30 research outputs found

    The Art of Cuisine : How leaders can be inspired by Chefs

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    Through History and human civilization, Cuisine keeps growing and takes an important position in our society. The food remains the basic demand of human being. In today's world more than ever, Cuisine can be seen as the manifestation of culture. In fact, with Globalization, Cuisine has become an important stereotype to understand and reinforce the different culture. Meanwhile, after thousands of year’s improvement, we can see t hat Cuisine has also its own specific culture. The way of cooking, the management style in the kitchen, chief selections, innovative dishes etc. All these things separate the Cuisine from the culture of other industries. In this thesis, we want to analyze and research what kind of leadership style can be found in the culinary field. By interviewing chefs and employees in the Cuisine industry, we find out some behaviours or leadership styles in the Cuisine culture which are based on the certain work environment in the Cuisine industry. We interpreted them according to the existed theories of leadership to have deeper insight and understanding. With our research, we focus on the strict management style in the Cuisine industry and how can it be successful. We believe our research will inspire other businesses which face similar challenges as the Cuisine industry

    La prise en charge nutritionnelle du nouveau-né et du nourrisson

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    Les nourrissons ont, en matière d alimentation, des besoins très spécifiques, le lait maternel est considéré comme l aliment de référence. Les besoins nutritionnels sont d ailleurs définis selon la composition du lait de femme et les quantités consommées. Lorsqu une mère ne veut ou ne peut allaiter, les nourrissons peuvent recevoir des préparations pour nourrissons qui répondent à leurs besoins mais aussi à certaines situations pathologiques. Ces laits infantiles sont distribués en officine ce qui permet un respect des prescriptions médicales et un usage dans des conditions optimales. L alimentation d un nouveau-né ou d un nourrisson nécessite des conseils de bonnes pratiques alimentaires. Le pharmacien d officine a une place importante lors de la délivrance des laits infantiles mais aussi lors du conseil aux jeunes parents qui ont choisi l allaitement maternel. Ce mémoire a pour objectif d être pratique et de permettre à l équipe officinale de répondre aux questions que tous les jeunes parents se posent sur l alimentation lors de la naissance d un enfant.AMIENS-BU Santé (800212102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Conformité du circuit du médicament dans les unités de soins et les cliniques externes : étude observationnelle transversale au sein d’un établissement universitaire de 500 lits

