47 research outputs found

    Behavior and diet of the Critically Endangered Eulemur cinereiceps in Manombo forest, southeast Madagascar

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    Manombo Special Reserve is a parcel of rainforest along the southeastern coast of Madagascar, containing eight lemur species, including the White-collared brown lemur (Eulemur cinereiceps [Eulemur albocollaris]). Following a drastic cyclone in the region in January of 1997, the population of E. cinereiceps at Manombo was reduced by half. Results indicate that individuals of this critically endangered species at Manombo consume a total of 54 plant species belonging to 24 families, with over two-thirds of the diet comprised of ripe and unripe fruits. White-collared brown lemurs also opportunistically feed on novel food items and invasive plants in their recovering habitat. We report the first record of E. cinereiceps consuming a shelf fungus species growing on invasive trees. During feeding, lemurs tore pieces of the fungus from the trees with their hands and mouth (chewing cycle duration mean 0.28 s; SD 0.01). White-collared brown lemurs also consumed spicy fruits of a non-native plant species (Aframomum angustifolium) growing in highly disturbed open areas. Feeding bouts typically began by stripping away the outer covering with the anterior dentition, with pulp and seeds then consumed (chewing cycle duration mean 0.22 s; SD 0.005). This is the first record of consumption of either of these resources for any lemur species at Manombo. Ability to feed on items like A. angustifolium may permit E. cinereiceps to avoid competition with other species in this highly degraded forest environment.RÉSUMÉ La RĂ©serve SpĂ©ciale de Manombo est un fragment de forĂȘt dense humide de basse altitude et situĂ©e le long de la cĂŽte Sud-est de Madagascar. Cette partie de forĂȘt abrite au total huit espĂšces de lĂ©muriens, y compris le LĂ©mur Ă  collier blanc (Eulemur cinereiceps [Eulemur albocollaris]). Le passage dramatique du cyclone Gretelle dans la rĂ©gion en janvier 1997 a rĂ©duit de moitiĂ© la taille de la population d’E. cinereiceps dans sa zone de distribution. Les rĂ©sultats des Ă©tudes effectuĂ©es sur les individus restants de cette espĂšce, qui est classĂ©e comme Gravement MenacĂ©e, permettent d’énumĂ©rer un total de 54 espĂšces de plantes appartenant Ă  24 familles qui sont consommĂ©es par l’espĂšce. D’autre part, deux tiers du rĂ©gime alimentaire d’E. cinereiceps sont reprĂ©sentĂ©s par des fruits mĂ»rs ou non. Le LĂ©mur Ă  collier blanc consomme occasionnellement une quantitĂ© assez importante de plantes envahissantes pour assurer ses besoins nutritifs, ce qui n’est pas habituel dans l’histoire naturelle de la vie des lĂ©muriens. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude constitue Ă©galement la premiĂšre observation de consommation d’une espĂšce inconnue de champignon par les reprĂ©sentants d’E. cinereiceps. Dans le prĂ©sent cas, ledit champignon venait juste de pousser sur un pied mort de Cecropia peltata, une espĂšce allogĂšne et envahissante de la rĂ©gion. Durant la prise de nourriture, l’animal a arrachĂ© des morceaux du champignon sur l’arbre mort avec la main et puis la bouche. La partie consommĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© mĂąchĂ©e par l’animal pendant une pĂ©riode de 0,28 s. Le LĂ©mur Ă  collier blanc consomme aussi des fruits Ă©picĂ©s d’une espĂšce de plante allogĂšne (Aframomum angustifolium) qui ne pousse que dans des zones ouvertes et extrĂȘmement dĂ©gradĂ©es. La prise de nourriture sur cette espĂšce de plante commence par l’enlĂšvement de la partie dure du fruit, pour cela l’animal utilise ses dents antĂ©rieures trĂšs puissantes, puis il tire soigneusement en mĂȘme temps avec ses dents et sa langue la partie charnue et les graines. Cette prise de nourriture s’effectue pendant une pĂ©riode d’environ 0,22 s. C’était la premiĂšre fois dans l’histoire des lĂ©muriens de Manombo que des observations ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es sur un animal en train de manger des espĂšces de plantes inhabituelles. L’aptitude de manger des espĂšces de plantes telle que A. angustifolium pourrait permettre Ă  E. cinereiceps d’éviter la compĂ©tition avec les autres espĂšces de lĂ©muriens vivant dans cet environnement dĂ©gradĂ©

    Short Communication on the Alaotra gentle lemur: Population estimation and subsequent implications

