11 research outputs found

    A retrospective cross-sectional study: Fresh cycle endometrial thickness is a sensitive predictor of inadequate endometrial thickness in frozen embryo transfer cycles

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study is to assess predictors of inadequate endometrial cavity thickness (ECT), defined as < 8 mm, in frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycles. METHODS: This is a retrospective cross-sectional study at an academic fertility center including 274 women who underwent their first endometrial preparation with estradiol for autologous FET in our center from 2001-2009. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to determine predictors of inadequate endometrial development in FET cycles. RESULTS: Neither age nor duration of estrogen supplementation were associated with FET endometrial thickness. Lower body mass index, nulliparity, previous operative hysteroscopy and thinner fresh cycle endometrial lining were associated with inadequate endometrial thickness in FET cycles. A maximum thickness of 11.5 mm in a fresh cycle was 80% sensitive and 70% specific for inadequate frozen cycle thickness. CONCLUSIONS: Previous fresh cycle endometrial cavity thickness is associated with subsequent FET cycle endometrial cavity thickness. Women with a fresh cycle thickness of 11.5 mm or less may require additional intervention to achieve adequate endometrial thickness in preparation for a frozen cycle

    Variability in the practice of fertility preservation for patients with cancer

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    Fertility is important to women and men with cancer. While options for fertility preservation (FP) are available, knowledge regarding the medical application of FP is lacking. Therefore we examined FP practices for cancer patients among reproductive endocrinologists (REs). A 36 item survey was sent to board-certified REs. 98% of respondents reported counseling women with cancer about FP options. Oocyte and embryo cryopreservation were universally offered by these providers, but variability was noted in reported management of these cases-particularly for women with breast cancer. 86% of the respondents reported using letrozole during controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) in patients with estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer to minimize patient exposure to estrogen. 49% of respondents who reported using letrozole in COS for patients with ER+ breast cancer reported that they would also use letrozole in COS for women with ER negative breast cancer. Variability was also noted in the management of FP for men with cancer. 83% of participants reported counseling men about sperm banking with 22% recommending against banking for men previously exposed to chemotherapy. Overall, 79% of respondents reported knowledge of American Society for Clinical Oncology FP guidelines-knowledge that was associated with providers offering gonadal tissue cryopreservation (RR 1.82, 95% CI 1.14-2.90). These findings demonstrate that RE management of FP in cancer patients varies. Although some variability may be dictated by local resources, standardization of FP practices and communication with treating oncologists may help ensure consistent recommendations and outcomes for patients seeking FP

    Standard and experimental options utilizing ART for FP in cancer patients [1,9,10].

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    <p>Standard and experimental options utilizing ART for FP in cancer patients [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0127335#pone.0127335.ref001" target="_blank">1</a>,<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0127335#pone.0127335.ref009" target="_blank">9</a>,<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0127335#pone.0127335.ref010" target="_blank">10</a>].</p

    Standard COS protocols and timing in menstrual cycle.

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    <p>Events depicted above the grid occur in natural menstrual cycles whereas events depicted below the grid depict timing of administration of medications for COS protocols. Color in the grid is representative of rising estradiol levels during the menstrual cycle and COS protocols.</p