20 research outputs found

    Inter-individual cognitive variability in children with Asperger's syndrome

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    Multiple studies have tried to establish the distinctive profile of individuals with Asperger's syndrome (AS). However, recent reports suggest that adults with AS feature heterogeneous cognitive profiles. The present study explores inter-individual variability in children with AS through group comparison and multiple case series analysis. All participants completed an extended battery including measures of fluid and crystallized intelligence, executive functions, theory of mind, and classical neuropsychological tests. Significant group differences were found in theory of mind and other domains related to global information processing. However, the AS group showed high inter-individual variability (both sub- and supra-normal performance) on most cognitive tasks. Furthermore, high fluid intelligence correlated with less general cognitive impairment, high cognitive flexibility, and speed of motor processing. In light of these findings, we propose that children with AS are characterized by a distinct, uneven pattern of cognitive strengths and weaknesses.Fil: González Gadea, María Luz. Universidad Diego Portales; Chile. Universidad Favaloro; Argentina. Instituto de Neurología Cognitiva; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Tripicchio, Paula. Instituto de Neurología Cognitiva; Argentina. Universidad Favaloro; ArgentinaFil: Rattazzi del Carril, Alexia. Instituto de Neurología Cognitiva; Argentina. Universidad Favaloro; ArgentinaFil: Báez Buitrago, Sandra Jimena. Universidad Favaloro; Argentina. Universidad Diego Portales; Chile. Universidad Catolica Argentina; Argentina. Instituto de Neurología Cognitiva; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Marino, Julián Carlos. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Psicología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Roca, María. Universidad Favaloro; Argentina. Instituto de Neurología Cognitiva; Argentina. Universidad Diego Portales; Chile. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Manes, Facundo Francisco. Instituto de Neurología Cognitiva; Argentina. Universidad Favaloro; Argentina. Universidad Diego Portales; Chile. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders; AustriaFil: Ibanez Barassi, Agustin Mariano. Instituto de Neurología Cognitiva; Argentina. Universidad Favaloro; Argentina. Universidad Diego Portales; Chile. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders; Austria. Universidad Autonoma del Caribe; Colombi

    Service encounters across the lifespan in individuals with autism spectrum disorders: Results from a multisite study in Latin America

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    Background Core symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) continue to affect everyday life as children grow and transition into adulthood. That way, different services may be needed at various stages of their lifetimes. This study aimed to describe service encounters and hours of service per week for individuals with ASD in Latin American countries and compare the data from three age groups (preschoolers, school-aged, and adolescents). Methods: The data were obtained from an online survey adapted by Red Espectro Autista Latinoamerica (REAL) in 6 different countries in South & Central America. The total sample was composed of 2520 caregivers of children and adolescents with ASD. Results: Services encounters for Speech, Occupational and Behavioral Therapies decreased with patient age, while medication increased. Regardless of the age group, a large proportion of individuals (19-37%) were not receiving treatment, and those receiving treatment got fewer hours than best practice recommendations. For adolescents, the gaps in treatment are even greater and less consistent. Discussion Failure to offer timely identification and intervention for ASD will result in more impairment of the individual and burden for the family. Although there are several initiatives to develop more resources for this population in Latin-America, the provision of services for ASD is still undervalued. Many such individuals might not be receiving the services they need, while most children are mainly receiving therapies with low to moderate evidence at a frequency below the recommended standards

    Age of diagnosis, service access, and rights of autistic individuals in Argentina: Caregivers reports of changes and similarities across time

