63 research outputs found


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    Kegiatan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan salah satu bentuk implementasi dari Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi, yaitu melaksanakan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat. Kegiatan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan wahana bagi mahasiswa untuk menerapkan, mengembangkan dan menggali nilai-nilai intelektual mahasiswa dalam kaitannya dengan lingkungan masyarakat. Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan bagi mahasiswa untuk melatih diri dan menambah pengalaman dalam pembelajaran dan manajerial di sekolah. PPL bertujuan untuk melatih mahasiswa agar memiliki pengalaman nyata tentang proses belajar mengajar. Diharapkan PPL ini dapat menjadi bekal bagi mahasiswa untuk mengembangkan diri sebagai tenaga pendidik yang profesional. PPL dimulai dari tanggal 10 Agustus – 12 September. Program ini berlangsung selama 1 bulan dengan lokasi di SMP N 3 Sentolo. Dengan diterjunkannya mahasiswa dilingkungan masyarakat sekolah, diharapkan mahasiswa mendapatkan pengalaman tentang pelaksanaan prosese pembelajaran dan kegiatan persekolahan atau kependidikan , sehingga mahasiswa dapat menggunakan pengalamannya sabagai bekal untuk membentuk jiwa yang profesional. Dalam laporan pelaksanaan PPL ini, penulis menuliskan program-program yang dilaksanakan selama menjalankan tugas meliputi praktik mengajar, kegiatan ini menuntut nahasiswa praktikan untuk terjun langsung ke lapangan serta bertatap muka langsung dengan siswa di dalam kelas. Selain itu, mahasiswa juga dituntut untuk dapat melakukan evaluasi sebagai alat untuk mengukur keberhasilan dalam praktik pembelajaran di kelas. Selain itu terdapat program kerja yaitu kegiatan ekstra kurikuler seni tari, pengadaan kaset tari Panjidur, Pementasan Tari Panjidu


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    Zakat merupakan ibadah wajib bagi setiap muslim. Seluruh lapisan masyarakat mulai dari wiraswasta, pegawai hingga pimpinan wajib membayar zakat jika telah memenuhi syarat-syarat tertentu. Banyak kemudahan yang telah dilakukan sekarang dalam penyaluran zakat, termasuk di dalamnya banyak lembaga-lembaga zakat yang bertugas untuk mengelola serta menyalurkan zakat. Seiring dengan perkembangan informasi dan teknologi terutama di bidang mobile akan semakin banyak aplikasi yang dibutuhkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Berdasarkan pada kebutuhan tersebut maka programmer berinisiatif untuk membuat sebuah aplikasi mobile yang berkaitan erat dengan pemetaan khususnya pemetaan lokasi penerima zakat. Aplikasi tersebut adalah aplikasi pemetaan yang menggunakan android yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan user (dalam hal ini pengelola zakat maupun donatur) mencari lokasi penerima zakat di sekitar user, mengetahui lokasi penerima zakat terdekat dari user, memberi petunjuk jalan bagi user dengan fitur A-GPS. Aplikasi ini diimplementasikan pada android sebagai operating system-nya. Dan diintegrasikan dengan Google Maps sebagai petanya. Aplikasi ini akan memberikan user pemetaan lokasi, rekomendasi penerima zakat terdekat dengan user, fitur pencarian serta sistem informasi mengenai penerima zakat di Kecamatan Dayeuhkolot. Tugas akhir ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah donatur maupun penyalur zakat (amil) untuk mencari lokasi penerima-penerima zakat di sekitar mereka. Android, Google Maps, pemetaan, sistem informasi, zaka

