589 research outputs found

    Toolpaths Programming in an Intelligent Step-NC Manufacturing Context

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    The current language for CNC programming is G-code which dates from the beginning of the eighties with the norm ISO 6983. With the new technologies, G-code becomes obsolete. It presents drawbacks that create a rupture in the numerical chain at the manufacturing step. A new standard, STEP-NC, aims to overtake these lacks. A STEP-NC file includes all the information for manufacturing, as geometry description of the entities, workplan, machining strategies, tools, etc. For rough pocket milling, the ISO norms propose different kind of classical strategies as bidirectional, parallel or spiral contour, etc. This paper describes a new way of toolpath programming by the repetition of a pattern all along a guide curve. It presents several advantages as building fastness and easiness. The integration of pattern strategies in STEP-NC standard is an other step for the development of these strategies but also for the enrichment of STEP-NC possibilities. A complete STEP-NC numerical chain was built, integrating these pattern strategies. The implementation of this approach of building pattern strategies was made by the development of tools for the complete manufacturing cycle, from the CAD file to the machined part. Several application cases were experimented on machine tool to validate this approach and the efficiency of the developped tools


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    International audienceThe current language for CNC programming is G-code which dates from the beginning of the eighties with the norm ISO 6983. With the new technologies, G-code becomes obsolete. It presents drawbacks that create a rupture in the numerical chain at the manufacturing step. A new standard, STEP-NC, aims to overtake these lacks. A STEP-NC file includes all the information for manufacturing, as geometry description of the entities, workplan, machining strategies, tools, etc. For rough pocket milling, the ISO norms propose different kind of classical strategies as bidirectional, parallel or spiral contour, etc. This paper describes a new way of toolpath programming by the repetition of a pattern all along a guide curve. It presents several advantages as building fastness and easiness. The integration of pattern strategies in STEP-NC standard is an other step for the development of these strategies but also for the enrichment of STEP-NC possibilities. A complete STEP-NC numerical chain was built, integrating these pattern strategies. The implementation of this approach of building pattern strategies was made by the development of tools for the complete manufacturing cycle, from the CAD file to the machined part. Several application cases were experimented on machine tool to validate this approach and the efficiency of the developped tools


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    National audienceLa programmation actuelle des machines outils à commandes numériques s'appuie sur le standard ISO 6983, ou code G, dont les principes datent du début des années 60. Ce standard désuet ne satisfait plus les attentes actuelles de la programmation de machines toujours plus évoluées et complexes. Le standard STEP-NC offre de nouvelles solutions et l'intégration de la fabrication au sein de la chaîne numérique complète. Ce papier expose les choix et la situation des travaux de l'IRCCyN dans ce domaine prometteur. Une plateforme interprétée STEP-NC a été développée pour pouvoir permettre des démonstrations de l'usinage STEP-NC sur machines outils actuelles. C'est aussi un outil de base pour les futurs travaux et implémentations liés au standard STEP-NC, en particulier en termes de simulation et d'optimisation de l'usinage, des parcours outils et des paramètres opératoires. Cette plateforme ouvre également la voie de travaux sur le concept de supervision multiprocess rendu possible par l'utilisation de la programmation de haut niveau orientée objet du standard STEP-NC

    An eXtended Manufacturing Integrated System for feature based manufacturing with STEP-NC

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    International audienceCNC feature-based programming with STEP-NC standard extends the collaborative model of manufacturing data exchange all along the numerical data chain. This paper considers the mutations related to this approach from the manufacturing system level to the industrial enterprise as a whole. The eXtended Manufacturing Integrated System concept is introduced to fill in the gap of the current manufacturing data exchange bottleneck. It is composed of eXtended CAD and eXtended CNC systems to link the CAD model to the real machined part through the Manufacturing Information Pipeline. The contributions associated with these concepts are demonstrated through a validation platform implemented on industrial CNC manufacturing equipments

