144 research outputs found

    A pinch-based method for defining pressure manipulation routes in work and heat exchange networks

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    Aiming for more energetically efficient and sustainable solutions, academic attention to work and heat integration (WHI) has grown in the last decade. Simultaneous models for work and heat exchanger network (WHEN) synthesis often derive from heat integration (HI) frameworks. However, it can be noted that simultaneous optimization models for WHI are considerably more complex to solve than in the HI case. The design of efficient pressure manipulation routes (i.e., allocation and sizing of compression and expansion machinery) in process streams prior to heat exchange match allocation can make the optimization procedure more efficient. This work proposes a systematic procedure based on a model that employs Pinch Analysis concepts for defining these routes based on capital and operating cost targets. The solution approach is a hybrid meta-heuristic method based on Simulated Annealing (SA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The obtained routes are then converted into a HI problem by fixing pressure manipulation unit sizes. The detailed HI solution is finally transferred into a WHI optimization model as initial design. In the two tackled examples, the total annual costs (TAC) predicted by the Pinch-based model differed by 0.5% and 1.2% from the final optimized WHEN obtained in the detailed WHI framework.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – Processes 88887.360812/2019–00 and 88881.171419/2018–01 – CAPES (Brazil) and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – Processes 305055/2017–8, 428650/2018–0 and 311807/2018–6 – CNPq (Brazil)

    Preliminary definitions for the sonographic features of synovitis in children

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    Objectives Musculoskeletal ultrasonography (US) has the potential to be an important tool in the assessment of disease activity in childhood arthritides. To assess pathology, clear definitions for synovitis need to be developed first. The aim of this study was to develop and validate these definitions through an international consensus process. Methods The decision on which US techniques to use, the components to be included in the definitions as well as the final wording were developed by 31 ultrasound experts in a consensus process. A Likert scale of 1-5 with 1 indicating complete disagreement and 5 complete agreement was used. A minimum of 80% of the experts scoring 4 or 5 was required for final approval. The definitions were then validated on 120 standardized US images of the wrist, MCP and tibiotalar joints displaying various degrees of synovitis at various ages. Results B-Mode and Doppler should be used for assessing synovitis in children. A US definition of the various components (i.e. synovial hypertrophy, effusion and Doppler signal within the synovium) was developed. The definition was validated on still images with a median of 89% (range 80-100) of participants scoring it as 4 or 5 on a Likert scale. Conclusions US definitions of synovitis and its elementary components covering the entire pediatric age range were successfully developed through a Delphi process and validated in a web-based still images exercise. These results provide the basis for the standardized US assessment of synovitis in clinical practice and research

    Double penalty and double right? Prison at the time of the Covid-19

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    The spreading of the new coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) in Italy caused inevitable consequences also on our penitentiary system and on all the people that live and work there.Thoughts, experiences and strategies for coping with the emergency are reported through three testimonies of three Directors of Italian Penitentiary Institutes. In some cases, the crisis was managed using creativity, imagination and motivation.This attitude lead to valid treatments profiles and to functional communication systems between the prison and the outside world.The mediation of conflicts and the inevitable tensions caused by the pandemic emergency were well handled and the results are visible and concrete

    Amendment of the OMERACT ultrasound definitions of joints' features in healthy children when using the DOPPLER technique

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    Background: Recently preliminary ultrasonography (US) definitions, in B mode, for normal components of pediatric joints have been developed by the OMERACT US group. The aim of the current study was to include Doppler findings in the evaluation and definition of normal joint features that can be visualized in healthy children at different age groups. Methods: A multistep approach was used. Firstly, new additional definitions of joint components were proposed during an expert meeting. In the second step, these definitions, along with the preliminary B-mode-US definitions, were tested for feasibility in an exercise in healthy children at different age groups. In the last step, a larger panel of US experts were invited to join a web-based consensus process in order to approve the developed definitions using the Delphi methodology. A Likert scale of 1-5 was used to assess agreement. Results: Physiological vascularity and fat pad tissue were identified and tested as two additional joint components in healthy children. Since physiological vascularity changes over the time in the growing skeleton, the final definition of Doppler findings comprised separate statements instead of a single full definition. A total of seven statements was developed and included in a written Delphi questionnaire to define and validate the new components. The final definitions for fat pad and physiological vascularity agreed by the group of experts reached 92.9% and 100% agreement respectively in a web survey. Conclusion: The inclusion of these two additional joints components which are linked to detection of Doppler signal in pediatric healthy joints will improve the identification of abnormalities in children with joint pathologies

    International consensus for ultrasound lesions in gout: Results of delphi process and web-reliability exercise

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    Objective. To produce consensus-based definitions of the US elementary lesions in gout and to test their reliability in a web-based exercise. Methods. The process consisted of two steps. In the first step a written Delphi questionnaire was developed from a systematic literature review and expert international consensus. This collated information resulted in four statements defining US elementary lesions: double contour (DC), tophus, aggregates and erosion. The Delphi questionnaire was sent to 35 rheumatology experts in US, asking them to rate their level of agreement or disagreement with each statement. The second step tested the reliability by a web-exercise. US images of both normal and gouty elementary lesions were collected by the participants. A facilitator then constructed an electronic database of 110 images. The database was sent to the participants, who evaluated the presence/absence of US elementary lesions. A group of 20 images was displayed twice to evaluate intra-reader reliability. Results. A total of 32 participants responded to the questionnaires. Good agreement (>80%) was obtained for US definitions on DC, tophus, aggregates and erosion in the Delphi exercise after three rounds. The reliability on images showed inter-reader κ values for DC, tophus, aggregates, erosion findings of 0.98, 0.71, 0.54 and 0.85, respectively. The mean intra-reader κ values were also acceptable: 0.93, 0.78, 0.65 and 0.78, respectively. Conclusion. This, the first consensus-based US definition of elementary lesions in gout, demonstrated good reliability overall. It constitutes an essential step in developing a core outcome measurement that permits a higher degree of homogeneity and comparability between multicentre studies
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