4 research outputs found


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    Provinsi Banten dikenal juga sebagai daerah industri yang memiliki jumlah pekerja wanita yang tidak sedikit terutama yang berstatus sebagai seorang ibu pekerja. Peran sebagai pekerja dan sebagai seorang ibu, menjadikan mereka menghadapi berbagai persoalan yang dapat menyebabkan mereka mengalami stres. Kondisi tersebut menuntut mereka untuk dapat tampil kuat, optimis atau yang disebut dengan hardiness.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara hardiness dan stres. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif korelasional non eksperimental dan menggunakan purposive sampling dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 100 orang. Alat ukur hardiness terdiri dari 14 aitem dengan koefisien reliabilitas (?) 0,899, dan alat ukur stres terdiri dari 28 aitem valid untuk stres dan koefisien reliabilitas (?) 0,914. Berdasarkan hasil uji korelasi pearson product moment, diperoleh hasil nilai sig 0,006 (p<0,05) dan koefisien korelasi -0,271. Hasil ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis pada penelitian ini diterima, yaitu terdapat hubungan negatif dan signifikan antara hardiness dengan stres pada ibu bekerja di sektor industri

    Apakah Keterlekatan Kerja Mampu Memediasi Dukungan Lembaga Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan?

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    This research able to knowing the role of organizational support on work performance mediated work engagement. The variables tested in this study are organizational support as exogenous variables, work engagement and work performance as endogenous variables. The research respondents were autism therapists at institutions for children with special needs in Karawang, totaling 203 therapists. Data analysis used Structural Equation Model (SEM) using partial least squares (PLS). Based on the results of the hypothetical model test, organizational support influences work performance mediated by work attachment. This means that the research theoretical model can be accepted as a model that fits the data in the field. This also shows that the stronger the employee gets support from the organizational and the employee understands the employee's work engagement will increase. The yield from these findings able to use consideration to handle increased employee work engagement at the Institute


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    Women who have multiple roles hope to live a balanced life. On the one hand, as an employee, she tries to be engaged in her work to a maximum performance. On the other hand, personal matters, household domestic tasks can be completed satisfactorily to make them happy. One of the efforts that can be made by women who have multiple roles to remain engaged in their work is to balance their personal affairs with their work or work-life balance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work-family balance on the work engagement of working women who have multiple roles. This research method is quantitative-causal comparative with a purposive sampling technique, involving 201 working and married mothers in Indonesia. The work-life balance measurement tool refers to the theory of Greenhaus et.al (2002) with 21 valid items (range (r) ≥ 0.3) and reliability (α) = 0.905. The work engagement scale uses the Utrecht Employee Engagement Scale (UWES) from Schaufeli and Bakker (UWES) adapted from Titien (2016) with 28 valid items and reliability (α) = 0.922. The results of this study indicate that there is an effect of work-life balance on work engagement in working women who have multiple roles with a significant value (p) of 0.000 (p <0.05), with a simple linear regression equation Y = 1.138 + 0.614 X1. Work-Life Balance contributes 51.5% to Employee Engagement. More working women who have multiple roles feel a low work life balance (62.7%) and also more have low work engagement (61.7%). Keywords: Work-life balance, work engagement, women, work, multiple roles, Indonesia Perempuan yang menjalani peran ganda berharap dapat menjalani kehidupannya dengan seimbang. Di satu sisi, sebagai karyawati, ia berupaya bisa engaged terhadap pekerjaannya hingga berkinerja maksimal. Di sisi lain urusan pribadi, tugas domestik rumah tangga pun dapat diselesaikan dengan memuaskan hingga membuatnya bahagia. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan oleh perempuan yang menjalani peran ganda agar tetap engaged terhadap pekerjaannya adalah dengan tetap menyeimbangkan urusan pribadinya dengan pekerjaannya atau work-life balance. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh work-family balance terhadap work engagement perempuan bekerja yang menjalani peran ganda. Metode penelitian ini berjenis kuantitatif-kausal komparatif dengan teknik purposive sampling, melibatkan 201 ibu bekerja dan telah menikah di wilayah Indonesia. Alat ukur work-life balance mengacu pada teori Greenhaus et.al (2002) dengan 21 item valid (rentang (r) ≥ 0,3) dan reliabilitas (α) = 0,905. Skala work engagement menggunakan Utrecht Employee engagement Scale (UWES) dari Schaufeli dan Bakker (UWES) yang diadaptasi dari Titien (2016) dengan 28 item valid dan reliabilitas (α) = 0,922. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ada pengaruh work-life balance terhadap work engagement pada perempuan bekerja yang menjalani peran ganda dengan nilai signifikan (p) sebesar 0,000 (p < 0,05), dengan persamaan regresi linier sederhana Y= 1,138 + 0,614 X1. Work-Life Balance berkontribusi 51,5% terhadap Employee Engagement. Perempuan bekerja yang menjalani peran ganda lebih banyak yang merasakan work life balance rendah (62,7%) dan juga lebih banyak yang memiliki work engagement rendah (61,7 %) Kata Kunci: Work-life balance, work engagement, perempuan, bekerja, peran ganda, Indonesi


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    Scholarship for college students were demanded to finish PKM based on schedule, perfectly and following Dikti terms. By doing it, some of them did PKM based on criteria while some of them did not do it perfectly. In case to do it, college students need perfectionism into it. one of the factors that correlates with perfectionism is achievement motivation. This research aims to find the correlation between achievement motivation and perfectionism. The method of this research uses quantity study and correlational with incident al sampling with 137 samples. Achievement motivation scale is based on Mc.Celland theory with 21 valid items with (α) = 0.888 and perfectionism using Multidimential Perfectionism Scale by Frost with (α) = 0.930. Result of Pearson Product Moment showed that there is a correlation between achievement motivation with perfectionism coefficient correlation r = 0.253 with significant sig. 0.003 (p <0.05) it means this hypothesis accepted there is a positive correlation between achievement motivation with perfectionism. Beside that also found there is no gender correlation, GPA and parents education with achievement motivation while only parents education has correlation with perfectionism