146 research outputs found
The comparison of outcomes of surgically treated bilateral temporomandibular joint disorder in different groups: a retrospective study
Objectives: The main purpose of this study was to determine the prognosis and outcomes of the patients with bilateral
temporomandibular disorder which underwent bilateral temporomandibular joint surgery in a consecutive
number of patients in a retrospective study.
Study Design : Sixty five patients with 130 bilateral TMJ were included the study with the selection from con -
secutive 256 TMJ patients who were treated with open surgery who do not respond to conservative treatment.
65 patients were divided in to 3 main groups according to the clinical diagnosis of bilateral TMJ site. In the first
group comprised 29 patients with 48 TMJ, the clinical diagnosis was bilaterally presence of anterior disc displace -
ment with reduction (ADD R). In the second group comprised 19 patients with 26 TMJ, bilateral presence of TMD
consisted of anterior disc displacement without reduction (ADDNR) on both site. In the third group comprised
27 patients with 46 TMJ, bilaterally presence of TMD consist of ADD R on one site and ADD NR on another site.
The patients in three different groups were operated either high condylectomy alone or high condylectomy with
additional surgical procedures.
Results: In the evaluation of pain relief, clicking, crepitation, headache, marked improvement was determined in
all groups, but it was statistically insigni ficant in the comparison of 3 groups. Slight increase in maximal mouth
opening was determined in the mean values of the 3 groups and also in the comparison of 3 groups it was not
statistically signi ficant.
Conclusions : These similar succesfull outcomes of bilateral TMD with the respect of TMJ surgical procedures
were obtained in 3 main groups although different diagnosis on the patients' groups was present
Influence of tooth loss on mandibular morphology : a cone-beam computed tomography study
Tooth loss adversely affects patients? health and psychosocial wellbeing. In addition, it changes mandibular morphology. Objective: To evaluate the effect of tooth loss, age, and gender on mandibular morphology. Cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) scans of 101 patients were examined to measure the gonial angle (GA), ramus height (RH) and condylar height (CH). Patients? age, gender, and dental status were recorded. Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to assess the impact of gender, age, and tooth loss on the GA, RH and CH. The mean measurements of the GA, RH and CH were compared between dentate/edentulous patients after splitting by gender. The GA was larger in edentulous patients compared to dentate ones, in females than in males, and in older than in younger. RH on the right side was significantly longer than on the left side (P< 0.0001), and also longer in males and younger patients. CH was shorter in younger than in older patients and in dentate than in edentulous patients. Tooth loss is associated with changes in mandibular morphology and its prevention would avoid these irreversible changes
The effect of nanodiamonds on candida albicans adhesion and surface characteristics of PMMA denture base material : an in vitro study
Candida albicans is the main causative pathogen of denture stomatitis, which affects many complete denture patients. Objective: To evaluate the effect of different concentrations of nanodiamonds (NDs) added to polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) denture base material on Candida albicans adhesion as well as on surface roughness and contact angle. Methodology: Acrylic resin specimens sized 10×10×3 mm3 were prepared and divided into four groups (n=30) according to ND concentration (0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% by wt). Surface roughness was measured with a profilometer, and the contact angle with a goniometer. The effect of NDs on Candida albicans adhesion was evaluated using two methods: 1) slide count and 2) direct culture test. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's post hoc test were used in the statistical analyses. Results: Addition of NDs decreased the Candida albicans count significantly more than in the control group (p<0.05), with a lowest of 1% NDs. Addition of NDs also significantly decreased the surface roughness (p<0.05), but the contact angle remained the same. Incorporation of NDs into the PMMA denture base material effectively reduced Candida albicans adhesion and decreased surface roughness. Conclusion: PMMA/NDs composites could be valuable in the prevention of denture stomatitis, which is considered one of the most common clinical problems among removable denture wearers
Influence of tooth loss on mandibular morphology: A cone-beam computed tomography study
Background: Tooth loss adversely affects patients’ health and psychosocial wellbeing. In addition, it changes mandibular morphology. Objective: To evaluate the effect of tooth loss, age, and gender on mandibular morphology.
Materials and Methods: Cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) scans of 101 patients were examined to measure the gonial angle (GA), ramus height (RH) and condylar height (CH). Patients’ age, gender, and dental status
were recorded. Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to assess the impact of gender, age,
and tooth loss on the GA, RH and CH. The mean measurements of the GA, RH and CH were compared between
dentate/edentulous patients after splitting by gender.