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    Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust (DWCT) has conducted since 1994 several census’ on the population of the Alaotran gentle lemur to observe the development of the population in time and space

    Three flying fox (Pteropodidae: Pteropus rufus) roosts, three conservation challenges in southeastern Madagascar

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    We visited three roosts of the Madagascar flying fox Pteropus rufus in December 2005 in the Anosy Region. Colony size was 900 at Berenty Private Reserve, 412 at Amborabao and 54 at Sainte Luce, based on single counts at each site. Hunting at the roost is prohibited at Berenty but P. rufus is trapped at night in the area surrounding the reserve, where it feeds on sisal. At Amborabao, the bats roost in a sacred forest and hunting is forbidden. At Sainte Luce, the forest is highly degraded and the bats are hunted frequently, despite efforts to engage the local community in forest conservation. Questionnaires with people living near the roosts revealed the flying foxes were regarded as pests of litchis in Amborabao and Sainte Luce. Berenty is the only site where tourists are able to observe roosting P. rufus. The role of sacred forests and local taboos (fady) is very relevant for P. rufus conservation and might be the only practical mechanism in sites where legislation on hunting and land use is not being enforced. RÉSUMÉTrois gĂźtes de Pteropus rufus ont Ă©tĂ© visitĂ©s dans la rĂ©gion Anosy en dĂ©cembre 2005. La population Ă©tait composĂ©e de 900 individus Ă  Berenty, 412 Ă  Amborabao et 54 Ă  Sainte Luce, le comptage ayant Ă©tĂ© fait une seule fois dans chaque gĂźte. La chasse au dortoir est interdite Ă  Berenty mais P. rufus est capturĂ© la nuit, lorsque les individus se nourrissent dans les plantations de sisal environnantes. A Amborabao, le dortoir se trouve dans une forĂȘt sacrĂ©e oĂč la chasse est interdite. A Sainte Luce, la forĂȘt est extrĂȘmement dĂ©gradĂ©e et les chauves-souris sont chassĂ©es frĂ©quemment malgrĂ© les efforts pour impliquer la communautĂ© locale dans la conservation de la forĂȘt. Les interviews avec les gens vivant prĂšs des dortoirs ont montrĂ© que les P. rufus sont considĂ©rĂ©s comme nuisibles car consommateurs de fruits de litchis Ă  Amborabao et Sainte Luce. Berenty est le seul site oĂč les touristes peuvent observer P. rufus au dortoir. Les forĂȘts sacrĂ©es, les croyances locales et les tabous (fady) sont importants pour la conservation de P. rufus et pourraient ĂȘtre les seuls facteurs pour expliquer le respect des rĂ©gulations cynĂ©gĂ©tiques et fonciĂšres

    Primates in peril: The world's 25 most endangered primates, 2006-2008

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    From first paragraph: Here we report on the fourth iteration of the biennial listing of a consensus of 25 primate species considered to be amongst the most endangered worldwide and the most in need of urgent conservation measures. The first was drawn up in 2000 by the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group, together with Conservation International (Mittermeier et al. 2000). The list was subsequently reviewed and updated in 2002 during an open meeting held during the 19th Congress of the International Primatological Society (IPS) in Beijing, China (Mittermeier et al. 2002). That occasion provided for debate among primatologists working in the field who had first-hand knowledge of the causes of threats to primates, both in general and in particular with the species or communities they study

    Primates in peril: The world's 25 most endangered primates, 2006-2008

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    From first paragraph: Here we report on the fourth iteration of the biennial listing of a consensus of 25 primate species considered to be amongst the most endangered worldwide and the most in need of urgent conservation measures. The first was drawn up in 2000 by the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group, together with Conservation International (Mittermeier et al. 2000). The list was subsequently reviewed and updated in 2002 during an open meeting held during the 19th Congress of the International Primatological Society (IPS) in Beijing, China (Mittermeier et al. 2002). That occasion provided for debate among primatologists working in the field who had first-hand knowledge of the causes of threats to primates, both in general and in particular with the species or communities they study

    Primates in peril: the significance of Brazil, Madagascar, Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo for global primate conservation

