161 research outputs found

    Post War Justice: Jus Post Bellum for Just War and Peace

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    This paper aims to address a key topic of speculation within political philosophy, namely the Just War Theory. The Just War Theory works to ethically restrain wars based on principles listed out in jus ad bellum (reasons to go to war) and jus in bello (conduct during war). As such, the theory dominated by the debate between the ‘traditionalists’ and ‘revisionists’ who are concerned about the integration of jus post bellum as the third branch of just war theory and feel it is better suited to the domain of international politics and security. This paper explores this lacunae over the neglect of jus post bellum (post war justice) within the just war discourse. By identifying the limitations of a minimalist jus post bellum and this misrepresentation of peace with security, this paper defends a maximalist account of jus post bellum and also situates post war justice as a necessary third branch of the Just War Theory. The challenges to taking such an extensive stance on post war justice are also addressed. As the first two branches of just war theory have been codified, the neglect of the post war stage leads to unrestrained war endings and ad-hoc solutions. Any just war theory needs to recognize the legitimacy of the third branch of post war justice as well, as only then can the Just War Theory function to restrain wars

    Frequency analysis of OGLE-IV photometry for classical Cepheids in Galactic fields: non-radial modes and modulations

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    We analyse photometry of \sim2000 Galactic Cepheids available in the OGLE Collection of Variable Stars. We analyse both Galactic disk and Galactic bulge fields; stars classified both as single- and multi-periodic. Our goal was to search for additional low-amplitude variability. We extend the sample of multi-mode radial pulsators by identifying ten new candidates for double-mode and six new candidates for triple-mode pulsation. In the first overtone OGLE sample, we found twelve Cepheids with additional periodicity having period ratio Px/P1O(0.60,0.65)P_{\rm x}/P_{\rm 1O}\in (0.60,\, 0.65). These periodicities do not correspond to any other radial mode. While such variables are abundant in the Magellanic Clouds, only one Cepheid of this class was known in the Galaxy before our analysis. Comparing our sample with the Magellanic Cloud Cepheids we note a systematic shift towards longer pulsation periods for more metal rich Galactic stars. Moreover in eleven stars we find one more type of additional variability, with characteristic frequencies close to half of that reported in the group with (0.60,\, 0.65) period ratios. Two out of the above inventory show simultaneous presence of both signals. Most likely, origin of these signals is connected to excitation of non-radial pulsation modes. We report three Cepheids with low-amplitude periodic modulation of pulsation: two stars are single-mode fundamental and first overtone Cepheids and one is a double-mode Cepheid pulsating simultaneously in fundamental and in first overtone modes. Only the former mode is modulated. It is a first detection of periodic modulation of pulsation in this type of double-mode Cepheids.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, Accepted in MNRA

    Hvilke utfordringer har TFFK med sine digitaliseringsprosjekter?

