114 research outputs found

    Mercury Compound Detection in Cosmetic Products

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    Mercury-containing cosmetics have been represented for many years as skin bleaching agents in skin whitening products, or as preparations to remove orprevent freckles and/or brown spots. The trade in skin whitening creams is booming in Britain, and the creams are enormously popular in many African countries, particularly post-apartheid South Africa, as well as amongst African American women. However, women are poorly informed about the effects of using skin whitening products. The objective of this research study is to investigate the presence of mercury compounds in whitening facial cream and facial cleanser by performing experimental analysis. There is also a need to research for the allowable limit of mercury in the cosmetics and finally to research for the effects of mercury-containing whitening cream to consumers. The analysis of mercury compound was carried out to six skin whitening products from various brands. The presence ofmercury compounds was determined by using the method ofvaporization and trapping with Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (AFS). From the experimental results, the actual mercury concentration in each sample products was calculated and was presented in parts per million (ppm) levels. Product C contains the highest mercury concentration, which is 329.88 ppm, followed by Product D with 267.53 ppm, then Product F with 136.39 ppm, Product B with 65.86 ppm, Product A as the second lowest with 26.01 ppm, and finally the lowest mercury-containing product is Product E. Since there should be no any trace amount of mercury in cosmetic products except not more than 65 ppm of mercury used as preservative in eye area cosmetics, the amount of mercury in all sample products obtained, are all exceeding the allowable limit. However, the results obtained cannot be approved since the method used to dissolve or to extract the sample products was not based on any approved standard such ASTM Standard Method. Furthermore, there was no Certified Reference Material was used to compare the experimental results with the theoretical values. As to conclude, there is mercury compound exist in skin whitening products but the concentration differs amongst products. The experimental analysis ofcan be improved by employing a standard method of cosmetic analysis, and student must be more precautious during the preparation of samples

    Pembelajaran Sudut melalui Tarian Kreasi Sumatera Selatan Menggunakan Pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia di SMP

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memperoleh gambaran pembelajaran sudut menggunakan pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI) di Sekolah Menengah Pertama yang ditinjau dari dua aspek yaitu: aktivitas siswa selama pembelajaran, respon atau sikap siswa pada pembelajaran. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VII SMP N 18 Palembang yang terdiri dari 32 siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah observasi untuk mengetahui aktivitas siswa selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung, serta dokumen untuk mengetahui hasil kerja Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) saat proses pembelajaran untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa. Dari analisis data disimpulkan bahwa hasil observasi menunjukkan semua siswa aktif mengikuti pembelaran dengan baik. Dari analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil observasi  menunjukkan semua siswa aktif mengikuti pembelajaran dengan baik. Dari hasil kerja siswa pada LKPD dan latihan menunjukkan bahwa semua siswa mampu menyelesaikan pembelajaran materi sudut dengan rata-rata 84,75 termasuk kategori sangat baik. Sedangkan hasil observasi keterlaksanaan guru dalam proses pembelajaran mulai pendahuluan, kegiatan inti, dan penutup sudah terlaksana dengan baik

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    Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Bagian Data Manajemen pada PT. Telkom Akses Medan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan kerja dan motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan bagian data manajemen pada PT. Telkom Akses Medan, sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 35 orang. Data yang diikumpulkan menggunakan metode kuesioner. Dengan menggunakan analisa regresi melalui perangkat lunak SPSS 16,0. Didapatkan hasil bahwa variable lingkungan kerja dan motivasi kerja berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan. Lingkungan kerja yang baik, kerja sama tim yang dibangun serta motivasi dari setiap elemen sehingga mampu menciptakan kinerja karyawan membaik, Lingkungan kerja merupakan suatu kondisi pekerjaan untuk memberikan suasana dan situasi kerja karyawan yang nyaman dalam pencapaian tujuan yang diinginkan oleh suatu perusahaan. &nbsp

