13 research outputs found

    Preeklampsia riski ennustustesti ja -mudeli vÀljatöötamine

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    Eesti Arst 2021; 100(3):173 &nbsp

    Molekulaarse kompleksdiagnostika olulisus suguteede infektsioonide diagnoosimisel

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    Taust. Molekulaarne kompleksdiagnostika vĂ”imaldab kliinilisest materjalist mÀÀrata palju erinevaid haigust tekitavaid mikroorganisme korraga. EesmĂ€rk. Selgitada senist suguteede infektsioonide diagnoosimise praktikat, kompleksuuringu mĂ”ju selle kvaliteedile. Metoodika. Quattromed HTI laborisse ĂŒhe kuu jooksul saabunud suguteedest vĂ”etud proove (n = 4985) uuriti sĂ”ltumata arsti tellimusest Luminexi xMAP-paneeliga suguteede infektsioonide selliste vĂ”imalike tekitajate suhtes nagu N. gonorrhoeae, C. trachomatis, C. trachomatis LGV, T. vaginalis, M. genitalium, M. hominis, U. urealyticum, U. parvum. Tulemused. Enamasti tellis arst uuringu ĂŒhe (31%), kahe (22%) vĂ”i kolme (20%) obligaatse vĂ”i oportunistliku patogeeni suhtes. Enim telliti C. trachomatis’e uuringut (91% proovidest). Uuritud proovidest leiti N. gonorrhoeae 0,2%-l, C. trachomatis 3,5%-l, T. vaginalis 0,5%-l, M. genitalium 1,2%-l, M. hominis 7,9%-l, U. urealyticum 7,7%-l ja U. parvum 32%-l juhtudest. Kasutatud meetodiga tuvastasime uuritud materjalis ka teisi STLI tekitajaid, mille suhtes arst ei olnud uuringut tellinud (sagedamini mitmeid STLI-d tekitavaid mikroorganisme, nt N. gonorrhoeae ja M. genitalium). AnalĂŒĂŒsides proove vaid arsti tellimuse jĂ€rgi, oleks suguhaigusi pĂ”hjustavatest patogeenidest jÀÀnud avastamata 40% N. gonorrhoeae, 0,6% C. trachomatis’e, 88% T. vaginalis’e ja 48% M. genitalium’i esinemisest. JĂ€reldused. Kompleksdiagnostika kasutamine vĂ”imaldaks mitmete sugulisel teel levivate mikroorganismide (eelkoige N. gonorrhoeae ja T. vaginalis’e) paremat avastamist ning vĂ”iks seelĂ€bi parandada suguhaiguste ravi ja diagnoosimise kvaliteeti.Eesti Arst 2014; 93(8):450–45

    Novel Early Pregnancy Multimarker Screening Test for Preeclampsia Risk Prediction

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    Preeclampsia (PE) is a common pregnancy-linked disease, causing preterm births, complicated deliveries, and health consequences for mothers and offspring. We have previously developed 6PLEX, a multiplex assay that measures PE-related maternal serum biomarkers ADAM12, sENG, leptin, PlGF, sFlt-1, and PTX3 in a single test tube. This study investigated the potential of 6PLEX to develop novel PE prediction models for early pregnancy. We analyzed 132 serum samples drawn at 70–275 gestational days (g days) from 53 pregnant women (PE, n = 22; controls, n = 31). PE prediction models were developed using a machine learning strategy based on the stepwise selection of the most significant models and incorporating parameters with optimal resampling. Alternative models included also placental FLT1 rs4769613 T/C genotypes, a high-confidence risk factor for PE. The best performing PE prediction model using samples collected at 70–98 g days comprised of PTX3, sFlt-1, and ADAM12, the subject's parity and gestational age at sampling (AUC 0.94 [95%CI 0.84–0.99]). All cases, that developed PE several months later (onset 257.4 ± 15.2 g days), were correctly identified. The model's specificity was 80% [95%CI 65–100] and the overall accuracy was 88% [95%CI 73–95]. Incorporating additionally the placental FLT1 rs4769613 T/C genotype data increased the prediction accuracy to 93.5% [AUC = 0.97 (95%CI 0.89–1.00)]. However, 6PLEX measurements of samples collected at 100–182 g days were insufficiently informative to develop reliable PE prediction models for mid-pregnancy (accuracy <75%). In summary, the developed model opens new horizons for first-trimester PE screening, combining the easily standardizable 6PLEX assay with routinely collected antenatal care data and resulting in high sensitivity and specificity