Results: The GA was larger in edentulous patients compared to dentate ones, in females than in males, and in older
than in younger. RH on the right side was significantly longer than on the left side (P< 0.0001), and also longer
in males and younger patients. CH was shorter in younger than in older patients and in dentate than in edentulous
Conclusions: Tooth loss is associated with changes in mandibular morphology and its prevention would avoid these
irreversible changes.</p
The effect of nanodiamonds on candida albicans adhesion and surface characteristics of PMMA denture base material - an in vitro study
Candida albicans is the main causative pathogen of denture stomatitis,
which affects many complete denture patients. Objective: To evaluate the
effect of different concentrations of nanodiamonds (NDs) added to polymethyl
methacrylate (PMMA) denture base material on Candida albicans adhesion
as well as on surface roughness and contact angle. Methodology: Acrylic
resin specimens sized 10×10×3 mm3 were prepared and divided into four
groups (n=30) according to ND concentration (0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% by
wt). Surface roughness was measured with a profilometer, and the contact
angle with a goniometer. The effect of NDs on Candida albicans adhesion
was evaluated using two methods: 1) slide count and 2) direct culture
test. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s post hoc test were used in
the statistical analyses. Results: Addition of NDs decreased the Candida
albicans count significantly more than in the control group (p<0.05), with a
lowest of 1% NDs. Addition of NDs also significantly decreased the surface
roughness (p<0.05), but the contact angle remained the same. Incorporation
of NDs into the PMMA denture base material effectively reduced Candida
albicans adhesion and decreased surface roughness. Conclusion: PMMA/NDs
composites could be valuable in the prevention of denture stomatitis, which
is considered one of the most common clinical problems among removable
denture wearers.</p
Millaista osaamista lukion opinto-ohjaajat kokevat tarvitsevansa työssään?
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia, millaista osaamista lukion opinto-ohjaajat kokevat tarvitsevansa työssään. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla kymmentä lukioissa työskentelevää opinto-ohjaajaa. Haastattelut tehtiin keväällä 2020 teemahaastatteluina. Haastattelut litteroitiin ja analysoitiin käyttäen aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysia.
Analyysin tuloksena lukion opinto-ohjaajat kokevat tarvitsevansa työssään seuraavaa osaamista: ihmissuhdetaitoja, tiedollista osaamista, itsensä johtamista ja laaja-alaisia kykyjä. Ihmissuhdetaidot koostuivat vuorovaikutustaidoista, yhteistyötaidoista ja muusta ohjausosaamisesta, joka kytkeytyy vahvasti toimijuuden tukemiseen ja dialogisuuteen. Myös kasvatuksellisia taitoja tarvittiin. Tiedollisessa osaamisessa korostui sekä tietojen hallinta että jatkuva ajan tasalla pysyminen. Itsensä johtaminen tarkoittaa ennen kaikkea ajanhallintataitoja, priorisointia, organisointikykyä ja oman työn rajaamisen taitoja. Lukion opinto-ohjaajan työssä tarvitaan siis ohjaukseen liittyvän osaamisen lisäksi asiantuntijatyössä yleistä osaamista. Laaja-alainen osaaminen kuvaa sitoutunutta moniosaajaa, jolla on hallussaan viestintätaitoja sekä monia geneerisiä ja spesifimpiä taitoja.
Kun jaotellaan osaaminen tietoihin, taitoihin ja itseymmärrykselliseen osaamiseen, näyttäytyy lukion opinto-ohjaajan työ ennen kaikkea itse-ymmärryksellisen osaamisen kautta. Lisäksi työhön kuuluu taitoja, joita on hyvä harjoitella ja tietojakin tarvitaan. Erityisesti tiedollinen osaaminen vanhenee nopeasti, joten siinä tarvitaan täydennyskoulutusta. Peruskoulutuksessa on syytä luoda teoreettista pohjaa itseymmärrykselliselle osaamiselle
Follow-up treatment after surgery of interna! Derangement of temporomandibular joint - a survey of 20 patients
The effect of surgical treatment of interna! derangement of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) combined with regular follow-ups was evaluated in 20 patients (16 women, 4 men, mean age 38 years, range 17-5 8 years). The function of the masticatory system was examined before surgery and at 3 months, 6 months and 1 year afterwards. The follow-up treatment immediately after operation included the use of analgesics for two to four weeks and mobilization exercises of the lower jaw, beginning the day after the operation. Twelve patients had complete or virtually complete dentition and six patients had prosthesis. The occlusal adjustment and occlusion of the prosthesis was corrected or new prosthesis was constructed approximately six months after surgery. Degree of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) was assessed using the clinical dysfunction index of Helkimo. A statistically significant decrease (p<0.001) was seen in the seores of the dysfunction index in all recordings after surgery compared to preoperative values. All the ranges of the mandibular movements increased statistically significantly. It seems that regular follow-ups and adequate oral rehabilitation after surgery of internal derangement of TMJ have a great influence on the outcome of the surgical treatment of TMJ
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