16 research outputs found

    Trending Emotional Disturbance: Strategies through the Years

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    Teaching strategies and supports provided for students with emotional disturbance have evolved over the years. These changes are observed throughout three descriptive studies focused on specific writing strategies spanning three decades from the 1970s until the 1990s. Multiple changes are observed. For instance, terms other than the current “emotional disturbance” have been used over the years. The approach to schooling children with emotional disturbance has also shifted, from an emphasis on functional goals to focusing on academic progress. Additional changes include a more practical approach to implementing these writing strategies and an increased involvement throughout for these students. These changes present an overall positive step toward better implementing instruction and aid to children with emotional disturbance

    Trending Emotional Disturbance: Strategies through the Years

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    Teaching strategies and supports provided for students with emotional disturbance have evolved over the years. These changes are observed throughout three descriptive studies focused on specific writing strategies spanning three decades from the 1970s until the 1990s. Multiple changes are observed. For instance, terms other than the current “emotional disturbance” have been used over the years. The approach to schooling children with emotional disturbance has also shifted, from an emphasis on functional goals to focusing on academic progress. Additional changes include a more practical approach to implementing these writing strategies and an increased involvement throughout for these students. These changes present an overall positive step toward better implementing instruction and aid to children with emotional disturbance

    Las multifacéticas remolachas: una reevaluación de sus posibilidades productivas a la luz de los conocimientos actuales

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    La especie Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris comprende a las comúnmente llamadas remolachas, de las que existen tres tipos: hortícola, azucarera y forrajera. Aunque el principal órgano de interés es en todos los casos la raíz engrosada, las tres remolachas constituyen cultivos muy diferentes entre sí, tanto en cuanto a sus características agronómicas como a los productos que se obtienen de ellos, por lo que generalmente se han estudiado por separado. Sin embargo, la capacidad de esta especie de acumular en sus raíces altas concentraciones de compuestos bioactivos valiosos, junto con su probada adaptación a vastas áreas de clima templado han incentivado recientemente a escala global el interés por su cultivo, en concordancia con la creciente preocupación por la salud humana, la calidad de la alimentación y el cuidado del medioambiente. Este renovado interés plantea la necesidad de revisar el estado actual del conocimiento sobre la ecofisiología de los tres tipos de remolacha, de modo de contar con herramientas que permitan optimizar la productividad y la calidad de los productos obtenidos. En la presente revisión se realiza un análisis integrador de la información actualmente disponible sobre los distintos tipos de remolacha. Para ello, se reseñan las nuevas posibilidades de utilización, se analiza comparativamente la ecofisiología de los distintos tipos a lo largo del ciclo de cultivo, y se evalúan los aspectos críticos de la producción y calidad para cada uso. Muchos de los nuevos usos propuestos involucran a la remolacha hortícola, de la cual la información ecofisiológica disponible es relativamente escasa. Finalmente, se analiza en qué medida los conocimientos existentes acerca de un tipo de remolacha son extrapolables a los otros, y se discuten los estudios que podrán ser necesarios para en última instancia facilitar la difusión y adopción de los cultivos de remolacha con diferentes propósitos

    Assessing the sustainability of activity systems to support households' farming projects

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    Partie 2 "Multiple aspects to develop methodologies for sustainability assessment of farming systems"This chapter aims to introduce the setting up of an evaluation tool assessing the sustainability of activity systems and supporting farming households' projects at the establishment stage. This chapter analyses three methods used to appreciate the farm sustainability and identifies not only their limits but also their contributions to our own methodology, at the level of complex activity systems in which farming production is combined with transformation, sales or outside activities. We propose to recognise two different contributions to sustainable agriculture: a farm-focused sustainability and an extended sustainability, which means a contribution to the sustainable development at a regional scale. These theoretical elements were regularly confronted with the analysis of advisors' practices and comprehensive surveys with households in Southern France, where an analysis was carried through a partnership with researchers and local actors. It produced a tool to appraise agricultural projects, with pluriactivity or without, distinguishing farm-focused and extended sustainability