    Preeklampsia riski ennustustesti ja -mudeli vÀljatöötamine

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneSĂ”ltuvalt maailmajaost ja riigis kĂ€ttesaadavast tervishoiuteenuse kvaliteedist mĂ”jutab preeklampsia (PE) 3–5% kĂ”igist rasedustest. Selle peamisteks kliinilisteks sĂŒmptomiteks on raseduse teisel poolel arenev hĂŒpertensioon ja proteinuuria. PE vĂ”ib pĂ”hjustada emal organpuudulikkust ning ka ema ja/vĂ”i loote surma. PE-d iseloomustav uteroplatsentaarne puudulikkus pĂ”hjustab raskendatud ainevahetust ema ja loote vahel, laguproduktide eemaldamist ja ĂŒldist regulatiivset pĂ€rsingut. Kliiniliselt eristatakse varajast, enne 34. rasedusnĂ€dalat avalduvat ja hilist, alates 34. rasedusnĂ€dalast avalduvat PE-d. TĂ€napĂ€eval peetakse oluliseks varajast PE ennustust aspiriinil pĂ”hineva profĂŒlaktika alustamiseks ning hilisemas raseduse faasis haiguse kinnitamist vĂ”i vĂ€listamist. Varajane ennustus pĂ”hineb ema baasnĂ€itajatel (eelnev raseduste arv, vanus, varasem PE, rass), ultraheli uuringul ja vereseerumist mÀÀratavatel PlGF vĂ”i PAPP-A tasemetest. Kombineeritud riskihinnang vĂ”imaldab tuvastada 90% varajastest PE juhtudest, hilise PE korral aga ainult 40%. PE riskihinnang sFlt-1/PlGF kaudu on raseduse teisel poolel efektiivne ainult varajase PE korral. Hilise PE korral on see lĂ€henemine spetsiifiline ainult 75% juhtudel. KĂ€esoleva doktoritöö eesmĂ€rk oli luua uuenduslik multimarker-immuunuuring ja kombineerida selle abil saadud mÔÔtmiste andmestikust PE ennustusmudelid: 1. Töötada vĂ€lja uudne LuminexÂź xMAP-il pĂ”hinev immuunuuring 6PLEX PE seoseliste seerumi biomarkerite mÀÀramiseks: ADAM12, sENG, leptiin, PlGF, sFlt-1 ja PTX3. 2. PE ennustus oli III trimestril kogutud proovidest kĂ”ige parem, kui ennustusmudelisse kaasati viis biomarkerit (sFlt-1, PlGF, ADAM12, sENG, leptiin) koos ema lisa-faktoritega. Nimetatud mudeli PE ennustustĂ€psus oli 96,5%. 3. I trimestri PE ennustusmudeli vĂ€ljatöötamisel kasutati masinĂ”ppel pĂ”hinevat algoritmi, mis tagas parima PE ennustusmudelina 88,2% tĂ€psuse (kaasates ADAM12, PTX3, sFlt-1 ja emapoolsed faktorid). Platsenta FLT1 rs4769613 genotĂŒĂŒbi kaasamisel paranes I trimestri PE ennustusmudeli tĂ€psus 93,5%-ni. Doktoritöö tulemusena töötasin vĂ€lja kĂ”rge tundlikkuse ja spetsiifilisusega innovaatilise multimarker-immuunuuringu 6PLEX, mis vĂ”imaldab ema vereproovi alusel kĂ”rge tĂ€psusega hinnata PE tekkeriski raseduse esimesel ja teisel poolel. Sellise uuringu eeliseks on kuluefektiivsus ja aja kokkuhoid, kuna huvipakkuvad biomarkerid mÀÀratakse samaaegselt ĂŒhest proovimaterjalist.Preeclampsia (PE) affects in total close 3-5% pregnancies worldwide, depending on the access and level of local healthcare. PE is defined as mother`s new hypertension after 20 weeks of gestation with most common additional symptom being proteinuria. It can also cause maternal organ dysfunction (hepatic, renal, haematological) and in worst case mother`s/baby`s death. One of the core causes of PE is uteroplacental pathology, leaded by inadequate spiral artery modification and poor villous development. PE is divided based on its symptomatic presence to be early- (before 34th gestational week) or late-onset (from 34th gestational week). Modern practice for PE management holds two concepts - early phase prediction for prophylaxis with aspirin or late pregnancy PE rule-out in-case of PE suspicion. First, general today to assess PE prediction based on FMF model (screening on gestational weeks 11-14) and assessing maternal characteristics and measuring preferably UtA-PI, PAPP-A or PlGF reaches to correct prognosis in 90% of cases with early-onset PE but moderate 40% with late-onset. PE rule-out method, in case of developed symptoms, by assessing sFlt-1/PLGF ratio only works effectively for early-onset situation. Use in case of late-onset increases false-positive PE predictions sharply. The aim of this thesis was to explore the dynamics and value of proposed serum biomarkers of PE in predicting the risk for the disease, and to combine informative biomarkers and clinical data to develop novel PE prediction models applicable either in early or late pregnancy: 1. The novel LuminexÂź based 6PLEX assay detects six PE related biomarkers ADAM12, PlGF, sENG, sFlt1, PTX3 and leptin in multiplex format with high precision and low intra- and interassay variation. 2. 6PLEX assay based multicomponent modelling (sFlt-1, PlGF, ADAM12, sENG, leptin) enables superior PE prediction in III trimester with 96.5% accuracy. 3. Applying the 6PLEX assay on I trimester, specifically between 10-14 gestational weeks, allows 88.2% precise PE prediction without any false negative cases and 80% specificity (ADAM12, PTX3, sFlt-1). Incorporation of fetal FLT1 rs4769613 data even improves the prediction performance to 93.5%, raising the precificity metrics. This thesis presents innovative experimental research developing and applying multiplex immunoassay measurements of PE related biomarkers in either early or the late pregnancy. Modelling the PE prediction using this novel assay enable timely identification of high-risk pregnancies, application of preventive measures and targeted monitoring of patients. Benefit of such approach is cost-effectiveness and time-savings as multiple biomarkers are detected at the same time in single reaction.https://www.ester.ee/record=b556115

