37 research outputs found

    Interannual variability of vertical particle fluxes in the Ross Sea (Antarctica)

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    This study presents new data on biogenic and terrigenous particle fluxes collected by an oceanographic mooring (Mooring A) deployed in the south-western Ross Sea (Antarctica) in the frame of the Italian Long-Term Ecological Research network (LTER-Italy). Results from the years 2005 and 2008 document high mass fluxes during the summer and early autumn seasons, not coincident with the algal bloom. Downward particle fluxes exhibit a high inter-annual variability of both particulate fluxes and composition that seem related to the different factors as the phytoplankton increases, occurring between the beginning of February and the end of March, to the variations in the sea ice extent and to the resuspension and/or lateral advection processes. The flux variability may have been influenced by Iceberg B-15 that resided in the investigated area between 2000 and 2005. The decoupling of biogenic silica and organic carbon cycles is documented by differences in the rates of their respective key processes: biogenic silica dissolution and organic carbon degradation

    S1 stanica, rijeka Po: rukovanje podacima i prikaz podataka

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    The technical setting of the mete-oceanographic buoy at site S1 south of the Po River delta is presented. The station was deployed by Istituto di Scienze Marine (ISMAR) of CNR of Bologna, in cooperation with the local Regional Government and Environmental Agencies (ARPA) of E. Romagna, and ADRICOSM. The buoy mooring and data flow architecture is discussed, with some emphasis on the WWW data presentation. The possible integration with other remote stations, data and mete-oceanographic operational activities is also proposed.U radu je predstavljen tehnički postav meteorološko-oceanografske plutače na položaju S1 južno od delte rijeke Po. Stanicu su postavili ISMAR CNR iz Bolonje, u suradnji s lokalnom agencijom za zaštitu okoliša (ARPA) iz pokrajine Emilia-Romagna i ADRICOSM-om. Diskutirana su sama struktura plutače i arhitektura tijeka podataka s naglaskom na prikaz podataka na web-u. Predložena je, također, i moguća integracija s ostalim postajama, izvorima podataka i ostalim operativnim meteorološko-oceanografskim aktivnostima

    Natural Versus Anthropic Influence on North Adriatic Coast Detected by Geochemical Analyses

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    This study focused on the geochemical and sedimentological characterization of recent sediments from two marine sites (S1 and E1) located in the North Adriatic Sea, between the Po River prodelta and the Rimini coast. Major and trace metal concentrations reflect the drainage area of the Po River and its tributaries, considered one of the most polluted areas in Europe. Sediment geochemistry of the two investigated sites denote distinct catchment areas. High values of Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn detected in sediments collected in the Po River prodelta (S1 site) suggest the Po River supply, while lower levels of these elements characterize sediments collected in front of the Rimini coast (E1 site), an indication of Northern Apennines provenance. Historical trends of Pb and Zn reconstructed from the sedimentary record around the E1 site document several changes that can be correlated with the industrialization subsequent to World War II, the implementation of the environmental policy in 1976 and the effects of the Comacchio dumping at the end of 1980. At the S1 site, the down core distributions of trace elements indicate a reduction of contaminants due to the introduction of the Italian Law 319/76 and the implementation of anti-pollution policies on automotive Pb (unleaded fuels) in the second half of the 1980s

    Planning and designing an integrated management of coastal hypoxia in the Emila Romagna region water (Northern Adriatic Sea)

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    Abstract The design of an integrated monitoring network useful for the early-warning, the management and mitigation of both the environmental and socio-economic costs of hypoxia/anoxia events in the Northern Adriatic coastal zone, south of the mouth of the Po river, is described in the contribute. It has been developed within the EMMA research project (Environmental Management through Monitoring and Modelling of Anoxia; LIFE04ENV/IT/0479) (2004-2007). Over the past few decades, hypoxia events have recurrently affected the coastal zone of Emilia Romagna Region (Italy). Data collected by the C.Z. lying in the Province of Rimini, because of its economic importance, are presented. The area is subjected to intense anthropogenic pressure due to its high population (416 000 equivalent inhabitants) with tourist seasonal peaks of up to 973 110 equivalent inhabitants (in summer time), to industrial and agricultural activity, to maritime traffic and nutrient river discharges (about 600 tons y-1 of nitrogen and 300 tons y-1 of phosphorus, in 2002). Hypoxia and anoxia have a negative effect on the quality of bathing waters as well as on fishing and mussel farming, which are important activities for the economy of the area. The planning of the monitoring network has been carried out by analyzing the scientific knowledge on hypoxia in the local area; its integration with other existing monitoring activities, available facilities and data resources was considered in order to optimize cost effectiveness of the network

    Operational evaluation of the Mediterranean Monitoring and Forecasting Centre products: implementation and results

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    A web-based validation platform has been developed at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) for the Near Real Time validation of the MyOcean-Mediterranean Monitoring and Forecasting Centre products (Med-MFC). A network for the collection of the in-situ observations, the nested sub-basin forecasting systems model data (provided by the partners of the Mediterranean Operational Oceanography Network, MOON) and the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) satellite data has been developed and is updated every day with the new available data. The network collects temperature, salinity, currents and sea level data. The validation of the biogeochemical forecast products is done by use of ocean colour satellite data produced for the Mediterranean Sea. All the data are organized in an ad hoc database interfaced with a dedicated software which allows interactive visualizations and statistics (CalVal SW). This tool allows to evaluate NRT products by comparison with independent observations for the first time. The heterogeneous distribution and the scarcity of moored observations reflect with large areas uncovered with measurements. Nevertheless, the evaluation of the forecast at the locations of observations could be very useful to discover sub-regions where the model performances can be improved, thus yielding an important complement to the basin-mean statistics regularly calculated for the Mediterranean MFC products using semi-independent observations

    Integrated management of coastal hypoxia in the Northern Adriatic Sea: the case study of the Province of Rimini

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    An integrated monitoring network aimed at the management and mitigation of environmental and socio-economic costs of hypoxia was developed for the coastal zone of Rimini (Emilia Romagna - Italy). This area was chosen for the presence of high anthropogenic pressure (416,000 equivalent inhabitants and tourist summer peak of up to 973,110), industrial and agricultural activities, as well as maritime traffic and nutrient river discharges (about 600 ty􀀀1 of N and 300 ty􀀀1 of P in 2002). EMMA monitoring network was planned by linking scientific knowledge on hypoxia phenomenon with in situ experimental investigations. Its integration with existing environmental monitoring, available facilities and data resources was considered in order to increase the cost effectiveness of the project. The structure of EMMA monitoring network was based on four main components: - an instrumental monitoring network of the coastal zone, by means of an automated remote station coupled by traditional sampling at fixed stations, to provide a set of high resolution environmental data; - a 3-D numerical model (ROMS) implemented to perform hydrological simulations and forecast of hypoxia in the area of interest; - a Local Information Centre (LIC) devoted to the acquisition and exchange of data and model results among network components; - a Decision Supporting System to bring scientific aspects of hypoxia phenomena into management requirements of local institutions and socio-economic operators