13 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Hasil Pembelajaran Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia Sesuai EYD dan KBBI dengan Adopsi Teknologi

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    The average writing ability of SMPN 1 Yogyakarta students needs to be improved in terms of the Enhanced Spelling of the Indonesian Language (Indonesian: Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia yang Disempurnakan, EYD) and the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI). Therefore, the learning process is carried out with a practical approach using technology adoption (the cek-ejaan.com system and teaching videos). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the learning outcomes of Indonesian spelling according to EYD and KBBI with the adoption of technology, so that it can be determined whether the use of technology helps students improve their abilities. The subjects of this study were eighth-grade students at SMPN 1 Yogyakarta. This study is both qualitative (essay analysis) and quantitative. The data collected is in the form of pretest and posttest answers submitted by students via Google Forms. The pretest and posttest data were corrected, processed, analyzed, and visualized. The results showed that at all stages, the majority of students improved their scores (pretest posttest), and the average posttest score was higher than the pretest average score. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is an increase in students' abilities after the learning process (even though it is fully online), and technology adoption plays an important role in this process

    Evaluation of Octo Mobile User Experience using the System Usability Scale Method

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    In order to improve the quality of the Octo Mobile by Bank Cimb Niaga application, it is necessary to carry out usability testing of the application using the System Usability Scale (SUS) with a Likert scale for the answer. The purpose of this study is to evaluate usability and analyze user experience on the Octo Mobile application, so that it is expected to be used as a reference for application development by Bank CIMB Niaga. Respondents consisted of 39 Octo Mobile application users. Testing was carried out by directly interviewing respondents and filling out a questionnaire containing 10 statements. The results of testing with the SUS method obtained a result of 58.5%. Based on these results, the acceptability of the Octo Mobile application is in the marginal low range, the adjective rating is in the OK level, and the grade scale is in class F. Based on these results it can be concluded that the Octo Mobile application has usability that is acceptable to users, but still needs to be improved and further upgrades


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    The Kapustakan System is a digital collection management system for the Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. The Kapustakan System is being developed to present various museum collections in digital representation, facilitating access to knowledge search, cross-referencing, and encouraging research. This system needs an interface design that takes into account both the User Interface (UI) and the User Experience (UX) to make users feel comfortable when they use it. This paper describes the UI/UX design process for the Kapustakan System using the user-centred Design (UCD) method, which consists of five stages: planning the human-centred design, specifying the context of use, specifying user and organizational requirements, producing design solutions, and evaluating designs against user requirements. The UCD method focuses on the direct involvement of prospective users so that they can influence the design results that meet their needs and desires. The result of this research is a prototype design of the Kapustakan System that has been validated through usability testing of potential users. The parameters tested in usability testing are success rate, efficiency, error rate, and satisfaction. The test's success rate is 93.75%, its efficiency is 90.27%, its error rate is 3.73%, and its satisfaction is 86.25

    Analysis of Stemming Influence on Indonesian Tweet Classification

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    Stemming has been commonly used by some researchers in natural language processing area such as text mining, text classification, and information retrieval. In information retrieval, stemming may help to raise retrieval performance. However, there is an indication that stemming does not hand over significant influence toward the accuracy in text classification. Therefore, this paper analyzes further research about the influence of stemming on tweet classification in Bahasa Indonesia. This work examines about the accuracy result between two conditions by involving stemming and without involving stemming in pre-processing task for tweet classification. The contribution of this research is to find out a better pre-processing task in order to obtain good accuracy in text classification. According to the experiments, it is observed that all accuracy results in tweet classification tend to decrease. Stemming task does not raise the accuracy either using SVM or Naive Bayes algorithm. Therefore, this work summarized that stemming process does not affect significantly towards the accuracy performance

    Production Stock Monitoring System at PT Yamaha Indonesia Using the Scrum Method

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    Digital transformation brings changes to the industrial sector to become Industry 4.0. PT Yamaha Indonesia is a piano-manufacturing company that also uses technology to help monitor the production of piano parts. Production stock monitoring is carried out in order to meet the company's production targets. As a result, the company's stock can meet customer demand, keeping inventory costs to a minimum. Furthermore, it has the potential to optimize operational production time. Previously, the production monitoring procedure was done manually. Recordings are made every few hours or so to keep track of the data. Due to the manual recording of each step of the piano's part-making process, productivity and the ability to perform other tasks are slowed down. To address these issues, PT Yamaha Indonesia, through this research, developed a production stock monitoring system. This system was built using the Scrum method and implements data visualization using chart.js to facilitate monitoring. The research contribution is analyzing user needs until the production stock monitoring system is built so that monitoring the manufacturing process can be simplified and more efficient, and it can be done in real-time

