359 research outputs found


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    Локально-оптимальные последовательные планы в дуальной постановке

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    Для локально-оптимального, последовательного плана в дуальной постановке вводится специальный характеристический функционал. Доказано условие необходимости и достаточности его максимизации

    Die DDR als Teil eines alternativen Europas? Die Fédération mondiale des villes jumelées (FMVJ) und die kommunale Außenpolitik Ostdeutschlands in den 1960er Jahren

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    In der historischen Forschung sind Europa-Bilder in der Außenpolitik der DDR bislang nicht untersucht worden. Vielmehr besteht weitgehend Einigkeit darüber, dass die SED und „ihre“ Institutionen keine eigenständige Europa-Idee entwickelten oder präferierten. Die häufig unterstellte Homogenität des SED-Staates versperrt jedoch den Blick für Akteure innerhalb des Regimes, die sich nicht nur auf Europa beriefen, sondern dieses Raumkonzept auch politisch nutzbar machen wollten. Vor allem im Feld der kommunalen Außenpolitik keimten solche Ansätze auf. Eine besondere Rolle spielte hierbei die Mitgliedschaft von ostdeutschen Städten in der Fédération mondiale des villes jumelées (FMVJ). In dem die FMVJ Vertreter über ideologische Parteigrenzen hinweg versammelte und ins Gespräch brachte, konnte die DDR erstmals als Teil eines imaginierten „Europas“ erscheinen. Der Beitrag untersucht, welche Chancen sich damit für die DDR verbanden und an welche Grenzen die Protagonisten stießen.Les conceptions de l’Europe dans la politique étrangère de la RDA ont jusqu’à présent été peu étudiées. Au contraire, beaucoup s’accordent à considérer que le SED et ses « institutions » ne développèrent pas ou ne privilégièrent pas une idée de l’Europe qui leur soit propre. L’idée préconçue d’une homogénéité de l’État et des institutions centrales empêche néanmoins de prendre en considération d’autres acteurs du régime, au sein desquels de telles approches spécifiques furent initiées. Cela a notamment été le cas dans le domaine de la politique étrangère locale qui a permis une interaction entre les acteurs locaux, intermédiaires, nationaux et transnationaux. À partir de 1960, l’adhésion de plusieurs villes de l’Allemagne de l’Est à la Fédération mondiale des villes jumelées (FMVJ) a joué de ce point de vue un rôle majeur. Dès lors que cette organisation visait à dépasser les frontières idéologiques entre les partis et les stéréotypes Est-Ouest, l’Allemagne de l’Est apparut comme partie intégrante d’une « Europe » imaginée. Cet article explore et discute les opportunités qui s’offrirent pour la RDA et les limites auxquelles les protagonistes ont été confrontés.Studies dealing with East German foreign policy traditionally negate the relevance of addressing images of Europe as a political approach to overcome diplomatic isolation. Yet, since they focus almost only on central institutions as sole servants of the Socialist Unity Party’s inner circle, they fail to take into account actors within the regime that were on the forefront of developing such concepts. This was especially the case in the field of local foreign policy which worked as an interplay between local, intermediary, national and transnational actors. An important vehicle enabling transnational contacts was the membership of East German cities within the Fédération mondiale des villes jumelées (FMVJ) starting in 1960. Since this organization aimed at transcending ideological party lines and East-West-stereotypes, East Germany here appeared as an integral part of an imagined “Europe”. This article explores and discusses the opportunities and limitations of these entanglements

    Методы сегментации изображений для распознавания объектов

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    Weiter denken statt weiter fahren

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    Eine ökologisch nachhaltige Verkehrsentwicklung hängt nicht nur von der städ tischen Infra- und Siedlungsstruktur oder der Höhe der Mineralölsteuer ab. Entscheidend ist auch, wie der hierdurch gesetzte Rahmen von den Akteuren individuell genutzt wird. Dies erfordert eine Erweiterung der Perspektive hin zu bestands- und einzelfallorientierten Konzepten. Vielversprechende Ansatzpunkte für eine Verringerung der zurückgelegten Distanzen liegen im Bereich Wohnen

    Residential Location Choices of Couples Considering both Partners’ Residential Biographies and Family Ties

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    We investigate couples’ residential decisions by considering variables capturing elements of both partners’ residential biographies and family ties. We focus on the family formation stage because decisions made in this stage are rather long-term. We are particularly interested in the hometown as individuals have spent a great amount of time and an important life phase there. Our research questions are: (1) To what extent do people live in their hometown at family formation? (2) Which factors influence this choice? We consider previous residential experiences, social ties, socio-demographic and spatial variables in binary logit regressions. The data was collected from a sample of students at TU Dortmund University, their parents, and grandparents. In this paper, the parent couples’ residential location choices are analysed considering family ties to the grandparents. We apply a rigorous split half method for internal model validation. Recent research on residential decisions mostly considers either the partners or the life-course or social ties. Due to our unique dataset, we include all these factors. This allows us to draw conclusions on gendered residential choice. We find the length of residence to be positively and number of moves negatively associated with living at the hometown, two factors that have not been disentangled in previous research. We could not confirm the often proven male dominance. On the contrary, we found that the female’s family ties were more relevant. The hometown has not received the attention it deserves to date and has the potential to enrich demographic research and related fields. The rigorous split half method for internal validation has rarely been undertaken previously. The results point to the importance of model validation and thus present an innovative approach

    Residential Location Choices of Couples Considering both Partners' Residential Biographies and Family Ties

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    We investigate couples’ residential decisions by considering variables capturing elements of both partners’ residential biographies and family ties. We focus on the family formation stage because decisions made in this stage are rather long-term. We are particularly interested in the hometown as individuals have spent a great amount of time and an important life phase there. Our research questions are: (1) To what extent do people live in their hometown at family formation? (2) Which factors influence this choice? We consider previous residential experiences, social ties, socio-demographic and spatial variables in binary logit regressions. The data was collected from a sample of students at TU Dortmund University, their parents, and grandparents. In this paper, the parent couples’ residential location choices are analysed considering family ties to the grandparents. We apply a rigorous split half method for internal model validation. Recent research on residential decisions mostly considers either the partners or the life-course or social ties. Due to our unique dataset, we include all these factors. This allows us to draw conclusions on gendered residential choice. We find the length of residence to be positively and number of moves negatively associated with living at the hometown, two factors that have not been disentangled in previous research. We could not confirm the often proven male dominance. On the contrary, we found that the female’s family ties were more relevant. The hometown has not received the attention it deserves to date and has the potential to enrich demographic research and related fields. The rigorous split half method for internal validation has rarely been undertaken previously. The results point to the importance of model validation and thus present an innovative approach