    Control of the rescue and replication of Semliki Forest virus recombinants by the insertion of miRNA target sequences.

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    Due to their broad cell- and tissue-tropism, alphavirus-based replication-competent vectors are of particular interest for anti-cancer therapy. These properties may, however, be potentially hazardous unless the virus infection is controlled. While the RNA genome of alphaviruses precludes the standard control techniques, host miRNAs can be used to down-regulate viral replication. In this study, target sites from ubiquitous miRNAs and those of miRNAs under-represented in cervical cancer cells were inserted into replication-competent DNA/RNA layered vectors of Semliki Forest virus. It was found that in order to achieve the most efficient suppression of recombinant virus rescue, the introduced target sequences must be fully complementary to those of the corresponding miRNAs. Target sites of ubiquitous miRNAs, introduced into the 3' untranslated region of the viral vector, profoundly reduced the rescue of recombinant viruses. Insertion of the same miRNA targets into coding region of the viral vector was approximately 300-fold less effective. Viruses carrying these miRNAs were genetically unstable and rapidly lost the target sequences. This process was delayed, but not completely prevented, by miRNA inhibitors. Target sites of miRNA under-represented in cervical cancer cells had much smaller but still significant effects on recombinant virus rescue in cervical cancer-derived HeLa cells. Over-expression of miR-214, one of these miRNAs, reduced replication of the targeted virus. Though the majority of rescued viruses maintained the introduced miRNA target sequences, genomes with deletions of these sequences were also detected. Thus, the low-level repression of rescue and replication of targeted virus in HeLa cells was still sufficient to cause genetic instability

    Illustration of used miR target cassette design.