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    RÉSUMÉContexte : En établissement de santé, le circuit du médicament est complexe, puisqu’il compte plus de 50 étapes. Pour évaluer la conformité du circuit du médicament de notre établissement, nous avons mis en place un processus annuel d’audit.Objectifs : L’objectif principal vise à décrire la conformité de certaines étapes du circuit du medicament (principalement la gestion des médicaments) aux unités de soins et dans les cliniques externes d’un centre hospitalier universitaire mère-enfant. L’objectif secondaire consiste à comparer les résultats à ceux des audits précédents.Méthodes : Il s’agit d’une étude descriptive observationnelle transversal réalisée à l’été 2018 dans les unités de soins (n = 34) et les cliniques externes (n = 28) de l’établissement. Les données ont été recueillies à partir d’une grille d’audit.Résultats : En 2018, le taux de conformité de l’ensemble des unités de soins aux critères mentionnés dans la grille d’audit variait de 32 % à 100 %. Par rapport à l’année précédente, le taux de conformité à 30 critères est demeuré inchangé et celui à quatre critères s’est détérioré. La conformité à 35 % des critères (12/34) était totale à plus de 85 %. En 2018, le taux de conformité de l’ensemble des cliniques externes aux critères mentionnés dans la grille d’audit variait de 0 % à 100 %. Le taux de conformité à un critère s’est amélioré, celui à 21 critères est demeuré inchangé et celui à deux critères s’est détérioré. La conformité à 32 % des critères (9/28) était totale à plus de 85 %. Trente-cinq recommandations ont été formulées au comité pharmacie-soins infirmiers et un rapport personnalisé a été transmis aux gestionnaires.Conclusions : Cette étude descriptive observationnelle transversale décrit le degré de conformité du circuit du médicament relatif à la gestion des médicaments, principalement dans les unités de soins et les cliniques externes. Cette démarche originale à l’initiative du Département de pharmacie a abouti à la formulation de 35 recommandations au comité pharmacie-soins infirmiers, ce qui a permis d’améliorer la sécurité du circuit du médicament dans les unités de soins et les cliniques externes. ABSTRACTBackground: In the hospital setting, the medication-use system is complex, having more than 50 steps. To assess the compliance of the study organization’s medication-use system with established criteria, an annual audit process was developed.Objectives: The primary objective was to describe the compliance of certain steps in the medication-use system (mainly medication management) in care units and outpatient clinics of a mother and child university hospital centre. The secondary objective was to compare the current results with those of previous audits.Methods:This cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out in summer 2018 in patient care units (n = 34) and outpatient clinics (n = 28) of the study hospital. Data were collected according to an audit matrix.Results: In 2018, the rate of compliance with audit criteria varied between 32% and 100% for the patient care units. Relative to the previous year, the compliance rate remained unchanged for 30 criteria and worsened for 4 criteria. For 35% of the criteria (12/34), compliance was greater than 85%. In 2018, the rate of compliance with audit criteria varied between 0% and 100% for the outpatient clinics. The compliance rate increased for one criterion, remained unchanged for 21 criteria, and worsened for 2 criteria. For 32% of the criteria (9/28), compliance was more than 85%. Thirty-five recommendations were made to the pharmacy and nursing care committee, and a personalized report was sent to managers.Conclusions:This cross-sectional descriptive observational study reports the degree to which the medication-use system complies with medication management criteria, mainly in patient care units and outpatients’ clinics. This original approach from the Pharmacy Department led to the formulation of 35 recommendations to the pharmacy and nursing care committee, which helped to improve the safety of the medication-use system in patient care units and outpatient clinics

    An integrated epidemio-economic modelling framework of the complex interplay between pathogen spread and disease management: control of BVD within beef herds as a case study

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    The dynamics of animal diseases is usually modelled thanks to an epidemiological modelling framework where on-farm health practices are omitted. Optimal control decisions are mainly drawn by modelling the effect of mandatory practices, which is of public interest for the control and eradication of major epidemic diseases. However, most endemic infectious animal diseases do not rely on public health control, although generating significant adverse economic consequences in livestock. Pathogen spread and the magnitude of associated economic consequences are directly linked to efforts undertaken by farmers themselves.Our objective was to propose a mathematical modelling framework integrating individual health decisions into dynamic stochastic epidemiological models, in order to highlight the feedback loops occurring between the modification over time of the epidemiological situation and farmers’ decision process. These feedback loops exist for a single herd, but also more widely for a group of herds interacting at a regional level. This work is applied to the control of Bovine Viral Diarrhea at the scale of a beef cattle herd, using an existing epidemiological model [1] and considering vaccination as control measure. We represented decision at each time step (here of one year) as a balance between expected farm income when performing vs. not performing vaccination. Since the epidemiological model is stochastic, a methodology was needed to compare model outcomes in both cases. We simulated a sufficient number of repetitions for each scenario to compare predictions using Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney statistical test, which allows comparing mean values without normality assumptions on the tested variable. To account for the limited information available to farmer about the subsequent actual realization, one of the simulated repetitions was assumed to truly occur. Therefore, predicted farm health decisions are not necessarily optimal. The vaccination choice performed on time t influences epidemiological dynamics between t and t+1, and thus the next decision to be made on time t+1.The proposed approach makes it possible to characterize the dynamics in terms of vaccination decisions (existence of vaccination cycle), as well as disease dynamics at the farm level. Simulation results reveal that BVD epidemiological dynamics at farm level highly depends on farmers’ health choices over time, as well as on the randomness of biological processes