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    Skoleåret 2021/2022 skrev jeg en masteroppgave om temaet digitalisering i Troms og Finnmark fylkeskommune (TFFK). Hensikten med denne studien var å se hvordan det gikk med digitalisering hos TFFK siden det også er et brennhett tema hos dem slik som hos andre bedrifter og offentlige organer. Da var det naturlig å velge Troms og Finnmark fylkeskommune som case siden de har flere pågående digitaliseringsprosjekter. Problemstillingen som ble valgt for denne forskningen er: Hvilke utfordringer har TFFK med sine digitaliseringsprosjekter? Det ble brukt en singel case studie, altså Troms og Finnmark fylkeskommune der man så på 6 ulike digitaliseringsprosjekter. Metoden som ble brukt var av kvalitativ tilnærming. Innsamlingsmetodene var observasjoner, intervjuer og dokumenter. Observasjonene var blant annet samtaler med respondentene som var involvert i prosjektene der det ble gjort notater av samtalene. Det ble brukt semi-strukturerte intervjuer ved at det ble brukt en mal siden spørsmålene ble stilt der respondentene kunne svare fritt. Når det gjelder dokumenter så ble Teams og mail korrespondanse med respondenter brukt sammen med prosjektbeskrivelse, fremdriftsplaner, artikler og interne rapporter. Det viser seg at TFFK lykkes med sine digitaliseringsprosjekter. De klarer å holde på kostnadene og prosjektene er som regel gjennomførbare. Størrelsen på prosjektene, både i antall kroner og antall personer involvert i prosjektene er små, noe som betyr at det er lettere å holde oversikten over dem. Alle digitaliseringsprosjektene har nytte som sier noe om mål og gevinster som skal oppnås. Man kan kritisere Troms og Finnmark fylkeskommune for å ikke holde tidsaspektet i prosjektene, altså at de kunne vært bedre med å planlegge sine prosjekter fra start til slutt. Det virker som at det ikke har vært så mye fokus på det. Ellers burde fylkeskommunen vært mye flinkere til å ta i bruk skyløsninger for oppbevaring av viktige dataer enn å ha dem på server siden skylagring gir en viss trygghet med dagens teknologi. Sammenlignet med tidligere forskning så viser mine funn at det er en del avvik. Det viste seg at TFFK ikke hadde store implementeringskostnader siden de holdt budsjettene under kontroll. TFFK var pådrivere i teknologi fronten slik at det ikke var noe nøling å få ny teknologi på plass. Fylkeskommunen var flinke til å tilrettelegge for kompetanseheving, noe de fleste ansatte syntes var positivt. De fleste ansatte hadde et klart aksept og var positive til at Troms og Finnmark fylkeskommune tok i bruk ny teknologi så lenge det ikke gikk ut over arbeidsplassen. I forhold til tidligere forskning var det og avvik på saker som innvirkning på enkeltmennesket og faktorer som for eksempel resultater av forretninger, tilfredshet blant brukerne, tap av leverandører, gjennomførbarhet av prosjektet og teknisk gjeld. TFFK bør fortsette med digitaliseringsprosjekter i fremtiden så lenge de sparer kostnader på det og oppnår besparelser og gevinster på sikt, samtidig som man tilbyr bedre tjenester og oppgaver til ulike aktører. Men det bør gjøres videre forskning innen digitalisering siden dette fagfeltet er stadig under endring og ikke minst forsket mer på avvikene i mine funn i forhold til tidligere forskning

    Analysis of Genetic Diversity in White Clover (\u3cem\u3eTrifolium Repens\u3c/em\u3e) Breeding Populations Using Agro-Morphological and RAPD Markers

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    White clover is an important forage legume for temperate regions, but very little is known about the genetic organisation of its breeding populations. The low amount of variability in the Indian collections of white clover for genetic improvement warrants the introduction of new germplasm and collecting local ecotypes for characterisation, utilisation and conservation. Several molecular techniques have been used for germplasm characterisation, variety identification, marker development and identification, molecular diagnostics, phylogenetic studies and diversity analysis. Because of its simplicity, rapidity and reliability, the RAPD technique has been used extensively for diversity analysis. The present study aims at characterising white clover genotypes of distinct geographical origin using standard descriptors and RAPD markers

    Possíveis direções para aumentar a eficiência do sistema de saúde por meio do desenvolvimento de software

