and considers H+ and H3+ as the main ion constituents. Previously, only pressure gradients and gravitational forces were considered in modeling polar wind. However, at Jupiter we need to evaluate the effect of field‐aligned currents present in the auroral regions due to the breakdown of corotation in the magnetosphere, along with the centrifugal force exerted on the particles due to the fast planetary rotation rate. The total number flux from both hemispheres is found to be 1.3–1.8 × 1028 s−1 comparable in total number flux to the Io plasma source. The mass flux is lower due to the difference in ion species. This influx of protons from the ionosphere into the inner and middle magnetosphere needs to be included in future assessments of global flux tube dynamics and composition of the magnetosphere system

    Local Time Asymmetries in Jupiter's Magnetodisc Currents

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    We present an investigation into the currents within the Jovian magnetodisc using all available spacecraft magnetometer data up until 28th July, 2018. Using automated data analysis processes as well as the most recent intrinsic field and current disk geometry models, a full local time coverage of the magnetodisc currents using 7382 lobe traversals over 39 years is constructed. Our study demonstrates clear local time asymmetries in both the radial and azimuthal height integrated current densities throughout the current disk. Asymmetries persist within 30 RJ_\mathrm{J} where most models assume axisymmetry. Inward radial currents are found in the previously unmapped dusk and noon sectors. Azimuthal currents are found to be weaker in the dayside magnetosphere than the nightside, in agreement with global magnetohydrodynamic simulations. The divergence of the azimuthal and radial currents indicates that downward field aligned currents exist within the outer dayside magnetosphere. The presence of azimuthal currents is shown to highly influence the location of the field aligned currents which emphasizes the importance of the azimuthal currents in future Magnetosphere-Ionosphere coupling models. Integrating the divergence of the height integrated current densities we find that 1.87 MA RJ2_\mathrm{J}^{-2} of return current density required for system closure is absent

    Modelling of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Jovian System

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    Auroral emissions are generated through the acceleration of current carriers along magnetic field lines, with particles precipitating into the atmosphere of a planet. The distribution of plasma within the planetary magnetosphere determines the potential structure along the field lines and is therefore influenced by the characteristics of magnetospheric and ionospheric particle sources. This in turn, influences the generated aurora. At the Jovian system, the particle dynamics are complex. Heavy ions are confined to the centrifugal equator of the planet due to strong centrifugal forces; magnetospheric electrons are unable to reach high magnetic latitudes due to the magnetic mirror effect; ionospheric plasma cannot reach high latitudes due to large gravitational forces. Due to these restrictions, a field-aligned accelerating potential will be generated, occurring close to the minimum of the sum of the centrifugal and gravitational potentials. This will result in precipitating electrons and ions being accelerated, resulting in auroral emission in the UV and X-ray regimes, respectively. To gain understanding of the dynamics of the Jovian magnetosphere and auroral generation, work is underway on adapting an existing terrestrial model. This numeric code is a parallelised, kinetic Vlasov solver, which models the evolution of plasma species along magnetic field lines, and thus determining the structure of auroral acceleration regions at Earth. Through the use of a non-uniform spatial grid, the model allows fine resolution in specific regions of interest (e.g. at the ionosphere). Efforts are currently underway to introduce centrifugal forces to the model, allowing it to accurately model the rapidly rotating Jovian system. In addition, species will have the option of be treated as a fluid, improving computational time. The refined model will quantify the energy transferred to Jupiter’s atmosphere through auroral precipitation, thus allowing comparison and interpretation of insitu measurements made by the Juno spacecraft

    The effect of field-aligned currents and centrifugal forces on ionospheric outflow at Saturn