    Physicochemical Stability of 5 mg/mL Pediatric Prednisone Oral Suspension in Syrspend® SF PH4

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    Prednisone is a corticosteroid used in several inflammatory diseases and cancers. In France, no available prednisone drinkable formulation exists. Instead, an oral syrup of prednisone with ethanol, sodium benzoate and simple syrup is produced. However, sodium benzoate can induce neonatal icterus and alcohol is not authorized for children below 3 years of age. The aim of this study was to determine the stability of 5 mg/mL prednisone oral suspension in a commercial compounding excipient: Syrspend® SF PH4

    Stability of 5 mg/mL Nitrendipine Oral Suspension in Syrspend® SF PH4

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    Nitrendipine is prescribed to children for the treatment of primary hypertension (off-label use). Available specialties (Nidrel®, Baypress® and others generic drugs) are only marketed in tablet form, which is unsuitable for pediatric use. A hospital preparation of nitrendipine oral suspension at 5 mg/mL was developed. The aim of the study was to determine physicochemical and microbiological stability of the nitrendipine oral suspension in order to set a shelf life for the preparation

    Profil de la pratique de la pharmacovigilance en établissement de santé au Québec

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    Résumé Objectifs : Décrire l’organisation de la pratique de la pharmacovigilance en établissement de santé au Québec et la perception des chefs de départements de pharmacie. Mise en contexte : En vertu des changements apportés en novembre 2014 à la Loi sur les aliments et drogues (Loi de Vanessa), tout établissement de soins de santé est tenu de déclarer les réactions indésirables graves à un produit thérapeutique. La rédaction du cadre réglementaire entourant cette loi a été soumise à une consultation Web auprès des 30 chefs de départements en pharmacie du Québec, de juillet 2017 à juin 2018. Cette réglementation entrera en vigueur au cours de l’hiver 2019.Résultats : Quatre-vingt-sept pour cent (26/30) des chefs de départements de pharmacie du Québec ont participé à l’enquête. Au total, 16 (61,5 %) répondants rapportent que les pharmaciens de leur établissement ont déclaré au moins un effet indésirable médicamenteux grave ou non à Santé Canada en 2017-2018; mais seulement cinq répondants en ont rapporté plus de cinq. Quatre répondants (15,4 %) ont mentionné qu’une personne était affectée à la coordination de la pharmacovigilance dans leur établissement. Conclusion : Cette enquête met en évidence plusieurs écarts concernant l’organisation de la pharmacovigilance au sein des établissements de santé du Québec. Les chefs de département de pharmacie ont été peu exposés aux changements découlant de la Loi de Vanessa. Afin de satisfaire à ces nouvelles exigences réglementaires, une révision de l’organisation de la pharmacovigilance et des ressources qui lui sont allouées semble incontournable à court terme.AbstractObjectives: To describe the organization of pharmacovigilance practice in Quebec’s health-care institutions and the perception of directors of pharmacy department. Background: Under the changes made to the Food and Drugs Act (Vanessa’s Act) in November 2014, all health-care institutions are required to report adverse reactions to a therapeutic product. The drafting of the legislative framework for this statute was submitted for online consultation with Québec’s 30 pharmacy department heads from July 2017 to June 2018. This legislation will come into force in the winter of 2019.Results: Eighty-seven percent (26/30) of Quebec’s pharmacy department heads participated in the survey. In all, 16 (61.5%) respondents indicated that the pharmacists at their facility reported at least one serious or non-serious drug adverse effect to Health Canada in 2017-2018, but only 5 respondents reported more than five of them. Four respondents (15.4%) indicated that a person was assigned to pharmacovigilance coordination at their facility. Conclusion: This survey reveals a number of discrepancies in the organization of pharmacovigilance at Quebec’s health-care institutions. Directors of pharmacy have little awareness of the changes brought about by Vanessa’s Law. To meet these new legislative requirements, a review of the organization of pharmacovigilance and the resources allocated to it seems essential in the short term.