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    Background: Many countries have developed health initiatives to protect those with disabilities and developmental concerns in the past few years. However, the needs of autistic individuals are still short of being fulfilled. Partially due to limited research expenditure, which would allow bridging the gap between evidence and practice, the long time it takes to implement passed laws, and the limited operationalization of inclusive policies. Objective: To quantitatively examine changes in the child\u27s age at the time of caregiver\u27s first developmental concerns and age of diagnosis of their autistic child across 5 years. Also, to address challenges experienced by caregivers (e.g., reported service barriers) and the work still needing to be done in Argentina based on caregivers\u27 reports of their priorities (e.g., ensuring their child receives better services). Methods: Two independent samples of caregivers of autistic individuals were surveyed by the Red Espectro Autista Latinoamerica (REAL) in 2015 (n = 763) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2020 (n = 422). Similar items in both surveys were compared through descriptive inferential analysis and chi-square tests for categorical variables. Results: Compared to the 2015 sample, for the 2020 sample, more caregivers reported an earlier age of first concerns and an earlier age of a professional diagnosis. In the 2020 sample, more children diagnosed before the age of three had a doctor or a teacher noticing the first developmental concern. Also, in this sample, fewer caregivers reported service barriers (e.g., limited availability, waitlist, costs, etc.) and a need for better social support and better health services. However, rates of caregivers indicating a need for more rights for autistic individuals and greater protection of existing rights increased. There was no change in the reported rate of family members who stopped working to care for the autistic individual. For both samples, there was statistically significant differences in individual (physician, teacher, caregiver) noticing first developmental concern and the age of diagnosis, with the majority having a caregiver noticing the first concern. Conclusion: The 5 years that separate both samples show an improvement in developmental concerns being noticed, a decrease in age of diagnosis, and an improvement in several service areas such as community awareness. Also, caregivers reported fewer barriers to service accessibility, thus suggesting a positive impact stemming from changes in public policies, non-profit organizations\u27 work through awareness campaigns, and advocates\u27 strives toward greater awareness. Nonetheless, a similar proportion of family members reported ceasing working to care for autistic individuals and perceived that the fundamental rights of their autistic children needed to be protected. These results imply that despite better care pathways in Argentina, there are still gaps when attempting to meet the needs of autistic individuals and their families. The present study provides a meaningful understanding of existing gaps and help exemplify the perceived improvements when non-profit agencies and advocates promote increased rights and community awareness in addition to the established laws focusing on ASD

    Neural markers of social and monetary rewards in children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Recent theories of decision making propose a shared value-related brain mechanism for encoding monetary and social rewards. We tested this model in children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and control children. We monitored participants' brain dynamics using high density-electroencephalography while they played a monetary and social reward tasks. Control children exhibited a feedback Error-Related Negativity (fERN) modulation and Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) source activation during both tasks. Remarkably, although cooperation resulted in greater losses for the participants, the betrayal options generated greater fERN responses. ADHD subjects exhibited an absence of fERN modulation and reduced ACC activation during both tasks. ASD subjects exhibited normal fERN modulation during monetary choices and inverted fERN/ACC responses in social options than did controls. These results suggest that in neurotypicals, monetary losses and observed disloyal social decisions induced similar activity in the brain value system. In ADHD children, difficulties in reward processing affected early brain signatures of monetary and social decisions. Conversely, ASD children showed intact neural markers of value-related monetary mechanisms, but no brain modulation by prosociality in the social task. These results offer insight into the typical and atypical developments of neural correlates of monetary and social reward processing.Fil: González Gadea, María Luz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva. Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva; ArgentinaFil: Sigman, Mariano. Universidad Torcuato di Tella; ArgentinaFil: Rattazzi, Alexia. Programa Argentino para Niños, Adolescentes y Adultos con Condiciones del Espectro Autista; ArgentinaFil: Lavin, Claudio. Universidad Diego Portales; ChileFil: Rivera Rei, Alvaro. Universidad Diego Portales; ChileFil: Marino, Julián Carlos. Universidad de Granada; España. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Manes, Facundo Francisco. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva. Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva; Argentina. Australian Research Council; AustraliaFil: Ibáñez Barassi, Agustín Mariano. Australian Research Council; Australia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva. Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva; Argentina. Universidad Adolfo Ibañez; Chile. Universidad Autonoma del Caribe; Colombi