    Preparation of flat gold terraces for protein chip developments

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    International audienceA simple method to prepare flat gold terraces on mica for atomic force microscopy biomolecular characterisation is described. The procedure includes preheating of the substrate, metal deposition and an annealing step. All of these steps are at elevated temperatures (300–420°C). This approach allows one to prepare large flat gold terraces (200– 500 nm), which constitute ideal substrates for visualisation and characterisation of a self-assembly monolayer of biomolecules at the nanoscale. The authors illustrated this potential of characterisation with the reconstitution of a protein monolayer

    Dépôt de couches minces comme barrière au transport gazeux

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    L'étude vise à modifier les propriétés de perméation au gaz d'un polymère par dépôt d'une couche mince. Le substrat impose des techniques de dépôt en basse température afin d'assurer son intégrité. Il convient de relever deux défis : le premier est de parvenir à réaliser un dépôt à porosité réduite afin d'en garantir la fonctionnalité. La perméation à l'hydrogène permet de l'étudier. Le second réside dans la tenue mécanique: l'adhésion sous sollicitations sévères est un paramètre critique. Une des applications visées est la conception de liner de type 4 pour le stockage hydrogène

    Caractérisation tribologique de films moléculaires d'acide phosphonique déposés sur une surface de cuivre

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    National audienceLa surface d'un substrat de cuivre a été fonctionnalisée grâce à une technique d'auto-assemblage d'une monocouche d'acide phosphonique. Après caractérisation de ce film, un excellent comportement tribologique est noté lorsqu'aucun nettoyage ultrasonore n'est effectué, pour des conditions de sollicitation de pression de 133 MPa et de vitesse de glissement de 1mm/s sur un tribomètre alternatif linéaire utilisant un frotteur en Si3N4 (μ = 0.12, durée de vie multipliée par 100). Des espèces physisorbées, sous formes d'amas de plusieurs μm3, présentes sur la monocouche semblent responsables de ce bon comportement. De premiers essais sur un tribomètre d'étirage-plan ont montré un réel potentiel de ce type de fonctionnalisation en emboutissage

    Laser light routing in an elongated micromachined vapor cell with diffraction gratings for atomic clock applications

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    International audienceThis paper reports on an original architecture of microfabricated alkali vapor cell designed for miniature atomic clocks. The cell combines diffraction gratings with anisotropically etched single-crystalline silicon sidewalls to route a normally-incident beam in a cavity oriented along the substrate plane. Gratings have been specifically designed to diffract circularly polarized light in the first order, the latter having an angle of diffraction matching the (111) sidewalls orientation. Then, the length of the cavity where light interacts with alkali atoms can be extended. We demonstrate that a longer cell allows to reduce the beam diameter, while preserving the clock performances. As the cavity depth and the beam diameter are reduced, collimation can be performed in a tighter space. This solution relaxes the constraints on the device packaging and is suitable for wafer-level assembly. Several cells have been fabricated and characterized in a clock setup using coherent population trapping spectroscopy. The measured signals exhibit null power linewidths down to 2.23 kHz and high transmission contrasts up to 17%. A high contrast-to-linewidth ratio is found at a linewidth of 4.17 kHz and a contrast of 5.2% in a 7-mm-long cell despite a beam diameter reduced to 600 μm

    Light funneling from a photonic crystal laser cavity to an optical nano-antenna: toward antenna-based laser nano-emission

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    International audienceWe show that the near-field coupling between a photonic crystal microlaser and a nanoantenna can enable hybrid photonic systems that are both physically compact and highly efficient at transferring optical energy into the nano-antenna. Up to 19.4% of the laser power from a micron-scale photonic crystal laser cavity is experimentally transferred to a bowtie aperture nano-antenna (BNA) whose area is 400-fold smaller than the overall emission area of the microlaser. Instead of a direct deposition of the nano-antenna onto the photonic crystal, it is fabricated at the apex of a fiber tip to be accurately placed in the near-field volume of the microlaser. Such light funneling within a hybrid structure provides a path for overcoming the diffraction limit in optical energy transfer to the nanoscale and should thus open promising avenues in the nanoscale enhancement and confinement of light in compact architectures, impacting applications such as biosensing, optical trapping, heating, spectroscopy, and nanoimaging