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    <p>Identical miRNA target sites are shown using the same colour code (grey, white or striped); the 8-nucleotide spacers between miRNA target sites are shown in black.</p

    Northern blot analysis of SFV RNAs in transfected cells.

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    <p>BHK-21 cells were transfected with 1 ”g pCMV-SFV4-2SG-Gluc (Control) or pCMV-SFV4-2SG-Gluc-miR-cl1P (miR-cl1) in the presence of 300 picomol of each miRNA inhibitors (designated with “+”) or 900 pmol of irrelevant control oligonucleotide (designated with “−”). Total RNA was isolated from cells at 12 h p.t. or 36 h p.t.. RNA (5 ”g) was loaded on a 1.4% denaturing agarose gel, resolved by electrophoresis and visualised by northern blotting with a DIG-labelled RNA probe complementary to the 3â€Č UTR of SFV4 or to ÎČ-actin mRNA. Arrows left of the panel designate viral genomic RNA (A), SG mRNA made from the native SG promoter (B), additional SG RNA synthesised from the duplicated SG promoter in SFV4-2SG-Gluc (C) and ÎČ-actin mRNA, used as loading control (ÎČ-act). The panel is composed of pictures obtained by two different exposures of the same filter, which was necessary due to the huge difference in viral RNAs levels at 12 and 36 h p.t.. After the shorter exposition (36 h p.t.), mRNA of ÎČ-actin is hardly detectable. Longer exposure (12 h p.t.) detects mRNA of ÎČ-actin in mock-samples at 36 h. p.t., but it is masked by the strong signal from viral RNAs in samples from cells transfected with DNA/RNA layered SFV replication-competent vectors. The experiment was repeated twice with similar results.</p

    Infectivity of DNA/RNA layered SFV replication-competent vectors carrying miR-cl2 targets.

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    <p>(A) General design of the vectors; the same symbols as in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0075802#pone-0075802-g003" target="_blank">Fig. 3A</a> are used to designate different sequences. (B, C) Infectivity of recombinant vectors carrying different miR-cl2 targets was measured by ICA in BHK-21 (B) and HeLa (C) cells. The vertical axes represent infectivity normalised to that of pCMV-SFV4-2SG-Gluc (designated as Control), which was taken as 100%. The inserted miR-cl2 cassettes are indicated under the drawing. Columns on the graph represent an average of three independent experiments; error bars represent standard deviation. * designates a statistically significant difference (p<0.05), as determined by a Mann – Whitney U test.</p

    Effects of miRNA inhibitors on the rescue, multiplication and Gluc expression of recombinant vectors.

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    <p>BHK-21 cells were electroporated with 1 ”g pCMV-SFV4-2SG-Gluc (Control) or pCMV-SFV4-2SG-Gluc-miR-cl1P (miR-cl1P) in the presence of 2-0-Met-RNA oligonucleotides complementary to <i>Let-7</i>, <i>miR-17</i> and <i>miR-19</i> (300 pmol of each; indicated with black symbols and “+”) or in the presence of 900 pmol irrelevant control oligonucleotide (indicated with open symbols and “−”). Titres of rescued viruses and Gluc activity in growth media were monitored up to 48 h p.t. (horizontal axes). (A) Titres of rescued recombinant viruses. Vertical axes represent the virus titre (pfu/ml) in the growth medium. (B) Expression of Gluc by recombinant viruses. Vertical axes represent the Gluc activity (in relative luciferase activity units) in the growth medium. Representative data from one from three reproducible experiments is shown in each panel.</p