863 research outputs found

    Equilibrium and thermodynamic parameters for heterogeneous esterification of butyric acid with methanol under microwave irradiation

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    Synthesis of methyl butyrate was investigated in a microwave irradiated batch reactor in presence of acid ion-exchange resin catalyst, amberlyst-15. Methyl ester was heterogeneously produced by the reaction between butyric acid and methanol. Effect of reaction parameters of temperature (323-343 K), catalyst loading (0-10.5% w/w), alcohol to acid ratio, M (1-5), and amount of molecular sieves added (0-13.5% w/w) on conversion were studied. Equilibrium conversion of 92.6% was achieved in 60 minutes under microwave irradiation. Equilibrium constants at varied temperatures and dependency of equilibrium constant on temperature were studied. Equilibrium constant and equilibrium conversion showed increase with the increase in temperature as expected as per le-Chatelier principle. Van't Hoff plot for esterification of butyric acid was linear with negative slope indicating that reaction was endothermic. Comparative study showed that microwave irradiated method for methyl butyrate synthesis to be very efficient and fast compared with conventional and ultrasound assisted routes under optimized reaction conditions

    Gauss Legendre Quadrature Formulae for Tetrahedra

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    In this paper we consider the Gauss Legendre quadrature method for numerical integration over the standard tetrahedron: {(x, y, z)| 0 ≀ x, y, z ≀ 1, x + y + z ≀ 1} in the Cartesian three-dimensional (x, y, z) space. The mathematical transformation from the (x, y, z) space to (ΞΎ, Ξ·, ΞΆ) space is described to map the standard tetrahedron in (x, y, z) space to a standard 2-cube: {(ΞΎ, Ξ·, ΞΆ)| βˆ’ 1 ≀ ΞΎ, Ξ·, ΞΆ ≀ 1} in the (ΞΎ, Ξ·, ΞΆ) space. This overcomes the difficulties associated with the derivation of new weight co-efficients and sampling points. The effectiveness of the formulae is demonstrated by applying them to the integration of three nonpolynomial and three polynomial functions

    Clinical study of feto-maternal outcomes in cases of gestational diabetes mellitus

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    Background: To study of prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus in the community, demographic parameters like age, gestational age at diagnosis, parity, complications related to gestational diabetes mellitus, and plan the management of gestational diabetes mellitus and to reduce the maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality.Methods: In this prospective observational study we included 50 patients with gestational diabetes mellitus were studied for feto-maternal outcome. The study was conducted from October 2018 to October 2020 at department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, B. J. Medical college and Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad.Results: Total 50 cases of gestational diabetes mellitus were studied. It was observed that gestational diabetes mellitus were more common in elderly age group (60%), multigravida patients wer more commonly involved (48%). Past history of gestational diabetes melllitus was present in 42.2% of cases, 74% of cases required insulin for glycemic control,64% cases required delivery by caesarean section, maternal complications like preeclampsia (10 cases), polyhydramnios (22), uteroplacental insufficiency (4), macrosomia, sudden intrauterine death (3) and operative delivery were more common. 6 neonates developed respiratory distress syndrome, 10 developed hypoglycemia, and 13 neonates required NICU admission, 6 neonates underwent perinatal mortality.Conclusions: Gestational diabetes mellitus has become a global public health burden. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality for both mother and infant worldwide. Early detection of gestational diabetes mellitus, timely referral, frequent antenatal visits, management of the identified cases at tertiary centres can lead to decreased maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality

    Beneficiation of Indian Heavy Mineral Sands- Some New Possibilities Identified by Tata Steel

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    Titanium, the 9th most abundant element on the earth's crust, is available mostly (90%)in the form of ilmenite (FeO.TiO2) and leucoxene (weathered ilmenite). These titanium bearing minerals occur either as placer minerals or some times, as rock deposits (e.g. in canada and Norway