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pengusaha Mikro dalam Mengambil Pembiayaan Modal Usaha Pada Unit Pembiayaan Keuangan Syari’ah Kec. Kluet Tengah Kabupaten Aceh Selatan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi keputusan pengusaha mikro dalam mengambil pembiayaan pada UPKS Kecamatan Kluet Tengah-Aceh Selatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuisioner, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa (1) Faktor Internal tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap keputusan pedagang kecil menengah dalam mengambil pembiayaan modal usaha. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai t hitung(-6,449) t tabel (1,983) atau dapat dilihat dari nilai signifikansi 0,000 F tabel yaitu 229,433>2,354 atau nilai signifikansi sebesar (0,000) <0,05, sehingga menerima hipotesis bahwa faktor internal dan faktor eksternal berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap keputusan pedagang kecil menengah dalam mengambil pembiayaan modal usaha pada Unit Pembiayaan Keuangan Syaria’h Kecamatan Kluet Tengah Kabupaten Aceh Selatan

    MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN ORANG TUA DALAM MELAKUKAN DETEKSI DAN STIMULASI TUMBUH KEMBANG ANAK MELALUI PENERAPAN PROGRAM PARENTING EDUCATION (Penelitian Tindakan pada Orang Tua yang Memiliki Anak Usia 4-6 Tahun di Kampung Linggawastu Kecamatan Bandung Wetan Kota Bandung)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran terkait peningkatan kemampuan orang tua dalam melakukan deteksi dan stimulasi tumbuh kembang anak melalui penerapan program parenting education. Adapun masalah yang melandasi penelitian ini adalah sering terjadinya kekeliruan pengasuhan yang dilakukan oleh orang tua terhadap anak dikarenakan masih kurangnya pemberian informasi pada orang tua terkait dengan deteksi dan stimulasi tumbuh kembang anak, sehingga diperlukan suatu perbaikan dan dalam penelitian ini sousi yang digunakan adalah melalui parenting education. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode penelitian tindakan dengan desain Kemmis & Taggart. Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu orang tua anak usia 4-6 tahun di Kampung Linggawastu berjumlah sembilan orang. Pengupulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Adapun hasil data dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis kuantitatif dengan menggunakan perhitungan distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kemampuan awal orang tua dalam melakukan deteksi dan stimulasi tumbuh kembang anak sebelum penerapan parenting education sebagian besar berada pada kategori kurang yaitu sebesar 77,8%. Berdasarkan hal tersebut parenting education kemudian diberikan kepada orang tua selama tiga siklus yang terdiri dari tujuh topik yaitu perawatan anak, perkembangan anak, kesehatan dan nutrisi bagi anak, bermain, bahasa anak, perilaku anak dan persiapan masuk sekolah. Setelah dilakukan penerapan parenting education, kemampuan orang tua dalam melakukan deteksi dan stimulasi tumbuh kembang anak meningkat secara baik, dimana sebesar 55,6% orang tua berada pada kategori baik dan sisanya berada pada kategori cukup baik. ---------- The research aims to find about improvement of parents’ skills in detecting and stimulating children’s growth and development through the implementation of parenting education program. The problem under research is the frequent misconception among parents in the way they nurture their children due to a lack of information about detection and stimulation of children’s growth and development; hence, improvement is needed, and this research offers parenting education as the solution. The research adopted action research method drawing upon Kemmis & Taggar’s design. The subjects consisted of a number of nine parents having 4-6 year-old children in Kampung Linggawastu. Data were collected using observation, interview, and documentary analysis. The data were analyzed quantitatively by calculating the frequency distribution. Research results show that before the implementation of parenting education, the majority of parents, or 77.8%, lacked the skills in detecting and stimulating children’s growth and development. Based on this finding, parenting education was then given to the parents for three cycles, covering seven topics, namely child care, child development, child health and nutrition, playing, child language, child behavior, and school entry preparation. After the implementation of parenting education program, parents’ skills in detecting and stimulating children’s growth and development improved, where 55.6% of them were categorized as having good skills, and the rest were at categorized as having fairly good skills

    Analisis Produktivitas PT. Sarana Lalulintas Indonesia dengan Menggunakan Metode Marvin E. Mundel dalam Mewujudkan Mashlahah Maksimum

