483 research outputs found

    Tuberculosis 2015 : burden, challenges and strategy for control and elimination

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, accounting for about 9.6 million new cases and 1.5 million deaths annually. The poorest and socially excluded groups carry the largest burden of disease, which makes it essential to properly address the social determinants of health through poverty reduction measures and targeted interventions on high-risk populations. The spread of multidrug-resistance TB requires special attention and highlights the need to foster research on TB diagnostics, new drugs and vaccines. Although many advances have been made in the fight against TB over the last twenty years, a lot is still needed to achieve global elimination. The new end-TB strategy that was first launched in 2014 by the World Health Organization, is fully in line with the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals that came into effect since January 2016 and sets ambitious goals for the post-2015 agenda. A 90% reduction in TB-related mortality and an 80% decline in TB incidence within 2030 as well as the abolition of catastrophic expenditures for TB-affected people are the main targets of this strategy. Strong government commitment and adequate financing from all countries together with community engagement and appropriate investments in research are necessary in order to reach these objectives

    A new world health era

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    Unprecedented economic progress and demands for social protection have engendered an economic transition in health in many low- and middle-income countries, characterized by major increases in domestic health spending and growing national autonomy. At the global level, development assistance is refocusing on fragile states, the poorest communities, and cooperation on global public goods like health security, technical norms, and innovation. Intergovernmental organizations like WHO need the wherewithal and support to provide leadership and to properly advance this new world health era

    Global tuberculosis targets and milestones set for 2016-2035: definition and rationale.

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    BACKGROUND: Global tuberculosis (TB) targets were set as part of the World Health Organization's End TB Strategy (2016-2035) and the Sustainable Development Goals (2016-2030). OBJECTIVE: To define and explain the rationale for these targets. DESIGN: Scenarios for plausible reductions in TB deaths and cases were developed using empirical evidence from best-performing countries and modelling of the scale-up of under-used interventions and hypothetical TB vaccines. Results were discussed at consultations in 2012 and 2013. A final proposal was presented to the World Health Assembly in 2014 and unanimously endorsed by all Member States. RESULTS: The 2030 targets are a 90% reduction in TB deaths and 80% reduction in TB incidence compared with 2015 levels. The 2035 targets are for reductions of 95% and 90%, respectively. A third target-that no TB-affected households experience catastrophic costs due to the disease by 2020-was also agreed. CONCLUSION: The global TB targets and milestones set for the period 2016-2035 are ambitious. Achieving them requires concerted action on several fronts, but two things are fundamental: 1) progress towards universal health coverage to ensure that everyone with TB can access high-quality treatment; and 2) substantial investment in research and development for new tools to prevent TB disease among the approximately 1.7 billion people infected

    Cooperative Localization Enhancement through GNSS Raw Data in Vehicular Networks

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    The evolution and integration of communication networks and positioning technologies are evolving at a fast pace in the framework of vehicular systems. The mutual dependency of such two capabilities can enable several new cooperative paradigms, whose adoption is however slowed down by the lack of suitable open protocols, especially related to the positioning and navigation domain. In light of this, the paper introduces a novel vehicular message type, namely the Cooperative Enhancement Message (CEM), and an associated open protocol to enable the sharing of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) raw measurements among connected vehicles. The proposed CEM aims at extending existent approaches such as Cooperative Awareness Messages (CAM) and Collective Perception Messages (CPM) by complementing their paradigms with a cooperative enhancement of the localization accuracy, precision, and integrity proposed by state-of-the-art solutions. Besides the definition of CEMs and a related protocol, a validation of the approach is proposed through a novel simulation framework. A preliminary analysis of the network performance is presented in the case where CEM and CAM transmissions coexist and are concurrently used to support cooperative vehicle applications

    The global tuberculosis epidemic and progress in care, prevention, and research: an overview in year 3 of the End TB era

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    Summary Tuberculosis is the number one cause of death from infectious disease globally and drug-resistant forms of the disease are a major risk to global health security. On the occasion of World Tuberculosis Day (March 24, 2018), we provide an up-to-date review of the status of the tuberculosis epidemic, recommended diagnostics, drug treatments and vaccines, progress in delivery of care and prevention, progress in research and development, and actions needed to accelerate progress. This Review is presented in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and WHO's End TB Strategy, which share the aim of ending the global tuberculosis epidemic. In 2016, globally there were an estimated 10·4 million new cases of tuberculosis, and 600 000 new cases with resistance to rifampicin (the most powerful first-line drug). All countries and age groups are affected by tuberculosis, but most cases (90%) in 2016 were in adults, and almost two-thirds were accounted for by seven countries: India, Indonesia, China, Philippines, Pakistan, South Africa, and Nigeria. The sex ratio (male to female) was 1·9 and 10% of patients with newly diagnosed tuberculosis were also HIV-positive. There were 1·7 million deaths from tuberculosis in 2016, including 0·4 million deaths among people co-infected with HIV (officially classified as deaths caused by HIV/AIDS). Progress in care and prevention means that the global mortality rate (deaths per 100 000 people per year) is decreasing by 3·4% per year and incidence (new cases per 100 000 people per year) is decreasing by 1·9% per year. From 2000 to 2016, the annual global number of tuberculosis deaths decreased by 24% and the mortality rate declined by 37%. Worldwide, an estimated 53 million deaths were averted through successful treatment. Nonetheless, major gaps in care and prevention remain. For example, the 6·3 million new cases of tuberculosis reported globally in 2016 represented only 61% of the estimated incidence; only one in five of the estimated number of people with drug-resistant tuberculosis was enrolled in treatment. Pipelines for new diagnostics, drugs, and vaccines are progressing, but slowly. Actions needed to accelerate progress towards global milestones and targets for reductions in the burden of tuberculosis disease set for 2020, 2025, 2030, and 2035 include closing coverage gaps in testing, reporting of cases, and overall access to health care, especially in countries that account for the largest share of the global gap; multisectoral efforts to reduce prevalence of major risk factors for infection and disease; and increased investment in research and development
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