    The Use of Parabolic Arc in Matching Curved Boundary by Point Transformations for Sextic Order Triangular Element

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    Abstract This paper is concerned with curved boundary triangular element having one curved side and two straight sides. The curved element considered here is the 28-node (sextic) triangular element. On using the isoparametric coordinate transformation, the curved triangle in the global ) , ( y x coordinate system is mapped into a standard triangle: { } . Under this transformation curved boundary of this triangular element is implicitly replaced by sextic arc. The equation of this arc involves parameters, which are the coordinates of points on the curved side. This paper deduces relations for choosing the parameters in sextic arc in such a way that each arc is always a parabola which passes through four points of the original curve, thus ensuring a good approximation. The point transformations which are thus determined with the above choice of parameters on the curved boundary and also in turn the other parameters in the interior of curved triangle will serve as a powerful subparametric coordinate transformation for higher order curved triangular elements with one curved side and two straight sides

    The Noncanonical Pathway for In Vivo Nitric Oxide Generation: The Nitrate-Nitrite-Nitric Oxide Pathway.

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    In contrast to nitric oxide, which has well established and important roles in the regulation of blood flow and thrombosis, neurotransmission, the normal functioning of the genitourinary system, and the inflammation response and host defense, its oxidized metabolites nitrite and nitrate have, until recently, been considered to be relatively inactive. However, this view has been radically revised over the past decade and more. Much evidence has now accumulated demonstrating that nitrite serves as a storage form of nitric oxide, releasing nitric oxide preferentially under acidic and/or hypoxic conditions but also occurring under physiologic conditions: a phenomenon that is catalyzed by a number of distinct mammalian nitrite reductases. Importantly, preclinical studies demonstrate that reduction of nitrite to nitric oxide results in a number of beneficial effects, including vasodilatation of blood vessels and lowering of blood pressure, as well as cytoprotective effects that limit the extent of damage caused by an ischemia/reperfusion insult, with this latter issue having been translated more recently to the clinical setting. In addition, research has demonstrated that the other main metabolite of the oxidation of nitric oxide (i.e., nitrate) can also be sequentially reduced through processing in vivo to nitrite and then nitrite to nitric oxide to exert a range of beneficial effects-most notably lowering of blood pressure, a phenomenon that has also been confirmed recently to be an effective method for blood pressure lowering in patients with hypertension. This review will provide a detailed description of the pathways involved in the bioactivation of both nitrate and nitrite in vivo, their functional effects in preclinical models, and their mechanisms of action, as well as a discussion of translational exploration of this pathway in diverse disease states characterized by deficiencies in bioavailable nitric oxide. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: The past 15 years has seen a major revision in our understanding of the pathways for nitric oxide synthesis in the body with the discovery of the noncanonical pathway for nitric oxide generation known as the nitrate-nitrite-nitric oxide pathway. This review describes the molecular components of this pathway, its role in physiology, potential therapeutics of targeting this pathway, and their impact in experimental models, as well as the clinical translation (past and future) and potential side effects