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat produktivitas serta memberikan usulan perbaikan dan peningkatan di PT. Sarana Lalulintas Indonesia. Dengan mengukur produktivitas juga dapat mengetahui Mashlahah maksimum di dalam perushaan dengan memasukkan berkah sebagai input produksi, sebab berkah mempunyai pengaruh yang nyata dalam membentuk nilai output. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Data penelitian yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Laporan Produksi PT. Sarana Laulintas Indonesia dari periode Januari sampai periode Desember Tahun 2020. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan studi dokumen dan teknik analisis data menggunakan metode Marvin E. Mundel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa produktivitas total indeks produktivitas tertinggi pada periode Februari yaitu sebesar 119% dan terendah pada periode April yaitu 74,93%. Dari beberapa faktor yang telah diteliti oleh peneliti bahwa PT. Sarana Lalulintas Indonesia masih belum menginternasilasasikan Mashlahah yang maksimum. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran produktivitas, peningkatan produktivitas dapat dilakukan dengan cara perbaikan masing-masing input diantaranya meningkatkan pemeliharaan dan perawatan terhadap mesin, meningkatkan kontrol terhadap material yang dikirim oleh supplier, dan melakukan pengawasan terhadap karyawan

    Mercury Compound Detection in Cosmetic Products

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    Mercury-containing cosmetics have been represented for many years as skin bleaching agents in skin whitening products, or as preparations to remove orprevent freckles and/or brown spots. The trade in skin whitening creams is booming in Britain, and the creams are enormously popular in many African countries, particularly post-apartheid South Africa, as well as amongst African American women. However, women are poorly informed about the effects of using skin whitening products. The objective of this research study is to investigate the presence of mercury compounds in whitening facial cream and facial cleanser by performing experimental analysis. There is also a need to research for the allowable limit of mercury in the cosmetics and finally to research for the effects of mercury-containing whitening cream to consumers. The analysis of mercury compound was carried out to six skin whitening products from various brands. The presence ofmercury compounds was determined by using the method ofvaporization and trapping with Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (AFS). From the experimental results, the actual mercury concentration in each sample products was calculated and was presented in parts per million (ppm) levels. Product C contains the highest mercury concentration, which is 329.88 ppm, followed by Product D with 267.53 ppm, then Product F with 136.39 ppm, Product B with 65.86 ppm, Product A as the second lowest with 26.01 ppm, and finally the lowest mercury-containing product is Product E. Since there should be no any trace amount of mercury in cosmetic products except not more than 65 ppm of mercury used as preservative in eye area cosmetics, the amount of mercury in all sample products obtained, are all exceeding the allowable limit. However, the results obtained cannot be approved since the method used to dissolve or to extract the sample products was not based on any approved standard such ASTM Standard Method. Furthermore, there was no Certified Reference Material was used to compare the experimental results with the theoretical values. As to conclude, there is mercury compound exist in skin whitening products but the concentration differs amongst products. The experimental analysis ofcan be improved by employing a standard method of cosmetic analysis, and student must be more precautious during the preparation of samples


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    This research aims to produce a valid, practical, and having potential effects PISA-like mathematics problems using taekwondo context in Asian Games. The subjects were MIA 3 student of SMA 10 Palembang. This study was design research of development study in which had two stages: the preliminary and formative evaluation. The formative evaluation includes self-evaluation, one-to-one and expert review, small group, and field test. The context is used to have the students estimate maximum numbers of exercising athletes in a hall with a specific size. The result of the analysis shows that the problems which were reviewed by three expert reviews are valid qualitatively based on the PISA framework; it is also practical and easy to understand the problem. Based on the analysis of students’ answer, the developed problems display potential effects on student’s diverse basic mathematical abilities on the various process of answering the problems. The basic mathematics abilities emerging among which are reasoning and argument ability. It appears that students can develop and solve the problem by modeling using their assumptions. Also, the other ability is designing strategies to solve problems in which students use various procedures in solving problems leading the conclusion

    Strategic Information Systems Planning In The Banking Sector—a Path Analytic Model Study In The Indian Context

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    This paper presents a path analytic model showing the cause and effect relationships among various Information Systems (IS) planning variables for the banking sector in India. In recent years, there has been an increased awareness among banks of the potential of Information Technology (IT) and the use of information systems. Strategic information system planning (SISP) becomes an important issue in the use of IS strategically. In India, banks have now started realizing the importance of SISP. In this study, 11 IS planning variables for the banking sector in India are examined and the influence of one over the other is investigated using path analysis. Data for the study are collected from 52 banks operating in India. The results of the study indicate that top management involvement in IS planning greatly influences the whole planning exercise. Moreover, top management involvement is higher when they foresee greater future impact of IS. The study also highlights the need and importance of user training in the banking sector. Change in the focus and orientation of user-training will make the users competent to conceive with innovative IS applications