42 research outputs found

    Earliest evidence for the ivory trade in southern Africa : isotopic and ZooMS analysis of seventh-tenth century AD ivory from KwaZulu-Natal

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    KwaGandaganda, Ndondondwane and Wosi were major Early Farming Community settlements in what is today the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa. These sites have yielded, among other remains, abundant evidence of ivory and ivory working dating to the seventh–tenth centuries ad, pre-dating by approximately 200 years the better-known ivory artefacts from sites in the Limpopo River Valley and surrounding regions. We report the results of carbon, nitrogen and strontium isotope analysis to explore the origins and procurement of this ivory, in combination with Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS) to identify the species of animals from which it was derived. All of the ivory studied using ZooMS was elephant, despite the presence of hippopotamus remains on all three sites. Some ivory was probably obtained from elephant herds that lived close to the sites, in the densely wooded river valleys favoured by both elephants and early farmers. Other material came from savannah environments further afield. Ivory found at these three sites was drawn from different catchments, implying a degree of landscape/resource partitioning even at this early stage. These communities clearly invested substantial effort in obtaining ivory from across the region, which speaks to the importance of this commodity in the economy of the time. We suggest that some ivory items were for local use, but that some may have been intended for more distant markets via Indian Ocean trade

    Predation on an Upper Trophic Marine Predator, the Steller Sea Lion: Evaluating High Juvenile Mortality in a Density Dependent Conceptual Framework

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    The endangered western stock of the Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) – the largest of the eared seals – has declined by 80% from population levels encountered four decades ago. Current overall trends from the Gulf of Alaska to the Aleutian Islands appear neutral with strong regional heterogeneities. A published inferential model has been used to hypothesize a continuous decline in natality and depressed juvenile survival during the height of the decline in the mid-late 1980's, followed by the recent recovery of juvenile survival to pre-decline rates. However, these hypotheses have not been tested by direct means, and causes underlying past and present population trajectories remain unresolved and controversial. We determined post-weaning juvenile survival and causes of mortality using data received post-mortem via satellite from telemetry transmitters implanted into 36 juvenile Steller sea lions from 2005 through 2011. Data show high post-weaning mortality by predation in the eastern Gulf of Alaska region. To evaluate the impact of such high levels of predation, we developed a conceptual framework to integrate density dependent with density independent effects on vital rates and population trajectories. Our data and model do not support the hypothesized recent recovery of juvenile survival rates and reduced natality. Instead, our data demonstrate continued low juvenile survival in the Prince William Sound and Kenai Fjords region of the Gulf of Alaska. Our results on contemporary predation rates combined with the density dependent conceptual framework suggest predation on juvenile sea lions as the largest impediment to recovery of the species in the eastern Gulf of Alaska region. The framework also highlights the necessity for demographic models based on age-structured census data to incorporate the differential impact of predation on multiple vital rates

    Highly Efficient Elimination of Colorectal Tumor-Initiating Cells by an EpCAM/CD3-Bispecific Antibody Engaging Human T Cells

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    With their resistance to genotoxic and anti-proliferative drugs and potential to grow tumors and metastases from very few cells, cancer stem or tumor-initiating cells (TICs) are a severe limitation for the treatment of cancer by conventional therapies. Here, we explored whether human T cells that are redirected via an EpCAM/CD3-bispecific antibody called MT110 can lyse colorectal TICs and prevent tumor growth from TICs. MT110 recognizes EpCAM, a cell adhesion molecule expressed on TICs from diverse human carcinoma, which was recently shown to promote tumor growth through engagement of elements of the wnt pathway. MT110 was highly potent in mediating complete redirected lysis of KRAS-, PI3 kinase- and BRAF-mutated colorectal TICs, as demonstrated in a soft agar assay. In immunodeficient mice, MT110 prevented growth of tumors from a 5,000-fold excess of a minimally tumorigenic TIC dose. T cells engaged by MT110 may provide a potent therapeutic means to eradicate TICs and bulk tumor cells derived thereof

    Tshz1 regulates pancreatic beta cell maturation.

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    International audienceThe homeodomain transcription factor Pdx1 controls pancreas organogenesis, specification of endocrine pancreas progenitors, and the postnatal growth and function of pancreatic β-cells. Pdx1 expression in human-derived stem cells is used as a marker for induced pancreatic precursor cells. Unfortunately, the differentiation efficiency of human pancreatic progenitors into functional β-cells is poor. In order to gain insight into the genes that Pdx1 regulates during differentiation, we performed Pdx1 chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing of embryonic day (e) 13.5 and 15.5 mouse pancreata. From this, we identified the transcription factor Teashirt zinc finger 1 (Tshz1) as a direct Pdx1 target. Tshz1 is expressed in developing and adult insulin- and glucagon-positive cells. Endocrine cells are properly specified in Tshz1-null embryos, but critical regulators of β-cell (Pdx1 and Nkx6.1) and α-cell (MafB and Arx) formation and function are downregulated. Adult Tshz1(+/-) mice display glucose intolerance due to defects in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion associated with reduced Pdx1 and Clec16a expression in Tshz1(+/-) islets. Lastly, we demonstrate that TSHZ1 levels are reduced in human islets of donors with type 2 diabetes. Thus, we position Tshz1 in the transcriptional network of maturing β-cells and suggest that its dysregulation could contribute to the islet phenotype of human type 2 diabetes