39 research outputs found

    Satellite operators as group actions on knot concordance

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    Any knot in a solid torus, called a pattern or satellite operator, acts on knots in the 3-sphere via the satellite construction. We introduce a generalization of satellite operators which form a group (unlike traditional satellite operators), modulo a generalization of concordance. This group has an action on the set of knots in homology spheres, using which we recover the recent result of Cochran and the authors that satellite operators with strong winding number ±1\pm 1 give injective functions on topological concordance classes of knots, as well as smooth concordance classes of knots modulo the smooth 4--dimensional Poincare Conjecture. The notion of generalized satellite operators yields a characterization of surjective satellite operators, as well as a sufficient condition for a satellite operator to have an inverse. As a consequence, we are able to construct infinitely many non-trivial satellite operators P such that there is a satellite operator P‾\overline{P} for which P‾(P(K))\overline{P}(P(K)) is concordant to K (topologically as well as smoothly in a potentially exotic S3×[0,1]S^3\times [0,1]) for all knots K; we show that these satellite operators are distinct from all connected-sum operators, even up to concordance, and that they induce bijective functions on topological concordance classes of knots, as well as smooth concordance classes of knots modulo the smooth 4--dimensional Poincare Conjecture.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures; in the second version, we have added several new results about surjectivity of satellite operators, and inverses of satellite operators, and the exposition and structure of the paper have been improve

    Pretzel links, mutation, and the slice-ribbon conjecture

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    Let p and q be distinct integers greater than one. We show that the 2-component pretzel link P(p,q,-p,-q) is not slice, even though it has a ribbon mutant, by using 3-fold branched covers and an obstruction based on Donaldson's diagonalization theorem. As a consequence, we prove the slice-ribbon conjecture for 4-stranded 2-component pretzel links.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, V2: Implements suggestions from a referee report. This version has been accepted for publication by MR

    Concordance of knots in S1Ă—S2S^1\times S^2

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    We establish a number of results about smooth and topological concordance of knots in S1×S2S^1\times S^2. The winding number of a knot in S1×S2S^1\times S^2 is defined to be its class in H1(S1×S2;Z)≅ZH_1(S^1\times S^2;\mathbb{Z})\cong \mathbb{Z}. We show that there is a unique smooth concordance class of knots with winding number one. This improves the corresponding result of Friedl-Nagel-Orson-Powell in the topological category. We say a knot in S1×S2S^1\times S^2 is slice (resp. topologically slice) if it bounds a smooth (resp. locally flat) disk in D2×S2D^2\times S^2. We show that there are infinitely many topological concordance classes of non-slice knots, and moreover, for any winding number other than ±1\pm 1, there are infinitely many topological concordance classes even within the collection of slice knots. Additionally we demonstrate the distinction between the smooth and topological categories by constructing infinite families of slice knots that are topologically but not smoothly concordant, as well as non-slice knots that are topologically slice and topologically concordant, but not smoothly concordant.Comment: 25 pages, 19 figures, final version, to appear in Journal of London Mathematical Societ

    On distinct finite covers of 3-manifolds

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    Every closed orientable surface S has the following property: any two connected covers of S of the same degree are homeomorphic (as spaces). In this, paper we give a complete classification of compact 3-manifolds with empty or toroidal boundary which have the above property. We also discuss related group-theoretic questions.Comment: 29 pages. V3: Implements suggestions from a referee report. This version has been accepted for publication by IUM