304 research outputs found

    Experimental investigations on the tuning of active gate drivers under load current variations

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    Active Gate Drivers have gained of interest as they allow one to shape the switching waveforms finely, thus reducing overshoots and oscillations. However, when fast power switches are exploited, the tuning of such drivers is still challenging. This paper investigates the adjustment of gate current profile under load variations, which is a crucial issue when targeting practical applications. Indeed, a technique, based on the stretching of time intervals, is proposed and its effectiveness, in terms of undershoot reduction, is experimentally assessed

    Precursor-Dependent Photocatalytic Activity of Carbon Dots

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    This work systematically compares both structural features and photocatalytic performance of a series of graphitic and amorphous carbon dots (CDs) prepared in a bottom-up manner from fructose, glucose, and citric acid. We demonstrate that the carbon source and synthetic procedures diversely affect the structural and optical properties of the CDs, which in turn unpredictably influence their photo electron transfer ability. The latter was evaluated by studying the photo-reduction of methyl viologen. Overall, citric acid-CDs were found to provide the best photocatalytic performance followed by fructose- and glucose-CDs. However, while the graphitization of glucose- and citric acid-CDs favored the photo-reaction, a reverse structure-activity dependence was observed for fructose-CDs due to the formation of a large graphitic-like supramolecular assembly. This study highlights the complexity to design in advance photo-active bio-based carbon nanomaterials

    Identification of a Circadian Clock-Controlled Neural Pathway in the Rabbit Retina

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    Background: Although the circadian clock in the mammalian retina regulates many physiological processes in the retina, it is not known whether and how the clock controls the neuronal pathways involved in visual processing. Methodology/Principal Findings: By recording the light responses of rabbit axonless (A-type) horizontal cells under darkadapted conditions in both the day and night, we found that rod input to these cells was substantially increased at night under control conditions and following selective blockade of dopamine D2, but not D1, receptors during the day, so that the horizontal cells responded to very dim light at night but not in the day. Using neurobiotin tracer labeling, we also found that the extent of tracer coupling between rabbit rods and cones was more extensive during the night, compared to the day, and more extensive in the day following D 2 receptor blockade. Because A-type horizontal cells make synaptic contact exclusively with cones, these observations indicate that the circadian clock in the mammalian retina substantially increases rod input to A-type horizontal cells at night by enhancing rod-cone coupling. Moreover, the clock-induced increase in D2 receptor activation during the day decreases rod-cone coupling so that rod input to A-type horizontal cells is minimal. Conclusions/Significance: Considered together, these results identify the rod-cone gap junction as a key site in mammals through which the retinal clock, using dopamine activation of D2 receptors, controls signal flow in the day and night fro

    Toksični učinci patulina na timus mužjaka štakora u razvoju

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    Patulin is a mycotoxin produced by several Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Byssachlamys species growing on food products. In this study, we investigated the effects of patulin on the thymus of growing male rats aged fi ve to six weeks. The rats were receiving it orally at a dose of 0.1 mg kg-1 bw a day for either 60 or 90 days. At the end of the experiment, the thymus was examined for histopathology by light microscopy and for epidermal growth factor (EGF) and its receptor (EGFR) by immunolocalisation. For morphometry we used the Bs200prop program to analyse images obtained with the Olympus BX51 light microscope. Cell ultrastructure was studied by electron microscopy. In rats treated with patulin, the thymus showed haemorrhage, plasma cell hyperplasia, a dilation and fi brosis in the cortex, enlarged interstitial tissue between the thymic lobules, enlarged fat tissue, thinning of the cortex, and blurring of the cortico-medullary demarcation. Electron microscopy showed signs of cell destruction, abnormalities of the nucleus and organelles, and loss of mitochondrial cristae. However, no differences were observed in thymus EGF and EGFR immunoreactivity between treated and control rats.Patulin je mikotoksin koji proizvode plijesni sojeva Penicillium, Aspergillus i Byssachlamys na različitim prehrambenim proizvodima kao podlozi. Učinke patulina istražili smo na timusu mužjaka štakora u razvoju (dobi 5 do 6 tjedana). Mikotoksin je životinjama davan per os u dnevnoj dozi 0,1 mg kg-1 tj. t. 60 odnosno 90 dana. Na kraju pokusa štakori su žrtvovani, timus je podvrgnut histološkim analizama s pomoću svjetlosne mikroskopije, a imunocitokemijskim je metodama istražena stanična lokalizacija epidermalnog faktora rasta (EGF) i njegova receptora (EGFR). Morfometrijska analiza provedena je s pomoću računalnog programa Bs200prop povezanog u sustav sa svjetlosnim mikroskopom Olympus BX51. Elektronskomikroskopski je istražena ultrastruktura stanica timusa. Utvrđeno je da patulin izaziva krvaranja u timusu, hiperplaziju plazma-stanica, dilataciju i fi brozu u kortikalnoj regiji timusa, širenje intersticijskog tkiva između režnjeva timusa, povećanje masnih stanica, smanjenje debljine kore timusa te nestanak kortiko-medularne demarkacije. Elektronskomikroskopski u tkivu timusa štakora tretiranih patulinom uočeni su znakovi raspadanja stanica, abnormalnosti jezgre i organela te gubitak mitohondrijskih krista. Unatoč navedenomu, na presjecima tkiva kontrolnih štakora i štakora tretiranih patulinom nismo utvrdili razlike u imunoreaktivnosti EGF i EGFR, što bi trebalo dodatno istražiti osjetljivijim molekularnim metodama

