107 research outputs found

    A longitudinal study of corporate environmental performance

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    This paper presents a longitudinal study on the management of the natural resources by the San Rafael Company, a leading Mexican pulp and paper company, in the 1947-1991 period. This study illustrates the need for the use of more encompassing and dynamic frameworks in analyzing corporate environmental performance, including especially environmental, institutional and social dynamics dimensions into the analysis

    Power and institutions in global standardization: the role and the importance of ambiguity in institutionalizing new standards of OSR

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    "Dieser Artikel untersucht die von der International Organization for Standardization (ISO) geschaffene Plattform, mit deren Hilfe es in fast zehnjĂ€hriger Verhandlung gelang, den ISO 26000 Standard zu veröffentlichen. Die Argumentation erfolgt in zwei Schritten. ZunĂ€chst werden neoinstitutionelle und politische TheorieansĂ€tze kombiniert, um zu erklĂ€ren wie die ISO verschiedene konkurrierende Gruppen erfolgreich an den Verhandlungstisch brachte. In einem weiteren Schritt wird das Konzept der 'Plattform' eingefĂŒhrt und es wird dargelegt, wie Plattformen die Schaffung neuer Institutionen auf internationaler Ebene ermöglichen. Diese theoretischen Schritte können erklĂ€ren, wie politische Orte in der neu entstehenden globalen Infrastruktur fĂŒr die soziale Verantwortung von Organisationen funktionieren." (Autorenreferat)"This paper seeks to understand the success of the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) in creating a platform for the development of ISO 26000, a standard of organizational social responsibility (OSR). The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, neo-institutional theory combined with political theory will help us to understand how ISO successfully managed to attract and maintain the participation of several opposing groups in the development process of its ISO 26000 standard. Second, the authors introduce here the concept of platform and examine how institutional platforms facilitate the construction of new institutions at an international level. This will lead us to propose an account of how new political places work in the emerging global infrastructure on OSR." (author's abstract

    Corporate community engagement strategies and organizational arrangements : a multiple case study in Canada

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    There is a growing consensus among scholars and practitioners that corporate community relations matter, especially from a sustainability standpoint. While current research has focused on strategies of corporate community engagement per se, little is known about the interactions between organizational arrangements and community engagement strategies of companies. Through the empirical study of 17 companies that pose serious and direct environmental risks, this article underscores the importance of organizational arrangements, including human and financial resources, competencies, issue status, and measurement tools. This study contributes to the literature on corporate community relations both empirically and conceptually. First, it provides a detailed examination of the experience of managers directly involved in the day-today practice of engagement with local community. This detailed examination sheds light on the integrational strategy, an inherently transverse strategy of engagement. The integrational strategy complements other strategies previously theorized and opens new research avenues. Keywords: community engagement strategy; corporate social responsibility; environmental risks; integrational strategy; organizational arrangements

    Pluralism in organizations : learning from unconventional forms of organizations

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    The bureaucratic organization is still regarded as the conventional organizational form, but is ill-suited to an increasingly pluralistic world. Research on the variety of organizational forms has increased dramatically over the past three decades and offers the potential to understand better how pluralism is manifested and managed within organizations. However, this research remains fragmented. The purpose of this paper is to review and synthesize research on unconventional organizations to explore how organizations resolve or attenuate the tensions related to pluralism. Drawing from research in leading management journals, it covers seven distinct literatures: ‘referent organization’, ‘temporary organization’, ‘pluralistic organization’, ‘meta-organization’, ‘bridging organization’, ‘hybrid organization’, and ‘field-configuring event’. For each literature, we trace the genealogy of the key concepts and review their distinct insights regarding organizational pluralism. We then synthesize and discuss their collective contributions and conclude with avenues of research for pluralism in organizations

    Responsabilidad corporativa y desarrollo sostenible: una perspectiva histĂłrica y conceptual

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    En la primera dĂ©cada del siglo XXI, los conceptos de responsabilidad corporativa y la nociĂłn de desarrollo sostenible han sido ampliamente difundidos tanto en los cĂ­rculos de investigadores como en los de profesionales de la gestiĂłn y de la administraciĂłn. El objetivo de este trabajo es proponer algunos elementos aclaratorios con relaciĂłn a estos dos conceptos y su relaciĂłn con el contexto actual. Este artĂ­culo incluye tres partes: inicialmente se presenta una perspectiva histĂłrica y la evoluciĂłn conceptual de la nociĂłn de responsabilidad corporativa. Luego, se plantea una explicaciĂłn acerca de la actual difusiĂłn de este concepto y se identifican los vĂ­nculos entre los aspectos de desarrollo sostenible y la responsabilidad social corporativa. Por Ășltimo, se proponen algunas ideas con relaciĂłn a la investigaciĂłn sobre la responsabilidad empresarial en el contexto colombian

    La lutte contre la pauvreté : modĂšles d’action locale

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    Introduction Les processus de mobilisation des acteurs locaux pour contrer la pauvretĂ© et l’exclusion s’inscrivent dans un contexte de profonds changements Ă©conomiques, sociaux et politiques. Ces processus s’amorcent en rĂ©ponse Ă  des situations de crise provoquĂ©es par ces changements (Fontan, Klein et LĂ©vesque, 2003), mais ils sont aussi propices Ă  l’émergence de nouveaux modĂšles, Ă  des innovations sociales porteuses de nouveaux rĂ©fĂ©rentiels d’action (Klein et Harrisson, 2007; Moulaert, MacCa..

    Everyone a changemaker? Exploring the moral underpinnings of social innovation discourse through real utopias

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    The term ‘social innovation’ has come to gather all manner of meanings from policymakers and politicians across the political spectrum. But while actors may unproblematically unite around a broad perspective of social innovation as bringing about (positive) social change, we rarely see evidence of a shared vision for the kind of social change that social innovation ought to bring about. Taking inspiration from methods that recognise the utopian think- ing inherent in the social innovation concept, we draw upon Erik Olin Wright’s concept of ‘real utopias’ to investigate the moral underpinnings inherent in the public statements of Ashoka, one of the most prominent social innovation actors operating in the world today. We seek to animate discussion on the moral princi- ples that guide social innovation discourse through examining the problems that Ashoka is trying to solve through social innov- ation, the world they are striving to create, and the strategies they propose to realise their vision

    Actes du 15Úme Colloque annuel des étudiant-e-s de cycles supérieurs du CRISES

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    La 15Ăšme Ă©dition du Colloque annuel des Ă©tudiant-e-s de cycles supĂ©rieurs du CRISES s’est tenue les 31 mars et 1er avril 2014 Ă  HEC MontrĂ©al. Ces actes ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s sous la direction de Martine VĂ©zina, Emmanuel Raufflet et Christian JettĂ©

    A critical reading of new alternative economic and business models: Whats New in the New?

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    El cuestionamiento del sistema capitalista de mercado tiene una larga trayectoria, pero en las Ășltimas dĂ©cadas se han incrementado las propuestas que pretenden ofrecer alternativas a un sistema de mercado que favorece a los mĂĄs aventajados e incrementa la desigualdad (Piketty 2014; Stiglitz 2013). Estas propuestas han surgido desde la experiencia de que el modelo actual dominante de capitalismo consumista es insostenible medioambientalmente e injusto socialment