    Age of autism diagnosis in Latin American and Caribbean countries

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    An earlier diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder might lead to an earlier intervention, yet knowledge and awareness of autism spectrum disorder in Latin America and Caribbean Countries are limited. A later autism spectrum disorder diagnosis has been associated with negative consequences, as it might imply later access to services. This study aims to identify factors associated with the age of autism spectrum disorder diagnosis as reported by 2520 caregivers of autistic children from six Latin America and Caribbean Countries. Results indicate that on average, caregivers were concerned about their child’s development by 22 months of age; however, the diagnosis was 24 months later. Current age of autistic individuals, better language abilities, and having public health coverage increased the age of diagnosis. On the contrary, the presence of medical comorbidities, severity level, and type of diagnosis decreased the age of diagnosis. The age of diagnosis of autistic individuals in Latin America and Caribbean Countries corresponded to the start of formal schooling despite a much earlier age of first noticed developmental concern, highlighting the need to reduce this age gap and increase children’s probability of benefiting from early intervention. Taken together, autism spectrum disorder personal/clinical characteristics and access to health service are the main determinants for the age of diagnosis. Lay abstract An earlier diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder might lead to earlier intervention. However, people living in Latin American and Caribbean countries do not have much knowledge about autism spectrum disorder symptoms. It has been suggested that the older a child is when diagnosed, the fewer opportunities he or she will have to receive services. We asked 2520 caregivers of autistic children in six different Latin America and Caribbean Countries, the child’s age when they noticed some developmental delays and their child’s age when they received their first autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. Results indicate that, on average, caregivers were concerned about their child’s development by 22 months of age; however, the diagnosis was received when the child was 46 months of age. In addition, older children with better language abilities and public health coverage (opposed to private health coverage) were diagnosed later. On the contrary, children with other medical problems and more severe behaviors received an earlier diagnosis. In our study, children were diagnosed around the time they entered formal schooling, delaying the access to early intervention programs. In summary, the characteristics of the autistic person and the type of health coverage influence the age of diagnosis in children living in Latin America and Caribbean Countries

    Profile of Service Use and Barriers to Access to Care among Brazilian Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Delayed diagnosis and a lack of adequate care for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are related to worse outcomes and quality of life. This study aimed to identify the profile of service use, barriers to access care, and factors related to those barriers in Brazilian families with children with ASD. A total of 927 families with children with ASD (3-17 years) from five Brazilian regions completed an online version of the Caregivers Needs Survey. Results showed that the most used services were behavioral interventions and pharmacotherapy, while the most used professionals were neurologists, nutritionists, speech therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and pediatricians. The main barriers included waiting lists, costs, and the absence of services or treatment. Service use varied according to age, the region of residence, type of health care system used, and the parents/caregivers\u27 education. Access to behavioral interventions was more frequent among users of the private system/health insurance and families whose caregivers had higher education. The absence of specialized services/treatments was less frequent among residents of state capitals and families whose caregivers had higher levels of education. This study highlights how families with children/adolescents with ASD in Brazil face significant barriers to access care related to sociodemographic factors

    Covid-19 y autismo: impacto en las personas con autismo y sus familias en Uruguay

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    La pandemia de covid-19 y las medidas asociadas determinaron cambios profundos en los individuos con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) y sus familias. Se busca explorar estos efectos a nivel de las emociones y comportamientos en esta población en Uruguay. Dentro de un estudio multicéntrico de ocho países de Latinoamérica, se utilizó la submuestra de Uruguay para analizar los cambios de los comportamientos exhibidos por los individuos con TEA sobre la base de género y edad. Entre los 269 cuidadores que completaron una encuesta anónima, el 43,9 % reportó mayores problemas de convivencia y el 75,4 % reportó retrocesos. El empeoramiento de los comportamientos externalizados fue mayor en el sexo masculino y de los internalizados, en los adolescentes de 13 a 18 años. Estos resultados deberían considerarse a la hora de tomar medidas que comprometen la continuidad educativa, apoyos terapéuticos y de asistencia a las familias con personas con TEA en Uruguay. - COVID-19 pandemic and its associated measures, determined profound changes in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families. Authors explore consequences regarding emotions and behaviors in this population in Uruguay. Within a multicentric study of eight Latin American countries, changes in behaviors in individuals with ASD based on gender and age were analyzed in the Uruguayan subsample. Among the 269 caregivers who completed an anonymous survey, 43.9% reported greater problems in daily life and 75.4% reported setbacks. The worsening of externalizing behaviors was greater in males. The internalizing ones were higher in adolescents aged 13 to 18 years. These results should be considered when taking measures that compromise educational continuity, therapeutic supports and assistance to families with people with ASD in Uruguay

