6 research outputs found

    Algorithmic Differentiation for an effcient CFD solver

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    We illustrate the benefits of Algorithmic Differentiation (AD) for the development of aerodynamic flow simulation software. In refining the architecture of the elsA CFD solver, developed jointly by ONERA and Safran, we consider AD as a key technology to cut development costs of some derivatives of interest, namely the tangent, adjoint, and Jacobian. We first recall the mathematical background of CFD applications which involve these derivatives. Then, we briefly present the software architecture of elsA (Cambier et al. [12]) and the design choices which give it its HPC capability while highlighting how these choices strongly constrain the applicability of AD. To meet our efficiency requirements, we select the Source-Transformation approach to AD through the Tapenade tool which is justified by a series of experiments and benchmarks. Finally, we present results on large scale configurations

    Différentiation algorithmique pour un code aérodynamique performant

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    International audienceWe illustrate the benefits of Algorithmic Differentiation (AD) for the development of aerodynamic flow simulation software. In refining the architecture of the elsA CFD solver, developed jointly by ONERA and Safran, we consider AD as a key technology to cut development costs of some derivatives of interest, namely the tangent, adjoint, and Jacobian. We first recall the mathematical background of CFD applications which involve these derivatives. Then, we briefly present the software architecture of elsA (Cambier et al. [12]) and the design choices which give it its HPC capability while highlighting how these choices strongly constrain the applicability of AD. To meet our efficiency requirements, we select the Source-Transformation approach to AD through the Tapenade tool which is justified by a series of experiments and benchmarks. Finally, we present results on large scale configurations.On montre les bénéfices de la différentation algorithmique (AD) pour le développement de code de simulation aérodynamique. Lors de la réarchitecture du solveur CFD elsA, développé conjointement par l'ONERA, Airbus et Safran, on considère que l'AD est une technologie indispensable pour réduire les coûts de développement de certaines dérivées d'intérêt, i.e. les modes tangent, adjoint et jacobien. On rappelle le contexte mathématique qui rend central ces dérivées particulières. On présente brièvement l’architecture logicielle d’elsA et les choix de conception qui lui confèrent sa capacité HPC. On discute en quoi ces choix contraignent fortement l’applicabilité de l'AD. Pour répondre à nos exigences en matière d'efficacité, nous avons choisi l'approche Source-Transformation de AD et l'outil Tapenade, au regard d'une série d'expériences et de mesures que l'on présente ici. Enfin, les résultats de simulations plus ambitieuses réalisées récemment avec cette amélioration du logiciel elsA sont montrés

    Temporal Trends in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in France

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