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    Primates occur in 90 countries, but four—Brazil, Madagascar, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)—harbor 65% of the world’s primate species (439) and 60% of these primates are Vulnerable, Endangered, or Critically Endangered (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017-3). Considering their importance for global primate conservation, we examine the anthropogenic pressures each country is facing that place their primate populations at risk. Habitat loss and fragmentation are main threats to primates in Brazil, Madagascar and Indonesia. However, in DRC hunting for the commercial bushmeat trade is the primary threat. Encroachment on primate habitats driven by local and global market demands for food and non-food commodities hunting, illegal trade, the proliferation of invasive species, and human and domestic-animal borne infectious diseases cause habitat loss, population declines, and extirpation. Modeling agricultural expansion in the 21st century for the four countries under a worst-case-scenario, showed a primate range contraction of 78% for Brazil, 72% for Indonesia 62% for Madagascar and 32% for DRC. These pressures unfold in the context of expanding human populations with low levels of development. Weak governance across these four countries may limit effective primate conservation planning. We examine landscape and local approaches to effective primate conservation policies and assess the distribution of protected areas and primates in each country. P rimates in Brazil and Madagascar have 38% of their range inside protected areas, 17% in Indonesia and 14% in DRC, suggesting that the great majority of primate populations remain vulnerable. We list the key challenges faced by the four countries to avert primate extinctions now and in the future. In the short term, effective law enforcement to stop illegal hunting and illegal forest destruction is absolutely key. Long-term success can only be achieved by focusing local and global public awareness, actively engaging with international organizations, multinational businesses and consumer nations to reduce unsustainable demands on the environment. Finally, the four primate range states need to ensure that integrated, sustainable land-use planning for economic development includes the maintenance of biodiversity and intact, functional natural ecosystems

    Reconciling nature, people and policy in the mangrove social-ecological system through the adaptive cycle heuristic

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    © 2021 The Authors. While mangroves are increasingly described as social-ecological systems (SESs), performing SES research is so much more than merely documenting local resource utilisation patterns in case studies. The aim of this paper is to review and show how ecological, human and institutional resilience could be understood and fostered in an era of uncertainty, through the adaptive cycle (AC) heuristic. Uncertainties come in many forms and shapes: climate change, social and economic dynamics, natural disasters, political and institutional disruption and ever-increasing public demands for participation. Social-ecological studies form windows of experimentation that can provide insights beyond their case-specific context. In order to synthesise and structure the cumulative knowledge base arising from existing and future studies, the need for a suitable overarching framework arose. Here, the AC heuristic represents the connectedness between variables of the mangrove SES versus the mangrove's accumulated capital (natural, built, human and social). We posit that the AC heuristic can be used to interpret spatial and temporal changes (ecological, social, economic, political) in mangrove SESs and we exemplify it by using the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami as well as a century-long silviculture case. The AC, combined with the SES scheme, allows integration of the spato-temporal dynamics and the multi-dimensional character of mangrove SESs. We also reviewed the ecosystem functions, services and disservices of mangrove SESs, linking each of them to SES capital and variable (fast or slow) attributes, which in turn are closely linked to the different axes and phases of the AC. We call upon mangrove scientists from the natural, applied, social and human sciences to join forces in fitting diversified empirical data from multiple case studies around the world to the AC heuristic. The aim is to reflect on and understand such complex dynamic systems with stakeholders having various (mutual) relationships at risk of breaking down, and to prepare for interactive adaptive planning for mangrove forests.Belgian Science Policy Office ‘EVAMAB – Economic valuation of ecosystem services in Man & Biosphere Reserves' - BELSPO (BL/58/UN32); Erasmus Mundus Masters Course in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems (TROPIMUNDO); VLIR-UOS-funded GREENDYKE Project (ZEIN2008PR347); BELSPO-funded MAMAFOREST-Project (SR/00/323); ZMT Academy travel grant; Singapore National Parks Board (NParks); TUYF Charitable Trust; HKU Seed Fund for Research; International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI); UNEP/GEF Blue Forest Project; Pew Charitable Trust; Department of Science and Technology, India INSPIRE Faculty scheme (IFA18-LSPA111)

    A Severe Lack of Evidence Limits Effective Conservation of the World's Primates

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    Threats to biodiversity are well documented. However, to effectively conserve species and their habitats, we need to know which conservation interventions do (or do not) work. Evidence-based conservation evaluates interventions within a scientific framework. The Conservation Evidence project has summarized thousands of studies testing conservation interventions and compiled these as synopses for various habitats and taxa. In the present article, we analyzed the interventions assessed in the primate synopsis and compared these with other taxa. We found that despite intensive efforts to study primates and the extensive threats they face, less than 1% of primate studies evaluated conservation effectiveness. The studies often lacked quantitative data, failed to undertake postimplementation monitoring of populations or individuals, or implemented several interventions at once. Furthermore, the studies were biased toward specific taxa, geographic regions, and interventions. We describe barriers for testing primate conservation interventions and propose actions to improve the conservation evidence base to protect this endangered and globally important taxon