    Facing COVID-19: Situation of People with Autism and their Families in Latin America

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    We present a multicenter study conducted through an online survey of 1826 families of people with ASD from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela. Our objective is to describe the impact of the pandemic –and social isolation– on the behavior, mood, sleep and diet of people with ASD. To this end, we have surveyed sociodemographic and housing characteristics and the modality of confinement. We analyze the effects of discontinuity in educational and therapeutic services and assess the scope of remote interventions. Some of the consequences of confinement –obligatory for the majority– has been increased irritability in people with ASD, increased wandering behavior, higher levels of anxiety, and difficulties in eating, sleeping and concentrating. Most of the families have noticed setbacks in their children during the confinement. The beneficial effects of outings and walks are highlighted. Many treatments and classes have been discontinued. Remote interventions are positively highlighted. The current crisis should be an opportunity to reorganize education and treatment devices, attending to the need for changes, with a more ecological, inclusive and autism-friendly perspective.Presentamos un estudio multicéntrico realizado a través de una encuesta en línea a 1826 familias de personas con TEA de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, México, Perú, República Dominicana, Uruguay y Venezuela. Nuestro objetivo es describir el impacto de la pandemia –y el aislamiento social– en la conducta, el estado de ánimo, el sueño y la alimentación de las personas con TEA. A tal fin hemos relevado características sociodemográficas, habitacionales y modalidad de confinamiento. Analizamos los efectos de la discontinuidad de los servicios educativos y terapéuticos y valoramos los alcances de las intervenciones a distancia. Algunas de las consecuencias del confinamiento –obligatorio para la mayoría– han sido el aumento de irritabilidad en las personas con TEA, el incremento de la conducta de deambular, mayores niveles de ansiedad, dificultades en alimentación, sueño y concentración. La mayor parte de las familias han notado retrocesos en sus hijos durante el encierro. Se destacan los efectos beneficiosos de salidas y paseos. Muchos tratamientos y clases se han suspendido. Se subrayan positivamente las intervenciones a distancia. La crisis actual debería ser una oportunidad para reorganizar dispositivos de educación y tratamiento, atendiendo a la necesidad de cambios, con una perspectiva más ecológica, inclusiva y amigable con el autismo

    Lo común y lo diferente en el espectro autista

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    Evento sobre Autismo. Formato; vídeo/flv.En este evento participan en una conversación universitaria internacional motivada partir del tema del autismo, mediante una breve exposición de tres actores latinoamericanos activos en el área: la Dra. Alexia Rattazzi, Psiquiatra fundadora de PANAACEA, Programa Argentino para Niños, Adolescentes y Adultos con Condiciones del Espectro Autista, el Fonoaudiólogo Francisco Javier Paredes, Coordinador del Equipo de Evaluación Diagnóstico de la Liga Colombiana de Autismo y el Dr. José Gregorio Silva, Fundador de RedParaCrecer.2013_02_27_Autismo.wmv/C

    Integrating intention and context: assessing social cognition in adults with Asperger syndrome

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    Deficits in social cognition are an evident clinical feature of the Asperger syndrome (AS). Although many daily life problems of adults with AS are related to social cognition impairments, few studies have conducted comprehensive research in this area. The current study examined multiple domains of social cognition in adults with AS assessing the executive functions (EF) and exploring the intra and inter-individual variability. Fifteen adult's diagnosed with AS and 15 matched healthy controls completed a battery of social cognition tasks. This battery included measures of emotion recognition, theory of mind (ToM), empathy, moral judgment, social norms knowledge, and self-monitoring behavior in social settings. We controlled for the effect of EF and explored the individual variability. The results indicated that adults with AS had a fundamental deficit in several domains of social cognition. We also found high variability in the social cognition tasks. In these tasks, AS participants obtained mostly subnormal performance. EF did not seem to play a major role in the social cognition impairments. Our results suggest that adults with AS present a pattern of social cognition deficits characterized by the decreased ability to implicitly encode and integrate contextual information in order to access to the social meaning. Nevertheless, when social information is explicitly presented or the situation can be navigated with abstract rules, performance is improved. Our findings have implications for the diagnosis and treatment of individuals with AS as well as for the neurocognitive models of this syndrome