    The Role of Justice Collaborations in Planned Criminal Actions

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    Basically, Justice Collaborator is an individual who holds the dual status of perpetrator and witness in a criminal case, and cooperates with law enforcement to provide valuable information. The designation of Justice Collaborator is not only indicative of the individual's willingness to assist law enforcement in holding high-level criminals accountable, but also of their good faith in disclosing information or testifying in court. By acting in good faith and becoming a Justice Collaborator, one can receive protection, appreciation, special treatment, and certain rights that are not afforded to other individuals who do not hold this status. Criminal liability pertains to the legal obligations that law enforcement has to punish perpetrators for their actions that have caused harm to others. However, in Indonesia, there’s a lack of public awareness regarding the criminal liability of Justice Collaborators. It is important to note that although Justice Collaborators are both perpetrators and witnesses, they are not held to the same level of criminal responsibility as the primary actors in the crime. This article will delve into the criminal responsibility of Justice Collaborators in the context of law enforcement in Indonesia. The research methodology employed in this article will be normative law, which involves analyzing legal arguments and issues raised in order to arrive at a conclusion. Justice Collaborator is a term for someone who is involved in a crime and also provides assistance to law enforcement as a witness. Justice Collaborator status is given to individuals who have the will to cooperate with law enforcement officials so that perpetrators of crimes can be processed, and have good faith in exposing or being witnesses in a case. By becoming a Justice Collaborator in good faith, the individual will receive protection, appreciation, special treatment, and a number of rights that are not granted to other actors who do not have Justice Collaborator status. Criminal liability relates to obligations in criminal law given by law enforcers to provide retaliation for actions that harm someone committed by the perpetrator. However, problems related to criminal liability for Justice Collaborators in Indonesia are still not well known by the public. Justice Collaborators as witnesses and perpetrators will still be given criminal responsibility, but not as heavy as the main actors.

    The Role of Justice Collaborations in Planned Criminal Actions

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    Basically, Justice Collaborator is an individual who holds the dual status of perpetrator and witness in a criminal case, and cooperates with law enforcement to provide valuable information. The designation of Justice Collaborator is not only indicative of the individual's willingness to assist law enforcement in holding high-level criminals accountable, but also of their good faith in disclosing information or testifying in court. By acting in good faith and becoming a Justice Collaborator, one can receive protection, appreciation, special treatment, and certain rights that are not afforded to other individuals who do not hold this status. Criminal liability pertains to the legal obligations that law enforcement has to punish perpetrators for their actions that have caused harm to others. However, in Indonesia, there’s a lack of public awareness regarding the criminal liability of Justice Collaborators. It is important to note that although Justice Collaborators are both perpetrators and witnesses, they are not held to the same level of criminal responsibility as the primary actors in the crime. This article will delve into the criminal responsibility of Justice Collaborators in the context of law enforcement in Indonesia. The research methodology employed in this article will be normative law, which involves analyzing legal arguments and issues raised in order to arrive at a conclusion. Justice Collaborator is a term for someone who is involved in a crime and also provides assistance to law enforcement as a witness. Justice Collaborator status is given to individuals who have the will to cooperate with law enforcement officials so that perpetrators of crimes can be processed, and have good faith in exposing or being witnesses in a case. By becoming a Justice Collaborator in good faith, the individual will receive protection, appreciation, special treatment, and a number of rights that are not granted to other actors who do not have Justice Collaborator status. Criminal liability relates to obligations in criminal law given by law enforcers to provide retaliation for actions that harm someone committed by the perpetrator. However, problems related to criminal liability for Justice Collaborators in Indonesia are still not well known by the public. Justice Collaborators as witnesses and perpetrators will still be given criminal responsibility, but not as heavy as the main actors

    Measurement Analysis of Non-Invasive Blood Glucose On Sensor Coplanar Waveguide Loaded Square Ring Resonator with Interdigital Coupling Capacitor

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    This study presents the experimental results of a system with a sensor structure detecting human blood glucose levels. A microwave-based sensor is used for non-invasive blood glucose monitoring. The sensor design uses an asymmetrically loaded CPW structure as a square ring resonator with an interdigital coupling capacitor on the ground side. Simulated with a load of artificial finger tissue made from gelatin, modeled in four layers. The first layer is the skin is the outermost tissue, the next layer is fat, blood and bone. Each layer of tissue has a certain thickness size; skin (0.3mm), fat (0.2mm), blood (1.5mm), and bone (4mm). The measurement simulation is used, HFSS as modeling simulation and VNA as a measurement of the physical representation of the design results with parametric optimization methods. To verify the correlation and the expected sensitivity, media with different dielectrics were mounted on the surface of the sensor resonator with blood glucose levels of 1mg/dl, 72mg/dl, 126mg/dl, 162mg/dl and 216mg/dl. Reflection factor S11 was observed based on dielectric constant blood glucose levels (dB) fluctuations. Analysis of the data on the graph between the independent variables, namely blood glucose concentration and the dependent variable levels of S11 has an “R†correlation value of 0.97. The sensitivity level of the sensor on the S11 reflection factor with HFSS simulation averages 73.36mdB/mgdl-1 and VNA reaches 82.39mdB/mgdl-1. The results are interesting for developing a more optimal glucose sensor system