    A Positive Feedback Synapse from Retinal Horizontal Cells to Cone Photoreceptors

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    Cone photoreceptors and horizontal cells (HCs) have a reciprocal synapse that underlies lateral inhibition and establishes the antagonistic center-surround organization of the visual system. Cones transmit to HCs through an excitatory synapse and HCs feed back to cones through an inhibitory synapse. Here we report that HCs also transmit to cone terminals a positive feedback signal that elevates intracellular Ca2+ and accelerates neurotransmitter release. Positive and negative feedback are both initiated by AMPA receptors on HCs, but positive feedback appears to be mediated by a change in HC Ca2+, whereas negative feedback is mediated by a change in HC membrane potential. Local uncaging of AMPA receptor agonists suggests that positive feedback is spatially constrained to active HC-cone synapses, whereas the negative feedback signal spreads through HCs to affect release from surrounding cones. By locally offsetting the effects of negative feedback, positive feedback may amplify photoreceptor synaptic release without sacrificing HC-mediated contrast enhancement

    Specialist training in Fiji: Why do graduates migrate, and why do they remain? A qualitative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Specialist training was established in the late 1990s at the Fiji School of Medicine. Losses of graduates to overseas migration and to the local private sector prompted us to explore the reasons for these losses from the Fiji public workforce.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data were collected on the whereabouts and highest educational attainments of the 66 Fiji doctors who had undertaken specialist training to at least the diploma level between 1997 and 2004. Semistructured interviews focusing on career decisions were carried out with 36 of these doctors, who were purposively sampled to include overseas migrants, temporary overseas trainees, local private practitioners and public sector doctors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>120 doctors undertook specialist training to at least the diploma level between 1997 and 2004; 66 of the graduates were Fiji citizens or permanent residents; 54 originated from other countries in the region. Among Fiji graduates, 42 completed a diploma and 24 had either completed (21) or were enrolled (3) in a master's programme. Thirty-two (48.5%) were working in the public sectors, four (6.0%) were temporarily training overseas, 30.3% had migrated overseas and the remainder were mostly in local private practice. Indo-Fijian ethnicity and non-completion of full specialist training were associated with lower retention in the public sectors, while gender had little impact. Decisions to leave the public sectors were complex, with concerns about political instability and family welfare predominating for overseas migrants, while working conditions not conducive to family life or frustrations with career progression predominated for local private practitioners. Doctors remaining in the public sectors reported many satisfying aspects to their work despite frustrations, though 40% had seriously considered resigning from the public service and 60% were unhappy with their career progression.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Overall, this study provides some support for the view that local or regional postgraduate training may increase retention of doctors. Attention to career pathways and other sources of frustration, in addition to encouragement to complete training, should increase the likelihood of such programmes' reaching their full potentials.</p

    A novel aspect of the structure of the avian thymic medulla.

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    We provide evidence for the compartmentalization of the avian thymic medulla and identify the avian thymic dendritic cell. The thymic anlage develops from an epithelial cord of the branchial endoderm. Branches of the cord are separated by primary septae of neural crest origin. The dilation of the primary septae produces the keratin-negative area (KNA) of the thymic medulla and fills the gaps of the keratin-positive network (KPN). Morphometric analysis indicates that the KNA takes up about half of the volume of the thymic medulla, which has reticular connective tissue, like peripheral lymphoid organs. The KNA receives blood vessels and in addition to pericytes, the myoid cells of striated muscle structure occupy this area. The myoid cells are of branchial arch or prechordal plate origin providing indirect evidence for the neural crest origin of the KNA. The marginal epithelial cells of the KPN co-express keratin and vimentin intermediate filaments, which indicate their functional peculiarity. The basal lamina of the primary septum is discontinuous on the surface of the KPN providing histological evidence for the loss of the blood-thymus barrier in the medulla. In the center of the KNA, the dendritic cells lie in close association with blood vessels, whereas the B-cells accumulate along the KPN. The organization of the KPN and KNA increases the "surface" of the so-called cortico-medullary border, thereby contributing to the efficacy of central tolerance
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