    Lessons Learned: Enterprise Information System Project on Education Institution

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    This paper addresses the challenges posed by Industry 4.0 and the COVID-19 pandemic, which necessitate digital transformation in educational institutions. It focuses on the specific issues of integrating enterprise information systems to facilitate this transformation. The solution proposed is the development of an integrated information system to manage operational processes within educational institutions. This system targets key domains including student admissions, academics, finance, and human resources, utilizing role-based access control (RBAC) and Single Sign-On (SSO) for efficiency and security. The methodology involves a collaborative effort under the Matching Fund program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of Indonesia. This collaboration includes the Universitas Islam Indonesia and the Salman Alfarisi Yogyakarta educational institution. The approach includes defining the project, collecting, and reviewing lessons, creating a repository of these lessons, and disseminating the findings. The project successfully developed and implemented an integrated information system, addressing the initial challenges and improving organizational efficiency in the participating educational institution. The system’s deployment covered multiple key operational domains, significantly digitizing the institution’s processes. This paper contributes valuable insights and best practices from the integration project, serving as a model for other universities and educational institutions. It showcases the potential of collaborative efforts in accelerating digital transformation in education, especially in the context of Indonesia’s vast network of universities and educational institutions

    Production Stock Monitoring System at PT Yamaha Indonesia Using the Scrum Method

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    Digital transformation brings changes to the industrial sector to become Industry 4.0. PT Yamaha Indonesia is a piano-manufacturing company that also uses technology to help monitor the production of piano parts. Production stock monitoring is carried out in order to meet the company's production targets. As a result, the company's stock can meet customer demand, keeping inventory costs to a minimum. Furthermore, it has the potential to optimize operational production time. Previously, the production monitoring procedure was done manually. Recordings are made every few hours or so to keep track of the data. Due to the manual recording of each step of the piano's part-making process, productivity and the ability to perform other tasks are slowed down. To address these issues, PT Yamaha Indonesia, through this research, developed a production stock monitoring system. This system was built using the Scrum method and implements data visualization using chart.js to facilitate monitoring. The research contribution is analyzing user needs until the production stock monitoring system is built so that monitoring the manufacturing process can be simplified and more efficient, and it can be done in real-time

    Comparative Analysis of E-Commerce Sales of Halal-Labeled Products in Muslim Majority and Minority Countries

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    E-commerce is an alternative for individuals to look for and purchase things. Unfortunately, despite its importance in digital market connectedness, e-commerce has not played a significant role in the continuity of the halal market. This study aims to look at the differences in halal product sales in Muslim majority and minority countries, which can stimulate the availability of halal products on e-commerce and increase halal product exports, as well as make it easier for Muslim communities to buy halal products. There was no previous research on a similar topic, notably one that specifically explored the sale of halal products through e-commerce. Halal-labeled product data was taken from Lazada e-commerce using web scraping (using the Selenium package in the Python programming language), which was then carried out by Kruskal-Wallis analysis. According to the findings, the average sales of halal products in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Malaysia varies significantly. However, in the pairwise or combination test comparing groups of countries, it was discovered that the average sales of halal products in Indonesia and Singapore were identical

    Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Uncovering Fraud Cases on Twitter

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    Fraud is a phenomenon that continues to exist in society with a modus operandi that continues to evolve with the times. The mode of operation of fraud is continually evolving with technological advancements, globalization, and consumer behavior shifts. In today's digital age, social media is important in spreading information regarding fraud. Twitter is a social media platform that is widely used. Twitter provides easy and fast access to relevant information. As a result, to raise fraud awareness, it is critical to study the mode of operation of fraud spread on social media, particularly on Twitter. The Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) approach is used in this work to classify and identify fraud issues often addressed by Indonesian Twitter users. By applying LDA modeling, this study aims to understand more comprehensively the fraudulent topics that often appear on Twitter. The research found that seven fraud topics are most commonly discussed by Twitter users in Indonesia, with the highest cohesion value of 0.491899

    UI/UX Designing of an Indonesian Language Writing Educational Game for Elementary School Students Using a Human Centred Design Method

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    Based on previous research conducted on elementary school students, it was found that there are still many errors in the use of EYD or KBBI rules, such as errors in the use of capital letters and the use of words. The lack of learning media outside of school triggers students' lack of understanding. Using technology-based learning media in games is exciting and can help improve students' understanding outside school. Using educational games as out-of-school learning media has several advantages, namely ease of access and higher student interest in playing. In developing games, an attractive appearance is needed and is the need of elementary school students. This is adequate and can increase students' interest in using the game as an out-of-school learning media. Therefore, an appropriate design method is needed to design the appearance to be attractive and in accordance with the needs of students, one of which is Human-Centered Design (HCD). This method involves users directly during the design process. By applying the HCD method, this research aims to design the interface of the "CerdasEYD" educational game that suits the needs and answers the problems that students have. Testing is carried out using the System Usability Scale to measure the success of the interface that has been designed. Through this test, the results obtained in the form of an average score of 95 indicate that the design designed has met the needs and answered the problems that students problems