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    In the modern world, software is practically inevitable and present everywhere. Today, software represents the key to the success of most computer systems and at the same time the differentiation factor of the organizations that own it. Software has become an essential component in healthcare decision-making and the basis of scientific research and healthcare problem solving. The development of microprocessors enabled the widespread infiltration of computers into biomedical instruments for measuring, monitoring and displaying a number of parameters in physiology, clinic, radiology, nuclear medicine, laboratories and others. Digital communication techniques have enabled the networking of computers and the exchange of large amounts of information needed by expert systems to improve the quality of decision-making.En el mundo moderno, el software es prácticamente inevitable y está presente en todas partes. Hoy en día, el software representa la clave del éxito de la mayoría de los sistemas informáticos y al mismo tiempo el factor diferenciador de las organizaciones que lo poseen. El software se ha convertido en un componente esencial en la toma de decisiones de atención médica y en la base de la investigación científica y la resolución de problemas de atención médica. El desarrollo de microprocesadores permitió la infiltración generalizada de computadoras en instrumentos biomédicos para medir, monitorear y mostrar una variedad de parámetros en fisiología, clínica, radiología, medicina nuclear, laboratorios y más. Las técnicas de comunicación digital permitieron la interconexión de computadoras y el intercambio de grandes cantidades de información necesaria para que los sistemas expertos mejoren la calidad de la toma de decisiones.No mundo moderno, o software é praticamente inevitável e está presente em todos os lugares. Hoje, o software representa a chave do sucesso da maioria dos sistemas informáticos e ao mesmo tempo o fator de diferenciação das organizações que o detêm. O software tornou-se um componente essencial na tomada de decisões em saúde e a base da pesquisa científica e resolução de problemas de saúde. O desenvolvimento de microprocessadores permitiu a infiltração generalizada de computadores em instrumentos biomédicos para medir, monitorar e exibir uma série de parâmetros em fisiologia, clínica, radiologia, medicina nuclear, laboratórios e outros. As técnicas de comunicação digital possibilitaram a interligação de computadores e a troca de grandes quantidades de informações necessárias aos sistemas especialistas para melhorar a qualidade da tomada de decisão

    Voltage-Gated Ion Channels and the Variability in Information Transfer

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    The prerequisites for neurons to function within a circuit and be able to contain and transfer information efficiently and reliably are that they need to be homeostatically stable and fire within a reasonable range, characteristics that are governed, among others, by voltage-gated ion channels (VGICs). Nonetheless, neurons entail large variability in the expression levels of VGICs and their corresponding intrinsic properties, but the role of this variability in information transfer is not fully known. In this study, we aimed to investigate how this variability of VGICs affects information transfer. For this, we used a previously derived population of neuronal model neurons, each with the variable expression of five types of VGICs, fast Na+, delayed rectifier K+, A-type K+, T-type Ca++, and HCN channels. These analyses showed that the model neurons displayed variability in mutual information transfer, measured as the capability of neurons to successfully encode incoming synaptic information in output firing frequencies. Likewise, variability in the expression of VGICs caused variability in EPSPs and IPSPs amplitudes, reflected in the variability of output firing frequencies. Finally, using the virtual knockout methodology, we show that among the ion channels tested, the A-type K+ channel is the major regulator of information processing and transfer

    Development and optimization of solid lipid nanoparticles loaded with Glimepiride for enhancement of pharmacokinetic and therapeutic applicability

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    Diabetes mellitus, particularly type 2 diabetes, is a growing global health concern. Glimepiride, a widely used antidiabetic drug, faces challenges related to its poor aqueous solubility and short half-life, impacting its pharmacokinetics and therapeutic efficacy. In this study, solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) of Glimepiride were developed and evaluated through different analytical techniques. α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibitory assay were performed to determine the anti-diabetic effect of Glimepiride while in-silico ADME analysis was performed to determine the pharmacokinetic behavior of Glimepiride. Thereafter, network pharmacology analysis of Glimepiride was performed to determine multi-mechanistic and therapeutic response in context to the diabetes and other pathophysiological response. In this context, have emerged as a promising drug delivery system for improving the bioavailability and sustained release of poorly water-soluble drugs. This study focuses on the development and optimization of Glimepiride-loaded SLNs to enhance its pharmacokinetic profile and therapeutic applicability. A comprehensive exploration was undertaken to encapsulate Glimepiride within SLNs using various lipid matrices and surfactants. The resulting SLNs were characterized for their particle size, polydispersity, zeta potential, and drug encapsulation efficiency. The formulation was further assessed for in vitro release kinetics and stability. The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles of Glimepiride-loaded SLNs were evaluated in animal models, shedding light on their potential to enhance drug bioavailability and maintain prolonged antidiabetic effects. This research offers insights into the development of advanced drug delivery systems to address the limitations of conventional antidiabetic drugs. The results of this study indicate that Glimepiride-loaded SLNs have the potential to revolutionize diabetes management by providing improved therapeutic outcomes and patient compliance