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    Ionospheric outflow is driven by an ambipolar electric field induced due to the separation of electrons and ions in a gravitational field when equilibrium along a magnetic field line is lost. A model of ionospheric outflow at Saturn was developed using transport equations to estimate the number of charged particles that flow from the auroral regions into the magnetosphere. The model evaluates the outflow from 1,400 km in altitude above the 1 bar level, to 3 RS along the field line. The main ion constituents evaluated are R+ and R+3. We consider the centrifugal force exerted on the particles due to a fast rotation rate, along with the effects of field‐aligned currents present in the auroral regions. The total number flux from both auroral regions is found to be 5.5–13.0×1027 s−1, which relates to a total mass source of 5.5–17.7 kg s−1. These values are on average an order of magnitude higher than expected without the additional effects of centrifugal force and field‐aligned currents. We find the ionospheric outflow rate to be comparable to the lower estimates of the mass loading rate from Enceladus and are in agreement with recent Cassini observations. This additional mass flux into the magnetosphere can substantially affect the dynamics and composition of the inner and middle magnetosphere of Saturn

    Vertical Current Density Structure of Saturn's Equatorial Current Sheet

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    Routine spacecraft encounters with the Saturn current sheet due to the passage of aperiodic waves provide the opportunity to analyze the current sheet structure. The current density is expected to peak where the field strength reaches a minimum if approximated as a Harris current sheet. However, in Earth's magnetotail this is not always the case as the sheet is sometimes bifurcated (having two or more maxima in the current density). We utilize measurements of Saturn's magnetic field to estimate the current density during crossings of the current sheet by time differentiating the B a component of the field in a current sheet coordinate system, where B a is perpendicular to both the current and current sheet normal. This is then averaged and organized by the magnitude of B a. Using this method, we can identify a classical Harris-style or bifurcated current sheet as a peak at the center or two distinct maxima on either side of B a=0, respectively. We find that around 10% of current sheet profiles exhibit a bifurcated current sheet signature, which is substantially lower than an ∼25% occurrence rate at Earth

    Auroral evidence of radial transport at Jupiter during January 2014

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    We present Jovian auroral observations from the 2014 January Hubble Space Telescope (HST) campaign and investigate the auroral signatures of radial transport in the magnetosphere alongside contemporaneous radio and Hisaki EUV data. HST FUV auroral observations on day 11 show, for the first time, a significantly superrotating polar spot poleward of the main emission on the dawnside. The spot transitions from the polar to main emission region in the presence of a locally broad, bright dawnside main emission feature and two large equatorward emission features. Such a configuration of the main emission region is also unreported to date. We interpret the signatures as part of a sequence of inward radial transport processes. Hot plasma inflows from tail reconnection are thought to flow planetward and could generate the superrotating spot. The main emission feature could be the result of flow shears from prior hot inflows. Equatorward emissions are observed. These are evidence of hot plasma injections in the inner magnetosphere. The images are thought to be part of a prolonged period of reconnection. Radio emissions measured by Wind suggest that hectometric (HOM) and non-Io decametric (DAM) signatures are associated with the sequence of auroral signatures, which implies a global magnetospheric disturbance. The reconnection and injection interval can continue for several hours

    Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere coupling at Jupiter using a three-dimensional atmospheric general circulation model

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    Jupiter's upper atmosphere is ∼700 K hotter than predicted based on solar extreme ultraviolet heating alone. The reason for this still remains a mystery and is known as the “energy crisis.” It is thought that the interaction between Jupiter and its dynamic magnetosphere plays a vital role in heating its atmosphere to the observed temperatures. Here, we present a new model of Jupiter's magnetosphere‐ionosphere‐thermosphere‐coupled system where we couple a three‐dimensional atmospheric general circulation model to an axisymmetric magnetosphere model. We find that the model temperatures are on average ∼60 K, with a maximum of ∼200 K, hotter than the model's two‐dimensional predecessor making our high‐latitude temperatures comparable to the lower limit of observations. Stronger meridional winds now transport more heat from the auroral region to the equator increasing the equatorial temperatures. However, despite this increase, the modeled equatorial temperatures are still hundreds of kelvins colder than observed. We use this model as an intermediate step toward a three‐dimensional atmospheric model coupled to a realistic magnetosphere model with zonal and radial variation