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas VA SD Negeri Giwangan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Number Heads Together pada mata pelajaran matematika materi perkalian dan pembagian pecahan. Penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) ini menggunakan model Kemmis dan Taggart. Pelaksanaan penelitian ini dilaksankan secara berkolaborasi dengan guru kelas VA SD Negeri Giwangan. Langkah pelaksanaan penelitian ini terdiri dari, perencanaan, tindakan, refleksi, dan observasi. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VA SD Negeri Giwangan dengan jumlah 30 siswa. Pelaksanaan penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui tes, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan hasil belajar matematika pada siswa kelas VA SD Negeri Giwangan. Peningkatan tersebut dibuktikan dengan hasil tes pada pra siklus ada 8 siswa atau 26,66% dari 30 siswa yang mendapat nilai ≥70, siklus I ada 21 siswa atau 70% dari seluruh siswa yang mendapat nilai ≥70, sedangkan hasil tes pada siklus II ada 28 siswa atau 93,33% dari seluruh siswa yang mendapatkan nilai ≥70. Hal ini berarti mengalami peningkatan persentase siswa yang mendapat nilai ≥70 dari siklus I ke siklus II sebanyak 23,33%. Kata kunci: Hasil Belajar, Numbered Heads Together, Matematik

    Analisis User Experience Mahasiswa terhadap Sistem Informasi Akademik Satya Wacana (SIASAT) Menggunakan User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ)

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    Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk menganalisis user experience mahasiswa terhadap Sistem Informasi Satya Wacana (SIASAT) menggunakan User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). UEQ adalah metode pengukuran ditinjau dari aspek penggunaannya dan aspek pengalaman termasuk kesan kompresif dengan skala kuesioner. UEQ memiliki 26 pertanyaan yang harus diisi oleh responden dimana pertanyaan tersebut meliputi 6 aspek, antara lain daya tarik, efisiensi, kejelasan, ketepatan, stimulasi, dan kebaruan. Kuesioner UEQ dalam penelitian ini menggunakan data dari 54 responden mahasiswa aktif UKSW yang memahami penggunaan Sistem Informasi Akademik Satya Wacana (SIASAT) dengan baik. Hasil akhir pengujian yang dilakukan memperoleh data untuk skala daya tarik, efisiensi, ketepatan, dan stimulasi mendapatkan kategori evaluasi normal. Sedangkan untuk skala kebaruan mendapatkan kategori evaluasi negatif dan skala kejelasan mendapatkan kategori evaluasi positif. Kemudian untuk hasil evaluasi benchmark mayoritas mendapatkan kategori Bad (Buruk) yang meliputi skala daya tarik, efisiensi, ketepatan, stimulasi, dan kebaruan. Hanya satu skala yang mendapatkan kategori Above Average (Cukup Baik) yaitu kejelasan.This research aims to analyze student user experience on the Satya Wacana Information System (SIASAT) using the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). UEQ is a measurement method from the aspect of its use and the aspect of the experience, including a compressive impression using a questionnaire scale. The UEQ has 26 questions that must be filled out by respondents, where the questions cover 6 aspects, including attractiveness, efficiency, perspicuity, dependability, stimulation, and novelty. The UEQ questionnaire in this study used data from 54 active SWCU student respondents who understood the use of the Satya Wacana Academic Information System (SIASAT) well. The final results of the tests carried out obtained data for the scale of attractiveness, efficiency, dependability, and stimulation to get a normal evaluation category. Meanwhile, the novelty scale gets a negative evaluation category and the perspicuity scale gets a positive evaluation category. Then for the results of the benchmark evaluation, the majority got the Bad category which includes a scale of attractiveness, efficiency, dependability, stimulation, and novelty. Only one scale that gets the Above Average category (Good Enough) is perspicuity

    Analisis dan Implementasi Personal Spam Filtering Menggunakan Evolving Artificial Neural Networks (Studi Kasus ECML PKDD 2006 Discovery Challange)