    Factors associated with polypharmacy in geriatrics

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    Background: In population with advancing age, the prevalence of medical co-morbid conditions is high and they are prone for complications. Hence the apprehension of using multiple drugs is more. Using more than 5 drugs per day is referred to as Polyphrmacy. Sometimes treatment causes more harm than the disease proper. So, optimizing drug therapy in these aging population is a challenging task for physician. Polypharmacy can also lead to increase in drug interactions, adverse drug reactions and medication errors. Hence the present study was taken up to study drug utilization pattern and factors leading to polypharmacy in geriatrics. The objectives of the study were to study the number and type of drug use and to know the different factors leading to polypharmacy.Methods: Cross sectional study was carried out among 60 geriatric persons β‰₯60 years of age present in old age home in Hassan. The study was done after taking the consent. All the prescriptions and medications being used along with history were collected and documented. The total number of drugs being used and names of all drugs were noted down and analysed. Results were analysed using descriptive statistics.Results: Among 60 geriatrics 38% males and 62% females age ranges from 60- 87 years. Average number of drugs used per day per person is 5.03 (Males 6.2 and Females 3.8) in 58.03% of individuals. Most common group of drug used is Gastro intestinal system (78.3%) and most common drug being used is Tab. Ranitidine 140mg (50%). Next group is NSAIDs (68.33%) and most common drug being used is Tab. Diclofenac (46.7%). Antihypertensive drugs were prescribed in 53.3% of geriatrics, most commonly prescribed drug is Tab. Amlodipine (5mg). Self medication was found in 100%. Most common group of drugs used as self medication are GIT drugs, supplements and NSAIDs. In supplements (used in 63.3%), Cap. B Complex is widely used (50%).Conclusions: Polypharmacy was found in 58.3% of individuals and highest in age group between 71-75 years and self medication was found to be the most important factor leading to polypharmacy. To counteract the problems associated with Polypharmacy, interventional studies are needed to improve the quality of life of geriatrics patients

    A questionnaire based study on the knowledge, attitude, practice of staff nurses about pharmacovigilance in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Adverse drug reactions (ADR) - one of the global problems of major concern leading to morbidity and mortality. Spontaneous reporting of ADR is the cornerstone of Pharmacovigilance (PV) programme and it is important to reduce the risk of drug related harm to the patient. The active participation of healthcare professionals (Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacist) play a major role in the success of Pharmacovigilance. The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitude, practice of Staff Nurses about Pharmacovigilance in a tertiary care hospital.Methods: A Cross sectional, Observational questionnaire based study was carried out using a pre designed KAP questionnaire. Study included 100 staff nurses who were working in Hassan institute of medical sciences (HIMS). The results were analyzed using descriptive statisticsResults: In our study 65% participants knows the correct definition and 48.8% knows the important purpose of Pharmacovigilance and 77.5% aware of existence of ADR reporting system in India. There was huge gap between ADR experienced (53.8%) and ADR reported (21.3%). The determinants of under reporting from our study include Lack of time / overburdened (33.7%) and lack of knowledge about ADR (31.25%).Conclusions: This study showed that majority of participants understand the need for reporting of ADR. In spite of that the reporting rate of ADRs by them is very low. Hence, there is a need to create awareness about the importance of reporting ADR by conducting many Pharmacovigilance programme

    Ultrasound enhances lipase-catalyzed synthesis of poly (ethylene glutarate)

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    The present work explores the best conditions for the enzymatic synthesis of poly (ethylene glutarate) for the first time. The start-up materials are the liquids; diethyl glutarate and ethylene glycol diacetate, without the need of addition of extra solvent. The reactions are catalyzed by lipase B from Candida antarctica immobilized on glycidyl methacrylate-ter-divinylbenzene-ter-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate at 40 Β°C during 18 h in water bath with mechanical stirring or 1 h in ultrasonic bath followed by 6 h in vacuum in both the cases for evaporation of ethyl acetate. The application of ultrasound significantly intensified the polyesterification reaction with reduction of the processing time from 24 to 7 h. The same degree of polymerization was obtained for the same enzyme loading in less time of reaction when using the ultrasound treatment. The degree of polymerization for long-term polyesterification was improved approximately 8-fold due to the presence of sonication during the reaction. The highest degree of polymerization achieved was 31, with a monomer conversion of 96.77%. The ultrasound treatment demonstrated to be an effective green approach to intensify the polyesterification reaction with enhanced initial kinetics and high degree of polymerization.This study was supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684). The work was also supported by Bioprocess and Bionanotechnology Research Group (BBRG) of Minho University and the Post Graduate Funding Program of Jiangnan University for Overseas Study. All authors also acknowledge the funding of Department of Science and Technology and Portuguese Science Foundation under the Indo-Portuguese collaborative program
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