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    ABSTRAKSI: Dewasa ini email menjadi sarana pengiriman pesan yang murah, mudah dan cepat. Pada perkembanganya ada pihak-pihak yang menyalahgunakan email untuk mengirim pesan yang tidak diharapkan penerima, pesan ini dinamakan spam email. Akibat spam ini pengguna dirugikan dengan biaya dan waktu yang tidak sedikit. Oleh karena itu diperlukan spam filtering untuk memisahkan spam dari inbox pengguna.Pada tugas akhir ini dikembangkan suatu sistem spam filtering untuk mengidentifikasi spam email dengan menggunakan Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Semakin optimal ANN maka semakin optimal pula performansi dalam mengklasifikasikan email. Dengan menggunakan Evolutionary Programming (EP) dapat diperoleh struktur dan bobot yang optimal.Data yang digunakan adalah data email ECML PKDD 2006 Discovery Challenge dengan data yang sudah dikodekan menjadi bag-of-word vector space sehingga tidak diketahui isi dari email yang sebenarnya.Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan nilai AUC terbaik adalah 0.767853.Kata Kunci : spam filtering, Artificial Neural Networks, EvolutionaryABSTRACT: Nowadays, email is the way to send the message with low cost, easy and fast characteristic. Now there are many peoples unappropriate use to send unsolicited messages. These messages are called spam email. Because of this, spam waste much user’s time and money. Therefore, users need to develop spam filtering that can decide and distinguish spam or non-spam in users’ inbox.In this final task, developed a spam filtering system to identify the messages wheter they are spam or non-spam by using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). An optimum ANN can optimally classify the emails. By using Evolutionary Programming (EP) can be obtained ANN with optimal structure and weight.The used data is emails data from ECML PKDD 2006 Discovery Challenge with email has been encoded as bag-of-word vector space so we don’t know the content of that email.The highest AUC value of the experiment is 0.767853.Keyword: spam filtering, Artificial Neural Networks, Evolutionary Programming

    Kinerja Tim Serbu Api Kelurahan (TSAK) Dalam Penanggulangan Kebakaran Hutan Dan Lahan Di Kecamatan Sabangau Kota Palangka Raya

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    This research aims to determine the performance of the Village Fire Assault Team (TSAK) in response to forest fires and land in Sabangau sub-district Palangka Raya. The methods used are qualitative descriptive, primary and secondary data sources, observational data collection techniques, literature studies, and interviews. Performance of Fire Assault Team Village (TSAK) in Sabangau Sub-district of Palangka Raya is still not maximally described by seven indicators as follows, objectives: in the implementation of the task is still not reached as expected. Standard: Fire Assault Team (TSAK) still does not have SOP so it is difficult to know the success of a job. Feedback: The absence of feedback is difficult to perform performance improvements. Tool/means: still insufficient. Competence: already has knowledge and Kehlian in carrying out the task. Motive: No compensation in the promised both in terms of material and nonmaterial. Opportunity: There has been no hope because TSAK was formed not as a profession but the real purpose is social and humanitarian. The advice that can be conveyed to the establishment of disaster and fire Fighting Agency (BPBPK) Palangka Raya City among others: is expected to form/establish standard operational procedure (SOP), add/renew adequate equipment, Set a decent/standard wage, as well as finding a solution/policy on the future of TSAK members

    Implementasi Kebijakan Pengelolaan Dana Desa di Desa Tumbang Tarusan Kecamatan Tewang Sangalang Garing Kabupaten Katingan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the Implementation of Village Fund Management Policies in Desatumbang Tarusan, Tewang Sangalang Garing District, Katingan District. This study uses qualitative research. The data source consists of primary sources. Techniques for collecting data by observation, interviews, and documentation. Research Results Implementation of Village Fund Management Policies in Desatumbang Tarusan, Tewang Sangalang Garing District, Katingan Regency, Based on the results of research and discussion on the Implementation of Village Fund Management Policies in Tumbang Tarusan Village, Tewang Sangalang Garing Subdistrict, Katingan District based on 4 indicators: Communication, Resources, Disposition and Bureaucratic Structure It can be concluded that the Implementation of Village Fund Policy in Tumbang Tarusan Village, Tewang District, Sangalang Garing, is said to have not been successful. This is because of the 4 indicators that measure the success of the implementation, only one indicator shows a success, that is, power. While Communication, Disposition, and Bureaucratic Structure are still not going well
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